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1、(完整版)what does your mother do同步测试Unit 3 Getting TogetherTopic 2 What does your mother do?同步测试笔试部分(满分100分)I选出下列各组单词的划线部分与其它三个读音不同的单词。(5分)( )1. A。 go B。 son C。 brother D。 come( )2。 A. mother B. that C。 these D。 think( )3. A. dad B. family C. father D. man( )4。 A。 behind B。 family C. kind D. Chinese( )

2、5. A。 think B. picture C。 policeman D。 twinII单项选择。(15分)()._mother is a teacher of English.A。 Lucys and Lily B. Lucy and Lilys C. Lucy and Lily D. Lucy or Lily().My family _ all _ home. A。 is, in B. are, at C. are, on D. is, at ()3。 Please _ the new student, Mary. A. look after B。 look like C. looks

3、after D. looks like()4。 Where _ Mr. Zhang _?A。 does, work B. do, work C。 is, work D. are, work()5. Kate works _ a school。 Her father works _ a farm。 A。 in, in B。 in, on C. on, in D。 on, on()6.What does your brother do?He _ a teacherA。 do B. does C. works D。 is()7。 Mr. Black is a doctor. He works _.A

4、. in hospital B。 on hospital C。 in a hospital D。 on a hospital()8. What are you? - _。A。 Im very well。 B。 Im eleven C。 Im in Mr。 Lis office D. Im a basketball player()9。 What does your father _ Sundays?A。 do in B. do on C。 does at D. does on()10. -_ does your brother work? -In a factory. A。 How B。 Wh

5、ere C。 What D. WhichIII用所给动词的适当形式填空。(分)1。 Li Hong _ (like) these shoes very much。2. Lucy often _ (speak) Chinese in the morning. 3。 _ Lily _ (come) from China?4。 Nancy_ (not know) your name。 5. Lets _ (make) friends.6. May I _ (ask) your name?7. Where_ he _ (work)?8. _ she _ (have) any friends in Ch

6、ina?9. He _ (want) to come to China.10. He can _ (call) her Mary.IV。 选词填空,每个单词只用一次(其中有两个单词是多余的。)。(每空一分)(10分)Thank, Excuse, very, look, like, nice, tree, at, meet, all, and , looks1. _ to see you。2。 Come _ _ my family.3。 Lets look at Jims family _.4. _ me。 Is this your hat? Yes, it is。5。 Thank you _

7、much。 -Thats _ right。6。 The cat looks _ the hat on the desk.7。 Lucy and Lily _ the same.V句型转换。(10分)1. James does his lesson every day. (改为否定句) James _ _ his lesson every day.2. Lisas mother is a nurse.(对划线部分提问) _ is Lisas mother?3. Susan helps me with English。(改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答) -_ Susan _ you with Eng

8、lish? -No, she _。4。 Whats your father? (同义句转换) What _ your father _?5。 Its Lindas bag。 (对划线部分提问) _ bag _ it?VI口语应用。(20分)(A)问答配对.从B栏中选出与A栏相应的答语。(10分) A B ()1。 Are all the children students? A. She likes tea. ()2. Does Miss Wang teach Chinese? B。 Yes, they do。()3. Can you go to school with me? C. Yes,

9、 I do.()4. Do you have an apple? D. Sorry, I cant.()5。 Do the farmers work here? E. Yes, he is。()6。 Is your uncle an office worker? F。 Yes, they are。 ()7。 Does your father like tea? G. I am a businessman。 ()8。 Wheres he from? H. Yes, he does.()9。 What does she like? I。 No, she doesnt ()10。 What do y

10、ou do? J. Hes from England. (B)补全对话,每空一词Excuse me, Mr。 Green, where are you _1_?Im from London. Thats in _2_。Oh, great! Where do you _3_ now?I work in shanghai。 _4_ do you do? Im a _5_. I drive a bus。 How many children do you have?I have one. Do you have a son _6_ a daughter?-I have a son.-What _7_

