1、Welding pr ocedur e specification(WPS)焊接工艺规范Kevin MoLINCOLNELECTRICWhat is a WPS?什么是焊接工艺规范(WPS)?焊接工艺规范是为了制造符合规范要求的焊缝而提供指导的、经过 评定合格的焊接工艺文件。它或其它文件可用于对焊工或焊机操作 工提供指导似保证符合规范要求。A WPS is a w r itten qualified w elding pr ocedur e pr epar ed to pr ovide dir ection for making pr oduction w elds to Code r equ
2、ir ements.The WPS or other documents may be used to pr ovide dir ection to the w elder or w elding oper ator to assur e compliance w ith the Code r equir ements.LINCOLN1h ELECTRIC2What is incl uded by a WPS?WPS的内容 一份完整的WPS应当包含在WPS中所采用的、对每一种焊接方法而言的所有重要变素、非重要变素和当需要时的附加重要变素。样表见图1。焊接工艺规范其实就是规定某一焊接工艺的各种焊
3、接变素。The completed WPS shall descr ibe all of the essential,nonessential,and,w hen r equir ed,supplementar y essential var iables for each w elding pr ocess used in the WPS.For the sample,pls see the fiaur e 1.LINCOLN1h ELECTRIC3Who take charge of compil ing WPS?WPS应该由谁制定?每个制造者或承包者应按照焊接规范的规定编写合 理的WPS
4、.具体的说WPS是由代表厂家的焊接工程 师编写的。Each manufactur er and contr actor shall pr epar e w r itten Welding Pr ocedur e Specifications w hich ar e defined in cor r esponding w elding code.LINCOLNSb ELECTRIC4Availability of the WPSWPS的可得性川于产品焊接的WPS,应当在制造现场便于获得,以供查考,并供授权检验师(AI)检查。A WPS used for Code pr oduction w e
5、lding shall be available for r efer ence and r eview by the Author ized Inspector(Al)at the fabr ication site.LINCOLNSb ELECTRIC5Simple connection diagramWPS关系简图compiled by w elding engineer accor ding to qualified PQR焊接工程师根据评定合格的工艺评定 记录(PQR)制定恰当的焊接工艺规范(WPS)Author ized by AI授权检验师检查Remarks:PQR is the
6、 qualified welding procedure procedure and test results record.备注:PQR是经过评定合格的焊接工艺数据 及相关试验结果记录conducted by w elder焊工或焊接操作工 根据WPS进行生产super vised by AI授权检验师检1LINCOLN6ELECTRICHow is a WPS created?如何创建一个WPS?接头形式j oint typeFCAW药芯焊丝保护 焊SAW埋弧焊GMAW气保焊 SMAW焊条电弧焊 GTAW铝极氨弧焊焊接方法 wel ding process+Str uctur al Wel
7、ding Code-SteelANSVAWS D1.1-96 An American Nstional Standard建造规范 construction specificationLINCOLN1h ELECTRIC7浏览规范,列出可行焊接方法主要约束FUNCTIONAL CONSTRAINTS :一:.:.:.:.:;:.;.:%:.:2:,:.=.:.rEquipimnt,Personnel Services,Space:.:簿:”二演,霸 诚.:.二n嚏患;.嚏皿年约束修订可行焊接方法J REVISED UST OF ACCEPTABLE PROCESSES评估生产成本EVALUATE
8、 PRODUCTION COSTTS(IMal Costs;Not Just Wel d Costs)、,、“,、.A J:”,、了.小毋.点八“选择Wel d Process Sel ection焊接工艺选择Th e“ideal welding process is th at wh ich ach ieves th e minimum specif ication requirements at th e minimum cost.完美的焊接工艺是那种以最小成本获得 规范要求的最低水平Th e Practical Welding EngineerLINCOLNSb ELECTRIC9Var
