1、2018年6月大学英语四级真题(第2套)Part IWriting(30 minutes)Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30minutes to write a short essay on the importance of writing ability and how to develop it.You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.Part II Listening Comprehension(25 minutes)Section ADirecti
2、ons:In this section,you will hear three news reports.At the end of each news report,you will hear two or three questions.Both the news report and the questions will he spoken only once.After you hear a question,you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C)and D).Then mark the
3、 corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.Questions 1 and 2 are based on the news report you have just heard.1.A)Anno yed.B)Scared.C)Co nfu sed.D)Offend ed.2.A)It crawled o ver the wo mans hand s.B)It wo u nd u p o n the steering wheel.C)It was killed by the po li
4、ce o n the spo t.D)It was co vered with large scales.Questions 3 and 4 are based on the news report you have just heard.3.A)A stu d y o f the fast-fo o d service.B)Fast fo o d cu sto mer satisfactio n.C)McDo nald s new bu siness strategies.D)Co mpetitio n in the fast-fo o d ind u stry.4.A)Cu sto mer
5、s higher d emand s.B)The inefficiency o f emplo yees.C)Increased variety o f pro d u cts.D)The rising nu mber o f cu sto mers.Questions 5 to 7 are based on the news report you have just heard.5.A)Internatio nal treaties regard ing space travel pro grams.B)Legal issu es invo lved in co mmercial space
6、 explo ratio n.C)U.S.go vernments appro val o f private space missio ns.D)Co mpetitio n amo ng pu blic and private space co mpanies.6.A)Deliver scientific equ ipment to the mo o n.B)Appro ve a new missio n to travel into o u ter space.1C)Wo rk with fed eral agencies o n space pro grams.D)Lau nch a m
7、anned spacecraft to Mars.7.A)It is significant.B)It is pro mising.C)It is u npred ictable.D)It is u npro fitable.Section BDirections:In this section,you will hear two long conversations.At the end of each conversation,you will hear four questions.Both the conversation and the questions will bespoken
8、 only once.After you hear a question,you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C)and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet Iwith a si ngle line through the centre.Questions 8 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.8.A)Visiting her family in T
9、hailand.B)Sho wing friend s aro u nd Phu ket.C)Swimming aro u nd a Thai island.D)Lying in the su n o n a Thai beach.9.A)She visited a Thai o rphanage.B)She met a Thai girls parents.C)She learned so me Thai wo rd s.D)She su nbathed o n a Thai beach.10.A)His class will start in a minu te.B)He has go t
10、 an inco ming pho ne call.C)So meo ne is kno cking at his d o o r.D)His pho ne is ru nning o u t o f po wer.11.A)He is interested in Thai artwo rks.B)He is go ing to o pen a so u venir sho p.C)He co llects things fro m d ifferent co u ntries.D)He wants to kno w mo re abo u t Thai cu ltu re.Questions
11、 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.12.A)Bu ying so me fitness equ ipment fo r the new gym.B)Opening a gym and beco ming perso nal trainers.C)Signing u p fo r a weight-lo ss co u rse.D)Trying o u t a new gym in to wn.13.A)Pro fessio nal perso nal training.B)Free exercise fo r
12、 the first week.C)A d isco u nt fo r a half-year membership.D)Ad d itio nal benefits fo r yo u ng co u ples.14.A)The safety o f weight-lifting.B)The high membership fee.C)The renewal o f his membership.D)The o peratio n o f fitness equ ipment.15.A)She wants her invitatio n renewed.B)She u sed to d o
13、 200 sit-u ps every d ay.2C)She kno ws the basics o f weight-lifting.D)She u sed to be the gyms perso nal trainer.Section CDirections:In this section,you will hear three passages.At the end of each passage,you will hear three or four questions.Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only o
14、nce.After yo u hear a question,you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C)and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.Questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard.16.A)They tend to be nervo u s d u rin
15、g interviews.B)They o ften apply fo r a nu mber o f po sitio ns.C)They wo rry abo u t the resu lts o f their applicatio ns.D)They search extensively fo r emplo yers info rmatio n.17.A)Get better o rganized.B)Ed it their references.C)Find better-paid jo bs.D)Analyze the searching pro cess.18.A)Pro vi
16、d e their d ata in d etail.B)Perso nalize each applicatio n.C)Make u se o f better search engines.D)Apply fo r mo re pro mising po sitio ns.Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard.19.A)If kid s d id no t like scho o l,real learning wo u ld no t take place.B)If no t fo rced to
17、 go to scho o l,kid s wo u ld be o u t in the streets.C)If scho o ls stayed the way they are,parents were su re to pro test.D)If teaching failed to impro ve,kid s wo u ld stay away fro m scho o l.20.A)Allo w them to play interesting games in class.B)Try to stir u p their interest in lab experiments.
