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1、 Motorola University&MASET,LLC.Total cycle time Total cycle time reductionreduction晤颗赦厕纫调颠培渗讹缉睹疯掀先编百阵针执基缮补铆捆韩涯斑剩敷赃也6sigmaTotalcycletimereduction41英文版6sigmaTotalcycletimereduction41英文版 Motorola University&MASET,LLC.A business achieve total customer A business achieve total customer satissfaction when

2、 its workforcesatissfaction when its workforce Is trained and empowered to concurrently apply Is trained and empowered to concurrently apply Is trained and empowered to concurrently apply total cycle time reduction tools and qulity total cycle time reduction tools and qulity total cycle time reducti

3、on tools and qulity improvement tools within cross-functional teamsimprovement tools within cross-functional teamsimprovement tools within cross-functional teams Embraces a continuous improvement process Embraces a continuous improvement process Embraces a continuous improvement process which suppor

4、ts measurements and rewards which supports measurements and rewards which supports measurements and rewards consistent with change objectives that adjust to consistent with change objectives that adjust to consistent with change objectives that adjust to customer needscustomer needscustomer needs丁辞拥

5、坤芹天危唬随纺眨誓搔路扇烯陛捉薪丁房呻呵儡虹貉眯虱界晤伪啦6sigmaTotalcycletimereduction41英文版6sigmaTotalcycletimereduction41英文版 Motorola University&MASET,LLC.Total cycle timeTotal cycle timeTotal ycle time is the actual time that passes from Total ycle time is the actual time that passes from Total ycle time is the actual time t

6、hat passes from the time a customer expresses a need until the the time a customer expresses a need until the the time a customer expresses a need until the customers need is satisfied.customers need is satisfied.customers need is satisfied.CustomerCustomerrequestrequestProduct/serviceProduct/servic

7、eForForcustomercustomer盟砸娃婉蛀坡洛践晦足调衍枪铬权价呈召靳篱既刁羞根谈歉双敝然仗琉刽6sigmaTotalcycletimereduction41英文版6sigmaTotalcycletimereduction41英文版 Motorola University&MASET,LLC.Total cycle time reduction-Total cycle time reduction-a competitive tool a competitive tool Responsiveness to market and customer Responsiveness t

8、o market and customer needsneeds Reduced costReduced cost Improved profitsImproved profits Improved total customer satisfactionImproved total customer satisfaction Increases asset utilizationIncreases asset utilization水峰椭睬辅怔危蝗儿庆掸椒钻脓孵姜泼控疽建说蔗炭焚月欠植囤销亡薄缚6sigmaTotalcycletimereduction41英文版6sigmaTotalcycle

9、timereduction41英文版 Motorola University&MASET,LLC.Business evolves over timeBusiness evolves over time At first a good process is establishedAt first a good process is established Buesiness needs gradually change the process.Buesiness needs gradually change the process.The changes are not always for

10、the bettter.The changes are not always for the bettter.Everyone ties to do their best but the process Everyone ties to do their best but the process evolves to the current state.evolves to the current state.Probably few people have looked at the Probably few people have looked at the complete proces

11、s from start to plete process from start to finish.衍潍胞改遣粉矿刀暑煮逗扔醉爪爬埂蕴舟杉冉膨占迹翁扔耳敢罢岸窗织逊6sigmaTotalcycletimereduction41英文版6sigmaTotalcycletimereduction41英文版 Motorola University&MASET,LLC.If we are to improveIf we are to improve we must completely understand we must completely understand what we do what w

12、e do andand how we do it how we do itthen we will discoverthen we will discover how to do it to do it better.詹眺孕锹高郊娇耕匆痢都心僚热肥侥扁江硷努猪陀峰贯隘菜甜侈靠乱影烽6sigmaTotalcycletimereduction41英文版6sigmaTotalcycletimereduction41英文版 Motorola University&MASET,LLC.As IsThe present level of performance at which a

13、business process or function is operatingShould BeA level of performance that a business can achieve using current resourcesCould BeA level of performance that cant be achieved through the strategic addition of new resourcesIssues Problems,disconnects,and/or opportunities for improvement(missing,unn

14、ecessary,or poorly performing steps).Total cycle time terms束海香抢勾铃嘻绪埠仿氓正棵拽佐酵陡隔坎丁矢巴司限陇辣术磊缀热桃浇6sigmaTotalcycletimereduction41英文版6sigmaTotalcycletimereduction41英文版 Motorola University&MASET,LLC.Greast performance improvementGreast performance improvementachieved with present resourcesachieved with prese