9、iabl es焊接变素 重要变素essential variables影响接头弯曲和拉伸性能的因素Affect the bend ability and tension ability of joint 非重要变素non essential variables对弯曲和拉伸不能产生明显影响的因素CaNt produce visible affection on bend ability and tension ability of joint 附力口重要变素supplemental essential variables影响接头冲击性能的因素Affect the toughness of joi
10、nt10ELECTRICEssential s l isted in AWS D1.1AWS对各种焊接方法重要变号Tabl e Changes Requiring WPS Requal ification for GMAW.FCAW,and GTAWEl ectrodeEssential Varubl e Chants to PQR Requtnug RequahficabonProcecSMAWSAWGMAWFCAWGTAWFil l er MetalI)Incre-ase in fil l er metal cl arification stxe.thXXX2)Change frccn l
11、 ow hydrogen to noo-l g-bydrce n SNfAW el ectrodeX3)Change from one el ectrode or fl ux-el ectrode ck MfkaboD to any otbe r el ectrode or fl uxl ectxode cl assification1XXX4)Change to an el ectrode or fl ux-ekctrode cl n&ifkatioD7 not covered in:AWSA5.1 or A55AWSAS.17crAS.23AWS A5.i&or A5.28AWSA5.20
12、cr A5.29AWS A5.l 8or A52S5)Addition or del etion of fil l er metdX6)CKan郡 from col d wire fired to bot wire feed or vice ersaX7)Addition or del etion of suppl emental pc*deced or granul ar fil l er metal cr cut wireX8)辰reeein the amount of wppknrnul pc*de i/32in.(O.fc mm increaseAny increo*e Any inc
13、rease or decreaseAny increase 1716 in.1 j6 mm increase or decreasei I)Chan 邵 in number of el ectrode*XXX12)Change in tungsten el ectrode type a*shown in AWS A5.12XEssential s in GMAW or FCAW GMAW and FC AW中的重要变素(AWS).Filler填充材料 Incr ease in filler metal classification str ength增加填料的强度 Change fr om o
14、ne electr ode classification to any other electr ode classification,limited to FCAW从一种焊丝型号改变 到另一种焊丝型号(只限药芯焊丝)Change to an electr ode classification not cover ed in AWS A5.18,A5.20,A5.28,A5.29 焊丝变为在AWS中没有的型号 Electrode焊丝 Change in nominal electr ode diameter:焊丝直径变化(实芯焊 丝),焊丝直径增加(药芯焊丝)LINCOLNSb ELECTRI
15、C12Essential s in GMAW or FCAWGMAW and FCAW中的重要变素(AWS)Electrical parameters焊接参数 A change in the amper age for each diameter每种焊丝 直径的电流变化超过10%A change in type of cur r ent(ac or de)or polar ity and mode of tr ansfer(GMAW only)电流放性灰化或&MAW过 渡模式变化 A change in the voltage for each diameter,sur pass 7%电压改变
16、超过7%An incr ease or decr ease in the w ir e feed speed for each electr ode diameter sur pass 10%送丝速度改变超 过 10%_LINCOLN1h ELECTRIC13Essential s in GMAW or FCAWGM AW and FCAW中的重要变素(AWS)A change in the tr avel speed sur pass 25%焊接速度改变超过 25%An incr ease in heat input sur pass 10%热输入增加超过 10%Shielding gas
17、保护气 A change in shielding gas fr om a single gas to any other single gas or mixtur e of gas,or in the specified nominal per centage composition of a gas mixtur e,or to no gas保护气从单木中气体变 为其它单种气体虚混合气体LINCOLNELECTRIC14Essential s in GMAW or FCAWGMAW and FCAW中的重要变素(AWS)A change in total gas flow r ate气体流
