1、N1世纪大学需英语鳍 猴区大步出版社21世纪大学新英语视听说教程2“Unit 1 Sports COLLEGE 21世纪大学新英语视听说教程2Learning ObjectivesCommunication SkillsListening StrategyTheme-related ActivitiesHome Listening&WatchingFun Time21世纪大学新英语视听说教程2(V Unit 1Spo rtsLearning ObjectivesQ In this unit,youre going to learn how to express agreement and di
2、sagreement;how to identify a topic;more about sports歌学人*梃侬他21世纪大学新英语视听说教程2Unit 1 Spo rtsCommunication Skills此 Useful ExpressionsAgreeing Disagreeing Sure/Abso lutely.Yo u go t it.By all means.Thafs true/right.Thafs fo r sure.I feel the same way.D efinitely.111 say!Me,to o.I co uldn5t agree with yo u
3、 mo re.Disagreeing Yo u5ve go t it all wro ng.I do n5t think yo u5ve go t yo ur facts straight.N ext time get the facts first.D o n5t jump to co nclusio ns.But wo uldn5t yo u agree that.?But wo uldn5t yo u say that.?Yo u wo uldn5t go so far as to say that.I wish I co uld agree,but.Thafs o ut o f the
4、 questio n.I do nt believe that.Pm no t sure I understand.N o way.21世纪大学新英语视听说教程2Unit 1 Spo rtsCommunication SkillsWatching&Speaking7 Directions:Youre going to watch a video clip,Restaurant Escapade”(315).Read the following words and phrases before watching,and then finish the following tasks.21世纪大学
5、新英语视听说教程2Q Unit 1 Spo rtsFollowing is the script of the video clip:Tim:l5ve never been to this restaurant befo re.Can yo u give me a suggestio n?Kelly:Well,the last time we came,Brad o rdered a steak,and I o rdered a fillet.Bo th o f them were wo nderfully made,altho ugh the appetizers were no t as
6、great.Brad:Yes,the so up was just awful.I can5t stand the taste o f o nio ns in vegetable so ups.Kelly:I do n5t think yo u5ve go t yo ur facts straight.We didn5t even o rder so up.I recall eating a salad with a dressing that was to o so ur fo r my liking.Brad:N o way,yo u5ve go t it all wro ng!It wa
7、s the so up!Betty:N o w,no w,guys,do n5t fight o ver such silly things.We will just o rder the entree,and skip the so up and the salads.Tim:Alright TH have a rare steak then.21世纪大学新英语视听说教程2Q Unit 1 Spo rtsBetty:What?Thafs o ut o f the questio n.I tho ught we agreed previo usly that rare meat is no t
8、 go o d fo r yo ur diet!Tim:But I have a serio us craving fo r a juicy,rare steak!Betty:Tim!N o!The do cto r says that yo u sho uld eat mo re healthy fo o d.I think yo u sho uld listen to me fo r o nce.Kelly:I co uldn5t agree with yo u mo re,Betty.Brad hardly pays attentio n to my health advice anym
9、o re.Brad:D o n5t jump to co nclusio ns,Tim and Betty.I play basketball with the bo ys and I jo g with my fiancee every weekend,but I just can5t bring myself to give up o n eating at fast fo o d places o nce a week.Tim:Ha,us bo ys will never change o ur bad habits.I can5t live witho ut eating chips
10、o r drinking co ke.Betty:111 say!Every time we go gro cery sho pping,I have to keep an eye o n Tim.He always fills o ur sho pping cart with bags o f chips and bo ttles o f so ft drinks.21世纪大学新英语视听说教程2Q Unit 1 Spo rtsBrad:But wo uldn5t yo u say that it is alright to indulge in junk fo o d o nce in a
11、while?I mean,a perso n needs to enjo y life and be reckless so metimes.Kelly:Abso lutely,but Brad,yo u already ate at the burger jo ints three times in the past week!I think thafs eno ugh fatty fo o ds fo r the next few days!Okay,o kay,111 get the vegetable platter then.Brad:Talking abo ut fo o d,wh
12、y do n5t yo u get the waiter?Im hungry as it is.Kelly:Sure,by all means.Betty:So,Kelly,yo u two seem to be getting alo ng quite well.Kelly:Abso lutely,we are do ing just fine.Tim:Just like the o ld times,eh?Remember when we were in university?Yo u two always go t into the biggest arguments o ver the
13、 mo st ridiculo us things!Kelly:We haven5t gro wn up at all!21世纪大学新英语视听说教程2Q Unit 1 Spo rtsBetty:So,when are yo u go ing to invite us to yo ur wedding?We are yo ur best friends,after all.Kelly:Thafs true.Actually,we invited yo u fo r dinner,to fo rmally extend an invitatio n to o ur wedding in early
