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1、四川大学锦城学院本科毕业论文 从微笑效应探究中美社交礼仪差异 本科生毕业论文(设计) 题 目 Exploration of Social Etiquette Differences between China and America: A Case Study of Smile Effect 学 院 四川大学锦城学院 专 业 英语语言文学 学生姓名 学 号 年 级 2012级 指导教师 教务部制表二一五年十二月二十五日18探究中美社交礼仪差异从微笑效应入手分析(英语语言文学专业)学生 指导教师 孔子曰:“礼者,敬人也。”人生在世,与人交际可谓必不可少。随着现代社会的飞速发展,世界各国人文经济、


3、析各自社交礼仪的发展、特点及一些禁忌,较深刻地反映出了中美社交礼仪在人与人交往中的价值。关键词:礼仪文化;社交礼仪;礼仪之邦;人生体验;微笑效应AbstractConfucius said, “Etiquette means to respect others.” It is necessary for us to contact with others in our life. With the rapid development of modern society, the communication of humanistic economy and folk culture has b

4、ecome increasingly close around the world. Hence, the social etiquette, which is the branch of etiquette culture, is playing a vital role. Whether it is daily communication with others, maintaining the relations with leaders, clients, and colleagues, or handling internationally foreign affairs among

5、 nations, we should keep a good ability of general manner, which needs us to understand and master certain social etiquette knowledge to help us to contact with people better. China has an ancient civilization, known as a land of courtesy. Moreover, as Chinese descendants, we ought to carry forward

6、the traditional civility.As a basic attitude of human interaction, etiquette is the respect for oneself, others and even the society. It can make us be confident contacting with others and get others respect to keep a good etiquette. From her own life experience and feelings, the author aims to expl

7、ore the differences of social etiquette between China and America from smile effect by analyzing their development, features and taboos in this paper. In doing so, we can get the value of human interaction of social etiquette between China and America. Key words: etiquette culture; social etiquette;

8、 civilization; life experience; smile effect ContentsIntroduction1Part One Smile Effect21.1Brief Introduction of Smile Effect21.2The Use of Smile Effect in China31.3The Use of Smile Effect in America3Part Two Social Etiquette in China and America52.1 Chinese Social Etiquette52.1.1 Traditional Social

9、 Etiquette52.1.2 Modern Social Etiquette62.2 American Social Etiquette82.2.1 The Development of American Social Etiquette82.2.2 Forbiddance of American Social Etiquette9PartThree The Differences of Social Etiquette between China and America113.1 The Differences of Association Etiquette113.2 The Diff

10、erence of Clothing Etiquette123.3 The Difference of Dining Etiquette13Conclusion15Notes16Bibliography17Acknowledgements18IntroductionSince president Xis taking office and visiting various countries with his wife Peng Liyuan, China has become more and more international. Thus, its no doubt that socia

11、l etiquette acts a significant role in the process. Social etiquette means the first choice of code of conduct and idiomatic pattern which is used to express respect, kindness and goodwill during interpersonal communication, social interaction and international communication activities. People can c

12、ommunicate a mind, build a good friendship and get support and help through social etiquette. Meanwhile, social etiquette is reflected in our language, action and expression, whichdetermine whether or not we make a good impression to others. From what I saw, heard and felt in my daily-life, especial

13、ly once when I lived in America for three months, I have got the opinion that smile is one of the most significant manifestations of social etiquette. Dale Carnegie once said, “Smile, which likes the sun through the dark clouds, can light up all people who see it, and bring them warmth.” I would lik

14、e to refer to smile effect as an important role to social etiquette.Every country has a standard of social etiquette based on its spiritual culture, which makes the difference of culture among these countries. In this paper, we put the America as a representative of Western countries to compare the

15、differences of social etiquette between China and America. Part One Smile Effect1.1 Brief Introduction of Smile EffectSmile effect means that no matter what or who you meet, if you always keep smile, you will get a surprised result. Smile, a pleasant expression, a charming action, can shorten the di