18、C)Let them stay ho me and learn fro m their parents.D)Design activities they no w enjo y d o ing o n ho lid ays.21.A)Allo w kid s to learn at their o wn pace.B)Enco u rage kid s to learn fro m each o ther.C)Organize kid s into vario u s interest gro u ps.D)Take kid s o u t o f scho o l to learn at f
19、irst hand.Questions 22 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard.22.A)It is especially po pu lar in Flo rid a and Alaska.B)It is a majo r so cial activity amo ng the yo u ng.C)It is seen almo st anywhere and o n any o ccasio n.D)It is even mo re expressive than the written wo rd.23.A)It is
20、lo cated in a big city in Io wa.B)It is really marvelo u s to lo o k at.C)It o ffers free d ance classes to senio rs.D)It o ffers peo ple a chance to so cialize.24.A)Their state o f mind impro ved.B)They became better d ancers.3C)They enjo yed better health.D)Their relatio nship strengthened.25.A)It
21、 is fu n.B)It is life.C)It is exhau sting.D)It is rhythmical.Part III Reading Comprehension(40 minutes)Section ADirections:In this section,there is a passage with 10 blanks.You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage.Read the p
22、assage through carefully before making your choices.Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter.Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.Since the 1940s,so u thern Cali
23、fo rnia has had a repu tatio n fo r smo g.Things are no t as bad as they o nce were bu t,acco rd ing to the American Lu ng Asso ciatio n,Lo s Angeles is still the wo rst city in the United States fo r levels o f_26.Gazing d o wn o n the city fro m the Getty Center,an art mu seu m in the Santa Mo nic
24、a Mo u ntains,o ne wo u ld find the view o f the Pacific Ocean blu rred by the haze(霾).No r is the states bad air _27 to its so u th.Fresno,in the central valley,co mes to p o f the list in America fo r year-ro u nd po llu tio n.Resid ents hearts and lu ngs are affected as a 28.All o f which,co mbin
25、ed with Califo rnias repu tatio n as the ho me o f techno lo gical 29,makes the place id eal fo r d evelo ping and testing systems d esigned to mo nito r po llu tio n in 30.And that is ju st what Aclima,a new firm in San Francisco,has been d o ing o ver the past few mo nths.It has been trying o u t
26、mo nito ring statio ns that are _31 to yield minu te-to-minu te maps o f _32 air po llu tio n.Su ch statio ns will also be able to keep an eye o n what is happening insid e bu ild ings,inclu d ing o ffices.To this end,Aclima has been _33 with Go o gles Street View system.David a Herzl,Aclimas bo ss,
27、says they have revealed po llu tio n highs o n d ays when San Francisco s transit wo rkers went o n strike and the citys _34 were fo rced to u se their cars.Co nversely,cycle to wo rk d ays have d o ne their jo b by _35 po llu tio n lo ws.A)assisted B)co llabo rating C)co nsequ ence D)co nsu mers E)
28、creatingF)d etail G)d o mestic H)frequ ently I)inhabitants J)inno vatio n K)intend edL)o u td o o r M)po llu tants N)restricted O)su mSection BDirections:In this section,you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it.Each statement contains information given in one of the paragra
29、phs.Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived.You may choose a paragraph more than once.Each paragraph is marked with a letter.Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2.As Tourists Crowd Out Locals,Venice Faces Endangered ListA)On a recent fall mo
30、rning,a large cro wd blo cked the steps at o ne o f Venices main to u rist sites,the Rialto Brid ge.The Rialto Brid ge is o ne o f the fo u r brid ges spanning the Grand Canal.It is the o ld est brid ge acro ss the canal,and was the d ivid ing line between the d istricts o f San Marco and San Po lo.
31、Bu t o n this d ay,there was a twist:it was filled with Venetians,no t to u rists.4B)Peo ple are cheering and ho ld ing their carts in the air,says Gio vanni Gio rgio,who helped o rganize the march with a grass-ro o ts o rganizatio n called Generazio ne 90.The carts he refers to are small sho pping
32、carts-the symbo l o f a tru e Venetian.It started as a jo ke,he says with a lau gh.The id ea was to pu t blad es o n the wheels!Yo u kno w?Like Ben Hu r.Precisely like that,yo u ju st go aro u nd and ru n peo ple d o wn.C)Venice is o ne o f the ho ttest to u rist d estinatio ns in the wo rld.Bu t th
33、ats a pro blem.Up to 90,000 to u rists cro wd its streets and canals every d ay-far o u tnu mbering the 55,000 permanent resid ents.The to u rist increase is o ne key reaso n the citys po pu latio n is d o wn fro m 175,000 in the 1950s.The o u tnu mbered Venetians have been stead ily fleeing.And tho
34、 se who stick aro u nd are tired o f living in a place where they cant even get to the market witho u t swimming thro u gh a sea o f pictu re-snapping to u rists.Imagine,navigating thro u gh 50,000 peo ple while o n the way to scho o l o r to wo rk.D)Lau ra Chigi,a grand mo ther at the march,says th
