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2、种题型进行解析,以供同学们掌握这一类型题的解题技巧。的解翘技巧。I选择型的完形填空将一篇短文,每隔若干个单词空出一个词,并给出四个可选项,让同学们从中选出正确的一项,有10个空的,也有15个空的。该题型客观性强,难度适中。例1:10个空的短文篇When Roy was four years old,his father _1_in an accident,leaving his mather and himAfter Roy left high school,he wanted_2_to a good college in his hometownBut his mother would pa

3、y _3_ money for his college education.“Ill try to do something for you as soon as you pass the entrance exam,”said his matherRoy took the examAs a result,he could enter the college _4_he didnt get very high scoresHis mother was very excited, but she knew quite a lot of money would be needed. The nex

4、t day, she sold her car and asked her boss _5_another four hours work every dayShe even had two jobs, one during the day and _6_at nightShe had to walk to work and work twelve hours a day, seven days a week, but she didnt _7_She thought her son education was worth so muchA term passed. Roy took his

5、first exam after entering the college. When the results were told, Roy ran home to_8_ his mother the news.Mum, he said. Ive got my exam resultsYou must be very, _9_You mean youve passed? she asked happilyNoI havent You can get your car back and stop _10_ like that now on1. A. fell B. died C. was hur

6、t D. was hit2. A. to go B. to come C. going D. coming3. A. some B. no C. much D. little4. A. and B. so C. although D. because5. A. to B. for C. with D. of6. A. the others B. others C. another D. the other7. A. complain B. refuse C. quarrel D. laugh8. A. talk B. speak C. say D. tell9. A. worried B. s

7、hy C. pleased D. free10. A. to work B. working C. work D. not working解析:这篇短文有10个空。它的解题技巧是:做题时要根据文章的上下文判断。通过第一遍快速浏览整篇文章了解故事大意,再詹前顾后了解空白处的选项,根据文章的上下文来捕捉关键词、短语及句子和暗示词、短语或句子,进一步地推敲选项是否适合于句子意思要求,来作出最后的判断。现在对文章空白处的进项作一一解析:1空选B项,可以根据” leaving his mather and him”的意思章判定为died;2空选A项,“wanted to do sth”结构,排除C、D项

8、,根据语境说话地点在大学外,“上大学”表示为“to go to a college”排除B项;3空选C项,从此句可以知道“接受大学教育会花许多钱”;4空选C项,根据前后两句中关键词“could enter the college”和“didnt get very high scores”判定是“虽然但是”的关系;5空选B项,通过ask sbfor sth结构可以判定该空直填for;6空选D项,考查学生是否对two for“one the other”:many for“some others”;more than three for “onethe others”;more than thre

9、e for“anther”结构的区别,由本句中的暗示词“two jobs”,和关键词“one”,可以推测该空白处应该填“the other”;7 空选A项,通过上下句意思和本句关键词“but”以及下句中的暗示词“worth”可以推测“尽管工作时间长,但没有抱怨,儿子在大学的教育值那么多”,故选用complain;8空选D项,考察了学生对“speak to sb about sth”,“say sth to sb”,“talk to/with sb about sth”,“tell sb sth”结构的区别,显然本句是“tell mother the news”故选tell;9 空选C项,浏览这

10、四个选项,理解本句的上下句意思,由儿子拿到考试结果通知单后的举动和母亲高兴地询问,可以把A、B、D项排除,选择pleased;10空选B项,考查学生的理解能力和是否把握了“stop to do sth”和“stop doing sth”结构在意思上的区别,文章最后的意思是“儿子考试不及格,被停学了,他叫母亲赎回车,从此不要那样辛苦工作了”,由此理解,应使用“stop doing sth”结构,即填working。核对答案:1-5 BACCB 6-10 DADCB要求把答案放入文章中,再次阅读原文,看看答案在原文意上是否有冲突或结构上是否有不妥之处。以便加以更正,确保正确。这步是考试中不可缺少的

11、。倒2:15 个空的短文篇Sarah Winchester lived in California. She was a very _1_ woman. She didnt buy many jewels(珠宝) or_2_ clothes._3_ she spent millions of dollars in _4_ a house. She began to do it at the age of 45. The strange thing about Sarahs _5_ was that it seemed never finished .the work on the house

12、went on for 38_6_ because Sarah was afraid to _7_ building it.Sarah s house was near San Jose. Every day, a lot of _8_ arrived there to work for her. Sarah wanted more rooms and more doors and more windows,_ 9_ the workers kept on building them. The house was seven floors high and had 160 rooms. The

