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1、七年级第一学期英语试题(满分100分;考试时间70分钟)姓名:_得分:_一、单项选择(20) ( )1 What_ your name, please? My name _ Li Lei.Aare, isBis, is Cam, isDis, am( )2Good morning , Jim. _ , Li Lei.AHow are youBThank youCGood morning DFine , thank you( )3Sit down, please. -_.AGoodBFineCOK DThanks( )4_ is my English teacher.Amiss gaoBMiss

2、 Gao CMiss GAO DTeacher Gao( )5How are you, Mr Wang?-_.ASit down, pleaseBGood morningCHelloDFine, thank you( )6Whats your name? My name is _.ALi xiaoLingBLi XiaolingCLi Xiao ling DLi xiaoling ( )7How are you, Li Ping? Im fine , thank you. And you? AThank youBIm fine, tooCIm goodDGoodbye ( )8Where _T

3、om and Kate? They _ at home.Ais; are Bare; is Care; are Dare; 不填( )9Whats this? _ a red apple.AThat is BIts CIt DThiss ( )10_ you spell your name? Yes, I _ACan; can BCan; am CDo; canDAre; can ( )11当你在下午遇到老师时,你应该说_AGood morningBGood afternoonCWhats your name DIm fine( )12当你在路上碰到熟人时,你应该说_AHow are you?

4、 BGoodbye.CFine, thank you. DIm fine.( )13. _ your favorite sport ? A Where B What C How D Whats( )14 . My favorite food is fruit _ fish . A and B but C or D for ( )15. Do you like listening _ music ? A to B on C in D at( )16.A:Whats your favourite food ?B:_ A I am Sam B It is a book C I like eggs D

5、 I like playing football ( )17. I can play football _ I cant play the piano . A and B or C but D so ( )18.A:Mum ,_ my friend , Jim . B:How are you , Jim A this is B that is C it is D he is ( )19.A:Can you ride a bike ?B: _ . it is easy(容易的) A Yes, I can B No , I cant C I dont think so D Yes, he can

6、( )20. Betty can _ English . A say B speak C tell D talk 二、完形填空(10) My name is Rick .This is my room .There is a coat _21_the bed .Its _22_ . I also (也) have a pair (双) of _23_ .They are blue ,too .There is a desk and a chair in _24_ room .A football is under the _25_ . I like it very much . I _26_

7、play football very well .I often play it with my friends . A picture is on the wall .You can see four people in it .The man and the woman are my _27_ . They work in a school and teach Chinese . They are _28_ . The little girl is my _29_ .She is very lovely () .She is only three years old .She doesnt

8、 go to school ,so she _30_ read or write .I have a happy family . 21. A. in B. on C. with 22. A. white B. green C. blue 23. A. shoes B. coats C. shirts(衬衫)24. A. his B. her C. my 25. A. room B. desk C. wall26. A. can B. am C. do 27. A. mother B. patents C. father 28. A. teachers B. doctors C. worker

9、s 29. A. mother B. brother C. sister 30. A. can B. cant C. dont三、阅读理解 (20) (A)This Chinese boy is Li Lei . He is 12 .He is in No.3Middle School. Hes in Class Two ,Grade One. His good friend is Jack .Hes an English boy .Hes in Li Leis school .Hes in Class One ,Grade Two .Mrs Read is an English teache

10、r in their school .She is English and she teaches Grade Three .Jack and Li Lei have a secret(秘密) .Jack is Mrs Reads son .( )31.Whos in No.3 Middle School ?A.Li Lei and his mother . B. Li Lei and Jack C.Li Lei ,Jack and Jacks mother .( )32.What grade is Jack in ?A.Grade One .B. Grade Two .C. Grade Th

11、ree( )33.How old is Jack ?A.Hes twelve .B.Hes not twelve .C.We dont know .( )34.Is Mrs Read an English teacher in their school ?A.Yes, she is . B. No, she isnt .C.Mr Read is .( )35.Are Jack and Li Lei good friends ?A.Yes, they are .B. No, they arent .C.We dont know . (B) My name is Bruce .I come fro

12、m America .Im ten yeas old .There are four people in my family :my father ,my mother ,my sister and me .My father is a teacher ,and he is in China now .My mother is a teacher ,too .She and my sister arent in China .My sister is nine years old .She is a student ,too . I have some friends here .They o

13、ften (经常) teach me Chinese .I can speak a little Chinese now .根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。( )36. Bruce comes from America .( )37. There are four people in his family .( )38. His father is a teacher ,but his mother is not .( )39. His sister is a student in China now .( )40. His friends teach him Chinese .四、情景对

14、话 (5) 从方框中选择适当的选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。A .How are you ?B. Im fine ,thanks ._41_A. Im fine ,too ._42_ B. Its a bag .A. _43_ B. B-A-G ,bag .A. _44_ B. Its green .A. Is this your bag ?B. _45_ My bag is red .五、词汇 ( 25)(A)根据句意及首字母完成单词。1.-Whats your n_? -Mary .2 . T_ you very much .3. -What c_ is the chair ? - Its

15、 yellow .4 .-This is my f_ , Amy.5 .S_ up , please . 6 .Good m_ .7 .I can s_ English .8 .What colour is the tree ? - Its g_ .9. W_ is the cat ? -Its under the desk .10 . H_ many apples are there ?(B) 用 be 动词的适当形式填空。1 . I _ a girl .You _ a boy .2. How _ you, Mr King? I _ fine, thank you.3 . Linda and

16、 I _ good friends .4 . This _ my new computer .5 . Drawing _ my favourite sport .6 . There _ many books on the desk .7 . Where _ the shoes ?8 . Her sister _ tall and thin .9 . Hello ! I _ Tina .What_ your name ?10. We _ in the same class .(C) 根据所给词适当形式填空。1. Do you like _ (dance ) ?2. Mr Wang can _ (

17、drive) a car .3. Her favourite sport is _ (run) .4. How many _ ( foot ) do you have ?5. _(this) are my good friends , Sam and Daming .六、句型转换 ( 10)1. I like reading . (一般疑问句)_ you like reading ? Yes, I _. NO, I _ 2. Kates shoes are white . (划线提问)_ _ _ Kates shoes ?3.These are eggs .(改为单数句) _ _ _ egg .4. She can swim ( 变成疑问句并作出肯定回答)-_ she _ ? -_, she _.5. Jim can read books . ( 变成否定句 )Jim _ read books . 七、书面表达。(10) 自我介绍,运用学过的句型介绍一下自己(姓名、性别、年龄、爱好及所能干得事情等)_


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