14、 July.Betty:Oh!Thafs great news!Have yo u guys wo rked o ut the details already?Kelly:Abso lutely!I am the meticulo us o ne,after all.Tim:Okay,why do n5t yo u tell us after we o rder?And Brad,ho w5s it co ming with the waiter?Brad:N o bo dy seems to no tice me.Tim:N o bo dy except Kelly.Just kidding
15、,Brad.Co ngratulatio ns o n yo ur wedding,buddy!I lo o k fo rward to seeing yo u in wedded bliss(幸福).21世纪大学新英语视听说教程2Unit 1 Spo rtsCommunication SkillsWord Bankfillet/4h影彤/.里脊牛排appetizer/4)口陟。陟时/n.开胃菜entree/4佗陟/n 主菜craving/翁心口乳陟:陟匐4-渴望fiancee/眇少眇/m 未婚妻indulge/陟少夕q:G/忆让自己享受一下platter(r)/n.大浅盘meticulo u
16、s/O 陟4陟&jer 中/a.-aym-get the facts straight 澄清是非burger jo int 汉堡摊点21世纪大学新英语视听说教程2Q Unit 1 Spo rtsCommunication SkillsTask 1Y Watch the video clip.While watching,match the names below with their owners and try to tell how they are related to each other.Betty is the girl in yellow,Brad is the man in w
17、hite.Kelly is the girl in brown.Tim is the man in black.Kelly and Brad are a couple,and Betty and Tim are a couple.They are best friends.Prcv.Next21世纪大学新英语视听说教程2Unit 1 Spo rtsCommunication SkillsTask 2y Watch the video clip again,and then choose the best answer to the following questions from the fo
18、ur choices given.1.When talking abo ut their last dinner at the restaurant,why did Brad say the so up was awful?A)Because it was to o so ur.J)Because o f the o nio ns.C)Because o f the spices.D)Because it didn5t go with the salad.歌学人*梃侬他21世纪大学新英语视听说教程2Q Unit 1 Spo rtsCommunication SkillsTask 22.What
19、 did Kelly say abo ut the so up?9 N They didn5t have so up at all.B)She agreed with Brad.C)She didn5t taste it.D)She fo und it quite go o d.3.What did Brad say to defend himself abo ut eating fatty fo o d?A)He didn5t eat it.B)He needed high energy.0He played basketball.D)He didn5t have health pro bl
20、ems.21世纪大学新英语视听说教程2Q Unit 1 Spo rtsCommunication SkillsTask 24.What was Brad5s attitude to wards junk fo o d?A,lt5s alright to indulge in junk fo o d o nce in a while.B)lt5s alright to eat chips and drink co ke.C)lt5s alright to have fatty fo o d as regular diet.D)lt5s alright to have burger fo r th
21、e next few days.5.Who didn5t pay attentio n to Brad?A)Kelly.C)Everybo dy.B)Betty.划 The waiter.21世纪大学新英语视听说教程2Q Unit 1 Spo rtsCommunication SkillsTask 37 Work in pairs to make short conversations according to the following situations.Remember to use the useful expressions provided above.1.Yo ur class
22、mates and yo u are talking abo ut the advantages and disadvantages o f having part-time jo bs during co llege years.2.Yo ur classmates and yo u are discussing whether students sho uld be allo wed to use cell pho nes in class.3.Yo ur friends and yo u are discussing whether ho nesty is the best po lic
23、y.Pre求学攵李国侬渔21世纪大学新英语视听说教程2Q Unit 1 Spo rtsListening StrategyIdentifying a TopicN;To pic is the subject o f a piece o f material like a speech,co nversatio n,discussio n o r an essay.It usually appears at the beginning o r at the end,and o ccasio nally in the middle o f a piece o f material.To ident
24、ify the to pic,yo u need pay special attentio n to the wo rds o r phrases that appear several times in the listening material.21世纪大学新英语视听说教程2Unit 1 Spo rtsListening StrategyTask 1弋 You are going to listen to a conversation(147).Listen to the clip,and decide which of the following is the topic of the
25、 conversation.A)Fierce co mpetitio n in the Olympic Games,q The spirit o f the Olympics.C)Athletes in the Paralympics.D)Co untries taking part in the Olympic Games.21世纪大学新英语视听说教程2Q Unit 1 Spo rtsFollowing is the script of the audio clip:Man:Aren5t yo u interested in watching the Olympics?There have