13、re were 200 doors and l,000_10_. There were also three lifts, nine kitchens, and 47 fireplaces.Why did Sarah want a house that kept getting _11_? It was because Sarah was afraidof _12_.She thought she would die when the house was finished,so she didn t want her house to be finished.Sarah Winchesters

14、 _13_ seemed to have worked(奏效)_14_ she lived to be 83 years old. But _15_, her house was finished.1.A. poor B. rich C. useful D. B. expensive C. simple D. old3.A.Still B. Usually C. instead D. Even4. A. building B. buying C. selling D. setting5. A. door B. window C. kitchen D. house6

15、. A. years B. months C. weeks D. days7. A. keep B. enjoy C. stop D. help8. A. drivers B. worker C. farmer D. visitors9. A. but B. until C. since D. so10. A. floors B. kitchens C. windows D. roomsll. A. bigger B. smaller C. stronger D. cleaner12.A.working B. dying C. living D. growing13. A. age B. fa

16、mily C. plan D. husband14. A. or B. because C. neither D. nor15. A. hardly B. usefully C. carefully D. finally解析:这篇短文有15个空。它的解题技巧是:先跳过空白处,大致浏览短文,了解短文大意,再根据空白处的选项,从据文章的上下文来捕捉关键词、短语及句子和暗示词、短语及句子,进一步地瞻前顾后推敲选项是否适合于句子意思要求,来作出最后的判断。现在对文章空白处的进项作出解析:1空选B项;先跳过空白处,往下读到“she spent millions of dollars”中的关键词“mill

17、ions of dollars”才发现Sarah富有,故填rich;2空选B项;虽然她富有,但没有买珠宝或昂贵的衣服,与此意匹配的应该填expensive;3空选C项;根据上句“没有买珠宝或昂贵的衣服”和下句“花几百万美元”的关系得知填instead;4空选A项;从本句读到本段最后一句“. building it”时,才能断定填building;5空选D项;从本段时围绕修建“house”的事展开的,从暗示句“Sarah s house was near San Jose.”证实,再从选项中得知填house;6空选A项;从第一段中的“She began to do it at the age o

18、f 45.”和第四段的“she lived to be 83 years old.”“时间差额和从选项提供信息来看,应该是A项,故填years;7空选C项;从本句中的“she was afraid to”和选项提供的动词来看,只有填“stop”才符合其意,此外,从第三段意思可以证实,“_ 9_ the workers kept on building them.”故填stop;8空选B项;先浏览四个选项,再从下文“_ 9_ the workers kept on building them.”中的workers得知,故填workers;9空选D项;根据前个分句和后个分句的关系,含有“因为所以”

19、意味,故填so;10空选C项;从上句和下句列出的房屋内的设施和选项提供信息来看,只有“窗子”没有提到,空白处前的数目也符合窗子的扇数,因此填windows;11空选A项;从选项提供信息和第二段所建房屋规模中得知,符合本句意思的选项是A项,故选A;12空选B项;根据下句“She thought she would die when the house was finished”中的关键词“die”可知该处填dying;13空选C项;根据全文意思可知Sarah Winchester 在从事一项修建房屋的计划,从选项中可以直接看出与本句中的“to have worked(奏效)”相符合的是plan;

20、14空选B项;分句上下文意思关系和提供的选项,只能填because;15空选D项;根据提供的选项信息,捕捉关键词“but”,领会第三段最后句和本句,Sarah Winchester不愿发生的事但终于发生了,故填finally。核对答案:1-5 BBCAD 6-10ACBDC 11-15 ABCBD直接填词的完形填空给出一篇短文,让考生再每个空白处填入一个适当的词,使短文在结构和意义上完整,并将其答案写在文章看相应题号的横线上,有5、10、1个空的题。该题型主观性强,很灵活,主要涉及到有关同义词或近义词,难度偏大。例:阅读下面短文,在每个空白处填入一个适当的词,使短文再结构和意义上完整。Scho

21、ol education is very important and useful. Yet no one can _1_ everything at school and teacher cannot teach his _2_ everything they want to know. His _3_ to show his students _4_ to learn.He teach them how to read _5_ how to think. So much more is to be learned outside school by the students _6_.It

22、is always more _7_ to know how to study _8_ oneself. It is quite _ 9_ to learn something but it is difficult to solve problems. Great inventors do not get everything _10_ school, but they still can _11_ many things and change the world at lot.How can the inventors do all of this? _12_ of the answers

