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1、个人收集整理 勿做商业用途第十四章 强调句和倒装句倒装是一种语法手段。在英语中,主语和谓语的语序通常是主语在前,谓语在后。但有时谓语的全部或一部分却提到主语的前面,这种语序叫做倒装。倒装的原因,一是语法结构的需要,一是为了强调。强调句为了使句子的某一个成分受到强调,改变句子结构。 高考重点要求:1、 掌握部分倒装,全部倒装的句型及倒装形式2、 掌握倒装句的都中使用方式第一节 知识点概述一、强调句为了突出某一部分重要信息,常常借用语法中的变换句子的正常语序,将某个成分置于句首或句末,或者通过词汇手段突出句子的某个成分。 1. it 为先行词的强调结构It was Li Ping who told

2、 me the news. (强调人时才能用who)It was in the park that I met him。 (强调地点不能用where,只能用that)It was yesterday that I saw him off at the airport。 (强调时间不能用when,只能用that)2. 助动词do 的强调作用在行为动词作谓语的句子中,常用“助动词do或did” + 谓语“动词原形表示强调语气。例如:She did go to see him yesterday. We do have four lessons in the morning.二、倒装句句子的排列顺序

3、,通常是主语在前,谓语在后.倒装语序,谓语在前,主语在后。陈述句一般都是自然语序,一般疑问句都是倒装语序。例如:He speaks English.(陈述句,自然语序) Does he speak English?(疑问句倒装语序)倒装语序:全部倒装,整个谓语放在主语之前.部分倒装,谓语中需要强调的是一部分放在主语之前,其他部分仍放在主语之后。倒装语序的作用,着重强调部分放在句首,引人注目。变化句子,使句子生动活泼。例如:The bus comes home.(自然语序) Here comes the bus.(倒装语序)倒装句除疑问句及“there + be “句之外,陈述句为了强调谓语或谓

4、语某个部分也常可用倒装句,另外so,neither,no等词经常用于对话简略答语的句首,用倒装语序避免重复。第二节 实战演练一、复习时需注意的要点1。 全部倒装的句型结构的主语必须是名词,如果主语是人称代词则不能完全倒装。例如:Here he comes。Away they went.当so引出的句子用以对上文内容加以证实或肯定时,不可用倒装结构。意为的确如此”。例如:Tom asked me to go to play football and so I did.Its raining hard。So it is.2、only在句首要倒装的情况 例如:Only in this way, ca

5、n you learn English well.Only after being asked three times did he come to the meeting。如果句子为主从复合句,则主句倒装,从句不倒装Only when he is seriously ill, does he ever stay in bed。 3、在虚拟语气条件句中从句谓语动词有were, had, should等词,可将if 省略,把 were, had, should 移到主语之前,采取部分倒装。例如:Were I you, I would try it again。4、只有当Not onlybut a

6、lso连接两个分句时,才在第一个分句用倒装结构。如果置于句首的Not onlybut also仅连接两个并列词语,不可用倒装结构.例如:Not only you but also I am fond of music。二、历届高考试题分析例1、The old couple have been married for 40 years and never once _with each other.A。 they had quarrelled B. they have quarrelledC. have they quarrelled D. had they quarreled答案选C。【解析】

7、 考部分主谓倒装。否定句(如该句中的never)在句首时,应用部分主谓倒装。这类副词有:never ,hardly ,seldom ,scarcely,little等。这句话的意思是:那对老夫妇结婚已经四十年了,连一次架也没吵过.例2、Never before _ in greater need of modern public transport than it is today。 A. has this city been B。 this city has been C. was this cityD. this city was答案:A【解析】 表示否定含义的副词never 放句首用部分

8、倒装。例3、Only in this way_ to make improvement in the operating system.A。 you can hope B。 you did hope C。 can you hope D. did you hope 答案为C。【解析】 在含有only+状语的句子中,谓语动词要进行倒装。这句话的意思是:只有用这种方法,才能改善操作系统。例4、I feel it is your husband who _ for the spoiled child。A. is to blame B. is going to blame C. is to be bla

9、med D。 should blame答案为A。【解析】 be to blame是固定短语,意思是“该受责备。这是一个强调句,强调主语your husband。这句话的意思是:我感觉惯坏孩子该怨你的丈夫。一些考生只注意到blame是及物动词,误选了is to be blamed,这表示将要发生的事,与语义不符。例5、-You forgot your purse when you went out.Good heavens, _.A. so did I B. so I did C.I did so D。I so did答案为B。【解析】 “so+正装句”的意思是“是的”,表示同意别人所说的话。所

