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1、(完整word)名词性从句专项练习100题 附答案名词性从句专项练习100题1。 His success was because of _ he had been working hard。A。 that B. the fact which C。 the fact that D。 the fact2。 “Is Mary from New York City” “I dont know _。”A. from what city does she come from B。 from what city she comeC。 what city does she come from D. what

2、city she comes from3。 _ makes mistakes must correct them。A。 What B。 That C。 Whoever D. Whatever4. The reason why I didnt go to Shanghai was _ a new job.A. because I got B. because of getting C。 I got D. that I got5。 It worried her a bit _ her hair was turning grey.A。 while B。 that C. if D。 for 6。 He

3、nry killed the dog. Ill ask him why _。A. did he do that B. he did thatC。 he did D. he has done so 7。 Have you seen Henry lately My boss wants to know _。A. how he is getting along B. how is he getting alongC。 what he is getting along D。 what is he getting along8。 It is generally considered unwise to

4、give a child _ he or she wants。A. however B. whatever C。 whichever D. whenever9。 He asked me _ with me.A. what is the trouble B. what wrong wasC。 what was the matter D。 what trouble it is10。 I am sure _ he said is true。A. that B. about that C. of that D. that what11。 When and why he came here _ yet。

5、A。 is not known B。 are not known C。 has not known D。 have not bee12. I wonder how much _。A. does the watch cost B. did the watch costC。 the watch costed D. the watch costs13. Mary is _ someone might recognize her.A。 afraid of B. afraid about C. afraid that D. afraid for14。_ is no reason for dismissi

6、ng her。A。 Because she was a few minutes late B. Owing to a few minutes lateC。 The fact that she was a few minutes late D. Being a few minutes late15. They came to the conclusion _ by a computer。A。 that not all things can be done B。 because of not all things be doneC。 being not all things can be done

7、 D。 because not all things can be done16. Why the explosion occurred was _ the laboratory attendant had been careless。A. for B。 because C。 since D。 that17. I dont doubt _ hell come。A。 that B。 if C。 what D. whether18. “Why did you go to the wrong class, Mr. Wang”“Well, I forget _ I was supposed to go

8、 to.”A。 which the room B。 which room C。 what was the room D。 what room was it19。 Output is now six times _ it was before liberation。A。 that B. which C. what D. of which20. Mary: Helen is a mere washer woman, yet shes now buying a big house.Carol: Yes. Because shes always saved _。A. what little she e

9、arns B。 how little she earnsC. for little she earns D. with little she earns21。 _ surprised me most was _ such a little boy of seven could play the violin so well.A。 Thatwhat B。 Whatthat C. Thatwhich D. Whatwhich22. We gave him _ help we could.A。 which B。 what C. that D。 this23。 She is pleased with

10、what you have given him and _ you have told him.A。 that B. which C. all what D。 all that 24。 Excuse me would you please tell me _ A. when the sports meet is taken place B. when is the sports meet going to be heldC. when is the sports meet to begin D. when the sports meet is to take place25。 Do you h

11、appen to know _ A。 what size shoes he wears B. how big shoes he wearsC. what is the size of his shoes D。 what number shoes are his26。 This book will show you _ can be used in other contexts。A. how you have observed B。 how what you have observedC。 that you have observed D. how that you have observed2

12、7。 Where do you think _ A。 has he gone B. has he been C。 hes gone D. was he28。 Do you know _ A. how many populations there are in the world B。 how much population there is in the worldC。 how many the population of the world isD. what the population of the world is29. Would you go and see _ outside A

13、. what to take place B. what Tom has happenedC. what is happening D。 what the matter had been30. The subject of ”What is interesting is that I do not even know him.” is_。A. what B. interesting C。 What is interesting D。 I31。 _ I think he is Charles.A。 Who do you think he is B。 Do you think who he isC

