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1、Module31. 给人/ 动物食物 feed sb./sth. _ sth. feed sth._ sb./ sth. 以为食 _ 对.厌倦_2. 没有胃口,食欲 _ He has no appetite _ hard work3. 非常渴望 be desperate _ sth. 非常渴望做某事be desperate _ _sth.4. hold on _,_ hold on to _,_, _5. 可以替换as soon as 引导时间状语从句的名词: _副词:_-等 _结构也可以表示”一就”6. 我刚一进屋,就下起了雨。 I _ no sooner _ into the room t

2、han it began to rain. Na sooner _ _ _ into the room than it began to rain.类似的结构还有: _ _7. 把下面句子分别变成倒装句和强调句。 I didnt go to bed until my mother came back. 倒装句:_ 强调句:_8. 喜爱 _ _ _9. _(finish) their homework , they went out to play.10. 打算做某事 intend _ _ something 打算让某人做某事 _ 为某人/ 目的而计划 _ The film _ _ _ chil

3、dren only.11. 分配,分给distribute sth. _/ _sb. n. _12. 某事是某人所关心,担心的事情 _ 不关心,担心的事情 _ 对担心 be concerned _ 关于be concerned _13. 保存,安置位置 _ 14. 无拘无束 _ _ _ 15. 点燃的蜡烛 _ 灯火通明的街道 _16. 使进监狱 _ 贫困线 _17. 在他30岁出头的时候 _18. 使某人注意到 _ 吸引某人的注意力 _Module 4 1. make up _由组成 _ _2. I can dance _ the song.3. prefer _ rather than _

4、prefer that sb. _4. 取得重大突破_5. 肩并肩,并排 _ _手挽手 _6. 对进行试验 _做实验 _/ _/ _ an experiment _/_ sth7. approach 请翻译以下短语1)冬天的到来2 ) 去机场的所有的路3)解决问题的方法8. 利用;欺骗 _优缺点 _9. 对厌烦 _ 在下降,再衰退 _10. 除了,除了之外还 _11._ 而不是 _除了12. 几天前的某一天_,与_搭配使用13. 意味着 _ 打算做 _ 打算让某人成为/ 做 _ 他爸爸打算让他做律师。_14. 这不是我喜欢的东西。 _15. concentrate (sth) _ sth./

5、doing sth. 聚精会神,集中精力 concentrate your _ /_ /_/_ on sth.16._ 应该;意图是,打算;一般认为17. arise _ _ arouse _ _ rise _ _ raise _ _ Injuries _ out of /from road accidents. He fell into a sound sleep, dont _ him. The lecture _ my interest. Steam can be seen _ from the wet clothes. He is in charge of _ funds.18. 有幸

6、享有_ 超出预算_ 在预算之内_19. 释放囚犯_ 发行新专辑_20. _ 沉溺于21. 尝试,实验_ 试穿_22. 与相处融洽 _ 徒劳的,白费力气的 _23. They claimed _ _ _(discover) a cure for the disease. They claimed that _ _ _ a cure for the disease.24. 远远不令人满意_ 一点也不 _25. approve vi. 赞同 _ sth./sb. Vt. 通过 n. _26. 提醒,使想起 _ _ adj. 令人耳目一新的27. quit _ _ _ (过去式,过去分词,现在分词)

7、放弃表演_ 我戒了烟。_28. 给留下了印象 _ /_/_an impression on Module31. 给人/ 动物食物 feed sb./sth. on sth. feed sth. to sb./ sth. 以为食 feed on 对.厌倦be fed up with 2. 没有胃口,食欲 lose ones appetite he has no appetite for hard work3. 非常渴望 be desperate for sth. 非常渴望做某事be desperate to do sth.4. hold on 坚持住,别挂断hold on to 抓住,不卖(财产

8、)不放弃主张,计划5. 可以替换as soon as 引导时间状语从句的名词: the moment, the second, the minute, the instant副词:hardly, scarcely, immediately, directly, instantly等 on arriving, on ones arrival结构也可以表示”一就”6. 我刚一进屋,就下起了雨。 I had no sooner gone into the room than it began to rain. Na sooner had I gone into the room than it be

9、gan to rain.类似的结构还有: hardly when scarcely when7. 把下面句子分别变成倒装句和强调句。 I didnt go to bed until my mother came back. 倒装句:Not until my mother came back did I go to bed. 强调句:It was not until my mother came back that I went to bed.8. 喜爱 be fond of 9. Having finished their homework , they went out to play.10

10、. 打算做某事 intend to do something 打算让某人做某事 intend sb to do sth. 为某人/ 目的而计划 intend sth. for sb. /sth. The film is intended for children only.11. 分配,分给distribute sth. to/ among sb. n. distribution 12. 某事是某人所关心,担心的事情 be of concern to sb. 不关心,担心的事情 be of no concern to sb. 对担心 be concerned about 关于be concer

11、ned with13. 保存,安置位置 be housed in 14. 无拘无束 feel at home 15. 点燃的蜡烛 a lighted candle 灯火通明的街道 a well-lit street16. 使进监狱 put sb. in/into prison 贫困线 poverty line17. 在他30岁出头的时候 in his early thirties18. 使某人注意到 bring sth. to sbs attention 吸引某人的注意力 attract ones attentionModule 4 1. make up 组成,构成,编造,弥补由组成 be m

12、ade up of consist of 2. I can dance to the song.3. prefer to do rather than do prefer that sb. (should) do 4. 取得重大突破make a breakthrough5. 肩并肩,并排 side by side shoulder by shoulder 手挽手 hand in hand 6. 对进行试验 experiment with 做实验 make/ carry out/ do an experiment on/upon sth7. approach 请翻译以下短语1)冬天的到来 the

13、 approach of winter 2 ) 去机场的所有的路 all approaches to the airport3)解决问题的方法 an approach to solve the problem8. 利用;欺骗 take advantage of 优缺点 advantages and disadvantages9. 对厌烦 be bored with 在下降,再衰退 in decline10. 除了,除了之外还 apart from 11. rather than 而不是 other than 除了12. 几天前的某一天 the other day ,与过去时搭配使用13. 意味

14、着 mean doing 打算做 mean to do 打算让某人成为/ 做 啊mean sb. to do sth. 他爸爸打算让他做律师。 His father meant him to be a lawyer.14. 这不是我喜欢的东西。 It isnt my cup of tea.15. concentrate (sth) on sth./ doing sth. 聚精会神,集中精力 concentrate your efforts /attention /energy /mind on sth.16. be supposed to do/be 应该;意图是,打算;一般认为17. ari

15、se arose arisen arouse aroused aroused rise rose risen raise raised raised Injuries arise out of /from road accidents. He fell into a sound sleep, dont arouse him. The lecture aroused my interest. Steam can be seen rising from the wet clothes. He is in charge of raising funds.18. 有幸享有 be blessed wit

16、h 超出预算over the budget 在预算之内within budget19. 释放囚犯 release a prisoner 发行新专辑 release an album20. abandon oneself to 沉溺于21. 尝试,实验try out 试穿 try on 22. 与相处融洽 be in harmony with 徒劳的,白费力气的 in vain 23. They claimed to have discovered (discover) a cure for the disease. They claimed that they had discovered a cure for the disease.24. 远远不令人满意far from satisfactory 一点也不 far from it 25. approve vi. 赞同 of sth./sb. Vt. 通过 n. approval26. 提醒,使想起 refresh ones memory refreshing adj. 令人耳目一新的27. quit quit quit quiting 放弃表演quit performance 我戒了烟。I quit smoking.28. 给留下了印象 make /leave/ create an impression on


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