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1、Unit 91 He scooped up the little boy and ran from the fire 2 The boss assigned me to check the quality of all goods leaving the factory 3 We have taken all the precautions we can against the painting being stolen 4 The company is selling off some of its buildings in an effort to accumulate capital 5

2、 When you are learning to drive , having a good teacher makes a big difference 6 Rumour has it that he was killed in a raid in the local area7 Adams refusal to work overtime enraged his boss 8 I was pleasantly surprised to see an old friend who appeared at the party out of the blue Unit 111 He was h

3、ospitalized with acute appendicitis , with the result that he missed the final examination 2 As many more people came to the lecture than expected , there were not enough handouts to go round3 No matter what a long day he may have , he makes a point of checking his e-mail box before going to bed 4 U

4、nemployment is found in all countries in the world , but the governments vary their way to handle the problem5 Anyone who has come to a foreign country for the first time is apt to find everything around him both strange and interesting 6 The football fans were very disappointed at the performance o

5、f the players of both teams 7 Never take what he says at face value . Think it over yourself 8 The doctors words removed his fears about the operationUnit 121 On average , 18% of our daily calories come from sugar 2 Ford Automobile Plant was shut down for two months as a result of the strike 3 Hes d

6、ecided to give up his business and dedicate himself to charity 4 The cultural life in the country cannot compare with that of a large city 5 The countrys independence celebrations carried on as if nothing had happened 6 The report allows the readers to make a direst comparison between the two types

7、of car 7 The existing (present ) stocks of coal should meet our needs for the coming year 8 He remained there for hours deep in thought , contemplating the mysteries of the universe Unit 131 Global climate change may have been responsible for the extinction of the dinosaur 2 Patients with incurable

8、illness often seek alternative treatments such as homeopathy 3 Economic theory predicts that a fall in the price of a commodity will lead to an increase in consumption 4 The congress is expected to take strong actions on the problem of organized crime 5 The ever-present threat of unemployment makes

9、workers less willing to go on strike 6 Elderly people may face some psychological problems that result from their loss of independence 7 The car industry , like most other industries , is feeling the effects of the recession 8 Your success at college partly depends on how well you can adapt yourself

10、 to the new environment Unit 141 Its important to draw a distinction between the policies of the leaders and the views of their supporters 2 In Europe , the color white symbolizes purity but in Asia it is often the symbol of mourning 3 The tour group is confined to the planned activities 4 Once the

11、rumour gets round , hell never work in this town again 5 Hes always running out of money before payday 6 He got the Nobel Prize for Peace because he was engaged in the promotion of world peace all his life 7 The children have found it difficult to adapt to living in an apartment -they want a garden

12、to play in 8 A Swiss company has found a way to convert animal waste into fuel Unit 151 Bad luck has come upon us ever since we moved into the new house 2 Renovating your house can be a costly and time-consuming business 3 The government is planning to simplify the tax laws so that they are easier t

13、o operate 4 Before moving abroad , he had to part with the favourite books that had been kept for years 5 The railways have been deprived of the fund they need for modernization 6 After so many years toiling and moiling for other people , he was glad to have the chance of working for himself 7 You can deposit your valuables in the hotel safe 8 I have to draw upon my savings to pay for the repairs 1


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