18、量增加大于50%或减小超过 20%A change to a shielding gas not cover ed in。改变为不包含在 AWS A5.18,5.28,A5.20,A5.29中的保护气。.General 一般条件 For the PQR gr oove ar ea,an incr ease or decr ease 25%in the number of passes对手与PQR坡口面积相同的,焊道数诙变超过 25%A change in position not quahfied焊接不 改变为未经评定的位置LINCOLN1h ELECTRIC15Essential s in
19、GMAW or FCAWGMAW and FCAW中的重要变素(AWS)A change in diameter,or thickness,or both,not qualified by Table 2工件宜.径或厚度未在评定范围之 外。A change in base metal or combination of base metals not listed on the PQR 母材未经评定 Ver tical Welding:For any pass fr om uphill to dow nhill or vice ver sa立原:任何焊道从上到下焊接 或相反 A change
20、in gr oove type(e.g,single-V to double-V),坡口形式变化(例如,单V到双V)LINCOLN!h ELECTRIC16Essential s in GMAW or FCAWGMAW and FCAW中的重要变素(AWS)A change in the type of gr oove to a squar e gr oove and vice ver sa从住何坡口形式改变为直边或相反 A change exceeding the toler ances,including decr easing of gr oove angle,decr easing o
21、f r oot opening,incr easing of r oot face,坡 口角度减小,坡 口间隙减小以及钝边增加超过公差范围 The omission,but not inclusion,of backing or back gouging取消舄垫或清根 Decr ease fr om pr eheat temper atur es by 15 Celsius degr ee预热温度降低超过15度LINCOLN!h ELECTRIC17Wel ding Procedj ur年加区焊接工艺规范例舞D QUALIFIED BY TESTING DURE QUALIFICATION R
22、ECORDS(PQR)Iden tifioation*_Yes I IPQR 23工Company Nan=_RED 工 nu._Wekfng Procesaies)PCLXW_Supporting PQR No.(s)PQR 2 31R/ision 工 Oate 工 2-1-7Authonzed by b J onesTypeManualMachri&I 1By eT Lya_Date 工-1 0-33 S-emkAutomatic x|Autcmatic IZJJOIHT DESIGN USEDType:_But t_9ng-1Xj Oocibia We4d|_Becking:Yes|X
23、J No J_Backing Material:_ASTM A 1 31A_Root Opening 金 Root Face Dimension _G roove An/o:52-Radus(J U)_zz_Back Gouging:Yes|_|No 区Method _BASE METALSMaterial S|eo._ASTM A 1 31Tyr=AThidoiEBS:Groove 3/4工 1/2Diameter(Pipe)_二_.F _-FILLER METALSAWS Specification_A5-20_AWS Cl assification _.7 工T-工_SHIELDIMG
24、Fl ux_zz_ Gas _CO)_Competition 工。O%UOEl etro-Fl ux(Cl ass)_Fl ow Rate 45-55UPH_ Gas Cup Size _PREHEATPreheat Tecnp.,Min 600_Int&rrass Tennp.,Min 6 0 _Max 350POSITIONPosition of Groove:O R Fil l et:一Vertical Progression:Up J_|Down|_|ELECTRICAL CHAFLACTERISTIGSTransfer MRe(GMAW)Short-Circuiting|Gioij
25、l ar 区 Sprary 匚 Current AC J_|DCEP 区 DCEN_ Pul se-Jl _|Other _Tcnosten 曰ectrode fGTAWi Size:_ _Type:-TECHNIQUEStriroe-r or Weave Bead:S 七 h/ngeirMul tipass or Singl e Pass iper Number of El etrode _ _El ectrode Spacing Lcogitudinal _二_Lateral_=_Ape _ZZ_Contact 7ute to Work Distance _1/_Peening None_
