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1、2019届二轮复习完形填空模拟记叙文试题10篇训练之三十二一Louis Cha, better known by his pen name Jin Yong, is an established writer of the classic Chinese wuxia novel series The Condor Trilogy, A Hero Born.Cha 1 to Cambridge University for a masters degree. Aged 81,he became one of the oldest students to 2 in the universitys

2、history.Cha and his wife left their finely-furnished house in Hong Kong and rented a much 3 one near Cambridge. It was 4 that after a careful discussion they hired an Italian 5 so that they could eat Chinese food in an Italian style.Every day, Cha 6 a schoolbag containing books and materials for cla

3、ss. As a famous kung fu 7 ,he has many fans. Whenever asked for his signature, he would 8 them politely and tell them if instead of 9 class, he was taking a walk or having a coffee, he would 10 for them.“Cha used to go to class by bike. However, his wife 11 that cars in the campus might knock him do

4、wn. Then, the bike was 12 ,but Cha called himself an old man with little sense of 13 and before long he 14 the car too. Now he uses a taxi.”When Cha was very15,his mother once compared him to his star cousin Xu Zhimo who went to Cambridge. Cha was a little 16,determining to prove himself by studying

5、 in Cambridge too.17,the most important reason is his strong thirst for knowledge. Cha said, “Some people think I am not 18 to be the director of Literature School in Zhejiang University. I dont retort (反驳),but I can always 19 my own knowledge.”As the most accomplished and highly productive founding

6、 father of Chinese wuxia classics, Chas consistent 20 to learn really deserves our admiration.【语篇解读】本文是人物故事。本文主要讲了中国著名的武侠小说家金庸先生在81岁的时候还去剑桥大学读书,他这种活到老学到老的精神值得我们大家学习。1. A. appliedB. graduatedC. appealedD. entitled答案A解析词义辨析题。A项“申请,应用,涂,抹,敷”;B项“毕业”;C项“呼吁,恳求,吸引,上诉”;D项“授予荣誉或头衔”。金庸申请去剑桥大学读硕士学位。apply (to s

7、b.) for sth.“向申请”。答案为A项。2. A. enterB. enrollC. writeD. show答案B解析词义辨析题。A项“进入”;B项“报名,登记,入学”;C项“写”;D项“展示”。在这所大学的历史上,他成为入学最年长的学生之一。答案为B项。3. A. shabbierB. costlierC. biggerD. brighter答案A解析词义辨析题。根据上文“Cha and his wife left their finely-furnished house in Hong Kong”可知,金庸和妻子离开他们陈设精美的香港的家,那么推理到剑桥附近租的房子应该没有香港的

8、房子那么豪华,所以答案为A项,shabby“寒酸的”。4. A. seriousB. challengingC. considerateD. interesting答案D解析词义辨析题。A项“严重的,严肃的”;B项“挑战性的”;C项“体贴的”;D项“有趣的”。他们雇佣了一位意大利的厨师,这样他们就可以吃到意大利风味儿的中国菜,他们的这个做法很有趣。答案为D项。5. A. babysitterB. nurseC. chefD. teacher答案C解析文化常识题。根据后文“so that they could eat Chinese food in an Italian style”可知,他们雇

9、佣了一位意大利的厨师。答案为C项。6. A. sendsB. carriesC. holdsD. chooses答案B解析词义辨析题。A项“发送”;B项“携带”;C项“拿着,握着”;D项“选择”。每天,金庸携带一个装满书和材料的书包去上学。答案为B项。7. A. scholarB. directorC. artistD. novelist答案D解析词义辨析题。A项“学者”;B项“导演”;C项“艺术家”;D项“小说家”。根据第一段“Louis Cha, better known by his pen name Jin Yong, is an established writer of the c

10、lassic Chinese wuxia novel series The Condor Trilogy, A Hero Born.”可知,他是一位非常著名的武侠小说家。答案为D项。8. A.refuseB. acceptC. approveD. appreciate答案A解析词义辨析题。A项“拒绝”;B项“接受”;C项“赞成,批准”;D项“欣赏,感激”。根据下文“and tell them if instead of 9 class, he was taking a walk or having a coffee, he would 10 for them.”可知,当被要求签名时,他会礼貌地

