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1、Unit 3 The Rite of SpringArthur Miller1. I have never understood why we keep a garden and why over 36 years ago when I bought my first house in the country, I started digging up a patch for vegetables before doing anything else. When you think how easy and cheap, relatively, it is to buy a bunch of

2、carrots or beets, why raise them? And root crops especially are hard to tell apart, when store-bought, from our own. There is a human instinct at work here, a kind of back-breaking make-believe that has no reality. Besides, I dont particularly like eating vegetables. Id much rather eat something jui

3、cy and fat. Like hot dogs. 2. Now, if you could raise hot dogs outside your window, youd really have something you could justify without a seconds hesitation. As it is, though, I cannot deny that when April comes I find myself going out to lean on the fence and look at that miserable plot of land, r

4、esolving with all my rational powers not to plant it again. But inevitably a morning arrives when, just as I am awakening, a scent wafts through the window, something like earth-as-air, a scent that seems to come up from the very center of this planet. And the sun means business, suddenly, and has a

5、 different, deeper yellow in its beams on the carpet. The birds begin screaming hysterically, thinking what I am thinkingthe worms are deliciously worming their way through the melting soil. 3. It is not only pleasure sending me back to stare at that plot of soil, it is really conflict. The question

6、 is the same each yearwhat method should we use? The last few years we put 36-inch-wide black plastic between the rows, and it worked perfectly, keeping the soil moist in dry times and weed-free. 4. But black plastic looks so industrial, so unromantic, that I have gradually moved over to hay mulch.

7、We cut a lot of hay and, as it rots, it does improve the soils Composition. Besides, it looks lovely, and comes to us free. 5. Keeping a garden makes you aware of how delicate, bountiful, and easily ruined the surface of this little planet is. In that 50-by-70-foot patch there must be a dozen differ

8、ent types of soil. Tomato wont grow in one part but loves another, and the same goes for the other crops. I suppose if you loaded the soil with chemical fertilizer these differences would be less noticeable, but I use it sparingly and only in rows right where seeds are planted rather than broadcast

9、over the whole area. Im not sure why I do this beyond the saving in fertilizer and my unwillingness to aid the weeds. 6. The attractions of gardening, I think, at least for a certain number of gardeners, are neurotic and moral. Whenever life seems pointless and difficult to grasp, you can always get

10、 out in the garden and get something done. Also, your paternal or maternal instincts come into play because helpless living things are depending on you, require training and encouragement and protection from enemies. In some cases, as with beans and cucumbers, your childrenas it werebegin to turn up

11、on you in massive numbers, growing more and more each morning and threatening to follow you into the house to strangle you in their vines. 7. Gardening is a moral occupation, as well, because you always start in spring resolved to keep it looking neat this year, just like the pictures in the catalog

12、ues. But by July, you once again face the chaos of unthinned carrots, lettuce and beets. This is when my wife becomesopenly nowmistress of the garden. A consumer of vast quantities of vegetables, she does the thinning and hand-cultivating of the tiny plants. Squatting, she patiently moves down each

13、row selecting which plants shall live and which she will cast aside. 8. At about this time, my wifes 86-year-old mother, a botanist, makes her first visit to the garden. She looks about skeptically. Her favorite task is binding the tomato plants to stakes. She is an outspoken, truthful woman, or she

14、 was until she learned better. Now, instead of saying, You have planted the tomatoes in the damp part of the garden, she waits until October when she makes her annual trip to her home in Europe; then she gives me my good-by kiss and says casually, Tomatoes in damp soil tend more to get fungi, and wa

15、lks away to her plane. But by October nothing in the garden matters, so sure am I that I will never plant it again. 9. I garden, I suppose, because I must. It would be intolerable to have to pass an unplanted fenced garden a few times a day. There are also certain compensations, and these must be wh

16、at annually turn my mind toward all that work. There are few sights quite as beautiful as a vegetable garden glistening in the sun, all dewy and glittering with a dozen shades of green at seven in the morning. Far lovelier, in fact, than rows of hot dogs. In some pocket of the mind there may even be

17、 a tendency to change this vision into a personal reassurance that all this healthy growth, this orderliness and thrusting life must somehow reflect similar movements in ones own spirit. Without a garden to till and plant I would not know what April was for. 10. As it is, April is for getting irrita

18、ted all over again at this pointless, time-consuming hobby. I do not understand people who claim to love gardening. A garden is an extension of oneselfor selvesand so it has to be an arena where striving does not cease, but continues by other means. As an example: you simply have to face the moment

19、when you must admit that the lettuce was planted too deep or was not watered enough, cease hoping it will show itself tomorrow, and dig up the row again. But you will feel better for not standing on your dignity. And thats what gardening is all aboutcharacter building. Which is why Adam was a garden

20、er. (And all know where it got him, too.) 11. But is it conceivable that the father of us all should have been a weaver, shoemaker, or anything but a gardener? Of course not. Only the gardener is capable of endlessly reviving so much hope that this year, regardless of drought, flood, typhoon, or his own stupidity, this year he is going to do it right! Leave it to God to have picked the proper occupation for his only creature capable of such self-delusion. 12. I suppose it should be added, for honestys sake, that the above was written on one of the coldest days in December. 2 / 2


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