35、e lo cal and natio nal go vernments have failed to d o anything abo u t the cro wd s fo r d ecad es,becau se theyre o nly interested in to u rism-the primary ind u stry in Venice,wo rth mo re than$3 billio n in 2015.Venice is a cash co w,she says,and everyo ne wants a piece.E)Ju st beyo nd St.Marks
36、Squ are,a cru ise ship passes,o ne o f hu nd red s every year that appear o ver their med ieval(中lltZ己的)su rro u nd ings.Their massive wake creates waves at the bo tto m o f the sea,weakening the fo u nd atio ns o f the centu ries-o ld bu ild ings themselves.Every time I see a cru ise ship,I feel sa
37、d,Chigi says.Yo u see the mu d it d rags;the d estru ctio n it leaves in its wake?That hu rts the ancient wo o d en po les ho ld ing u p the city u nd erwater.One d ay well see Venice break d o wn.F)Fo r a time,UNESCO,the cu ltu ral wing o f the United Natio ns,seemed to agree.Two years ago,it pu t
38、Italy o n no tice,saying the go vernment was no t pro tecting Venice.UNESCO co nsid ers the entire city a Wo rld Heritage Site,a great ho no r that means Venice,at the cu ltu ral level,belo ngs to all o f the wo rld s peo ple.In 2014,UNESCO gave Italy two years to manage Venices flo u rishing to u r
39、ism o r the city wo u ld be placed o n ano ther listWo rld Heritage In Danger,jo ining su ch sites as Aleppo and Palmyra,d estro yed by the war in Syria.G)Venices d ead line passed with barely a mu rmu r(嘟哝)this su mmer,ju st as UNESCO was meeting in Istanbu l.Only o ne representative,J ad Tabet fro
40、 m Lebano n,tried to raise the issu e.Fo r several years,the situ atio n o f heritage in Venice has been wo rsening,and it has no w reached a d ramatic situ atio n,Tabet to ld UNESCO.We have to act qu ickly-there is no t a mo ment to waste.H)Bu t UNESCO d id nt even ho ld a vo te.Its been po stpo ne
41、d u ntil 2017,says Anna So mers,the fo u nd er and CEO o f The Art Newspaper and the fo rmer head o f Venice in Peril,a gro u p d evo ted to resto ring Venetian art.She says the main reaso n the U.N.cu ltu ral o rganizatio n d id nt vo te to d eclare Venice a Wo rld Heritage Site In Danger is becau
42、se UNESCO has beco me5intensely po liticized.There wo u ld have been so me back-ro o m nego tiatio ns.I)Italy bo asts mo re UNESCO Wo rld Heritage Sites than any o ther co u ntry in the wo rld,granting it co nsid erable po wer and influ ence within the o rganizatio n.The fo rmer head o f the UNESCO
43、Wo rld Heritage Centre,which o versees heritage sites,is Francesco Band arin,a Venetian who no w serves as UNESCOs assistant d irecto r-general fo r cu ltu re.J)Earlier this year,Italy signed an acco rd with UNESCO to establish a task fo rce o f po lice art d etectives and archaeo lo gists(考古学家)to p
44、ro tect cu ltu ral heritage fro m natu ral d isasters and terro r gro u ps,su ch as ISIS.The acco rd u nd erlined Italys glo bal repu tatio n as a go o d steward o f art and cu ltu re.K)Bu t ad d ing Venice to the UNESCO end angered listwhich is d o minated by sites in d evelo ping and co nflict-rid
45、 d en co u ntries-wo u ld be an internatio nal embarrassment,and co u ld even hu rt Italys pro fitable to u rism ind u stry.The Italian Cu ltu re Ministry says it is u naware o f any go vernment effo rts to pressu re UNESCO.As fo r the o rganizatio n itself,it d eclined a requ est fo r an interview.
46、L)The citys cu rrent mayo r,Lu igi Bru gnaro,has rid icu led UNESCO and to ld it to mind its o wn bu siness,while co ntinu ing to su ppo rt the cru ise ship ind u stry,which emplo ys 5,000 Venice resid ents.M)As fo r Venetians,theyre beyo nd fru strated and ho ping fo r a so lu tio n so o n.Its a ni
47、ghtmare fo r me.So me situ atio ns are really d ifficu lt with to u rists aro u nd,says Gio rgio as he navigates aro u nd a swelling cro wd at the Rialto Brid ge.There are ju st so many o f them.They never kno w where they are go ing,and d o no t walk in an o rd erly manner.Navigating the streets ca
48、n be exhau sting.N)Then it hits him:This cro wd isnt mad e u p o f to u rists.Theyre Venetians.Gio rgio says hes never experienced the Rialto Brid ge this way in all his 22 years.Fo r o nce,we are the o nes who are blo cking the traffic,he says d elighted ly.It feels u nreal.It feels like were so me
49、 fo rm o f end angered species.Its ju st nice.The feeling is ju st pu re.Bu t,he wo rries,if to u rism isnt managed and his fello w lo cals co ntinu e to mo ve to the mainland,his generatio n might be the last who can call themselves native Venetians.36.The passing cru ise ships will u nd ermine the
50、 fo u nd atio ns o f the ancient bu ild ings in Venice.37.The Italian go vernment has ju st reached an agreement with UNESCO to take measu res to pro tect its cu ltu ral heritage.38.The heritage situ atio n in Venice has been d eterio rating in the past few years.39.The d ecrease in the nu mber o f
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