11、拒绝,并告诉他们如果不上课,在散步和喝咖啡时,他会给他们签名。答案为A项。9. A. deliveringB. skippingC. conductingD. attending答案D解析词义辨析题。A项“投递,生小孩,发表演说”;B项“跳过”;C项“指挥”;D项“去学校,参加”。根据上一题分析可知答案为D项。10. A. interpretB. writeC. signD. explain答案C解析行文逻辑题。A项“翻译”;B项“写”;C项“签名”;D项“解释”。根据上文“Whenever asked for his signature.”可知应该选择C项。11. A. expectedB.

12、 predictedC. fearedD. argued答案C解析词义辨析题。A项“期盼,料想”;B项“预测”;C项“害怕”;D项“争论,辩论”。然而,他的妻子害怕校园里的车可能会把他撞倒。答案为C项。12. A. changedB. replacedC. destroyedD. exchanged答案B解析词义辨析题。A项“改变”;B项“替代”;C项“毁掉,破坏”;D项“交换”。根据下文“but Cha called himself an old man with little sense of 13 and before long he 14 the car too. Now he use

13、s a taxi.”可知,金庸一开始骑自行车,之后自己开车,最后使用出租车,所以自行车被替换。答案为B项。13. A. humorB. businessC. directionD. achievement答案C解析文化常识题。A项“幽默”;B项“商业,买卖”;C项“方向,指导”;D项“成就,业绩”。金庸说自己是一个没有方向感的老头儿,根据常识判断这里指的是自己开车。答案为C项。14. A. gave upB. took upC. sold outD. used up答案A解析词义辨析题。A项“放弃,停止”;B项“占据,接受,开始从事”;C项“卖完”;D项“用光”。根据第12题分析可知,金庸最后

14、放弃了自己开车,开始打车上学。答案为A项。15. A. old B. young C. sick D. lazy答案B解析文化常识题。根据该句“his mother once compared him to his star cousin Xu Zhimo who went to Cambridge”可知,当金庸非常小的时候,他的母亲曾经拿他和他在剑桥大学就读的表兄徐志摩相比。徐志摩就读剑桥期间金庸应该年龄较小,所以答案为B项。16. A. sadB. surprisedC. demandingD. jealous答案D解析词义辨析题。A项“难过的”;B项“惊讶的”;C项“苛求的,要求高的”;

15、D项“妒忌的”。根据后文“determining to prove himself by studying in Cambridge too”可知,金庸有些嫉妒表兄徐志摩。答案为D项。17. A. HoweverB. ThereforeC. FurthermoreD. Consequently答案A解析行文逻辑题。根据上文内容及下文“the most important reason is his strong thirst for knowledge”可知,金庸去剑桥上大学是出于对表兄徐志摩的妒忌,然而,最重要的是他对知识的强烈渴望。前后为转折关系,所以答案为A项。18. A. welcom

16、edB. qualifiedC. recruitedD. elected答案B解析词义辨析题。A项“受欢迎的”;B项“有资格的”;C项“被招聘的,被雇佣的”;D项“被选举的”。句意:有些人认为我没有资格担任浙江大学文学院的院长。答案为B项。19. A.testB. showC. proveD. increase答案D解析词义辨析题。A项“测试”;B项“展示”;C项“证明,证实”;D项“增加,增长”。句意:我不反驳,但是我一直在增长自己的知识。答案为D项。20. A. hesitationB. intelligenceC. willingnessD. ability答案C解析词义辨析题。A项“犹

17、豫不决”;B项“智力”;C项“意愿,心甘情愿”;D项“能力”。金庸始终如一的学习意愿值得我们钦佩。答案为C项。二Serendipity - an unexpected delight is the word that comes to mind when describing the seven-day hike my wife and I recently did in the wild and undeveloped northwest coast of Galicia, Spain.Simply _41_, anyone who is adventurous, loves traveli

