1、(完整版)两分钟英语演讲稿两分钟英语演讲稿两分钟英语演讲稿演讲稿一:两分钟英语演讲稿Ladies and Gentlemen, Good morning! I m ver glad to stand here and give ou a short speeh。Man s life is a proess of groing up, atuall I m standing here is a groth。 If a person s life must onstituted b various hoies, then I gro up along ith these hoies. One I
2、hope I an stud in a ollege in future, hoever that s passed, as ou kno I e here, no I onder hat the future holds for me。When I e to this shool, I told to mself: this m near future, all starts here. Folloing I ill learn to bee a man, a integrated man, ho has a fine bod, an take on important task, has
3、independent thought, an open mind, intensive thought, has the abilit to judge right and rong, has a perfet job。 One m teaher said : ou are not seing, ou are stlist; never forget hih ou should la out to people is our thought, not raft。 I ill put m personalit ith m interest and abilit into m stud, dur
4、ing these proess I ill bine learning ith doing。 If I an ahieve this future , I think that I reall gro up。 And I deepl believe kindred, good-felloship and love ill perfetion and happ in the future。 Ho to sa future? Mabe it s a nie ish. Lets make up our minds, stik to it and surel ell enjo our life.演讲
5、稿二:两分钟英语演讲稿Good morning, m dear teahers and friends! M name is Li Binge, from lass four O five. Toda, I am ver happ to be here。 M topi is Our Shool .M dear friends, ele to our shool! M shool is ver beautiful! It has a big plaground。 We an pla and do some sports there. Near the plaground, there is a
6、garden. Man trees and floers are there. So the air is ver lean and e an hear birds singing in the trees。 It is so onderful. Our teahing buildings are around the garden and look like our teahers arms to ele us。 We an dra pitures in the art room on the first floor and read storbooks in the librar on t
7、he seond floor。 M lassroom is on the third floor。 It is lean and bright。 We like to stud in it。 The puter room is on the fifth floor. We an sing and dane in the musi room on the sixth floor. What a lot of fun! We an have lunh in the anteen near Defang Teahing Building。In our shool, our teahers ork h
8、ard and help us ith our lessons. We stud hard and listen to teahers arefull. After lass, our teahers pla ith us and e feel ver happ。Our shool is so nie and our teahers are so kind。 We all love them. Dear friends, do ou like them?That s all. Thanks!演讲稿三:两分钟英语演讲稿The environment of the orld has been da
9、maged b the human beings for so man ears ithout muh notie.In reent ears,hoever,more and more nations have begun to preserve the environment as the have realized the importane of it.The nature has given us so muh,but look at hat e have done in return for its generosit。Thousands upon thousands of tree
10、s have been ut don,inluding some preious speies。 Numerous rivers and lakes have been drained onl to set up modern buildings. Prieless ildlife has turned into deliious dishes on the table.The air is being befouled b the smoke from the himnes of the plants。.All this irritates the nature ,hih results i
