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1、清明节英文介绍视频清明节相关英文词汇Cold Food Festival 寒食节Day of sacrifice 祭祀节日Condolence 哀悼之情Hell note/Joss paper 纸钱Mourning ceremony 哀悼仪式Offer sacrifices to ancestors 祭祖/上供Funeral supplies/products 殡葬用品Funeral services 殡葬服务业Mortician 殡仪业者Burn incense 焚香Tomb-sweeping 扫墓Tomb sweeper 扫墓的人Monument 纪念碑Online funeral 网上葬

2、礼Online tribute 网上悼念Cremation urn 骨灰盒Inhumation 土葬Cremation 火葬Sea burial 海葬Tree burial 树葬Celestial burial 天葬Boat-coffin burial 船棺葬National mourning 全国哀悼National mourning day 全国哀悼日Willow branches inserted on each gate 门旁插柳Filial piety 孝顺;孝心Commemorate缅怀、纪念In memory/remembrance of以纪念,以缅怀In memory/reme

3、mbrance of以纪念,以缅怀Mourn for悼念、哀悼Honour the memory of缅怀Sweep the tomb扫墓burnjoss paper烧纸钱visit the cemetery去墓园pay respect to remember them追思故人Respect your parents孝顺父母Honor your parents尊敬父母,重视父母Be big on family重视家庭Family guys把家庭看的很重的人(一般指男性)We need burn joss paper and sweep the tomb on the Tomb-sweeping

4、 Day.清明节的时候需要烧纸钱和扫墓。清明节英文介绍Qingming Festival, or theTomb-Sweeping Day isone of the Chinese Twenty-four Solar Terms. It isonApril 4th or 5th of the Gregorian calendar. It isthe crucial time for plowing and sowing in the spring.From that date, thetemperatures begin to rise and rainfall increases.清明节是中

5、国二十四节气之一。它是在公历4月4日或5日。这是春耕播种的关键时刻。从那一天起,气温开始上升,降雨量增加。01清明节来源The Origin ofQingming FestivalIt is said that theQingming Festivalwas originally held tocommemorateJie Zitui, a loyal man who lived duringthe Spring and Autumn Period. Jie cut a piece of meat from his own leg in order to save his hungry lor

6、d who was forced to flee from his own country.据说,清明节最初是为了纪念春秋时期的一个忠臣介子推。介子推从自己腿上割下一块肉,救了被迫逃离自己国家的饥饿的晋国公子重耳。Later, when the lord regained his position, he forgot about Jie Zituis sacrifice. However, after being reminded, he felt ashamed and decided to reward the loyal man, but Jie had hidden in a mou

7、ntain with his mother. In order to find Jie, the lord ordered that the mountain be set on fire.后来,重耳重振旗鼓后成为晋文公,然而登上王位他忘记了介子推的牺牲。然而,在被提醒后,他感到羞愧,并决定奖励这位忠臣,但介子推和他的母亲躲在山中。为了找到介子推,晋文公下令放火烧山。Unfortunately, Jie was found dead with his mother. In order to commemorate the day of his death, the lord declared

8、the date to beHanshi (Cold Food) Festival the day that only cold food can be eaten.不幸的是,介子推被发现和他的母亲一起死了。为了纪念他的死期,晋文公宣布这一天为寒食节这一天只能吃冷的食物。A year later, when the lord went to the mountain to commemorate Jies death, he found the burned willows hadrevived, so he gave instructions that the day after Hansh

9、i Festival was to be Qingming Festival. Eventually, the two festivals were combined into one.一年后,晋文公到山上去悼念介子推,发现那些被烧毁的柳树又复活了,于是他下令将寒食节的第二天定为清明节。最终,这两个节日合二为一。02清明节习俗The CustomsofQingming FestivalTomb Sweeping 扫墓Cleaning the tombs and paying respect to the dead with offerings are the two important pra

10、ctices to remember late relatives. Weeds around the tomb are cleared away and fresh soil is added to show care for the dead. The dead persons favorite food, wine and chopsticks are offered on their tombs, along with paper money.扫墓和献上供品对逝者表示敬意,是两种纪念逝去亲友的重要习俗。为表示对逝者的关怀,墓边的杂草被清除并盖上新鲜的土壤。逝者最喜欢的食物、酒和筷子连同

11、纸钱一起被供奉在墓边。Spring Outing踏青Not only is it a day for commemorating the dead, but it is also atime for people to enjoy themselves.这一天不仅是纪念死者的日子,也是人们享受生活的日子。As trees turn green, flowers blossom, and the sun shines brightly, everything returns to life. It is a fine time to appreciate the beauty of nature

12、. This custom can be traced back to the Spring and Autumn Period (770 476BC) and Warring States Period (475 221BC).树木变绿,花儿绽放,阳光明媚,万物复苏。这是欣赏大自然之美的好时机。这个习俗可以追溯到春秋时期(公元前770 - 476年)和战国时期(公元前475 - 221年)。Flying Kites 放风筝Flying kites is also closely associated with the Qingming Festival.放风筝也是和清明节密切联系的一项活动。

13、Spring outings not only add joy to life but also promote a healthy mind and body.清明节外出踏青等活动不仅给生活增添了欢乐,也促进了身心的健康。清明食俗Green rice ball青团People in the Jiangnan region often eat this kind of green colored balls made from glutinous rice on Tomb Sweeping Day. The green color is from the juice of brome gras

14、s that is added in the rice.江南地区的人们经常在清明节食用这种由糯米制成的绿色团子。由于糯米中混合雀麦草汁,所以团子呈绿色。San zi馓子In both Northern and Southern China, it is a tradition to eat san zi, or fried dough twist, on Tomb Sweeping Day. The differences between san zi made by Northern and Southern people lie in sizes and materials. The fo

15、rmer one is larger, often made from wheat and the latter is finer and made from rice.在中国,无论是北方还是南方,都有清明食用馓子(通过油炸面粉制成)的传统。差别在于北方馓子以麦面为主料,体积较大;而南方馓子则以米面为主料,更为精细。Thin pancake薄饼People in Xiamen in Fujian province often have thin pancakes on Tomb Sweeping Day. Dried seaweed, omelette, veggies and chili s

16、auce are added in the pancakes to enhance the flavor.福建厦门的人在清明节时常常食用薄煎饼。薄饼中加入紫菜、煎蛋、蔬菜和辣椒酱,会更加美味。Cudweed herb rolls清明果The best time to pick fresh cudweed herb is around Tomb Sweeping Day. The herb is often added in veggie rolls or dumplings and consumed on the day. In South China, people add the wild plant also in steamed buns.清明节前后,是采摘新鲜鼠曲草(清明草)的最佳时机。当天,人们会在蔬菜卷或饺子里加入鼠曲草当作馅料。在华南地区,人们还将这种野菜加在馒头里面。


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