18、ng to Europe and is fit enough to do 10-mile hikes should seriously consider doing this hike.Before this experience, I had never heard about On Foot Holidays programs that allow hikers to go at their own pace, with maps and detailed hiking _42_, but without a guide or other travelers, while still en

19、joying a high level of local support.What _43_ caught my attention was an announcement about On Foot Holidays newest hike, the Lighthouse Way, which they described as a journey along “the last _44_ coast of Europe”. This particular hike sounded both challenging and rewarding enough to _45_ a try.On

20、Foot Holidays booked our lodging each night and _46_ a taxi to take our baggage to the next destination, so we just had to carry our daypack essentials. Each day we _47_ or spoke with the companys local expert who was available _48_ emergency, but whose main function was to keep us informed about th

21、e daily weather forecast and to make special taxi arrangements when we decided to _49_ a couple of 14-mile hikes to less than 10 miles.The _50_ of the trails and scenery made every hike a delight. One of our hikes followed a narrow trail along a steep, rocky cliff _51_ the steel-blue waters of the A

22、tlantic Ocean that thrash against jagged rocks hundreds of feet below us. We stopped to picnic and watch the only living things we saw that whole day: a herd of goats above us, and a group of dolphins jumping in the waves below. In the distance, many of mountain peaks _52_ sparkling wind turbines(涡轮

23、机)like candles on a cake. Silence and loneliness were the features of each days accommodation. The only sounds we heard were birds singing, the wind blowing through trees or the waves breaking against the shoreline. The air was clean and the temperature brisk, with frequent _53_ of cloudy, cool, win

24、dy and rainy weather interspersed(点缀)with glorious bursts of sunshine.There was remarkably little litter, the exception being spots along the shore where ocean currents _54_ mostly fishing items.My wife and I realized that we are pilgrims searching for meaning, awareness and joy on our journey throu

25、gh life, and our Galician hiking _55_ had moved us further down that path in ways we wont forget.41. A. lostB. movedC. urgedD. put42. A. stringsB. instructionsC. devicesD. materials43. A. initiallyB. graduallyC. smoothlyD. firmly44. A. recommendedB. developedC. unspoiledD. discovered45. A. warrantB.

26、 provideC. imagineD. evaluate46. A. prepared forB. arranged forC. paid forD. turned to47. A. negotiatedB. discussedC. contactedD. texted48. A. in addition toB. in need ofC. in case ofD. in favour of49. A. shortenB. extendC. decreaseD. expand50. A. appearanceB. varietyC. characterD. route51. A. displ

27、ayingB. reflectingC. following D. overlooking52. A. establishedB. lightenedC. sportedD. structured53. A. changesB. intervalsC. adaptionsD. interactions54. A. stretchedB. withdrawnC. floatedD. deposited55. A. experienceB. techniqueC. investigationD. experiment参考答案:41-45 DBACA 46-50 BDCAB 51-55 DCBDA

28、三In the summer I turned 16, my father gave me his Chevy Malibu car as a gift. To my joy, Hank and I could 41 around Tucson with the top down. Hank was my best friend, a year younger but much 42 than me. My mother always said, Hanks 43 And sure enough, that summer he 44 with a modeling agency. He was

29、 45 taking the catwalk for the fashion show. One day on the way home from the cinema, we 46 at the McDonald s drive-through ( 免下车餐馆), putting the 47 on the seat between us to share. Then we rode around for a while. 48 too fast, I went through a mud wall and drove into a full-grown tree. The front wh

30、eels came to 49 halfway on the tree trunk. Fries spread on the floor and 50 covered Hank s face. In the emergency room, my parents said 51 , Even the best surgeon in the city . End of his 52 dream. Id damaged my cheekbone on the wheel; Hanks 53 had split wide open on the dash. When his mother, Sharo

31、n, came into my hospital room, I started to 54 , preparing myself for her anger. 55 to expectations, she comforted me, took my hand and said, I 56 you. Hank will too. Sharon s forgiveness 57 Hank and me to get back in the car together that summer and to stay 58 until now. There are still scars below