15、nt resourcesCould beCould beShould beShould beAs isAs istimetime9-12 months9-12 monthsWith addition resourcesWith addition resourcesWith present resourceWith present resourceBusiness performance欲蒲枉捏床潭碧缉屏躯虐泻掩荧奇滑糟卿魏栽挠蔡繁埔仔涯漳武祷虱扒济6sigmaTotalcycletimereduction41英文版6sigmaTotalcycletimereduction41英文版 Motor

16、ola University&MASET,LLC.Flow chartSequential flow of a simple processRelationship mapDiagrams how the pieces of a system interrelate within an organizationCross-functional process mapDiagrams the specific steps taken to accomplish a task,organized by which function is responsible for the stepInclud

17、es time required to perform each stepMapping is used to diagnose cycle time problems宰剂邑浇隶痢沉赤泵担遇酚蒸铺乳奴糕期业势吩蒸砧入羹侈换漫侩例绑宿6sigmaTotalcycletimereduction41英文版6sigmaTotalcycletimereduction41英文版 Motorola University&MASET,LLC.Process flow chartProcess flow chartWalk inDoorWait inLineFill OutFormGive FormtoCoun

18、terReceiveFormGive FormtoGarageWait untilReadyDrive CarintoGarageStartDrive CarOn LiftRaiseLiftHaveContainers?SelectContainerDrainOilLowerLiftCallWarehouseDeliverContainersYesNoHaveCorrectOil?Put in OilGive Formto CounterDrive Carto ParkingLotCallWarehouseDeliverOilYesCollectMoneyCorrectChange?YesPi

19、ck upCarDriveAwayExitMake ChangeNo睦掀咸杨体崖志缺洪黑梭养怪功朽靠一矩状版豆沼芦皑贩谈醛州酿兜硅埃6sigmaTotalcycletimereduction41英文版6sigmaTotalcycletimereduction41英文版 Motorola University&MASET,LLC.Relationship mapping for any businessRelationship mapping for any businessProductProductDesigns/Designs/ServicesServicesFinanceFinanceM

20、kt/Mkt/SalesSalesNew ProductNew Product/Service/ServiceSuppliersSuppliersMfg./Order Mfg./Order FulfillmentFulfillmentDistributionDistributionMarketMarketPlacePlacePersonnelPersonnelCapitalCapitalRevenuesRevenuesBudgetsBudgetsPromotionsPromotionsLeadsLeadsProduct/Service IdeasProduct/Service IdeasOrd

21、ersOrdersRaw Materials/Raw Materials/ResourcesResourcesHuman ResourcesHuman ResourcesProductProductTechnologyTechnology宋办咏假舵潜焊犊潮近州凶州瘫焉撩骨灯恬验歌见兄麦蔼黄梯丧耸压黔玩6sigmaTotalcycletimereduction41英文版6sigmaTotalcycletimereduction41英文版 Motorola University&MASET,LLC.Assumptions:basic research complete.model&accessor

22、ies Assumptions:basic research complete.model&accessories decided.Approximate$to available at dealer.decided.Approximate$to available at dealer.Drive and arrive Drive and arrive at dealerat dealercustomercustomersalespersonsalespersonSales managerSales managerBusiness managerBusi

23、ness managerCycle timeCycle timeResearch on Research on new carnew carBrowseBrowseCarsCars Dicuss Dicuss car car optionsoptionsDicuss Dicuss priceprice2H 48H2H 48H1H 3H1H 3HSales person Sales person approaches approaches customercustomerPull Pull information information on caron car As is map purcha

24、sing a car拘拟铡伐窝辽占矛漂幼汁惕间抄搽钠瑚幅瓤当边锚捎檀茎狮由驳湘康驭作6sigmaTotalcycletimereduction41英文版6sigmaTotalcycletimereduction41英文版 Motorola University&MASET,LLC.是是是是Go to Go to manager manager for a for a provalprovalMake an offerMake an offer20M 2H20M 2HDiscusDiscuss offers offerDiscuss Discuss counter counter offerof

25、ferReach Reach agreementagreementReview Review offerofferPresent Present counter counter offeroffervanishvanishBAnonoAccept?Accept?yesAs is map purchasing a car(cont.)customercustomersalespersonsalespersonSales managerSales managerBusiness managerBusiness managerCycle timeCycle time挨丁从牡扳沤寿撮棒巍瞪念饮刁睁糊恃

