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本文(教材复习(八年级下册)Units7—8(讲义课件)-【中考导学案】2023中考英语(邵阳专用).pdf)为本站上传会员【曲****】主动上传,咨信网仅是提供信息存储空间和展示预览,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知咨信网(发送邮件至、拔打电话4008-655-100或【 微信客服】、【 QQ客服】),核实后会尽快下架及时删除,并可随时和客服了解处理情况,尊重保护知识产权我们共同努力。
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1、2023邵阳英语八年级下册Units 78回归教材知识梳理情景交际微专题单元复习小测回归教材知识梳理八年级下册Units 78首页,总目录1 population 的用法China has the biggest population in the world.中国是世界上人口最多的国 家。(Unit 7 P50)population是名词,意为“(某一地区的)人口,全体居民”,其用法如下:(l)population是集合名词,常被看作一个整体,单独在句中作主语时,谓语 动词用单数形式。如:The world5 s population is increasing/growing faster

2、 and faster.全世界的人口增 长得越来越快。八年级下册Units 78 4y 首页/总目录/(2)population前有分数或百分数修饰时,谓语动词常用复数形式。(3)表示人口的多少时用large/big或small,表示增加或减少时用grow或fall。(4)询问人口数量常用Whats the population of.?/How large is the population of.?”o(5)表示“某地有多少人口”有两种表达方式:The population of+某地+be+数词.某地+has a population of+数词.。首页,总目录/八年级下册Units 7

3、8学I以国刖基础练习:1.The population of Suihua is much smaller than C of C.that情境化命题:2.一Whats C population of China?I t has population of about 1.4 billion.A.a;a B.a;the C.the;a八年级下册Units 78 jy 首页,总目录/j 3.一Which country has a A population,China or Canada?hI Ii 一China.Canada is crowded than

4、China.:l _:lI I:lI A.bigger;less B.bigger;more C.smaller;less:l I:lJ(南充完形节选改编)Food was a big problem in China in the past.This was:l I:li because China had 22 percent of the worlds C,but only 7 percent of its:!I I farmland.:l I I I:lI I4-A.water B.wealth C.population八年级下册Units 78总目录2 protect的用法The m

5、ain reason was to protect their part of the country.主要原因是为了保护 他们国家的一部分。(Unit 7 P50)protect是及物动词,意为“保护;防护”。其常见用法如下:protect sb./sth.(against/from sth.)保护某人/某物(免于)protect sb./sth.from doing sth.保护某人/某物免受八年级下册Units 78 4y 首页/总目录/【拓展】(1)protect的名词形式为protection,用作不可数名词。(2)与protect用,去类似的结构:stop/prevent sb.(

6、from)doing sth./keep sb.from doing sth,阻止某人做某事。八年级下册Units 78 4y 首页,总目录/:|,基础练习:I:1!:|j 1.To protect(protect)our eyesight,wed better relax for a while aftej:i:ij reading for a long time.Ih!:i 12.The seatbelts(安全带)can protect both drivers and passengers from getting j:!:i:i j(get)hurt when the car sto

7、ps suddenly.I:l I l 3.Doctors and nurses are brave enough to protect us against/from cOVI Di h!:i|i-19.i八年级下册Units 78 jy 首页,总目录/4.Wild animals which are now in danger need our protection(protect).5.Children must learn how to protect themselves(they)in an earthquake.6.I n order to live in a better pl

8、ace,the natural environment must protected(protect)by all the people.八年级下册Units 78“首页/总目录ZI 情境化命题:I I:(广东完形节选改编)Sam soon got a reply from Bill Black,director of theIII“li agency.We have received your letter.I t is great that you are interested in theI:l _ j job.This job is to B the earth from germsR

9、田菌)on things brought back fromu:l:lj other planets.”h i i:i17.A.move B.protect C.pull八年级下册Units 78 首页,总目录3 辨析success,succeed与successful.the first woman to succeed was Junko Tabei from Japan in 1975.第一个成功(登顶)的女士是1975年来自日本的田部井淳子。(Unit 7 P51)单词词性词义用法例句success名词成功表示抽象意义的“成 功”,是不可数名词;表示具体意义的“成 功的人或事”,是可

10、数名词。Failure is the mother of success.失败是成功之母。The party was a big success.这次聚会非常成功。八年级下册Units 78首页,总目录Zsuccessfully adv.;反义词:unsuccessful单词词性词义用法例句succeed动词成功;实 现目标succeed in doing 瓯成功做某事Jim succeeded in getting the job.吉姆成功获得了那份 工作。successful 形容词成功的可作表语瞬语,be successful in doing sth.成功 做臬事The play wa

11、s very successful on Broadway.刃B 部剧在白老汇大获成功。J 八年级下册Units 78 T 首页/总目录/基础练习:1.He succeeded in working(work)out the maths problem.用succeed的适当形式填空。2.I f you want to be a doctor like Zhong Nanshan,hard work is the key to success3.You will have to work hard if you want to succeed.4.I n order to pass the e

12、xam successfully,Henry works hard everyday.5.Without your help,the program couldnt have been so successful.八年级下册Units 78 jy 首页,总目录:i-1 情境化命题::lI I1(朝阳完形节选改编)Perseverance(坚持不懈)is the simplest yet mostJI Ij difficult thing in the world,because everyone can do it,but not everyone will II:lI do.Plato wa

13、s very B just because of his perseverance.Only the one who can JI I hold on to a simple thing may make it.uI ul|6.A.lucky B.successful C.unsuccessful八年级下册Units 78 jy 首页,总目录/j(龙东完形节选)0n the road to C,Li put a lot of effort.Many peopleIj tried to get a foothold(立足地)but didnt make it.He said,.I believe

