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EOS公司PhotoModeler 三维建模软件三维设计(英文).pdf

1、User InterfacePho to Mo del er is a pro gram that runs under Micro so ft Windo ws(2000.XP.and Vista).It may al so run with mo st Windo ws NT,98 and Me systems al so but it is no t suppo rted o n tho se pl atio rms.Pho to Mo del er fo l l o ws 1he user interl ace co nventio ns establ ished by the Win

2、do ws o perating enviro nment.More:El ements o f 1he Pho to Mo del er ScreenWel co me Tuto rial ListGetting Started PanelUser Interactio nWo rking with Windo ws and PanesPro gress Dial o gPreferencesHel pPho to Mo del er Onl ine UpdateAppl icatio n Data and Fil e Lo catio nsEl ements o f the Pho to

3、Mo del er ScreenPho to Mo del ers screen co ntains:a captio n,a main menu,to o l bars,a wo rk space,and a Status Bars.Optio nal l y there can be o ther panes visibl e,such as the Pho t。Lisi Pane as sho wn bel o w:Yo u can al so co ntro l the o veral l l o o k and feel o f the Pho to Mo del er appl i

4、catio n windo w by appl ying themes and styl es.See Themes,SMes and Skins fo r mo re info rmatio n.More:Captio n AreaMain MenuTo o l barsWo rkspaceStatus BarsAl ert Po pupsPo pup Info rmatio n Bo xesCaptio n AreaThe captio n area at the to p o l the appl icatio n windo w co ntains fo ur butto ns and

5、 a pro gram titl e.The titl e co ntains the pro gram name Pho to Mo del er and the name o f the active pro ject.The captio n area can be used to mo ve the entire appl icatio n aro und the screen.This is do ne by pressing the mo use butto n do wn o n the captio n area and ho l ding it do wn whil e mo

6、 ving the Pho to Mo del er windo w to its new l o catio n.The butto n(the Pho to Mo del er ico n)o n the extreme l eft o f the captio n area is the System Bo x.Do ubl e cl icking o n this butto n cl o ses the appl icatio n.Cl icking o nce o n this butto n expo ses a menu with standard Windo ws Syste

7、m Menu cho ices.These cho ices al l o w Ihe user to size,mo ve and cl o se Pho to Mo del er.The l eft-mo st butto n in the right gro up o f the captio n area is 1he minimize butto n.Cl icking o n it turns Pho to Mo del er into a minimized bar o n the deskto p to o l bar.The next butto n is the maxim

8、ize/resto re butto n.It can be used to make Pho to Mo del er as l arge as po ssibl e,o r to resto re Pho to Mo del er to its l ast un-maximized size.The l ast butto n is the X cl o se butto n.It wil l cl o se/exit Pho to Mo del er when pressed.Main MenuThe main menu bar appears immediatel y undernea

9、th the captio n area.The entries,o n this menu bar,each access a po pup menu co ntaining specific Pho to Mo del er tasks.Sel ecting a menu cho ice with the mo use o r keybo ard causes that task io be started.No t al l tasks are al ways avail abl e o n the menu.Fo r instance,if yo u do no t have anyt

10、hing sel ected,the Del ete Sel ected Items menu item wil l be disabl ed.Menu sel ectio ns which are no t appro priate at a particul ar time canno t be sel ected.These inappro priate menu cho ices are sho wn dimmed.When these menu items beco me appro priate Pho to Mo del er enabl es them and al l o w

11、s yo u to sel ect them.Yo u can al so do ck and undo ck the main menu bar.If yo u mo ve yo ur mo use o ver Ihe l eft edge(the gripper)o f the main menu bar,the curso r wil l change into a l o ur arro w curso r indicating that yo u can mo ve the menu bar.If yo u cl ick and ho l d the mo use do wn whi

12、l e yo ur mo use curso r sho ws the fo ur arro ws,yo u can drag the main menu bar anywhere o n yo ur screen.The main menu bar can be do cked al the edges o f the screen o r fl o ating and undo cked.As yo u mo ve to wards the to p,bo tto m,l eft,o r right edges,o f the Pho to Mo del er windo w,the me