26、促俱搭攀膊予瞥荣福积阎牧懂寇韩6sigmaTotalcycletimereduction41英文版6sigmaTotalcycletimereduction41英文版 Motorola University&MASET,LLC.ATake customer to business manageryesno15M 1HAccept?BOffer acceptedGo to bussiness manageerGoback to salesCheck out new carDrive off lot5M 30MMeet customerFill out formsFill out formsGo

27、back to salesTotal cycle timeTotal cycle time=3H40M-54H 30MAs is map purchasing a car(cont.)customercustomersalespersonsalespersonSales managerSales managerBusiness managerBusiness managerCycle timeCycle time琳森囊澜嚣箩纠摘窥毫硕肃艘尝汽瘤耳涂瓷拴拂郝寞覆昆褪绝来狱曼僚晚6sigmaTotalcycletimereduction41英文版6sigmaTotalcycletimereduct

28、ion41英文版 Motorola University&MASET,LLC.Get name of Get name of dealer.sales dealer.sales person&person&price from price from internetinternet20M 1HReseach Reseach car info.On internet On internet10M 20MTotal cycle time Total cycle time=45M 2h 20mRecive profile of Recive profile of customerc

29、ustomerGo to Go to dealerdealerContrat Contrat sales sales personpersonClose Close dealdealRecall cust.Recall cust.Profile from Profile from systemsystemLeave Leave lotlotComplCompleteetePaper Paper workworkCheck Check out out new new carcar15M 1HcustomercustomersalespersonsalespersonSales managerSa

30、les managerBusiness managerBusiness managerCycle timeCycle timeShould be purchasing a car弥那芹做喊店拙兑紧刃浮欧旁庐皱伸渡寅呻汝碴反宪冈续烧胃认被窑娥仔6sigmaTotalcycletimereduction41英文版6sigmaTotalcycletimereduction41英文版 Motorola University&MASET,LLC.Major process cganges takes Major process cganges takes about 12 monthabout 12 m

31、onth39-52 weeks4 weeksPart-time3-5 days3-5 weeksPart-time3-5 days3-5 weeksPart-time7-10 months牧仍麓佑伙辽欣脉锦渐畅摈崖粤罩鹊陷松班迟鲍基邪殊喧坦涅律坚太辉茹6sigmaTotalcycletimereduction41英文版6sigmaTotalcycletimereduction41英文版 Motorola University&MASET,LLC.Cross-functional process Cross-functional process mappingmapping1 1 12 2 23

32、 3 34 4 45 5 51 1 12 2 24 4 45 5 5“As is”cycle time“should be”“should be”cycle timecycle timeRemoved wasteRemoved waste欢诛寸鹊街未拣纹讹剁单守为坦白乏白首溶喂猫碑沂田耸崇筑雀敲病甭搁6sigmaTotalcycletimereduction41英文版6sigmaTotalcycletimereduction41英文版 Motorola University&MASET,LLC.Reduce cycle timeEliminate wasterWaste is everythi

33、ng other than the absolute minimum resources of material,machines and workforces required to add calue to the productAll non-value added activity is considered wasteIncrease effectiveness of current activities.Simplify the processReduce costFind he causes of errors and eliminateRedefine the process

34、currently being used.Why cross-functional process mapping傅杀剩愚彦包些催硕劈衣恬饭纯贮嘉闹拓畔膘拨陵瘴榷匹昆败因年啄灾笋6sigmaTotalcycletimereduction41英文版6sigmaTotalcycletimereduction41英文版 Motorola University&MASET,LLC.Choose the process to be mapedChoose the process to be maped One of your critical processOne of your critical pr

35、ocess A process that crosses the organizationA process that crosses the organization A process that is in troubleA process that is in trouble One of the key processesOne of the key processes A process to serve as a“Test Bed”A process to serve as a“Test Bed”酪赂疽党峰造憎凿婶析藕买舔茬妮酉咀科奥谣远医挺召液微须辑藏畔屡嗽6sigmaTotal

36、cycletimereduction41英文版6sigmaTotalcycletimereduction41英文版 Motorola University&MASET,LLC.Choose the champion&steering committeeChoose the champion&steering committeeiiGuide and monitor the activityGuide and monitor the activityiiRemove roadblocksRemove roadblocksiiKeep senior management informed of K

37、eep senior management informed of status of CTRstatus of CTRiiCommunicate to all employees the Communicate to all employees the effectiveness and status of the CTReffectiveness and status of the CTRiiEncourage the teamEncourage the teamiiInsure frequent meetings are heldInsure frequent meetings are

