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1、博士学位论文基于柱-机联合的硫化矿分级浮选研究Study on Classification Flotation of Sulphide Ore Based on Collaboration of Flotation Column and Flotation Cell二一二年十月摘 要在硫化矿的分选过程中,大部分硫化矿在磨矿细度相对较粗的情况下就可以达到分选要求,较粗的磨矿细度意味着在硫化矿分选中具有更宽的粒级范围,对宽粒级含金黄铁矿的分选过程进行分析研究,发现浮选柱对较粗粒级的回收效果不佳,而浮选机对细粒级分选的选择性较差,进一步的分析研究表明:在工业生产中,浮选机用于快浮和稳定性扫选所得精







8、单段磨矿。101AbstractThe required grinding fineness for sulfide ore flotation is usually coarser, which means the wider size friction in the processing. It was found that the flotation column couldnt process the coarser particles efficiently, and the flotation cell had less selectivity in finer particles

9、 during the processing a pyrite containing gold ore in some dressing plant of Shandong Province, further investigations showed that the mean particle size of the concentrate of flotation cells used as the fast and scavenging flotation were 0.09mm while the mean particle size of the concentrate of cy

10、clonic-static micro-bubble flotation column (FCSMC) used in rough and clean flotation in the same system were 0.06mm, which also proved the granularity effect for both flotation column and cells, the same conclusion can also be induced in the processing of sulfide copper ore in Dahongshan copper min

11、e.The flotation dynamic analyses of the flotation process are carried out by the theoretical research in flotation process of the collision, attachment and stability of mineral particles and bubbles, and the relationship of mineral granularity and the flotation processing surroundings: The lower tur

12、bulence intensity, bigger bubble diameter, bigger aeration volume, smaller ascending distance of mineralized bubble and bigger dosage of flotation reagents were needed with the enlarging of the mineral granularity, some of which was also validated by laboratory experiment in Dahongshan copper mine.

13、Then the capture probability expressions of different mineral granularity in different flow patterns was conducted based on the further deducing of the granularity effect.The results of study on the different flotation equipment are shown as follows:The characteristics of flotation process of FCSMC

14、are involving in higher turbulence intensity, taller ascending distance of mineralized bubble, smaller bubble diameter, and higher foam layer than those of flotation cells in flotation process According to the coupling of the requirement of the different mineral granularity and the flotation charact

15、eristics the different flotation methods, it can be concluded that the flotation characteristics of FCSMC are suitable to the requirements of the fine particles while flotation cells to coarse particles. So the granularity effect evitably occurred when the wider particle size materials are only proc

16、essed by one kind of flotation methods, because of the mismatching of material requirement and the equipment characteristics.The flotation process with multiple flow patterns and step enhancement based on the multiple flow patterns of FCSMC itself and FCSMC and flotation cell is founded, which empha

17、size on characteristics of the granularity profile and flotability of minerals.Further researches are developed to fulfill the flotation process with multiple flow patterns and step enhancement, then the grinding and classification systems are modified by the usage of reclassification hydrocyclones,

18、 which solves the separations of fineness, concentration and ore mass rate in wide granularity friction mineral by utilizing the residual pressure of the former hydrocyclone and the height of the two hydrocyclones, and its founded that the usage of the latter hydrocyclone have no effect to the grind

19、ing and classification systems by calculations and stimulations Then the obstacles in FCSMC and flotation cell classification flotation system are smoothly removed.And the flotation flowsheet of classification of FCSMC and flotation cell in sulfide copper ore is carried out in Dahongshan copper mine

20、. Some conclusions can be attained from the laboratory experiment in Dahongshan mine.1) The flotation performances of the classification flotation are better than that of direct flotation for both the FCSMC and flotation cells.2) The flotation performances of new technology of coupling FCSMC process

21、ing fine particle and flotation cell processing coarse particle are even better than that of classification flotation only by FCSMC or flotation cells.3) With the condition of “one stage roughing and one stage cleaning” flowsheet in fine particle and “one stage roughing, one stage scavenging, rough

22、concentration regrinding and two stage cleaning” flowsheet in coarse particle, the concentrate containing 21.93% Cu with the recovery of Cu 95.88% was attained by the coupling new technology, which is 1.56 percentages higher than that of direct flotation in copper recovery at almost the same copper

23、grade.The comparison of products characteristics between one stage and two stages grinding is proposed, and it is found that the yields of the finest and coarsest granularity in production of one stage grinding are much larger than that of two stages grinding, which is the most important reason of t

24、he worse flotation performance in flotation of one stage grinding products.The study on classification flotation of sulfide ore based on collaboration of FCSMC and flotation cell is carried out in industrial experiment in Dahongshan copper mine, and some conclusions are also can be drawn.1)The flota

25、tion performance of classification flotation based on collaboration of FCSMC and flotation cell in the 3rd system are 3 percentages higher in copper grade of concentration and 0.5 percentages higher in recovery than that of direct flotation in former producing in the 3rd system.2) The flotation perf

26、ormance of flotation cell in the 3rd system are 3.5 percentages higher in copper grade of concentration and 0.1 percentages higher in recovery than that of direct flotation in former producing in the 3rd system, which is better than that of direct flotation.3) The flotation performance of FCSMC in t

27、he 3rd system are 1 percentage higher in copper grade of concentration and 1 percentages higher in recovery than that of direct flotation in former producing in the 3rd system.The granularity and liberation analyses of flotation product of the FCSMC show that the FCSMC has processed all the mineral