10、提供的情境Good heaven说明自己确实在出门时忘了带钱包,所以回答说:“so I did。”.so I did的意思是“我确实忘了带钱包。”注意区别so I did, so did I, I did so。例:“He sang this song just now.”“So did I.”(我也是)The doctor told me to breathe deeply。“I did so”。(我照着医生的吩咐做了深呼吸)“You forget to post the letter for me.-“So I did.”(我的确忘了邮信了)。例6、Not only _interested

11、 in football but _ beginning to show an interest in it.A. the teacher himself isall his students areB。 the teacher himself isare all his studentsC. is the teacher himselfare all his studentsD。 is the teacher himselfall his students are答案为D。【解析】 Not only but引导的句子前一部分要用倒装。这句话的意思是:不仅老师对足球感兴趣,学生们也开始对足球感

12、兴趣了。 例7、So difficult _it to live in an English-speaking country that I determined to learn English well.A。 I have felt B. have I felt C. I did feel D. did I feel答案为D。【解析】 以“so+形容词”开头的句子要倒装.此句变为不倒装句为:I felt it so difficult to live in an English country that I determined to learn English well.这句话的意思是:

13、在一个说英语的国家里生活那么困难,我决定学习英语。例8、_can you expect to get a pay rise。A。 With hard work B. Although work hardC。 Only with hard work D. Now that he works hard答案为C。 【解析】 Only+介词短语(副词、状语从句)+部分倒装. 例9、Only when the war was over _to his hometown。A。 did the young soldier returnB. the young soldier returnedC。 retur

14、ned the young soldierD。 the young soldier did return 答案为A。【解析】 only+状语或状语从句作状语时主句要进行倒装。本句是only+时间状语从句,所以后接的主句要倒装。这句话的意思是:直到战争结束后,这个年轻的战士才得以返回故乡. 例10、An awful accident _, however, occur the other day.A。 does B. did C. has to D. had to答案为B。【解析】 这是一个对谓语强调的句子。时间状语the other day表示过去,所以要用一般过去时.由于在主语和谓语中间插入

15、了however,增加了试题的难度.注意:对谓语强调句子必须用于肯定句的一般时中,在谓语动词前加did, does或do.第三节 巩固练习Direction: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer that completes the sentence.1。 Here you want to see。A。 comes the comrade B. comes a comrade C。 the comrade comes

16、 D。 is coming a comrade2。 Now your turn to keep guard。 A. there is B. is going C。 comes D。 has come3. Spring begins in March, then 。 A。 April and May come B. April is coming C. come April and May D. is April coming4. He has finished his work, 。 A. I have finished so B. so finished I C。 so can I D。 s

17、o have I5。 He can hardly drive a car, 。 A。 so cant I B. cant I eitherC. I cant too D. neither can I6. than they started to work。 A。 No sooner they had got to the plantB. No sooner did they get to the plant C. No sooner had they got to the plantD. As soon as they got to the plant7. Not until Mr。 Smit

18、h came to China what kind of a country she is。 A。 did he know B。 he knew C。 he didnt know D. he could know8。 Across the river . A. lies a new built bridge B. lies a newly built bridge C。 a new built bridge lies D. a newly built bridge lies9。 So fast that its difficult for us to imagine its speed. A。

19、 light travels B. travels the light C。 do light travels D. does light travel10。 Not only the data fed into it, but it can also analyse them. A。 can the computer memorize B. the computer can memorize C。 do the computer memorize D. can memorize the computer11。 talk about the importance of English stud

20、y。 A. Little need I B. Little I need C。 Little did I need D。 Little I needed12。 ill-mannered, the laziest and most irresponsible creature you could ever hope to meet。 A. Not only is he but he is alsoB. Not only is he but also is he C. Not only he is but also is heD。 Not only be he but also he be13。

21、got outside than it began to rain。 A. Not sooner I had B. No sooner had I C. No sooner I D。 I no sooner had got14. did Anne realize that there was danger. A。 On entering the storeB. After he had entered the store C。 Only after entering the storeD。 As soon as he entered the store15。 Very seldom that

22、two clocks or watches exactly agree。 A. you find B. you will find C. you do find D. do you find16。 You think everything will be all right in time. . A. So I do B。 So I think C。 Nor do I D。 So do I17. Little that John would become a famous writer。 A. we thought B。 we think C. did we think D。 we think