26、been so meexcellent perfo rmances by athletes fro m all o ver the wo rld.Woman:|just do n5t find it very interesting.Man:|think it5s wo nderful to see peo ple fro m all o ver the wo rld taking part insuch a great event.Woman:|think that fo r a lo t o f peo ple,it5s just a way to try and sho w their
27、co untry is better than o ther co untries.Man:|think the Olympics help to pro mo te wo rld peace.Woman:rm no t sure abo ut that.We still have many wars in the wo rld.I think that the idea behind the Olympics is a go o d o ne,but the reality is that during the Olympics co untries co mpete.There5s no
28、real spirit o f co o peratio n and peo ple are usually no t very friendly to each o ther.Man:Yo u are so pessimistic!The Olympics is a great o ppo rtunity fo r athletesto demo nstrate their speed,skill,agility and strength.21世纪大学新英语视听说教程2Q Unit 1 Spo rtsThe Olympics is a great o ppo rtunity fo r ath
29、letes to demo nstrate their speed,skill,agility and strength.Mo st peo ple ho pe to see so meo ne fro m their co untry win,but I think that they are just happy to see go o d perfo rmances by any athlete.Woman:Well.I think that the mo st amazing perfo rmances are by athletes who participate in the Pa
30、ralympics.Man:N o w there we are in agreement!21世纪大学新英语视听说教程2Unit 1 Spo rtsListening StrategyTask 2弋 You are going to listen to a speech Listen to the clip,and decide which of the following is the topic of the speech.,A)Mass participatio n in the Olympics.B)X-Games type o f spo rts in the Olympics.0
31、 The evo lutio n o f the Olympics.D)D o ping issues at the Olympic Games.21世纪大学新英语视听说教程2Q Unit 1 Spo rtsFollowing is the script of the audio clip:The inclusio n o f X-Games(极限运动会)type spo rts may have a lo t to do with their American ro o ts because America has a heck o f a lo t(许多)to do with the Ol
32、ympics.In 19 9 2,CBS paid 243 millio n do llars fo r the exclusive American TV rights to the Games;N BC has paid 613 millio n fo r the rights to Turin.The rights fees go up,the games get bigger,meaning Olympics in quaint(离奇的)settings like Greno bal,Lake Placid,Albertville,are a thing o f the past.Ce
33、rtainly the wo rld aro und the Olympics has changed.Tho se 59 2 Games were the first after the Berlin Wall fell and the So viet Unio n co llapsed.The Co ld War tensio n that fueled so many gripping Olympic mo ments was go ne.But still,it was a ro iling(动荡的)time.Fledgling(新建的)co untries sho wed up in
34、 Albertville pro ud just to display their o wn flags.N o w co untries bo rn after the fall o f Co mmunism aren5t co ntent to just be at the Games they want to win.Co nsider the success in Turin o f Slo vakia and the Czech Republic in Men5s Ho ckey.In 19 9 2,do ping(服用运动禁药)was an Olympic Back Next21世
35、纪大学新英语视听说教程2Unit 1 Spo rtsside issue.N o w there is the wo rld anti-do ping agency;tho usands o f jo urnalists repo rt o n the issue.And in Turin,fo r the first time at the Olympics,the po lice go t invo lved,acting o n suspicio ns that Austrian cro ss-co untry skiers and biathletes(滑雪射击运动员)may have
36、 been invo lved in do ping.21世纪大学新英语视听说教程2Q Unit 1 Spo rtsTheme-related ActivitiesPart 1 Lead-inPart 2 Watching&ListeningPart 3 Watching&Speaking(Back21世纪大学新英语视听说教程2Unit 1 Spo rtsTheme-related ActivitiesPart 1 Lead-in Discuss the following questions with your partner,and then share your answers with
37、 the rest of the class.Back Next21世纪大学新英语视听说教程2Unit 1 Spo rtsTheme-related ActivitiesPart 1 Lead-inY Discuss the following questions with your partner,and then share your answers with the rest of the class.1.D o yo u kno w who the man in Picture 1 is?If yes,say so mething abo ut him.2.What do yo u t
38、hink the peo ple in Picture 2 are do ing?Have yo u ever takenpart in this spo rt?Ho w do yo u like it?3.Many athletes endo rse certain pro ducts and make a lo t o f mo ney fro m it.What do yo u think o f this pheno meno n?歌学人*梃侬他21世纪大学新英语视听说教程2Unit 1 Spo rtsTheme-related ActivitiesPart 2 Watching&Li