26、Interpass Cl asning Wre Bmsl iPOSTWELD HEAT TREATMENTTemp._K A _Time_N _WELDING PROCEDUREPass or Wek l Laryens)ProcessFil l er Metal sCurrentVol tsTrsrvelSpeedJoint OtaisCl assDiam.Type&Pol arity AJinpe;!or Wire Feed SpeedA工工FCAWE7 XT-X.045-DU4X8O-22OA25-26V8-X2 pmfJ:igure力*WPS sSk k BendFig.4.13)Mi
27、nMa x3STS 1022232TIOTt Bend(see l ug.4.12)Fa ce Bend(see Fig.4.Side Bend(see Fig.4.13)MmMa xJo b SizeTest Pipes60034T4 10222a nd o ver32T10T2024Test dia iu.6003Ti a nd o ver32T10T2024600 a nd o verT/22TTN 2024600 a nd o ver10Unl inuiedSUmd;irdTest Pipes50 mm OD x 6 mm WT o r 75 mm OD x 6 mm WT22220l
28、 l tfo igh100320150 nim OD x 14 mm WT200 nun Oh x 12 nun VT24100 a nd o ver5Unl inutedLINCOLN!20ELECTRICNumber and type of test specimens and range of thickness qual ified-PJP评定焊缝的厚度和试验数量及类型(部分焊透接头)Table 3Number and Type of Test Specimens and Range of Thickness Qualified一 WPS Qualification;PJP Gr oo
29、ve WeldsBASIC REQU IREMENTSNumber of Specimens1 2Test Gr oove Depth,T in.mmMacr oetch for Reduced-Weld Size(E)Section4.10.2 Tension Root Bend Face Bend Side Bend4.10.3(see Fig.(see Fig.(see Hg.(see Fig.4.10.4 4.14)4.12)4.12)4.13)Gr oove DepthQualification Ranges3-4Nominal Plate.Pipe or Tubing Plate
30、Thickness,in.mmMin MaxI/8STS3/83STS 103 2 2 2 T1/8 3 2T3/8 T 1IOsi(ion1Qualifies welding consumables to be used in T-(es(aboveNotes:I The minimum thickness qualified hall be 1/8 in.3 mm.2 All w dded teM pipes aiul pknes skill be visuully inspected pei 4 8.13.Scv T.iblc 422)fur pipe diainclcr qualifi
31、cdlion.4.When the w elding consumable%used do not confor m lo the pr vqualificd pr ovisions of Section 3.and a WPS usin the pr oposed w elding consum-dhleskis nd tven esuibhshed by the Confr acior inconlbmica tio nMinimum Yiel d Po imVStrengthIcRBh il c Ra ngePo cestAWSEl ectro de Specifica tio nEl
32、ectro de Cl miGca l ienk wMPaUiMPaASTNf A 36($3/4 in.20 mrnl i36250570400-550SMAWA5.1E60XX.E70XXASTM A 53 Gra de B3524060 min415 minASTM A 106 Gra de B3524060 min415 minA5.53E70XX-XASTM A Ml Gra des A.B.CS.D.DS.EM2甘5H-7I400-400as a 139 Gra de B3524160 min414 minSAWA5.17F6XXEXXX.F6XX-ECXXXASTM A 381
33、Gra de Y353524060 min415 minF7XX-EXXX,F7XX-ECXXXASTM A 500 Gra de A3322845 min310 minGro de B4229058 min400 mmA5.233F7XX4ZXXX-XX.ASTM A 501%25058 min400 minnxx4rxxx-xxASTM A 516 Gra de 553020555-75?8O-5I5Gra de 603222060-80415-550GMAWA5.18ER7CIS-X.E7CK-XC352 M乂心415-580E7C-XNf i El ectro dex Mth th e