23、 of18。 My brother had a bad cold last week, 。 A。 so had I B。 so I had C. so did I D。 so I did19。 Not only to New York but also there for a time. A。 has he been he worked B. has he been did he work C。 he has been did he work D. he has gone did he work20. Not only a writer but also here. A. a doctor w

24、ere wanted B。 were a doctor wanted C。 a doctor was wanted D。 was a doctor wanted21. It was how the young man had learned five foreign languages attracted the audiences interest。 A。 so that B。 whatC。 in which D。 that22。 Neither read, nor to write. A. can he can he B. can he he can C. he can。 Can he D

25、. he can he can23。 Not Until the work to bed。 A. did he finish he went B. he finished he went C。 he finished did he go D. he finished had he gone24。 It was a year ago I first met him here。 A. which B. that C。 in which D。 when 25. Who is it is waiting outside the room? A。 who B。 whom C. which D。 that

26、 26. It was not until 11 oclock the experiment。 A。 did he finish B. that he finished C。 when they finished D。 that did he finish27。 Barely had they seated themselves hurriedly in the theatre _ the curtain went up。A. than B. when C。 as soon as D. before28。 Id rather stay at home than go to see a film

27、, 。 A。 neither had he B。 neither would he C. so had he D. so would he29. Often the girl sing in her room。 A。 hears he B。 he hears C。 does he hear D. does hears he30。 On the top of the hill where I once visited the monk。 A。 a temple stands B。 does a temple stand C。 a temple stands there D。 stands a t

28、emple31. Was it because he was ill he asked for leave? A. and B。 that C。 thats D。 so32. Is it in that factory this kind of cat is made? A. in which B。 where C. that D。 which33。 Not a single song at yesterdays party。 A. she sang B. sang she C。 did she sing D。 she did sing34. Not only _ their money, b

29、ut they were also in danger of losing their lives。 A. lost they B. they lost C。 did they lose D。 they did lose35。 Barely time to catch the bus。 A. did he has B. he has C。 has he D. did he have36。 On the stairs in red.A. a small dark-haired girl was sittingB. was sitting a small dark-haired girlC. si

30、tting a small darkhaired girl wasD. was a small darkhaired girl sitting37。 “May I use your calculator” “ . A。 Here is it B。 Here are you C。 Here the calculator is D. Here you are38. hot is the sun that we cannot go out at present.A. Very B。 Too C。 So D. Such39。 do I get invited into his office。 A. O

31、nly B。 Rarely C。 Not only D。 Never before40。 A few miles further on 。 A。 the city lies of Springfield B. does the city of Springfield lie C. lies the city of Springfield D。 where lies the city of Springfield41。 Which sentence is right?A。 Do the great Chinese people live long !B. Long live the great

32、Chinese people !C。 Long will the great Chinese people live !D。 Long live for the great Chinese people !42. Which sentence is right.A. May you succeed ! B。 You may succeed!C。 Succeed may you ! D. Succeed you may!43. Very important in the farmers life . A. the radio weather report isB。 the radio weath

33、er report has been C. is the radio weather report D。 have been the radio weather report44。 His parents are always strict with him . Only after his homework to go out and play with his friends.A. he has finished , was he allows B. he has finished , he is allowed C. he had finished , was he allowedD.

34、he finished , is he allowed45. Only in this way expect to get over so many difficulties .A. we are sure to B。 can we C。 that we can D。 that can we 46。 Was it during the Second World War _ his family all died? A. that B. then C. when D. in which47. I really dont know _ it was that answered the phone

35、this morning。 A. why B。 who C。 how D。 whether48。 It was ten years _ he returned to his hometown and set out to revenge his dead father. A. since B。 that C. before D. when49.Beneath our feet _ that our life depends on for food and clothing。 A。 the earth lay B。 the earth liesC. lies the earth D. does

36、the earth lie 50。 Hell never succeed , hard he tires。 A. whatever B. despite C。 though D。 however第十四章 强调句和倒装句1.A2.C3。C4。D5.D6.C7。A8.B9.D10.A11.A12。A13.B14.C15。D16。D17。C18.C19。A20.C21。D22。A23。C24。B25.D26。B27。B28。D29。C30.D31.B32.C33.C34。C35.D36.B37.D38。C39。B40。C41。B42。A43。C44.D45.B46.A47.B48。C49。C50.D


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