14、 theyI I:l j will get chances and succeed sooner or later if they hold on to their dreams andJ I:lI s keep on trying.”J I I:l17.A.successful B.succeed C.successI_八年级下册Units 784 辨析achieve与come trueThe spirit of these climbers shows us that we should never give up trying to achieve our dreams.这些登山者的精神

15、向我们表明:我们决不应该放弃实现 自己梦想的尝试。(Unit 7 P51)八年级下册Units 78 4y 首页/总目录/实现梦想还可以用realize单词/短语用法achieve及物动词,意为“(通过努力)实现;取得;获取;达到(梦想、成绩、成功、目的等),主语一般 为人。achievement n.成就;成绩可用于被动语态come true不及物动词短语,意为“实现;成真”,土语一、般为希望、梦想等。不可用于被 动语态首页,总目录j八年级下册Units 78+achieve+come true如:卷=卷1 have achieved my dream.=My dream has come

16、true.我已经实现了我的梦想。八年级下册Units78 首页,总目录Z基础练习:1.一Dear friends,do you still remember why you came here three years ago?一To C our dreams!A.copy C.achieve2.What great progress you have a chieved in the past three years!3.All Chinese people think highly of Zhong Nanshan because of his achievements(ach

17、ieve).4.As long as we pull together,we will build a more beautiful China and our Chinese Dream will come true.八年级下册Units 78 jy 首页,总目录/情境化命题:achieve come true5.6宾州阅读节选改编)Remember,your goals can be changed as time goes on.But be sure your goals are the things you hope to achieve,not what your parents,

18、family or teachers want.6.(河北阅读节选改编)Most people have what they want(Dream)and think they can achieve their dreams(Believe).And then they do nothing.They just imagine their dreams can come true.情景交际微专题八年级下册Units 78 4y 首页/总目录/一、谈论自然地理一Whats the highest mountain in the world?世界上最高的山是什么山?一Qomolangma.珠穆朗

19、玛峰。一How high is Qomolangma?珠穆朗玛峰有多高?一I ts 8,844.43 meters high.I ts higher than any other mountain.它有 8844.43米高。它比其他任何山峰都高。一Which is the deepest salt lake in the world?世界上最深的咸水湖是哪 个?一The Caspian Sea is the deepest of all the salt lakes.里海是所有咸水湖中最 深的。|八年级下册Units 78 jy 首页,总目录/(陕西听力)W:Look at the new b

20、ridge.I ts very long.M:Yeah,its 360 meters long.Q:How long is the new bridge?BA.260 meters long.B.360 meters long.C.460 meters long.首页,总目录力八年级下册Units 78二、谈论最近的事情和经历一Have you read Little Women yet?你已经读过小妇人了吗?一Yes,I have./No,【havent.是的,读过了。/不,还没读。Tony:Have you heard the news?Scientists have sent a spa

21、ceship to Mars.Darning:Has it arrived there(yet)?Tony:Yes,it has arrived already.Thats why its on the news.单元复习小测八年级下册Units 7 8 4y 首页,总目录.一、单项选择1.Making robots is one of B activities among students.Each of them has his own robot.A.more popularB the most popularC the most difficult八年级下册Units 78首页J总目录

22、h2.The three heroes returned to the earth from space.We are proud of B.him C.them3.Today,all the erhu masters play and praise Erquan Yingyue.I t has become one of Chinas national B.A.habits B.treasures C.secrets4.The 21.58-meter-long 3D-printed bridge in Chengdu,with its B part reaching 8 met

23、ers and highest point hitting 2.68 meters,is really amazing.A.biggest B.widest C.longest八年级下册Units 78 jy 首页,总目录5.一 B you your homework?-Not yet.r 11 finish it in ten minutes.A.Did;finishB Have;finishedC.Will;finish6.I was still A when my parents went to bed,for I was worried about the coming math ex

24、am.A.awake B.sleepy C.lonely八年级下册Units 78r首页,总目录7 Now we can“plant trees“at the bottom of the sea.一I f s a new way to B the sea.A.paint B.protect C.create8.一Does Ann work in the bank?-No.C she is an English teacher.A.Recently B.Suddenly C.Actually八年级下册Units 78 jy 首页,总目录/9.As one of the most exciting

25、 sports,volleyball C in the Olympic Games in 1964.A included included C.was included10.The teacher still spoke very loudly C he had a sore throat.A so that soon as C.even though八年级下册Units 78首页J总目录h二、综合填空(素材选自人教八下P51 U血7)One of the world5 s most dangerous sports is mountain climbing,and one

26、 of the most popular places for this is the Himalayas.Of all the mountains,Qomolangma rises the lhighes1(high)and is the most famous.I t is 8,844.43 meters high and so is very dangerous to climb.2 Thick(厚的)clouds cover the top and snow can fall very hard.Even more serious difficulties include freezi

27、ng weather conditions and heavy storms.I t is also very hard to take in air as you get near the top.八年级下册Units 78 jy 首页,总目录/The first people to reach the top were Tenzing Norgay and Edmund Hillary on May 29,1953.The first Chinese team did so in 1960,3Vhile the first woman to succeed was Junko Tabei

28、from Japan in 1975.Why do so many climbers risk their 4 lives(life)?One of the main reasons is that people want to challenge themselves in the face of difficulties.The spirit of these climbers shows us that we should never give up trying to achieve our dreams.I t also shows that humans can sometimes be stronger than the forces of nature.本讲内容结束请完成练测本P29 P30


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