11、he do?Hes a student。 He _8_ in No. 4 Middle School。 How _9_ is he? Hes fifteen. Do you have any children? Yes。 I have a daughter。 Shes a student, too。 She _10_ English very much. VII 阅读理解。(20分)A My name is Jack Hill。 My Chinese teacher is Li Yan. She is from Hangzhou。 She has two children, a son and

12、 a daughter。 They are twins. The son is Wu Jianming。 Her daughter is Wu Qiyao. Mrs。 Wu and her daughter are in Hangzhou, but her husband, Wu Wei, a doctor, is in Shenyang. Mrs。 Wus son is in England。 He is a college(大学) student. Wu Jianming and I go to the same college。 We are classmates and we are

13、good friends. I teach him English and he teaches me Chinese。根据短文内容,判断下列句子正误。(10分)()1。 Wu Jianming and Wu Qiyao are twins。()2。 Li Yans son is a student in Shenyang。()3。 Jack Hill and Wu Jiangming are high school students。()4。 Li Yans husband is a doctor.()5。 Wu Jianming teaches Jack Hill Chinese.B Th

14、is is my family tree。 My name is Bruce。 Im English. I have a big family。 My wife, Allen, is a teacher。 We have two children. Dick is my son。 Linda is my daughter。 They are students in No。 2 High School。 My fathers name is Robert。 My mothers name is Nancy. They are at home. Bill is my brother。 He is

15、a worker。 Lucy is my wifes sister。 She is a doctor. My wifes mothers name is Sarah. Her fathers name is Ben。 They are old, too。根据短文内容,完成家谱图。(10分)Robert1Ben2 3 4BillLucy Dick5 1。 _ 2. _ 3. _ 4。 _ 5. _VIII书面表达。 (10分) 下面图表的内容,是Han Meimei家庭成员的情况介绍。(1)要求用第一人称,写一篇介绍性的小短文。要求将表中所述内容全部介绍到。 (2) 要有条理,表达流畅,可适当展

16、开。(3)首句已写出.(4)字数50个左右。PeopleWork (job)Work placeFatherdriverfactorymotherfarmerfarmsistershop assistantshopHan MeimeistudentNo.10 Middle SchoolDo you know me? My name is Han Meimei。 _参考答案:I. 15 ADCBCII1.B 2.B(这里强调全家的各个成员) 3。A (这是一个祈使句型, 应用动词原形开头.)4.A 5.B (on a farm为固定搭配。) 6.D 7. C 8。 D 9。 B 10.B.III

17、1。 likes 2。 speaks 3。 Does, come 4. doesnt, know 5. make 6。 ask 7. does, work 8. Does, have 9。 wants 10。 call IV. 1. Nice 2. and meet 3。 tree 4.Excuse 5. very , all 6。like 7。 look V1. doesnt, do 2。 What 3。 Does, help, doesnt 4. does, do 5。 Whose, isVI(A)1。 F 2.I 3。D 4。C 5.B 6。E 7。H 8。J 9.A 10.G(B)1.

18、 from 2. England 3。 work 4。 What 5。 driver 6. or 7. does 8。 studies 9. old 10。 likesVII(A) T F F T T (注: 第2题中的Li Yans son 就是Mrs. Wus son. 理解Li Yan 为Mrs. Wu是做本大题的关键。)(B) 1. Nancy 2. Sarah 3. Bruce 4. Allen 5. LindaVIII One possible VersionDo you know me? My name is Han Meimei. There are four people i

19、n my family。 I am a student. I study in No。 10 Middle School. I go to school for five days. My father is a driver. He works in a factory. He often drives a car to work。 My mother is a farmer。 She works on a farm. That farm is very big。 My sister is a shop assistant. She works in a big shop。 She goes to work by bus every day。 I think I must study hard。 I want to be a policeman when I grow up.


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