39、steningSection A*Directions:You are going to watch a video clip about Kobe Bryant(3te06J),Read the following words and phrase before watching,and then finish the following tasks.Word Banksensatio n/佗4佗陟,/n.轰动playo ff/4口 作 m/n 季后赛ro o kie/4中七;彤/n.-Lakers/陟七;/湖人队Utah/贞er口如/(美国)犹他州Jazz/aG)捌 爵士队go pro 转
40、入职业生涯Pennsylvania觎口乳彤*代影影/Back Next21世纪大学新英语视听说教程2Unit 1 Spo rtsTheme-related ActivitiesPart 2 Watching&ListeningL、,.一、视听说教程221世纪:Q Unit 1 Spo rtsFo llo wing is the script o f the video clip:Kobe Bryant was immediately thrust into a staring role,and he would prove that when it came to showmanship,he
41、 was a fitting follow-up act to Magic(Johnson).Commentator:Here5s the steal.Here we go.Here co mes Ko be.Slam,dunk!Bryant.do wn the lane.a spectacular mo ve by Bryant!Bryant.lo o k at that mo ve and thafs fo r the highlight reel!Kobe has received his basketball education at a young age from his fath
42、er Joe,who played 8 NBA seasons,and he learned his lessons well,becoming a high school sensation in Pennsylvania.As he considered a jump to the NBA,Kobe once again turned to his father for advice.Kobe:He always to ld me if I had a dream,go o ut there and get it,and when itcame do wn to making a deci
43、sio n whether to go to co llege o r go pro,he sez5 just go wit5 yo ur gut feeling.Back Next视听说教程2Q Unit 1 Spo rts21世纪大Joe:When he made his decisio n,we co uldn5t have been mo re happy fo r him.But we knew that he was go in5 to play wit5 da big bo ys.It5s little different,and we to ld him that,ya5 kn
44、o w all these guys5 as big as yo ur D ad.And Kobe would have little time to make the adjustment.Joining the Lakers in 1996,he instantly became a focal point of the team:a coming out party for the high school kid.Bryant would not only prove he was ready for the NBA,he would even draw comparisons to s
45、ome of the games greatest players.Commentator:Well,if that do esn5t remind yo u o f Michael Jo rdan,what do es?Kobe:lt5s a great game,I mean,I was really lo o kin5 fo rward to that game,just co me o ut and accept the challenge o f go ing up against o ne o f the greatest players o f all time in Jo rd
46、an,and urn,ya kno w steppin5 up to da plate.视听说教程2Q Unit 1 Spo rts21世纪大But in the 79 9 7s playoffs,the young rookie would get his first taste of postseason pressure.Facing elimination(淘汰)in game 5 against the Utah Jazz,Kobe took the fate of the Lakers into his own hands.Commentator:Bryant fo r 3lets
47、 sho w it again.air ball.air ball.no pressure.he sho t air ball.zero pressure.Kobe:Go t to put it behind.Tho se are o ne o f tho se things where therewas a fine line because it can make yo u o r it can break yo u.And I like to turn any negative thing into po sitive.Though Bryant had missed the big s
48、hots,the fact he was even willing to take them had earned him respect.He had shown he was prepared to assume the burden of his teams success or failure.21世纪大学新英语视听说教程2Q Unit 1 Spo rtsCommentator:This kid is go nna be so mething!Man:Simply because o f Ko be5s excitement and,I think,his perso nality,i
49、t certainly raises the bar o f everyo ne5s expectatio n.As he continues to develop into one of the games brightest stars,the spotlight on Kobe will only grow more intense.And clearly he is ready for it.Kobe:.Well I understand what go t me to this po int.and thafs all and we5re playin5 a lo t o f bas
50、ketball,and lo vin5 what I do.Thafs what Tm go nna co ntinue to do.Tm no t go in5 o ut there to o verwhelm them.Tm just go nna to co ntinue to set go als,whatever happens happens.21世纪大学新英语视听说教程2Unit 1 Spo rtsTheme-related ActivitiesTask 1班Watch the video clip.While watching,read the following questi
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