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1、小升初英语代词专项练习一选择题:1This term Miss Li teaches _ English and we love _ very much()Aour;herBus;sheCus;her2Lets play games, _ first,and _ second()ALucy and you ,I and Lily BI and Lucy, Lucy and youCI and you, Lucy and Lily DYou and Nancy, Lucy and I3My mom made _ a birthday cake last night My mother never

2、 makes _ for my birthday She buys something()Ame; anything Bmy; it Cme; nothing Dmy; one4Today is _ birthday Amy bought a present for _()Ahis, heBher, herChis, herDher, hers5My parents dont live with meWhat about_?They dont live with me,eitherI miss them so much()AyouBthemCyours6Is that _ hat? No, i

3、ts not_ Its_()Ayour, my, Toms Byou, my, Toms Cyour, mine, Toms7Is this your shoe? Yes,it is,but where is _?()Athe others Bother one Canother Dthe other one8My dog is fatter than _()AhimBheChis9An old friend of my sisters always helps my brother and _ with _ lessons()AI; our Bme; ourselves CI; my Dme

4、; our10I want to buy _()Asomething eat Bsomething to eat Canything to eat11There isnt _ water hereCould you get _ for me?All right()Asome; anyBany; anyCany; some12There are thirty pupils in our class_ of them are young pioneers()AAnyBEitherCAll13Some students go to school by bike,and _ walk to schoo

5、l()AanotherBthe otherCotherDothers14Kate, Han Mei told us Would you like to tell us ?()Asomething interesting, anything else Bsomething interesting, else anythingCinteresting something,anything else Dinteresting something, else anything15They are _ pens_ are in my desk()Ahis;MyBher;MineCher;My16I ma

6、de the cake by _ Help _,Tom Thanks, Jane()Aourselves,yourself Bmyself,yourself Cmyself,yourselves Dourselves,yourselves17Toms mother was not at home last week,so he cooked meals for _()AherBhimChersDhimself18Are they _ raincoats or _?()Atheir, ours Btheir, our Ctheirs, ours Dtheir, us19There are abo

7、ut six bridges over Yangtze River in JiangsuOne is for trains,_ are all for cars and trucks()Athe other Bthe others Canother five DOthers20I dont think I am different from _ elseI am just the son of an ordinary farmerMo Yan said()AsomeoneBeveryoneCanyoneDeach one21My friend Rose always hurts _ playi

8、ng sports, so her mother worries about _ very much()Aher; her Bherself; her Cher; herself Dherself, herself22You cant find _ in such a small place()Asomething to eat Bnothing to eat Canything to eat Danything23Whose bag is bigger,_ or _?()Ayou; I Byours; my Cyours; mine Dmy; his24I have two friends

9、in the new class One is Jack, is Liu Mei()Aanother one Bthe other Cthe others Dother one25These are Bettys books _, please()Agive it to her Bgive them for her Cgive them to her26_ season do you like best?()AWhatBWhichCWho27_ did you go there?By bike()AWhatBWhereCHow28_ will they go to see Beijing Op

10、era?()AWhat time BWhen Cboth A and B29Hello,Sam _ is Bobby speaking()AItBThisCThat30Yang Ling and I _ have the same hobbies()AallBbothCare31_ takes me two hours to travel by plane()AItBTheyCHe32Im a little hungry, Mom There are some cakes on the plate You can take _()AitBthisCthatDone33Could you len

11、d me your dictionary? I left _ at home Certainly ()AitBmyCmineDyours34Would you like _ cup of tea?()AotherBsomeCanotherDany二填空题:35用how old; which; whose; how; what填空:1 tall is Yao Ming? Hes 2.26 metres2 is the elephant Its about sixty years old3 size are your shoes,Amy? Size 84 schoolbag are heavier

12、,Mikes or yours? Mikes,I think5 season do you like best? Spring36 (it) body is hard37Whats wrong with (they)38Are there (picture) on the wall?参考答案:一选择题:1C; 2D; 3A; 4B; 5C; 6C; 7D; 8C; 9D; 10B; 11C; 12C; 13D; 14A; 15B; 16B; 17D; 18A; 19B; 20C; 21B; 22C; 23C; 24B; 25C; 26B; 27C; 28C; 29B; 30B; 31A; 32D; 33C; 34C;二填空题:35How;How old;What;Whose;Which; 36Its; 37them; 38any;pictures; 39Their;They;them;3


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