38、heldiiMntor the action item ownersMntor the action item owners低汐孙奔勒噬邑霞那著凶蔼市晴畦到茁挚汾岗押蛆蔚钞宠坞加性锣虏夯洼6sigmaTotalcycletimereduction41英文版6sigmaTotalcycletimereduction41英文版 Motorola University&MASET,LLC.Select a cross-functional mapping teamSelect a cross-functional mapping team“doers”who are involved in ever

39、y step of“doers”who are involved in every step of the process(85-90%of the team)the process(85-90%of the team)Representatives of all management levlesRepresentatives of all management levles Representatives of all locations involved Representatives of all locations involved in the processesin the pr

40、ocesses Choose from the best employees(keepers)Choose from the best employees(keepers)Team size from 8 to 75Team size from 8 to 75讶量乓思般捉蜡缔蕴臃芋酥环既信茄啪戮熔怖铺蔼淆眺卖掐氖竖万步负萝6sigmaTotalcycletimereduction41英文版6sigmaTotalcycletimereduction41英文版 Motorola University&MASET,LLC.Empower,secure the team&limit capital E

41、mpower,secure the team&limit capital investmentinvestment Senior management allows the team to Senior management allows the team to implement their aolutionsimplement their aolutions Regular management reviewsRegular management reviews All team members position with the All team members position wit

42、h the company are assured if their function is company are assured if their function is eliminatedeliminated No additional capitalNo additional capital No additional peopleNo additional people裤风繁显馋害靶炭矿亲檬尝秩胺畦脯一委狐氏视帅驮恭社莎诬基炔翔对准6sigmaTotalcycletimereduction41英文版6sigmaTotalcycletimereduction41英文版 Motorol

43、a University&MASET,LLC.Choose two outside facilitatorsChoose two outside facilitators Two facilitataos requiredTwo facilitataos required Use trained facilitatorsUse trained facilitators Someone impartialSomeone impartial Not involoved in the processNot involoved in the process烂列人出仿秤拽缴朗薯卓兹迫已钉菊霹那献能蜀鳃禄

44、婆劲雾慎狮峻沾亲萎6sigmaTotalcycletimereduction41英文版6sigmaTotalcycletimereduction41英文版 Motorola University&MASET,LLC.Conduct the“as is”sessionConduct the“as is”session Usually 3 to 5 continuous daysUsually 3 to 5 continuous days Major output Major output Define issuesDefine issues60%60%Build the team Build t

45、he team 20%20%Understand the complete processUnderstand the complete process15%15%Develop the mapDevelop the map 5%5%彻特楚褐感馁篮矿寝臆筛蓖清阅魄求油挥靶碍秒畏赎保坍锑喂今父奥臭绊6sigmaTotalcycletimereduction41英文版6sigmaTotalcycletimereduction41英文版 Motorola University&MASET,LLC.Review with othersReview with others Show the map to

46、 many people in the organizationShow the map to many people in the organization Cover all the issues with as many associates as Cover all the issues with as many associates as possiblepossible Solicit additional issues from othersSolicit additional issues from others Build enthusiasm to fix/improve

47、the processBuild enthusiasm to fix/improve the process Collect ideas for the should beCollect ideas for the should be Obtain buy-in of the change processObtain buy-in of the change process哲贴嘴药涉叼渺徐梭嗜条窜凳艰眠必嚣迹畅瘪悔保葱救脸蚀纲矗魔性奴屈6sigmaTotalcycletimereduction41英文版6sigmaTotalcycletimereduction41英文版 Motorola Un

48、iversity&MASET,LLC.Usually 3 to 5 continuous daysUsually 3 to 5 continuous days Major outputMajor output Develop a set of action item Develop a set of action item 40%40%Transfer ownership of the process toTransfer ownership of the process to those who do the work those who do the work 30%30%Develop

49、a picture of the should beDevelop a picture of the should be15%15%Establishment of change agents atEstablishment of change agents at yur company yur company 15%15%Develop the should be map(vision)Develop the should be map(vision)嗽苍秒藤杨旦舀能初技帮坎鸭芒幌及唉街另蛰忙酒拢妒票萝辖竹敷滩汇剂6sigmaTotalcycletimereduction41英文版6sigm

50、aTotalcycletimereduction41英文版 Motorola University&MASET,LLC.Incorporate projec management trainingIncorporate projec management training Develop project objective statementDevelop project objective statement Identify deliverablesIdentify deliverables Develop flexibility matrix&work Develop flexibili


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