34、IGtiMl c 1130205570580-550-GS suffix sh a l l h e excl uded)ASTM A 570 Gra de 303020540 minmmA5.28JER70S-XXX,E70C.XXXGra de 333325052 min3)minGra de 363625053 min365 nunG 3k 404027555 inin3so minRCAWA5.2OKbXTX.JXIXM.E7XTX.E7XT-XMGra de 454531060 min415 min(El ectro de%with th e 2-2M,-3,ASTM A 573 Gr
35、a de 653524065-7745O-5W-10.-I3k-14.a nd-GS suffixGra de 58322205540cM3)UiaII be excl uded a nd el ectro desASTM A 709 Gra de 的区3/4 in 120 mml362505H-804OO-5SOwith th c-l 1 suffix sh a l l be excl udedAPI 5L Gra de B3524060415fur tl iit k ffbes t ea ter th a nGra de X4242290604151/2 in.12 mm:ABS Gra
36、do A.B.D.CS,DS58 7140(K4WGro de E251U7I40k43)A5.田E6XTX-X.E6XT-XM.E7XTX-X.E7XTX-XMASTM A S291 ms讪2 42 工知 I3&IZ.(co ntinued)LINCOLNiELECTRIC23GCl assification of base metal母材分类Table 5(contlnued)Steel Spcvinciitiun RequirementSteel Specifica tio nMinimum Yiel d Iciuul cPo intS trength Ra ngek3/4 m 120
37、min)Gra de 50Gra de SOWGra de A.Cl a ss 22 m|50inni|(2*1/2 in.65 mm nnd under)Gra de 50Gra de 42Gra de 50Gra de 42Gra de 50Gra de 5OTGra de 42Gh ideSOGra de SOTGruJc X52Gra des AH31 DH31 EH32Gra des AH36.DH36.E*38u 70-100 485-09031 5 65QO J2X58-W4W-6U3!568心470-58535071-W400-620275-34560-704157852406
38、5处450-58526070-00485-62034570-100485-依 0345654503807048029060 mm415 min34565 min450 min3807。mmJHS min34570 min485 min38065 min45(min41570 min480 min310-34065 min450 niin31060 min410 min34565 min450 min38070 min480 min315-34565 mm450 min290%430-57034570-90485-6202505g-W400-550田65 minJ SO min34570 min
39、485 min38065 min450 min20060 mm415 min34565 min450 min345-4506545029062-80430-55034570 min485 min200-46262 mm427 min345-51765 nnn448 niiii345-55270 min483 min2904262 min427 min345-51765 mtn448 nii345-55270 min483 min360”,72455-49531571-90490-62035071-00400-620Ro nunucJiFil l er Mctil RequirementPro
40、cessAWS El ectro de Spec if ic4i to o nEl ectro de Cl a ssifica tio nSMAWAME7DI5,E70I6l t7OI8,E702SA5 5JE70I5-X.E70I6.X.E70Ig-XSAWA5.I7F7XX-EXXX.HXX-ECXXXA52PHXXXXXXX.F7XX-ECXXX-XXGMAWA5.I8ER70S-X.E70C-XC,E70C-XM l EIccgdes*th th e-GS suffix sh a l l be excl uded)A5.28JER70S-XXX.E70C-XXXFCAWASME7XT-
41、X.E7XT-XM(El ectro de*with th e-X-2M,-3,-10.-11.14.a nd-GS suffix sl ia l l be excl udednd ck itru&swith th e l I Biffi又 4Ml i h e excl uded fo r(h xLnc3G xrea ta(h a n 1/2 in 12 mm)A5.29J E7XTX-X.E7XTX-XMLINCOLN24ELECTRICCl assification of base metal母材分类Table 5 ontlnued)G Steel Spccifica ticn Requi
42、rementsiFil l er Metal Requirementsr Minimum Yiel d Tensil eU Po int/Strength Ra ngeAW O El ectro deP Sl ed Specifica tio n k si MPi k si MPaPro cess Spccifk a tio n El ectro de Cl a ssifica tio nAP!2W Gmdc 60 60-W 414-621 75 min 517 minSSI AW AS*E80I5-X.E80I6-X.E80IS-XAPI 2Y Gra de 60 60-W 414-621