14、. Whom do you think he isD. Do you think who he is32. He didnt know which room _。A。 they lived B。 they lived in C. did they live D. did they live in33. The little boy ate _ his mother gave him。A. that B. which C. whatever D. no matter what34. The city is no longer _. A. what it is B。 that it used to

15、 be C。 which it was D. what it used to be35。 My parents used _ they had to get a new car for me。A. which B. that C。 what D. all what36。 _ we go swimming every day _ us a lot of good。A。 Ifdo B。 Thatdo C. Ifdoes D。 Thatdoes37. _ was the idea _ the wife thought of A。 Whatthat B. Thatwhat C。 Howwhy D. W

16、hyhow38。 _ did he tell his wife _ he wished to do A。 Thatwhat B。 Whatthat C. Wherewhich D。 Whichwhere 39. One of the men held the view _ the book said was right。A. what that B。 that what C. that which D. which that40. I have no idea _ or not he has finished the work.A. if B。 that C。 whether D。 which

17、41。 “Do you know _ “His father is a doctor.”A. what is his father B。 who is his fatherC. what his father is D. who his father is 42. Is this _ we met each other two years ago A. place B. place in which C。 where D。 place which43. It _ Bob drives badly。A。 thinks that B. is thought what C。 thought that

18、 D。 is thought that44. We all know the truth _ there are air, water and sunlight there are living things。A。 where B。 wherever C。 that D. that wherever 45. They discussed _ they could settle the problem without others help.A. if B. that C. what D. whether46。 She asked _。A. what I was doing when she r

19、ang me up B. what was I doing when she rang me upC. when she rang me up what I was doing D. when did she ring me up what I was doing47。 -May I borrow the ring You can take _ you like。A. no matter what B。 which C。 whichever D. that 48。 He said that he was fond of _.A. what beautiful is B. what is bea

20、utiful C. beautiful is what D. what it is beautiful49. He insisted that he _ in good health and _ to work there.A. was, be sent B。 is, is sent C. be, was sent D。 be, send50。 Do you know _ he expects will give us a talk A。 who B。 whom C. that D。 whose51. Its uncertain _ the experiment is worth doing。

21、A. if B. that C。 whether D。 how52。 They would have fixed the telephone yesterday _ it was a holiday.A。 except B。 except for C. except that D。 but for53。 _ is to do good all ones life and never do anything bad。A. Whichever is hard B. No matter what is hardC. What is hard D. All what is hard54。 _ the

22、boy didnt take medicine made his mother angry.A. That B。 What C. How D. Which55。 As the day was fine, I made the suggestion _ for a walk in the park。A。 we go B. we will go C。 should we go D. that we go56。 _ we cant get seems better than _ we have.A. What, what B。 What, that C. That, that D。 That, wh

23、at57. _ you dont like him is none of my business。 A. What B. Who C。 That D。 Whether58. You cant imagine _ when they received these nice Christmas presents。A。 how they were excited B. how excited they wereC. how excited were they D。 they were how excited59。 _ well go camping tomorrow depends on the w

24、eather。A. If B。 Whether C. That D. Where60。 _he really means is _he disagrees with us。A。 What that B. That whatC。 Why that D. If what61. _is going to do the job will be decided by the Party committee.A。 That B。 Why C。 How D。 Who62. _ well finish translating the book depends on the time。A. When B。 Wh

25、y C. What D。 That63. _ the house will be built will be discussed at tomorrows meeting.A。 If B。 Where C. That D。 What64. _ he wont go there is clear to all of us.A. How B. What C. Why D. This65。 _ you come or not is up to you.A. What B。 If C. Why D。 Whether66。 _ makes mistakes must correct them.A. Wh

26、o B. Anyone C。 Whoever D。 Anybody67. _ team will win the match is a matter of public concern。A。 Which B. That C. If D。 How68.Three days later, word came _our country had sent up another manmade satellite.A。 which B. when C. that D. where69.The problem is _will go to the meeting。A。 why B。 when C。 wha