32、 his hairline, but it left no 59 on our friendship. Every time I want to hate someone for his wrong, I 60 her gift of forgiveness. 41. A. walk B. drive C. gather- D. turn42. A. shorter B. quieter C. taller D. braver43. A. funny-looking B. outspoken C. warm-hearted D. handsome44. A. signed B. dated C

33、. bargained D. interviewed45. A. yet B. still C. seldom D. already46. A. toured B. followed C. stopped D. hesitated47. A. gifts B. drinks C. tickets D. fries48. A. Turning off B. Turning up C. Breaking in D. Breaking down49. A. skip B. rest C. pass D. circle50. A. leaves B. branches C. blood D. swea

34、t51. A. excitedly B. loudly C. firmly D. sadly52. A. modeling B. acting C. singing D. exploring53. A. jaw B. forehead C. lip D. neck54. A. argue B. accuse C. cry D. wave55. A. Similar B. Contrary C. Related D. Opposed56. A. forgive B. hate C. understand D. mistake57. A. forbade B. allowed C. warned

35、D. begged58. A. neighbors B. colleagues C. friends D. strangers59. A. trap B. recovery C. signal D. mark60. A. think of B. bring up C. go against D. let out 参考答案:41-60 BCDAD CDABC DABCB ABCDA四I used to hate running. It seemed too hard, and pushing outside my comfort zone was not what I was 41 to do.

36、 My husband Charles had been a serious competitive 42 for many years. After our marriage, he wouldnt 43 talk- ing about how much he missed it. So he picked it up again, and after about a year, I started to 44 him at the track. Just a few weeks later, Charles 45 us both up for a five-kilometer race.

37、I 46 about doing it. It was too soon.But on race day, there I was. The gun 47 . Thousands of runners pushed forward. The first kilometer was tough. “I dont think Im gonna make it.” I was already breathing 48 and painfully aware of the group of runners pounding past me. “No, youre doing great,” said

38、Charles. He was trying to encourage me, to get me focused on something else 49 my discomfort. “I cant,” I said, barely audibly (听得见地). He tried a 50 way to persuade me. “Just make it to that house and lets see how you 51 .”After another minute I saw the three-kilometer mark. All I could think of was

39、 that I was dying and that my husband made me 52 . Miserable doesnt even begin to describe how I felt. “Youll be fine. Youve got less than a kilometer to go.” I rounded a corner, and saw both sides of the street 53 with people watching the race, all cheering the runners on. I willed my 54 to keep go

40、ing. Then I looked up and saw the clock. The seconds ticking away gave me 55 . I knew that if I 56 finished this race I would achieve something. 57 , I straightened up and kicked it. I had my arms held higher when I passed through the finish line. A volunteer 58 a medal around my neck.“You did great

41、! Im so proud of you!” Charles was 59 that Id made it. “That was AMAZING! I want to do another race. This running stuff is amazing!” I proudly 60 my medal as we walked to the post-race festivities. My lungs and my comfort zone both expanded.41. A. accepted B. permitted C. pushed D. raised42. A. runn

42、er B. policeman C. doctor D. lawyer43. A. regret B. mind C. stop D. forget44. A. follow B. attend C. join D. urge45. A. signed B. gathered C. involved D. registered46. A. commented B. hesitated C. wondered D. enquire47. A. went off B. went out C. broke off D. broke out48. A. smoothly B. heavily C. q

43、uicklyD. abruptly49. A. or rather B. more than C. rather than D. better than50. A. pleasant B. reasonable C. casual D. different51. A. react B. describe C. feel D. realize52. A. ashamed B. painful C. embarrassed D. nervous53. A. rich B. loose C. ready D. thick54. A. arms B. mindC. heart D. legs55. A. strength B. patience C. expectation D. wisdom56. A. formally B. immediatelyC. normally D. actually 57. A. However B. Therefore C. Yet D. Instead58. A. rewarded B. handed C. put D. presented59. A. thrilled B. amused C. shocked D. frozen


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