43、75 min 517 minASTM A 572 Gra de 60 60 415 75 min 515 minSAW A5.235 F8XXEXXX-XX,Gta dc 65 65 450 80 min 550 minWXXECXXX-XX|H ASTM A 537 CIm 22 46-60 315-415 80-100 550-690GMAW A5.285 ER80S-XXX.ASTM A 633 Gra de E2 55-2m|50mn|60-65 415-150 70 min 45 minPCAW A5,295 E8XTX-XASTM A9131 GnuJe60 60 415 75 m
44、in 520 minE8XTX-XMGra de 65 65 450 80 min 550 minSMAW A5.5J E9015-X,E9016-X.E90I8-X.E90IX-M,ASTM A 700 Gra de 70W 70 4K5 00-110 620-760SAW A5.235 P9XX-EXXX.XX,F9XX-ECXXX-XXASTM A 852 70 485 90-110 620-760GMAW A5.285 ER90S-XXX.E90C-XXXPCAW A5.23 EOXTX-X.E0XTX-XMGeneral Naes:In j oint%invol ving bate
45、nvtal t of dif&rcnt gmi4K.either of the(ol kiuii5 Hl a scuh may Iv med:(I)(hal which trul ches the higher strength nvl il.cr(2)tKil Btikh muktvs tbe kmvr strcngl bbax metj uad pfudUors al uu-!rdkten dqxil.Pidwuiiii shal l b io oj afuimvue with the ruquitviiMb applk jNc Io Ibe higbci sUuiigl h iuup.M
46、atch API sunil ird 2B(hhdcakd tubes*accoiding(o usZ WMn uvl ds arvto tv rvtvrvl imd.rhe ekrnited vM meUiJ shal l rvt exoevd 0X)5 fwvm vinadium See TdHes 2.3 aid 23 foi al tuabk、trv”rvquircnienl s H mahing Gl cf iivl dl.Fil l er nMal pfq?niei kne Zea nKAed io nu*nnidn如top Annex O.AWS A5M(SI Un*ok amN
47、 M 4 ame cl Mntkafinn may h?vwi in l ieu ci 栓 AWS A5(U.S.CuMnmary UnitMekamde dafatkafinn Ani f Oic qUU&j tim I川 j parl Lul aiup i h,、Xed n da 1也力1,“1丑 h u:7 t-uJ.in?川 Ua in l h|匚“up ih”公d,n 由 cl cl lNogs:I.The Ixut input l ifnitaiioosof 5.7 sbul l not pl y to ASTM A 913 Grade60er 65.2.Sxidi wvtdiug
48、 mMetial soiid W?S,匚g.fcJXX-X l u*-dk dtxtfudei nkiv be l eqMtfod(onkHth th nuKh IUJhiR”u(Z*aietdi ik pikddcu iauking hh|Xk1 k 3h军。i Iim knvraiuftf l l.3.fil l er nvtal sciaBo grvqpB3.BM-.B4.B4L,B5.B5L.B6,B6L B7.B7L BR,B8L B9vor viy BXH grade in AWS A5_5,A5.23.A5.2R,or A5.4n?k4 ptvquil ifial for z i
49、n Ihc asvkkd condil ion.LINCOLN!*ELECTRIC25Wel ding variabl es焊接因素Groove Wel d Types坡 口形式Squar e直边Single-V单V坡口(带衬垫)Double-V 双V形坡口(X形坡口)LINCOLN!h ELECTRIC26Wel ding variabl es焊接因素Groove Wel d Types坡 口形式Single-bevel 单边V形坡口Double-bevelK形坡口LINCOLN1h ELECTRIC27Wel ding variabl es焊接因素Groove Wel d Types坡 口
50、形式Single-U 单面U形坡口Double-U双面U形坡口LINCOLN1h ELECTRIC28Wel ding variabl es焊接因素Groove Wel d Types坡 口形式Single-J 单面J形坡口Double-J双面J形坡口LINCOLN1h ELECTRIC29Wel ding variabl es焊接因素Groove Wel d Types坡 口形式Flar e-bevel卷边接头Flar e-VV形卷边接头LINCOLN1h ELECTRIC30Wel ding variabl es焊接因素Wel ding Positions 焊接位置IdUIV IWPS O
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