13、nu bar wil l beco me do cked and snap into po sitio n.Yo u can al so have the main menu bar fl o at anywhere o n yo ur screen.Yo u can mo ve o r custo mize the main menu bar at anytime.No te that the main menu bar canno t be hidden l ike 1he to o l bars.Ho wever,if yo u want to add o r remo ve to o

14、l s fro m the main menu bar,yo u can do so using To o l bar Custo Eizatinn.See al so Menu/To o l Reference.More:To o l sTo o l sA to o l is used to acco mpl ish a task o r set a mo de.To o l s are represented by graphical butto ns o n to o l bars o r menu items under the menus.A to o l o n a to o l

15、bar o r menu is used by cl icking the l eft mo use butto n.The type o f to o l s avail abl e(displ ayed o r enabl ed)at any o ne time depends o n the pro ject being wo rked o n and the type o f windo w that is active,and in so me cases what is sel ected.When the curso r is mo ved o ver the to o l a

16、to o l tip text message appears to hel p yo u remember what each to o l do es.If yo u disl ike this o r the tip causes pro bl ems with yo ur system yo u can turn them o ff in theTo o l bar Cusl o mizal io n dial o g.Yo u can al so co ntro l whether the sho rt cut key fo r each to o l appears in the“

17、to o l tip using the same custo mizatio n dial o g.To o l tips l o o k l ike this:See al so 12口11“。1 Reference fo r mo re detail o n the types o f to o l s avail abl e and what each to o l do es.No te:Yo u can al so get info rmatio n abo ut what a to o l do es by reading the Status Bars co ntents at

18、 the bo tto m o f the main Pho to Mo del er windo w.As yo u mo ve yo ur mo use o ver a to o l(either a to o l o n any o f the to o l bars o r under any o f the menus),a brief expl anatio n o f the purpo se o f the to o l and its sho rtcut key(if it has o ne)is sho wn o n the status bar.To o l barsUn

19、der the main menu bar are to o l bars co ntaining a series o f to o l s.These graphical butto ns initiate co mmo nl y used Pho to Mo del er tasks.The Menu/To o l Reference l ists and describes to o l s used avail abl e in Pho l o Mo del er.This sectio n pro vides a brief o verview o f to o l bars an

20、d the mo re co mmo nl y used to o l s.If yo u cl ick the right mo use butto n do wn whil e o ver any part o 11he to o l bar o r main menu bar,a l ist o f avail abl e to o l bars is sho wn.By sel ecting any o l the to o l bars in this l ist,yo u can to ggl e the to o l bars visibil ity o n o r o ff.Y

21、o u can al so set any to o l bars visibil ity using To o l bar Custo mizatio n.See al so To o l bars and Menus sectio n o f Preferences-User Interface.Like the main menu bar,yo u can do ck and undo ck to o l bars.If yo u mo ve yo ur mo use o ver the l eft edge o f a to o l bar(the gripper)the curso

22、r wil l change into a fo ur arro w curso r indicating that yo u can mo ve the to o l bar.If yo u cl ick and ho l d the mo use do wn whil e yo ur mo use curso r sho ws Ihe fo ur arro ws,yo u can drag the to o l bar anywhere o n yo ur screen.To o l bars can be do cked at the edges o f the screen o r f

23、l o ating and undo cked.As yo u mo ve to wards the to p,bo l l o m.l eft,o r right edges,o f Ihe Pho l o Mo del er windo w,the to o l bar wil l beco me do cked and snap into po sitio n.Yo u can fl o at yo ur to o l bar anywhere o n yo ur screen.When the to o l bar is fl o ating,yo u can hide it by c

24、l icking the cl o se butto n o n the to p right o f the to o l bar.To make it visibl e again,right cl ick anywhere in the menu o r to o l bar area and sel ect a to o l bar to to ggl e its visibil ity.When yo u first instal l Pho to Mo del er,the Standard To o l bar and Mo des To o l bar wil l be vis

25、ibl e.Other to o l bars wil l be hidden(hidden to o l bars can be made visibl e by right cl icking anywhere in the menu o r to o l bar area and sel ect a to o l bar to to ggl e its visibil ity,o r using the To o l bar Custo mizatio n).The to o l bars sho w mo st co mmo nl y used to o l s fo r these

26、types o f pro jects and simpl ify the user interface(al l to o l s sho wn o n to o l bars are al so avail abl e as items o n the Main menu;the to o l bars pro vide q uick access to the mo st o ften used to o l s).The fo l l o wing sho ws o ne o f the typical to o l bar setups in Pho l o Mo del er:rG

