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1、2014-2015深圳上海广州沈阳牛津版九年级英语下册课文知识点解析Unit 2. Culture Shock重点词汇1. culture n. (C/U) adj. _ nation n. adj. _ - international adj. 我喜欢在国外工作和了解不同文化的人们。 I like and meeting people from . 在这个国家居住10年后,搬到伦敦有一点点文化冲击。 Moving to London was a bit of after ten years of living in the country. 共享同一文化背景的人可以更好地了解彼此。 Peop

2、le who share the same can understand each other better. Cultural differences between our two societies 两种社会的文化差异类似: education; nature; office; tradition; practice 2. admit v. 过去式 _ - 过去分词 _ 名词: _ admit (that) 接受 事实; admit to sb. (that) 向某人承认 admit doing 承认做过某事 admit sb. into/to sp. 准许进入某地 我不得不承认美国对我

3、来说是一个巨大的文化冲击。 I have to America was a big for me. 他从未向我承认他很懒。 He will never he is lazy. 他承认偷了那辆车。 He stolen the car. 3. spare adj. 空闲的; 空余的; 备用的 v. 腾出时间/钱/人手; 多出 (time when you are not working) =spare time in ones spare/free time 在某人的空闲时间你在空闲时间做什么? What do you do / ? 你没有多余的,闲置的盒子? Have you got any b

4、oxes? (not being used at present) 多余的; 闲置的 a 备用钥匙不好意思,我抽不出时间。 , I cant . 抽不出时间。 They still have some money to spare. 他们还有一些余钱。 Can you spare (me) 20 dollars? 你能借我20美元吗? 4. degree n. 程度; 度数; 学位to some degree = to a (certain) degree = partly =in a way在某种程度上然而在某种程度上来说,在美国生活很难习惯的。 However, , life in the

5、 US was hard to get used to. We would like to help him to some degree. His job demands a high degree of skill. (高超的技能) Preheat the oven to 425 . 把烤箱预热到425度。 five degrees Centigrade- 5摄氏度 bachelors degree 学士学位; masters degree 硕士学位 doctors degree 博士学位5. fail v. - _ n. 失败; 不及格 failure (n.) 失败;失败的人或事物 f

6、ail to do sth. 为能做什么 失败乃成功之母。 is the mother of 在开始的几个星期我为能明白些什么。 I much in the first few weeks. 那个医生拯救老人失败。The doctor the old mans life. 他数学失利但通过了所有其他考试。 He but passed all the other tests. She always feels a bit of a failure at school. (someone or something that is unsuccessful) 她上学的时候总觉得自己有些失败。 The

7、 plan was a total/complete failure. 这个计划彻底失败。 Toms plan ends in failure. 以失败告终。6. manage v. 完成 = do/ deal with (困难的事情) - _ n. 管理 manager n. 经理 manage to do 完成处理某事(to succeed in doing sth, especially something difficult) to do something difficult successfully make it 我很快去适应它的。 I soon get used to it.

8、他们设法及时感到了机场。They get to the airport in time . to manage a factory 管理工厂 In spite of his disappointment, he managed a weak smile. 勉强微笑 I dont know exactly how well manage it, but we will, somehow. 我说不准我们如何去完成这件事, 但不管怎样我们一定会完成的。7. everyday/ every day 1) everyday adj. = daily (only before noun) 每天的; 日常的

9、 (ordinary; usual; happening every day)2) every day = each day 每天 互联网已成为我们日常生活的一部分。 The internet has become part of our life.他们的每日英语和我在中国学的大不一样。 Their is very different from what we learn in China. a small dictionary for everyday use. I go to school on foot . 8. especially adv. 尤其; 特别 (particularly)

10、 special adj. 特别的 特殊的 专门的 specially adv. 特别地 特殊地那年冬天我有很多美好的记忆,尤其冬天在雪中玩。 I have many great memories of that year, playing in the snow in winter. The car is quite small, especially if you have children. 我特别为你做的。 I made it for you. I wasnt feeling especially happy that day. (very much) Do you like his