23、 is:they_13_ how to study. A lot of things are not _14_ in the classroom. They get a lot _15_ knowledge by reading outside school. They work hard and give up all their lives.解析:这篇短文有15个空。先跳过空白处,大致浏览短文,了解短文大意,再逐句逐段推敲空白处所要填的词语,从文章的上下文来捕捉关键词、短语及句子和暗示词、短语及句子,进一步地瞻前顾后推敲选项是否适合于句子意思要求,来作出最后的判断。现在以这篇短文为例作出解

24、析:1空填learn/study均可;根据上句意思,本句关联词”yet”和下句关键词“teacheverything at school”就可以断定本空填learn或study;2空填pupils/students均可;“his”后跟名词,老师教的对象当然是学生,而在学校,老师所教的学生不止一个,因此要考虑复数,故填pupils或students;3空填work/job均可;根据作表语的不定式“to show his students_4_ to learn.”可以断定为“工作”性质,如,My job is to sell computer,故填work或job;4空填how;根据下句“He

25、teach them how to read _5_ how to think.”中的关键词“how”来填,暗示上句老师的工作是给学生展示怎样学习,故填how;5空填and;“how to read”和“how to think”都做teach的直接宾语,如果是否定句用or连接,而本句是肯定句,因此填and;6空填themselves;本句中的“by the students”意思是靠学生们自己,再这里加强语气,需要使用反身代词作the students的同位语,故填themselves;7空填necessary/important均可;根据句中的不定式“to know how to stud

26、y _8_ oneself”关键词语,可以推出它的“重要性和必要性”,此外还要注意借助“more”变比较级的形容词,由此填necessary或important;8空填by;根据本句意思,把握“study by oneself”表“自学”的结构,故填by;9空填easy;根据由“but”连接的上下句意思和“but”引导的分词中的“difficult”可以判断填“difficult”的反义词“容易”,故填easy10空填from/in/at均可;根据“get sth from some place”,“at school”或“in school”固定结构得知,故填from,in或at;11空填i

27、nvent/do/make均可;根据由“but”连接的上下句意思和上一个分句中的关键词“inventors”可以得知填发明家所做的事,注意暗示词“can+动词原形”,由此太难invent或make以外还可根据下一段第一句中的谓语动词填do;12空填One;直接联想“one of the+复数名词+is”结构,只要注意所填词语位于句首时要大些,即填One;13空填know;根据上句意思及时态和本句暗示词“they”作主语,故填know;14空填taught/learned/learnt均可;此空要考虑“things”与要填的动词关系是被动关系即用被动语态,该填过去分词,抓住暗示词“in the

28、room”可以得知,应填/learned/learnt,由于不知施动者是谁,也可以填taught;15空填of;“get a lot _ knowledge”意思是“获得更多知识”,“许多”的结构是“a lot of”,故填of。核对答案:1. learn/study 2. pupils/students 3. work/job 4. how 5. and 6. themselves7. necessary/important 8. by 9. easy 10. from/in/at 11. invent/do/make 12. One13. know 14. taught/learned/l

29、earnt 15. of 用提供词语的完形填空给短文空白处提供了词语,要求学生在每个空白处填入所结词的适当形式,使短文在结构和意义上完整。本题很新颖,考查学生灵活运用词汇的程度。例:从下面方框中选出10个但单词,用它们的适当形式填入短文空格内,使短文意思正确、通顺(每词限用一次)。feel give turn work help wait thing near he only final oneA woman was eating in a restaurant. She asked the waiter to do many _1_ for her. Now she was _2_ the

30、waiter a lot of trouble. _3_, she asked the waiter to turn on the air conditioner(空调) because she _4_ too hot. Then she asked him _5_ it off because she was too cold. This went on and on for _6_ half an hour.But the waiter was very kind and _7_. He did everything the woman asked _8_ to do without ge

31、tting angry. _ 9_, someone else in the restaurant asked why the _10_ didnt just throw the woman out . Oh. I dont care. the waiter said, smiling. We dont even have an air conditioner. 解析:这篇短文有10个空,提供了10个单词,先明确所提供单词的意思,再通读短文,了解大意,大致给所给定的单词定位,然后逐句分析定位单词在形式、时态、语态方面的要求去捕捉关键词和暗示词,并用它们的适当形式填入短文空格内,使短文意思正确、