16、stance among people. There is nothing better to improve personal charisma and to move people than keeping a big smile. A sincere smile, whose effect is just as magical button, can immediately connect others kind emotion, because it is telling others that I like you and I want to be your friend. Mean

17、while, it is expressing that I guess you will also like me as well.American writer, Auger Mandino, makes such a law: Smile can be exchanged for gold, which is famous Mandinos law. Mandinos law advocates that people should smile and sincere smile has immeasurably magic power. To put it simply, the ef

18、fect of Mandinos law is smile effect. You should usually smile even if you are not good at smile. The great American salesman, Frank Bettger gets much benefit because of being good of smile. His experience tells him that a person who is always smiling will be popular forever. Thus, every time before

19、 meets another person, Frank Bettger will guess that he should express the gratitude to this person first, then communicates with him or her with smile. A smile not only expresses your kindness and reliance to others but also imply that others are worth your smile.Keeping smiling in the interpersona

20、l communication, you will like on the stage. Smile can not only leave a good and unforgettable impression to others but also get benefits in your daily life. Give others a proper smile, you will have unexpected gain in contacts. A person who loves smile is beautiful, and a smile will make us feel th

21、e world is wonderful. Thus, no matter when you are in trouble, keep a smile on your face, which will make you do everything smoothly. 1.2 The Use of Smile Effect in ChinaIn China, when we walk on a street, we see serious expression on almost everyones face. No one will smile to others, because Chine

22、se are hardly smiling to strangers, and only fools smile to everyone. That is current situation in China now. No one would like to see a cold face, which will make us feel uncomfortable. We usually forget the effect of smile and its difficult for us even to smile to someone close to us. There are th

23、ree kind of etiquette in ancient times: Zhouli, Yili, and Liji. Our ancestors always teach us to treat others with courtesy, but they dont tell us that smile is so important among peoples communication.Smile is so magical that can warm our heart, so we need do more smile service. Eating in a restaur

24、ant, we will feel we are treated well and want to come nest time if the waiter smiles to us; doing business in a bank, we will think this bank is so enthusiastic if the bank teller smiles to us; purchasing in a supermarket, we will buy more goods next time if the cashier smile to us. That is Smile e

25、ffect, which is seldom to be seen in China. We know how to deal with all kinds of business, how to contact with all kinds of people and how to think about all kinds of questions, but we dont know how to use the smile effect.Sometimes, we are forced to smile on some necessary occasion, such as meetin

26、g clients and social engagement. However, this kind of smile is a plastic smile, which is not from our real heart. Thus, for our most Chinese people, we should learn how to smile from our heart to warm others heart.1.3 The Use of Smile Effect in AmericaDuring the three months in Panama City Beach, F

27、lorida, America, the most impressive thing for me is that Americans smile, sincere and charming, with deep and blue eyes. Walking on the streets, no matter who is walking on your side or coming to you, he or she will give you a brilliant smile and greet to you, “good morning”, “how are you?”, “Hows

28、it today?” Smile, which is the easiest and most useful manner, is well handled by every American.Americans are passionate and humorous, and they think being good at making friends is one of the most important elements to success. Meanwhile, smile acts a very significant role in Americans social comm

29、unication. Greeting to others, meeting friends, visiting neighbors and having a date, Americans are always smiling first, which can leave a good impression to others and create an easy and harmony atmosphere. A person who loves smile looks younger than another who seldom smiles at same age, because

30、smile just like the sunshine in the winter and can bring people warmth. I am fond of seeing the American childrens smile, which is simple-hearted and infectious. As we know, smile can spread positive energy, and thats why Americans are always positive to their lives no matter what happened. I have m

31、ade a friend in America, whose name is Jackson Kong, an overseas Chinese, is working as a sushi chef in a Japanese restaurant. Before he found this job, he did many jobs and has saved more than 100 to 200 thousand dollars. He plans to buy a house for his parents in Houston. However, all his savings