11、novels? Not especially. 不十分喜欢。注意: especially 不放于句首. Especially I like sweet things. (F) I especially like sweet things. (T)9. education n. v. _ - adj. _ - well-educated 受过良好教育的 adj. 良好的教育是通往成功之路A good can be the gateway to success. 他是一个接受良好教育的人。He is a person who was .10. valuable adj. 值钱的, 贵重的; 宝贵的

12、, 有价值的; be worth much money valuable experience 宝贵的经验 a valuable painting 名贵的画我不会浪费你宝贵的时间。 I wont waste any more of . Valueless adj. (worth no money or very little money) 不值钱的; 没有价值的; 不重要的; 质量差的Invaluable adj. (extremely useful) 极有价值的互联网是一个及其有价值的信息资源。The internet is an source of . 11. Whatever (pron

13、.) 任何事物;一切事物 = anything , everything I said, they disagreed. 无论我说什么,他们都不同意。The person has lied so much that people turn a deaf ear to whatever he says.那个人撒了那么多的谎,不管他说什么都没有人听了。Just take you need. 你需要什么就拿走吧。重点短语运用1. It is raining cats and dogs. = It is raining heavily.2. on an international exchange 在

14、国际交流3. give/make a speech 演讲4. culture shock 文化冲击5. in ones spare time 在某人空闲时间6. to a certain degree 在某种程度上7. get/be/become used to doing 习惯适应做某事8. mange to do 设法完成 ,处理9. admit doing 承认做过某事10. under the weather 不适应 不得劲11. be different from / be the same as 不同于/相同,和一样12. be similar in 在.方面相似13. requi

15、re/ask sb. to do 需要、要求某人做某事14. be dressed as 打扮的像1) I dressed quickly. 我很快穿好了衣服。2) She dressed the children in their best clothes. (dress sb. in sth.)3) Get up and get dressed. 15. as well 也16. make sb. do 使某人做某事17. set off 使(炸弹)爆炸18. take off 脱下19. attend classmeeting 上课参加(出席)会议 20. feel lonely 感到孤

16、单寂寞一,用以上词组短语的适当形式填空1,Chinese people usually eat a big dinner and fireworks at Chinese New Years Eve. (除夕夜),2, It is very hot outside. You should you coat.3, He does a part-time job to make some money .4, I had a fever yesterday, and Im still now.5, When it is heated ,ice can be changed into water. 6

17、, Teacher always students do homework on time.7, they many ways.8,we will for a party nest week. 9,although they arent brothers ,but they many aspects(方面).10,He a woman. (He was wearing womens clothes)11,he a serious mistakes.二,选择划线部分释义相同或相近的选项。1, My grandpa often goes fishing in his spare time. ( )

18、 A, secret B, free C, busy 2, 2, He is very hard-working in everyday work. ( ) A, similar B, whole C, daily 3, 3, The work requires workers to spend much time and energy. ( ) A, treats B, agrees C, needs4, 4,I miss my grandmother very much because I have many memories about him. ( ) A, surprise that

19、 I had B, changes that I had C, events that were remembered 5, 5,He doesnt like to talk about himself, especially his family. ( ) A, truly B, actually C, specially 6, 6,To be certain degree, parents should be childrens first teacher. ( ) A, In my opinion B, To my surprise C, To a certain point D, In

20、 a way 7, 7, He failed the exam but he didnt lose his courage. ( ) A, are unsuccessful in B, are successful in C, are bored with 8, 8, They managed to get the train station in time. ( ) A, wanted to get B, succeeded in getting C, started to get9, 9, In America you can do whatever you want. ( ) A, no

21、thing B, something C, anything 10, The teacher is very kind, he often helps others when they are in trouble. ( ) A, friendly B, excellent C, important11, All students will be required to arrive at the playground because there will be an important meeting. ( ) A, provided B, asked C, worked 三. 根据句子意思

22、,从方框中选择合适的短语填空。 so that , set off, as well, in ones spare time, take off, under the weather,give a speech, to a certain degree, be different from, get used to1. As a traditional way to celebrate the New Year, _ firecrackers is welcomed by most Chinese people.2. He _ his shoes, and went into the bedr

23、oom.3. There are a lot of useful things to learn_.4. The factory was not far from the village. However, _ it influenced the normal life of the villagers.5. When she first went to the farmland, she found life there a bit difficult to _.6. If you know that hes been _, you must ask him to see the docto