27、 4 紧流、%/。:;E 6,/国门需二国,国“国国 Q圃1里,用QQ/9即喙I愿The to p ro w is the main menu:Fil e Edit View Marking Referencing Pro ject Windo w Optio ns Hel pUnder the menu is the Standard to o l bar:rs4亮器*%X、xThe Standard to o l bar which co ntains the to l l o wing to o l s(fro m l eft to right):Getting Started-star

28、ts a new pro ject(see Gettinq Started Panel)Open Pro ject-o pen an existing pro ject fro m disk Save Pro ject-save the current pro ject to disk Undo the previo us actio n Sel ect Items mo de-enter 1he mo de where yo u can sel ect items in pho to s,tabl es,3D viewers Sel ect Regio n mo de-enter the m

29、o de where yo u can sel ect items by dragging a regio n in pho to and the 3D Viewer Po int Review Mo de-enter the mo de where yo u can review a po ints marking accuracy in their pho to s Mark Po ints mo de mark po ints o n features in a pho to Sub-pixel Target mo des-a dro p do wn menu pro viding va

30、rio us target and sphere marking to o l s Mark Lines mo de-draw l ines between po ints Mark Curves-a dro p do wn menu pro viding vario us curve marking to o l s Mark Surfaces-a dro p do wn menu pro viding vario us surface marking to o l s Mark Cyl inders mo de-mark cyl inders in a pho to Dimensio n

31、mo de-define dimensio ns(and anno tatio ns)o n pho to s Reference mo des-a dro p do wn menu pro viding vario us referencing to o l s,incl uding Referencing Mo de,Quick Reference and Po int Auto-detect Scal e Ro tate Wizard-initiate a wizard based to o l to define the Scal e and Ro tatio n o f a mo d

32、el Pro ject Status Repo rt-generate and displ ay a repo rt sho wing pro ject data to gauge q ual ity indicato rs Pro cess-pro cess the pro ject Run Smarl Match(Pho to Mo del er Scanner and Mo tio n o nl y)-start a SmartMatch pro ject to auto matical l y detect and match features in pho to s.To the r

33、ight o f the Standard to o l bar is the Layers and Material s to o l bar:-Default.O WhiteThe Layers and Material s to o l bar which co ntains the fo l l o wing to o l s(fro m l eft to right):Layers-add,remo ve,rename l ayers in the pro ject Current Layer-a dro pdo wn bo x used 1o assign o r set a l

34、ayer to sel ected items Material s-add,remo ve,edit material s in the pro ject Current Material-a dro pdo wn bo x used to assign a materialTo the right o f the Standard to o l bar is the Open Views to o l bar:rs日显同国园口 q 圃用.The Open Views to o l bar which co ntains the l o l l o wing to o l s(fro m l

35、 eft to right):Pho to List-sho ws the Pho t。List Pans fro m which yo u can o pen pho to s Visibil ity o n Pho to s-sho ws visibil ity pane o n which yo u can set what items appear o n pho to s External Geo metry Expl o rer-sho ws the External Geo metn/Expl o rer Pane fro m which yo u can add o r edi

36、t impo rted items in yo ur pro ject Pro perties-to ggl es the visibil ity o l the Pro perties Pane which displ ays vario us pro perties o f sel ected items Tabl es-sho ws a dro pdo wn l ist o f tabl e rel ated to o l s to generate o r o pen vario us tabl es(see Tabl es)Open a 3D View-o pens a new 3D

37、 Viewer in the 3D Viewers pane Enhance Image-to ggl es the visibil ity o f Enhance Imacie Pane which al l o ws yo u to mo dify the displ ay o f pho to s Measurements-sho ws the Measurements Pane which displ ays measurement info rmatio n abo ut sel ected items(see Measuhnq Features)Pro ject Review Pa

38、ne-displ ays info rmatio n o n the pro jects q ual ity and status(see Pro ject Review Pane)Pho to Zo o m to o l s-a dro pdo wn l ist o f vario us zo o m and pan actio ns to be used o n pho to s Zo o m to Fit Al l-used to adjust 1he zo o m o f al l o pen pho to s so that they fit and are ful l y visi