28、granularity perfectly, the lower grade of concentrates are because of the lower liberation degree, and the reasons of the lower recovery of floatation cell comes from the lower recovery in coarse particle mineral which are produced by one stage grinding in the3rd system and the deficiency of the sca

29、venging equipment configuration mode. The flotation performance of flotation cell and FCSMC in the flotation flowsheet of classification flotation based on collaboration of FCSMC and flotation cell, are both better than that of direct flotation, which is the realization of efficient separation of wi

30、der granularity sulfide copper ore by coupling of characteristics ore and flotation equipment. There are 31 pictures, 58 charts and 148 reference documents in the dissertation.Keywords: collaboration of cyclonic-static micro-bubble flotation column and flotation cell; classification flotation; separ

31、ation mechanism; sulfphide ore; one stage grinding. Extended AbstractThe required grinding fineness of sulfide ore is usually coarser for flotation, which means the wider size friction in the flotation of these ores. It was found that the .flotation column couldnt process the coarser particles effic

32、iently, and the flotation cell had less selectivity in finer particles during the processing the pyrite containing gold ore in some dressing plant of Shandong Province, further investigations showed that the mean particle size of the concentrate of flotation cells used as the fast and scavenging flo

33、tation were 0.09mm while the mean particle size of the concentrate of cyclonic-static micro-bubble flotation column (FCSMC) used in rough and clean flotation in the same system were 0.06mm, which also proved the granularity effect for both flotation column and cells. And the same gold grade of the t

34、ailings of FCSMC and flotation column can be achieved in another pyrite containing gold ore in Shandong Province, while the grade of the concentrate of FCSMC is 12.69g/t higher than that of flotation column, the analysis of the flotation products indicated that the FCSMC can deal with the finer part

35、icles with higher selectivity and efficiency and the flotation cell does better in coarser ones, the same rules can also be seen in the processing of sulfide copper ore in Dahongshan copper mine.The granularity effect was analyzed by studying the influence factors in flotation process of the collisi

36、on, attachment and stability of mineral particles and bubbles. The equations of probability of the process of collision (Pc), attachment (Pa) and stability (Ps) can be shown as follows: (In lower turbulence intensity) (In higher turbulence intensity)The granularity effect can be described as that lo

37、wer turbulence intensity, bigger bubble diameter, bigger aeration volume, smaller ascending distance of mineralized bubble and bigger dosage of flotation reagents were needed with the enlarging of the mineral particle size by further analysis of the foregoing equations, some of which was also valida

38、ted by laboratory experiment. Then the capture probability expressions of different particle size in different flow patterns was conducted based on the further deducing of the granularity effect.The equation of capture probability in turbulent flow for fine particles:The equation in laminar flow for

39、 fine particles:The equation in turbulent flow for coarse particles:The equation in laminar flow for fine particles:The results of study on the different flotation equipment are shown as follows:The characteristics of flotation process of FCSMC are involving in higher turbulence intensity, taller as

40、cending distance of mineralized bubble, smaller bubble diameter, and higher foam layer. And that of the flotation cells are containing lower turbulence intensity, shorter ascending distance of mineralized bubble, bigger bubble diameter, and lower foam layer. According to the coupling of the requirem

41、ent of the different mineral particle size and the flotation characteristics the different flotation equipment, it can be concluded that the flotation characteristics of FCSMC are suitable to the requirements of the fine particles while flotation cells to coarse particles. So the granularity effect

42、evitably occurred when the wide particle size materials are processed by any kind of flotation equipment, because of the mismatching of material requirement and the equipment characteristics.The flotation process with multiple flow patterns and step enhancement based on the multiple flow patterns of

43、 FCSMC itself and FCSMC and flotation cell is founded, which emphasize on characteristics of the granularity profile and flotability of minerals.Further researches are developed to fulfill the flotation process with multiple flow patterns and step enhancement, then the grinding and classification sy

44、stems are modified by the usage of reclassification hydrocyclones, which solves the separations of fineness, concentration and ore mass rate between the FCSMC and flotation cell system. Then the obstacles in FCSMC and flotation cell classification flotation system are smoothly removed.And the flotat

45、ion flowsheet of classification of FCSMC and flotation cell in sulfide copper ore is carried out in Dahongshan copper mine; some conclusions can be attained from the laboratory experiment in Dahongshan mine.1) The flotation performances of the classification flotation are better than that of direct

46、flotation for both the FCSMC and flotation cells.2) The flotation performances of new technology of coupling FCSMC processing fine particle and flotation cell processing coarse particle are even better than that of classification flotation only by FCSMC or flotation cells.3) With the condition of “o

47、ne stage roughing and one stage cleaning” flowsheet in fine particle and “one stage roughing, one stage scavenging, rough concentration regrinding and two stage cleaning” flowsheet in coarse particle, the concentrate containing 21.93% Cu with the recovery of Cu 95.88% was attained by the coupling ne

48、w technology, which is 1.56 percentages higher than that of direct flotation in copper recovery at almost the same copper grade.The comparison of products characteristics between one stage and two stages grinding is proposed, and it is found that the unit volume capacity of the one stage grinding is

49、 0.2t/(m3h) lower, fineness of the products of grinding is 2-3 percentages lower and the recovery is 0.5 percentage lower than that of two stage grinding.And the screening of the shows that the yields of the 0.074mm particles are 2.58 percentages higher, and 0.010mm particle are 5.83 percentages higher than that of two stage grinding, which means the un


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