32、has been taken away by a Chinese woman from Shenzhen. He thinks he invests his money to a company and he will get more money, so he transferred his money to that woman from his bank account. At the end, he found that woman is a liar because she disappeared and he has nothing. Still, he doesnt give u

33、p anything and try to earn money. He said, “Everyone can try again in America, just smile to your life no matter how terrible things you suffer.”Thus, attitude decides everything, and smile helps everything. Part Two Social Etiquette in China and America2.1 Chinese Social Etiquette2.1.1 Traditional

34、Social Etiquette No matter what kind of jobs we do, we should keep the knowledge of social etiquette, which is evolved from the traditional social etiquette. I would like to refer to Chinese traditional etiquette from three aspects: title, order of seats and receiving visitor. The first is title. A

35、person contacting with others in the society should firstly pay attention to the question of title. It is very impolite to call others incorrect names. As we know that our ancients have first name, surname and word, all of which have their own meaning and usage. Surname is a common symbol of a group

36、 of people; first name is a personal symbol when a person uses it in the society; word is an explanation and supplement of first name. Ancients call themselves as first name to be modest, such as Zhu Geliang calls himself as Liang. The seniors also call juniors first name, like father to son, teache

37、r to student and ruler to his ministers. However, the same generations call each other words to show respect, same as junior to senior, like Confucius, who call himself as Qiu. Nowadays, the use of official title is same as before. With regard to titles of other social areas, they are exquisite to b

38、e used according Chinese traditional culture.The second is order of seats. In ancient times, the south side is honorable both in the court and classroom, so the emperor sits with facing the south and the emperors ministers meet the emperor towards to the north. Identically, teachers teach students t

39、owards to the north and students sit towards to the south. Before the Han dynasty, the south side is honorable in the living room, but the east side is honorable in the bedroom. For example, the east side is honorable according the order of seats in Hongmen Banquet.The order of seats on carriages is

40、 roughly different in ancient times. Charioteer sits on the middle, manager sits on the left, and security guard sits on the left. Today people drive cars, so guard sits on the passenger seat, senior officer sits on the left of backseat, and secretary sits on the right of backseat.As for the questio

41、n of left or right side of seats, different dynasty has different rules. In Zhou Dynasty, the left side is honorable when governors meet the emperor. During the warring States period, people take the right side as to be honorable. Today, no matters in government or among the people, seniors sit on t

42、he left side and juniors sit on the right side. The third is receiving visitor. There are many considerations when we visit someones house. Before we enter someones door we are visiting, we must make a sound in order to let the host know there is someone coming. People usually do this by clearing th

43、eir throats in ancient times, just like Peking Opera performers behavior on the stage. Besides, we cant visit others house without sound to be an uninvited guest, which is very impolite. By the way, the practice also goes for husband and wife. When we enter someones house, we ought to look down with

44、 our eyes, or we will leave others an impression of arrogance. If the door is open, after entering, we should leave it open; if the door is closed, after entering, we should also leave it closed, which is in order to respect the host you are visiting. The most important thing we should pay attention

45、 to is that dont close the door if we are the last one to enter into, which means not refuse the later visitor.It is not allowed to swing our arms up and down like birds wings inside. Meanwhile, it is impolite to sit down the whole place accommodating two persons and will hamper the other to sit. An

46、cients usually sit on the floor by contacting with their feet and hips. After sitting, we should pay attention to our appearance and dont be ashamed. Moreover, we need also put our clothes in order, and dont let loose it.The traditional social etiquette in China reflects the core spirit of tradition

47、al culture of China, harmony, which is worth learning. 2.1.2 Modern Social EtiquetteNowadays as the development of humans, the social etiquette is different from that of the ancient times. Im going to simply list three kinds of modern social etiquette of China: behavior etiquette, speech etiquette a

48、nd greeting etiquette.The first is behavior etiquette. To shape the good social image, we must stress polite manners; therefore, we must pay attention to our behavior. Manners and etiquette is a sign of self quality, and a persons external behavior action can directly show his attitude. We should try to be courteous, natural and gr


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