39、bl e in their pho to windo ws Til e Active Pane-til es al l windo ws in 1he active paneSee Menu/To o l Reference and Preferences fo r mo re inio rmal io n o n to o l l unctio ns and ho w to set up a new user interface.No te:To o l bars are ful l y custo mizabl e.See To o l bar Custo mizatio n.Also N

40、ote:Yo u can remind yo ursel f abo ut the functio n o f to o l s by pl acing the mo use curso r o ver a to o l and reading the to o l tip.More:Hidden Menu Items with User InterfacesCusto mizing Instal l abl e User InterfacesThemes,Styl es and SkinsInstructio n BarOther To o l barsTo o l bar Custo mi

41、zatio nHidden Menu Items with User InterfacesThis al so pro vides a way to simpl ify the to o l set which hel ps yo u q uickl y find the to o l s yo u need.Fo r exampl e,the Ro ad Scene Pro ject and Po ints Pro ject type hide so me l ess co mmo n menu items.Fo r exampl e,the pro ject menu bel o w sh

42、o ws items hidden:Pro ject Windo w Qptio ns Dei Q Pro cess.F5i 用 Run SmartPo ints Pro ject.lq Pro ject Status Repo rt.卜 Charts/Graphs.,$cal e/Ro tate Wizard.Scal e/Ro tate Viewer.Iq Cameras.ef Co ded Target Offsets.but if yo u ho l d the mo use o ver the menu fo r a l ew mo ments,o r if yo u cl ick

43、the expand butto n(do wn arro w)the menu expands to sho w al l items(tho se previo usl y hidden have a white backgro und):project Window Options QenseSuG process.F5i o Run SmartPomts Project.Lq Project Status Report.,七 Charts/Grjphs.J Jcale/Rotate Wiiird.Scale/Rotate Viewer.Audrt/Statistics.Shift+F5

44、总 Point Audit All.Ctrl+Q.己 Point Audit Selected.Qfio Cameras.0 Project Information.Open constraints dialog Constraint Definrtion Mode C方 Pest Pfocessing Modification.S Renumber.同 Idealize Project.Coded Target Offsets.No te:Yo u can o ptio nal l y cho o se to al ways sho w expanded menus in these use

45、r interface types o n the Other tab o f the To o l bar Custo mizatio n dial o g.Custo mizing Instal l abl e User InterfacesTo o l bars,menus,keybo ard sho rtcuts can be custo mized using To o l bar Custo mizatio n.To o l bar custo mizatio ns are sto red when Pho to Mo del er exits.See AMcatio n Data

46、 and Fil e Lo catio ns fo r info rmatio n o n the l o catio n o f sto red l ayo ut fil es.Themes,Styl es and SkinsThe Pho to Mo del er appl icatio n interfaces l o o k o r visual theme,can be custo mized in a variety ways.Co mpo nents o f the interface such as windo w titl e bars,dial o g bo xes and

47、 their co ntro l s,and o ther vario us user interl ace el ements can be custo mized using themes and Visual styl e fil es(o r skins).A visual styl e fil e co ntains a descriptio n and settings to displ ay visual el ements in certain styl es o r co l o rs.Pho to Mo del er instal l s a set o f styl e

48、fil es in the SkinStyl es subfo l der o f yo ur Appl icatio n Data fo l der(see Ao o l icatio n Data and Fil e Lo catio ns).Styl e fil es can al so be do wnl o aded fro m vario us websites.The fil es have extensio ns l ike.msstyl e o r 4.cjstyl esF,(do an o nl ine search fo r.msstyl es and yo ul l f

49、ind a variety o f sites sho wing l ibraries o f styl es and/o r instructio ns o n ho w 1o buil d yo ur o wn).Once yo u sel ect a styl e fil e,the Pho to Mo del er appl icatio n windo w and al l panes,dial o g bo xes,to o l bars/menus,co ntro l s etc wil l displ ay in that styl e.Ho w no ticeabl e Ih

50、e difterence is wil l depend o n ho w extensive 1he styl e fil e was devel o ped.So me are subtl e,so me are very o bvio us,but the feature is avail abl e to custo mize the l o o k and feel fo r yo ursel f.Yo u can enabl e a styl e/skin,using 1he settings o n Preferences-User l Eerface.where yo u ca


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