24、r.7. Hes sunbathing _ he can get browner.8. A famous scientist will come to our school to _about the universe next Friday. 9. Not only I like this movie, but my mother likes it _.10. Our classroom _theirs, ours is brighter.语法填空1)The most positive (乐观) person I have ever seen is my dad! He is 1. _ po

25、sitive that I seldom hear a single word from him which is related to hopelessness. Unlike most mums and dads, my dad never says things that make me feel 2. _ (awfully). He is always there to give me encouragement and help. 3. _ sometimes I do something wrong, he is not angry and always tells me what

26、 is right in a positive way. For example if I am in 4. _ (trouble), he often tells me to open the books he bought for me. Then he asks me to read the titles that can help me 5. _ the problems Im facing. After that we have a 6. _ (discuss) together. Even though Im not always a good kid, my dad never

27、shouts or gets 7. _ (anger) with me. I know that hes waiting for a day-a day when I grow up and understand things in my life. I can see the reason why he is so positive. That is, he believes in 8. _ (him). And he believes that whatever 9. _ (happen), it is under control. So we have nothing 10. _ (wo

28、rry) about. Be positive. 2) (More practice) By West Lake, in the city of Hangzhou, there is a small statue of _ traveler _ (name) Marco Polo. Marco Polo _ (grow) up in the city of Venice. _ 1271, at the age of 17, he set off on a journey _ Asia. His travels took him across Asia, along the Silk Road

29、and throughout China. He loved Hangzhou _ much that he described it _ “the finest city in the world”. When Polo came back to Venice, there was a war and he was _ (capture). While he was in prison, another man wrote a book of the stories Polo told about his travels. The _ (describe) of Asia in the bo

30、ok were so interesting that soon it became popular in Europe. Europeans became more and more _ (interest) in the East. The book also influenced many other explorers, _ (include) Christopher Columbus. 语法梳理状语从句复习 (知识点略-通过习题讲解)中考真题练习1. It will be hard for us to get up in the morning if we _ to bed too

31、late. A. go B. went C. will go D. have gone2. If farmers _ trees and forests, giant pandas _ nowhere to live.A. cut down; have B. will cut down; will haveC. will cut don; have D. cut down; will have3. When you _ at a restaurant , please order just enough food .A. ate B. will eat C. eat D. haven eate

32、n 4. Henry will give us a report as soon as he _.A. arrives B. arrived C. is arriving D. will arrive5. What are you doing tomorrow, Jane? Ill go bike riding if it _. I like riding on rainy days.A. doesnt rain B. is cloudy C. is snowy D. rains6. If Nancy _ the exam, she will go to Australia for Engli

33、sh study.A. pass B. passed C. passes D. will pass7. Amy was reading a book _ I came in.A. when B. while C. because D. though8.Linda was just going out for shopping _ the telephone rang.A, while B. when C. after D. because9. Ill go to visit my aunt in England _ the summer holidays start. A. while B.

34、since C. until D. as soon as10. 一Mom, Im leaving for Beijing tomorrow. 一Thats nice. Youd better ring me up _ you get there. A. until B. as soon as C. because11. If the weather _ fine, we _ have a sports meeting this weekend. A. will be, will B. is, will C. was, would12. If it doesnt rain tomorrow, w

35、e _ swimming. A. go B. will goC. went13. _ he was exercising at the park yesterday morning, he found a purse under the tree. A. While B. Before C. Though14. You will be late for school _ you dont get up early. A. but B. if C. and D. or16. Were going camping if it _ rain tomorrow.A. doesnt B. dont C.

36、 wontAlan! Why are you so late? Sorry! When I _ home, I met one of my old friends.A. went B. am walking C. has gone D. was walkingI want to know if Maria _ us in the fashion show tonight. I believe if she _ her homework, she will join us. A. joins; finishes B. will join; finishes C. joins; will finish D. will join; will joinExcuse me, could you please tell me if the sports meeting _ on time? Hard to say. If it _ tomorrow, well have to put it off.A. will hold; rains B. will be held; rainsC. will be held; will rain D. holds; will rain


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