32、通顺。现在以这篇文章为例作出解析:1空填things;根据本句意思“她要求服务员为她做许多事”,选中“thing”并抓住空白处钱的暗示词“many + 复数名词”,故填things;2空填giving;根据“give sb sth”结构,选中“give”并抓住空白处前的暗示词“was”,想到动词的过去进行时态“was + doing”结构,此外还得注意give现在分词形式giving,故填giving;3空填First;首先关注上下句中暗示词“then”得知选中First,此外注意句首大写,故填First;4空填felt;根据主句和because引导的从句意思,抓住关键词“too hot”,选

33、中“feel too hot”,再留心一下主句是过去时态,由此feel也应用过去时态,故填felt;5空填to turn;根据本句意思捕捉暗示词“turn sth off”选中“turn”,再把握“ask sb to do sth”结构,故填to turn;6空填nearly;根据本句意思和语气,再一段时间前可填棍鳝率甸意厚秘毒气在一段时间nearly;7空填helpful;分句本句意思,选中“help”,捕捉暗示词“very kind”,抓住关键词“was”,help必须用形容词即helpful,故填helpful;8空填him;此处填代词,选中“he”,再本句中作asked的冰雨,“he”

34、的宾格为“him”,故填him;9空填Finally;故事尾声,选中“final”,而且位于句首,修饰全句用副词,“final”的副词为finally,故填Finally;10空填waiter;本文中讲述的是the woman与the waiter的故事,选中“wait”,抓住关键词“the + 名词”,wait的名词为waiter,故填waiter。核对答案:1. things 2. giving 3. First 4. felt 5. to turn 6. nearly 7. helpful8. him 9. Finally 10. waiter解题技巧:1通读全文,了解大意:此环节一般是


36、克难关:对初读无法确定的答案,要通过二次阅读,并借助筛选、逻辑推理、排除等方法来解决;5再读全文,复查核对:有些答案从局部来看是正确的,但从整体上来看,就不定是最佳答案,所以还要把答案放在文章中去,再次通读全文,有利于从整体上复查核对答案,提高答案的正确性;6多关注生活:尤其关注近期发生的国内国外重大事件方面的阅读材料。清水混凝土的配合比设计中,要针对当地水泥、砂石、外掺料及外加剂等原材料影响混凝土质量的多种因素进行分析,确定主要控制因素,并从经济性和使用要求综合考虑,优选出符合生产条件的最优方案组合。obstacles, correcting misunderstandings, advoc

37、ate good cadre style. 2, adhere to the scientific decision-making and democratic decision-making decision-making law. Correctly handle to ensure that government decrees and based on the actual creative work, giving full play to subjective initiative, put an end to implement the conference meeting, t

38、o document the implementation of documents etc. Improve the scientific and democratic decision-making mechanism, improve and implement the decision to solicit the views of experts, the public hearing system. Improve the important decision of risk assessment mechanism and legal review mechanism. 3, t

39、o promote team unity. Uphold and improve the system of annual party book talk heart to heart, mind and Party members, Party members to exchange each other not less than 2 times. The implementation of sound team democratic life system, consolidate and enhance the partys mass line educational practice

40、 will promote the achievement of the topic of democratic life, criticism and self-criticism normalization, a long-term. Adhere to the party on the basis of the principle of unity, enhance internal communication, strengthen internal supervision, self Sleep maintenance team collective image and author

41、ity. (three) to ensure the execution is not strong or disguised to resist government decrees issues. Individual Bureau leadership team members lack of learning political theory system, not from the objective reality, not with the partys interests above all the principles to deal with personal proble

42、ms. In the specific work safety supervision in the execution is not strong, in the implementation of the decision to deploy the discount, make choices, engage in work, the implementation of the agreement, uncomfortable is not performed, open or disguised to resist, the lack of subject consciousness

43、of the party organization, the lack of resist in society all kinds of bad habits and unwholesome tendencies of courage Gas and courage. Such as the liability insurance of safe production work, individual leaders that have someone arrested, and no funding, not in the global chess perspective to the c

44、ountryside to carry out daily inspection, found none of my business acceptance of the resumption of production in an armchair, with a pen, indifferent. Corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, to strengthen the sense of

45、responsibility, work to solve the lack of decent occupation explain away, conduct problems. To establish the overall concept, eliminate departmentalism. Strict assessment and accountability, to solve the spiritual slack, nianqingpazhong, status quo, To establish and perfect the muddle along and othe

46、r issues. Bureau staff conduct work regulations, standardize the behavior of personnel. 2, strengthen the responsibility system. One is the in-depth study and implement the Hunan provincial Party and government leading cadres Interim Provisions on the work safety of a pair of (Hunan Office issued 2013 No.


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