27、t D. who70。It looks _ it were going to rain。A. even if B。 as if C。 even though D. like71。That is _ he likes the place so much.A。 that B. what C。 why D. how72.That is _ Lu Xun once lived。A. what B。 where C。 that D。 why73。 We thought _ strange that Tom did not come yesterday.A。 that B. it C. this D. w

28、hat74.The fact _ she had not said anything surprised all of us。A。 which B. what C。 that D。 how75。What Im considering now _ the money we need。A. is B。 are C。 were D. was76。Can you tell me _ A。 who is that gentleman B. that gentleman is who C。 who that gentleman is D。 whom is that gentleman 77. _leave

29、s the room last ought to turn off the lights。A. Anyone B。 The person C。 Whoever D. Who78. It is well known _ a person eats causes changes in the body。A. that what, when, and how B. thatC。 what D. how79. The energy is _ makes the cells able to do their work。A. that B。 which C。 what D. such80。 Jack wa

30、s soon told _ he did was not necessary.A。 why B。 that C. how D. why what81。 We should think carefully about _ Mr。 Needham said at the meeting.A。 that B。 what C。 which D。 X82. Can you point out _ two radios are the best A. which B. what C. that D。 whether 83. You will easily know _ video recorders (录

31、相机) are the same。A. what those B。 that of those C。 that all of D。 which of those84. _ you have seen things like these before doesnt matter。A. If B。 Whether C. What D. When 85. I asked her in English _ she was, and she told me _ she was an actress。A. whothat B. whoX C。 whatX D。 howthat86。 She took it

32、 for granted _ Id be back home an hour ago.A。 that B. whether C. if D. when87. We think it possible _ the local government will be able to solve the housing problem.A. for B。 that C。 when D。 how88. Now there is a danger _ the ground may fall in (沉下) under the heavy traffic。A. whether B。 if C。 X D。 t

33、hat89。 At that time I had no idea _ I could hand it to him without being seen。A. if B。 how C。 which D. that how90。 Last Sunday he promised _ today, but he hasnt appeared yet.A。 that he would come B. that he will comeC。 he will come to see me D. whether he would come91。 Last Sunday he made a promise

34、_ he was free he would take me to Qingdao。A. if B。 that C。 that if D. whether92. Do you have any idea _ A. when Miss Smith will arrive B。 when will Miss Smith arriveC. how will Miss Smith arrive D. why hasnt Miss Smith arrived93。 I have almost forgotten _。A。 how Mr。 Taylors like B。 what Mr. Taylors

35、face is likeC. what Mr. Taylors face is D。 which Mr。 Taylors face is like94. The true value of life is not in _, but _.A. how you get that you give B。 which you got what you giveC。 what you get what you give D。 what do you getwhat do you give95。 Do you know _ A。 what is this used for B。 what this is

36、 used forC。 which this is used D。 that this is used for96。 _ surprised me most was _。A. Thatthat she spoke Japanese so well B. Whathow could she speak Japanese so wellC. Whatthat she spoke Japanese so wellD. Thatwhy she could speak Japanese so well97。 _ is to dance.A. That interests Mary really B. W

37、hich really interests Mary.C。 What really interests Mary D。 What really interest Mary98。 We were greatly amused by _.A。 what you have told us B. which you had told usC。 what you told us D. that you told us99. These computers are different from _。 A. that we expected B. what we expectedC. which we ha

38、ve expected D. what we expect100。 _ Tom liked to eat was different from _.A。 Thatthat you had expected B。 What that you had expectedC。 Thatwhat you had expected D. Whatwhat you had expected15。CDCDB6-10.BABCD11-15.ADCCA1620.DABCA2125。BBDDA 2630。BCDCC 3135。ABCDC 3640.DABBC 41-45。CCDDD46-50.ACBAA 51-55。CCCAD 56-60.ACBBA 61-65 DABCD 66-70 CACDB 71-75 CBBCA 7680 CCCCD 8185 BADBC 8690 ABDBA9195 CABCB 96100 CCCBD


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