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1、Maritime China|中国远洋海运1航运人语EDITORIAL数字化供应链:从能力培育到产品创新 陈莉日前,堪称行业“嘉年华”的“2023北外滩国际海运论坛”落下帷幕。本届论坛上,中远海运集团陈扬帆副总经理就数字化供应链作了题为 如山之泰,“数”能生巧;如月之恒,“链”接全程 的主旨演讲。演讲强调了两个概念:“能力”和“产品”。能力,指的是数字供应链的构建能力,即通过数字化串联各项单点业务资源实现流程自动化、智慧化、便利化,为客户提供一体化全链服务的能力。产品,即依托能力面向不同的客户提供针对性数字供应链解决方案,如中远海运推出的“泰鸿”等“泰”字系列、“恒美达”等“恒”字系列的数字化



4、新的两端代运场景,需跳出传统“船东”思维,立足“客户”视角,练好能力建设的内功。通过流程重构与再造,新的产品服务模式兼顾了签约主体、定价主体、结算主体、法律风险隔离、结算流程和账期、国内客服与海外地服的协同机制,并实现了全程可视化。又如,中远海运依托Syncon Hub推出的“泰”系列产品,集中国大陆地区海运、关务、拖车、境外拖车服务为一体,其“数字化”原理是基于系统交互需求,对内实现了SynCon Hub前台与各个资源运营中台、技术数据中台(包括TMS、IRIS-4、ECP等资源集成平台)的互联互通,整合了信息流、业务流,从而为外部客户提供了在线询价、下单、改单、订舱、订单旅程跟踪等端到端全

5、程可视化服务。目前,客户可通过SynconHub客户端,随时获取提空、返重、报关、进港、装船、开航、中转、到港、卸船、提重、还空等10多个关键节点的物流状态,全程尽在掌握。综上可见,以中远海运为代表的航运企业正在以“能力+产品”建设为抓手,助力供应链数字化创新发展,推动全球经济融通和国际贸易繁荣。对于航运企业来说,一手抓能力提升,一手抓产品创新,双管齐下方能相得益彰。(作者单位:中远海运集装箱运输有限公司)2Digital Supply Chain:From Capability Cultivation to Product InnovationThe 2023 North Bund Inte

6、rnational Shipping Forum,a carnival of the industry,has recently dropped its curtain.At the forum,Chen Yangfan,Executive VP of COSCO SHIPPING Group,delivered a keynote speech on digital supply chain with the title of Digit is Versatile like the Grand Mountain and Chain Connects the Whole Process lik

7、e the Eternal Moon.The speech stressed two concepts:capabilities and products.Capabilities refer to the ability to construct the digital supply chain,that is,to actualize automatic,intelligent and convenient process with digital series connection of various single-point business resources,and the ab

8、ility to provide customers with integrated full-chain services.Products refer to providing targeted digital supply chain solutions to different customers based on the capabilities.For example,COSCO SHIPPING has launched digital supply chain products of both Talent and Hi series,such as Talent Pegasu

9、s and Hi America Delivery.Cultivating capabilities and innovating products are the pivot and lever in building the digital supply chain.Capabilities are the pivot which is integrated with core resources of various services.Only with the support of this pivot can products leverage the needs of supply

10、 chain customers.Once the capability cultivation is in place,product innovation matures naturally.Capabilities are the root and products are the fruit.Capabilities are the foundation of product development and the guarantee of brand building.In recent years,A.P.Moller-Maersk has implemented internal

11、 brand integration,external logistics acquisition,and expanded air freight services.By organizing logistics business resources,this shipping group has been forging its comprehensive supply chain service capabilities,which are the ability to overall plan,allocate and integrate logistics resources and

12、 also the development ability,driven by customer demand,to achieve whole-process visibility and full-chain control.EDITORIAL栏目责编:陶润元 By Chen LiMaritime China|中国远洋海运3Digital Supply Chain:From Capability Cultivation to Product InnovationIn recent years,COSCO SHIPPING has been devoted to integrated con

13、figuration,operation and construction of shipping,port and logistics,enhancing the construction of global supply chain resource and system capabilities including trailers,warehouses,terminals and customs affairs.COSCO SHIPPING has achieved a series of achievements based on capability building,includ

14、ing the official operation of the trailer platform in Chinese Mainland by COSCO SHIPPING Holdings Co.,Ltd.,and the inauguration of COSCO SHIPPING(South America)Supply Chain Management Co.,Ltd.Supply chain resource platforms and operation platforms in Europe,America,and Southeast Asia are also being

15、promoted in good order.Meanwhile,COSCO SHIPPING has been actively building efficient trust based on digital ecosystem,strong security of digital bases,and accelerating the promotion of innovative service products which are smooth in operation,agile and intelligent.Capabilities face inward and produc

16、ts face outward.Capability cultivation focuses on internal capability enhancement while product innovation focuses on external image.The internal and external efforts complement each other.Starting from meeting the needs of supply chain customers,we should convert capabilities into standardized,syst

17、ematic and intelligent products and keep on innovating products and services.Taking the Hi America Delivery COSCO SHIPPING has launched as an example,this product portfolio is aimed at cross-border e-commerce logistics industry,involving a brand-new both-end freight forwarding scenario.It requires t

18、o jump out of the conventional shipowners thinking,base on the customers perspective,and well enhance internal capability construction.Through process reengineering and recreation,the new product service model has integrated the collaborative mechanism involving contracting entities,pricing entities

19、,settlement entities,legal risk isolation,settlement process and payment period,domestic customer service and overseas local services.The entire process is visible.Another example is products of the Talent series that COSCO SHIPPING has launched on the Syncon Hub,which integrates shipping,customs af

20、fairs,and trailer services at home and abroad.Based on system interaction needs,the products have internally connected the front desk of SynCon Hub with operation middle platforms and technical data platforms of various of resources(including TMS,IRIS-4,ECP and other resource integration platforms),

21、and integrated information flow and business flow.Thus,the products can provide end-to-end whole-process visible services for external customers,including online inquiry,ordering,order modification,booking,and order tracking.At present,through the Syncon Hub client,customers can be timely informed o

22、f more than 10 key milestones of the logistics process,including empty pickup,heavy return,customs declaration,approaching,loading,sailing,transit,arrival,unloading,heavy pickup,and empty return.As seen from above,shipping companies represented by COSCO SHIPPING are focusing on the construction of c

23、apabilities+products,assisting in the digital innovation and development of supply chains,and promoting global economic integration and international trade prosperity.Shipping companies shall attach equal significance to capability improvement and product innovation because the two aspects complement each other.(The author is from COSCO SHIPPING Lines Co.,Ltd.)


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