1、BasketballBasketball1.Basketball is one of the shots,layups and dunks for competitive sports centercreatetime for 1892 January the United States of America to create artificial Massachusetts Anfield YMCA Training school teacherJames Naysmithbountil the specified 5 people perteam2.Basketball Sizebask
2、etball volume 7800mL,diameter 24.62cm.3.the benefits of basketball4.Raise sports spiritGet along with people and make friendsStrength self-confidenceIt is ofgareat benefit to our boneto geow5.Yao Mingthe greatest basketball player in China6.Basktball FieldFront court Front court 前前场场Freethrow line Freethrow line 罚罚球球线线Freethrow lane Freethrow lane 禁区禁区Back couet Back couet 后后场场7.Basketball FrameBack board Back board 篮篮板板Hoop Hoop 篮篮框框net net 篮篮网网8.Thanks9.