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1、英语第册-单元知识点 新人教 日期:7 英语第二册1-14单元知识点1. 分句 + so + 分句This is our first lesson, so I dont know all your names.2. 主句 + when + 从句Please say “here when I call your name.3. Thank sb. for doing sth.Thank you for making English fun / asking me / listening.4. want sb. to do sth.Mr Wu wants me to give a talk in

2、class tomorrow.5. the difference between and Yeah, talk about the difference between Chinese and English neames.6. be different fromI think this is difference from Chinese names.7. Im afraid + 从句Im afraid Ive no idea.Im afraid I may be a little late.8. be short forDave is short for David, isnt it?9.

3、 You know a lot aboutYou know a lot about English names.10. Im going to Im going to buy something for Mr Wu.11. make + 双宾语Why dont you make him a card?(make sb. sth. = make sth. for sb.)12. What does mean?What does Bai Feili mean? (= whats the meaning of .?)13. sound likePhillip tells them “ph sound

4、s like an “f.Your idea sounds like a good one.14. It meansIt means a waste of time.15. Why dont we go + doing?Why dont we go fishing at West Lake.?(go shopping / fishing / swimming / skating / hiking / skiing)16. be the first one to I want to be the first one to the top of the mountain.* be the firs

5、t one to do sth.He was the first (one ) to come to school yesterday.17. What do you call this?=How do you say this?18. want to take with 想随身携带They want to take some fruit with them.19. many different kinds ofThere are many different kinds of mooncakes.20. something + adj. (形容词)It has something sweet

6、 inside.( anything, nothing, everything + adj.)21. May I have a / an + 表示动作的名词?我可以吗?May I have a taste?(* have a look / swim / rest / try / talk )22. 主句主语 + 动词 + 比拟级 + than + 从句主语Lucy is younger than Jim. These books looks nicer than those ones.23. What for? 为什么?What do you want to buy that for? (=

7、Why do you want to buy that?)24. Its much +比拟级 + than + Its much bigger than a chicken.(* a little, a bit, even )Hes a little older than Harry.25. I have to I have to get home to do my work.26. My job is to do sth.My job is to feed the animals, too.27. like better than He likes the country better th

8、an the city.28. which (比拟级) , A or B?Which do you like better, the city or the country?29. Which (最高级), A, B or C?Which do you like best, dogs, cats or chickens?30. 主句 + after + 从句What are you going to do after you leave school?31. This is speaking.This is Lin Tao speaking.(= Li Tao here. / This is

9、Li Tao / This is Li Tao here / Li Tao speaking / Its Li Tao here)32. Shall we?Shall we go to the zoo?33. Why not + 动词原形 + ?Why not meet a little earlier?34. Thats why + 从句Thats why they have to stay in cages.35. be friendly to They are very friendly to people.36. I have a lot of homework + 不定式I have

10、 a lot of homework to do.37. cook + 直接宾语 + for + 间接宾语Well cook dumplings with seafood for you(=cook sb. sth.)= Well cook you dumplings with seafood.38. say “hello to sb.Its saying “ hello to us, I think.39. I dont know + 疑问句 + 不定式But I dont know what to do.= But I dont know what I should do.40. Excu

11、se me. Is there a near here.Excuse me. Is there a post office near here?41. Youd better (not)Youd better catch a bus.Youd better not go out at night.42. tell sb. to do sth.The teacher tells the other students to open their eyes.43. What do they do with the coin?do with 处置,对付44. How can I get to ?How

12、 can I get to the bus station?45. 主语 + live in a place calledWe live in a place called Gum Tree.46. about + 距离 + from Ashland is a small town about eight kilometers from the city of Richmond.47. Sb. is better than sb. atHe is better than me at swimming.48. I hope + 句子I hope shes better tomorrow. (be

13、tter: 病好,痊愈)49. 主语 + was / were + + 过去时间状语He was in Tai Pei yesterday.50. 主语 + 行为动词过去式 + +过去时间状语I called you an hour ago.51. Did + 主语 + 动词原形 + 过去时间状语? Did you pack your bags last night?52. say goodbye toHe can say goodbye to me.(say yes / no / sorry to )53. finish doing sth.When did you finish readi

14、ng?54. watch sb. do sth.It watched him eat his meals.( let, make, watch, see, hear + sb. do)55. enjoy doing sth. (= like very much)Do you enjoy living here?56. My Chinese is so-so.= My Chinese is neither good nor poor.57. ones first visit to + 地点Is this your first visit to Chinese?58. try + 不定式Im tr

15、ying to learn Chinese.59. 主语 + happen.What happened in the middle of the concert?( What happen to sb.?)60. 主语 + get marriedThey got married in 1967.(marry sb. / get (be) married to sb.)She married John / She was married to John.61. It lasts from to It lasts from June to August.62. get / turn + adj.T

16、he weather gets warmer.Trees turn green.(turn / get :变得 连系动词)63. 陈述句 + 反意疑问句The weather here is very cold, isnt it?Jim knows the way Australians speak, doesnt he?64. (dont) need to do sth.You need to wear lots of warm clothes.You dont need to come here so early.65. never too or too 从不太也不太The weather

17、 in England never gets too hot or too cold.66. Whats the weather like in Beijing?= How is the weather there?67. Will you? 你愿意 吗?Will you play football with me?68. Its better + 不定式Its better to do some reading on rainy days.69. What a heavy snow!= How cold it is today!70. Im sure + 从句Im sure hell com

18、e.71. find + 宾语 + 宾语补足语At first I found it hard.Ann ran to the door, and found Li Lei outside.72. How do you spell?How do you spell your name?73. nothing but There was nothing but a card in it.74. (be) the same asMy first three letters are the same as in the word “ come.75. How often 对表示频率的时间状语提问How often did you get to school early?76. some more + 名词Lets get some more fruit this afternoon.77. be coming 表示即将要发生的动作Ten people are coming for dinner.78. Help oneself to 随便Help yourself to some fish.79. work on 从事, 致力于, 忙于Now I am working hard on my exams.= Now I am very busy with my exams.


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