11、n the shortage of valuable resoures,air pollution,ountless ares of lands being deserts,et.Fortunatel,man ountries have got to kno the seriousness of the problem and take ative measures to preserve the environment.We sinerel hope that all the peo;le in the orld illtake part in the ampaign and join ha
12、nds to protet the nature。演讲稿四:两分钟英语演讲稿There as a man ho had seven sons, but he had no daughter, greatl though he longed for one。 At last his ife told him that the ould again expet a hild and, sure enough, hen it as born it as a bab girl。 There as great rejoiing, but the hild as eak and pun, so eak t
13、hat it had to be hristened at one。 The father told one of the bos to go quikl to the spring and feth hristening ater; the other six ran along ith him, and beause eah of them anted to be the first to dip the jug into the ell, it fell in and sank. So there the stood and didn t kno hat to do, and none
14、of them dared go home。 When the didn t e bak their father got impatient and said: I ll ager the ve been plaing some game again and forgotten all about it, the godless brats. He as afraid the little girl ould have to die unbaptized, and in his rage he ried out: I ish those bos ould all turn into rave
15、ns. He d sarel spoken the ords hen he heard a hirring of ings in the air overhead, looked up and sa seven oal-blak ravens fling XX。附送:第 4 页 共 6 页两周的金工实习总结两周的金工实习总结维持了两周的金工实习,让我了解许多复杂的机器和操作,更多的是能认识传统加工和新设备加工的基本制造技术和工艺。 金工实习作为一门实践性的技术基础课,这是高等院校工科专业的必修课,这次我们的金工实习内容不仅包括传统机械制造方面的各种加工工艺技术,还包括计算机数控加工、塑料加工、
16、特种加工等非传统实习内容.,它不仅可以让我们获得了机械制造的基础知识,了解了机械制造的一半操作提高 自己操作技能和动手能力,而且加强连理论联系实际的锻炼,提高了工程实践能力,在此过程中,我掌握了一定的技能,提高了动手能力,还学到很多其他的东西,虽然金工实习期间却有点累,但丰收的成果使我有点欣慰 第一天接触的是计算机数控加工,据老师了解到,数控技术已成为制造业实现自动化、柔性化、集成化生产的基础技术,数控加工是利用电脑程序来控制车床的运动,加工原理跟手动的车床一样,但通过电脑操作,只需设定工作程序,就可以自动加工,而且加工精度比手动的要高,效率也高很多,老师先通过电脑教我们怎么去编写该工件的程序
17、,接着教会我们怎么去操作数控车床,虽然不能亲手加工自己的作品出来,但还是能学到操作技能的,懂得利用poerill去编写程序等。 第二天 线切割。在线切割中开始接触作图的电脑软件,在作图过程中总不能很好地完成自己想设计的原图 丰田标志。但我还是有耐心的进行一次有一次的查漏补缺,和同学交流,请教老师,随之我慢慢地学会了基本的线切割的上机画图技能,看到自己的劳动成果,有种莫名的喜悦。下午老师讲解机械操作后,通过自己操作,顺利地将自己作品加工出来。通过这次学习我知道了电火花线切割加工是电花加工的一种.电花加工时利用移动的钼丝,作为工具的电极,以被切割材料为工件电极,按预定的轨迹,对工件进行脉冲火花放电
18、所形成的电腐蚀进行切割加工成形,这是一个精度较高的工种,但同时,也是一个较危险的工种,在加工时,被切割的材料和金属丝分别接脉冲电源的正负极,在两极之间沿金属丝方向喷射充分的,具有一定绝缘性能的工作液。当工件接近金属丝,距离小到一定程度上,在脉冲电压的作用下,工件液被击穿,在金属丝与工件之间形成瞬间放电通路,产生瞬时高温,是工件材料局部融化甚至被汽化而被腐蚀下来. 接下来的是车工,车工不是用数控来完成的,它要求较高的手工操作能力,首先老师叫我们边看书边看车床熟悉车床的各个组成部分,车床主要由变速箱、主轴箱、挂轮箱、进给箱、溜板箱、刀架、尾座、床身、丝杠、光杠和操纵杆组成。车床是通过各个手柄来进行
19、操作的,老师又向我们讲解了各个手柄的作用, 。老师先初步示范了一下操作方法,并拿工件加工了一部分,然后就让我们开始加工。车床加工中一个很重要的方面就是要选择正确的刀,一开始我们要把所给圆柱的直径由20mm车到19mm,长度由18车到17mm,最后我们那组还能顺利完成工件加工,精度达到90。 之后几天我们逐一去了解冲压、模具、快速成型、铸造等工种,通过这几个工种,我了解了现代机械制造工业的生产方式和工艺过程,熟悉了工程材料主要成型方法和主要机械加工方法等。以上是我的实习报告,两个星期真的很快,实习就这样结束了,很多人都还意犹未尽,真的很想把每一个工种都做一遍.这次实习带给我们的不仅仅是经验,它还培养了我们吃苦的精神和严谨认真的作风.我们学到了很多书中无法学到的东西。它使我们懂得观察生活,勇于探究生活,也为我们多方面去认识和了解生活提供了一个契机.它是生活的一种动力,促进我们知、情、意、行的形成和协调的发展,帮助自我完善。 此时,我还在怀念充满成就感的金工实习,它充实了我们的知识,使我们更加体会到这样一句话: 纸上得来终觉浅,绝知此事须躬行.第 6 页 共 6 页
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