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1、-学初英语教案 日期:2 2021-2021学年初二英语教案【主备人】初二B组 邹晓舟 【备课时间】 _年_ _月_ _日 【方案上课时间】_ _周星期_, _ 年_ _月_ 日课题Unit 4 How do you get to school? Period 1 Section A 1a-2d教材:第 19 -20 页 大纲要求Talk about how to get to places教案设计集体备课意见实际课堂操作教 学目 的Ss learn to talk about kinds of transportation, and how long it takes to go place

2、s, and how far apart places are.本课讨论的话题是交通运输方面的,是非常具有实用性的内容。学好本课,学生不但能够加深对一般现在时态的理解和运用,也可以用英语来和别人讨论到达某地的最正确方式。对于初二第一学期的学生来说,他们在经过初一一年的英语学习后,已具有了相当的英语根底,同时也具备一些运用的语言知识的能力。在这样的根底上,学生对于讨论跟他们生活息息相关的行的相关内容一概很容易产生兴趣,老师应在这一教学过程中教育学生要自觉遵守交通法规。重点Talk about how to get to places难点Learn to use “ride the bike to

3、 school and “get to school by bike教学过程Step 1 Leading inGreetings and free talk .Step 2 While-task SB Page19 ,1a&1c .1.Write down how you get to school .2.Look at the picture .Write down how the students get to school.3.Make dialogues with the phrases .4.Groupwork: Divide the students into groups of

4、three or four .Practice reading the dialogues.5.Act out their dialogues .SB Page 19 , 1b .Listening 1.Make sure the Ss know what ot do .Give them an example orally if possible .2.Read the names .3.Play the tape and check the answers .SB Page 20 , 2a&2b .1.Revise the numbers .2.Teach the new word :mi

5、nute .3.Play the tape for the students to finish 2a&2b .Then play again and check the answers .Step 3 Post-taskIf there is time ,make conversations .三、练习稳固1. listening 2. pairwork 四、课堂小结Unit 4 How do you get to school ? do you How get to school ?does he How long does it take ?It takes about 10 minut

6、es . 五、课后作业用对话的形式告诉老师你是怎么到达学校并需要多长时间,then please tell me how you get to school and how long it takes .六、预习作业1. finish 3a2. read the grammar point in exercise book3. read 3a and try to recite 3a七、教学反思2021-2021学年初二英语教案【主备人】初二B组 邹晓舟 【备课时间】 _年_ _月_ _日 【方案上课时间】_ _周星期_, _ 年_ _月_ 日课题Unit 4 How do you get t

7、o school? Period 2 Section A 3a-4教材:第 21 页 大纲要求Talk about how to get to places教案设计集体备课意见实际课堂操作教 学目 的1. Knowledge ObjectsKey vocabulary.Reading and writing practice.Oral practice.The exercise of the workbook.2. Ability ObjectsWriting skills.Reading skills.Communicative competence.本课与学生的实际密切相关,易于引发学生用

8、英语进行交际交流,完成听说读写的任务活动。通过对本课的仔细诊断,把教学策略重点地位在三个教学环节上,即Presentation ,practice and production上,将“激发兴趣,激活思维,轻松导入,读后仿说,逐层训练,强化能力,创设情景,迁移知识,实现目标作为本课的设计导向。阅读文段的practice方法是:1.表层分析-复述应答:要求学生机械重复文段中的内容,使课文信息再现是非题,课后问答题,图表填空题等 2.深层剖析-推断应答:要求学生利用信息凭借经验理解读物的“弦外之音指导性问题和细节性问题3.整体评价-自由交际:要求学生用所学知识,对新情景进行交际教师选恰当的与课文相关

9、和有关社会热点Topics重点Reading and Writing难点Reading skills and Writing skills.教学过程Step I Greet the class and check the homework.Step II Show the new words on the blackboard.Step III 3aT: First Ill ask some questions. How can you get to school? How long does it take? Who would like to answer these questions?

10、 Sa: I take a bus. It takes twenty minutes.Sb: I ride my bike. It takes fifteen minutes.Sc: I walk. It takes about seven minutes.T: Great. Now open your books at page 21. Lets look at the reading passage. Ill ask a student to read it to the class.Step IV 3bShow the pictures and the time and distance

11、 on the blackboard.Ask one student to name one form and transportation and read the information that goes with it. Ask other students to name the other three.Step V Info gap race!First help the students form groups of three. Because three students work together in this activity.Ask the other student

12、s questions. Then fill in the blanks. Tell students the first group to fill in all the blanks wins. They will get little presents.三、练习稳固1. Reading and writing.2. pairwork 四、课堂小结 Map practiceQ: How far is it from to ?A: Its miles(kilometers).Q: How long does it take to go from to ?A: It takes (hours)

13、.五、课后作业Finish off the workbook exercise.六、预习作业Pre-read Section B 1a-2c七、教学反思2021-2021学年初二英语教案【主备人】初二B组 邹晓舟 【备课时间】 _年_ _月_ _日 【方案上课时间】_ _周星期_, _ 年_ _月_ 日课题Unit 4 How do you get to school? Period 3 Section B 1a-2c教材:第 22 页 大纲要求Talk about how to get to places教案设计集体备课意见实际课堂操作教 学目 的1. Knowledge ObjectsKe

14、y vocabulary.Oral practice.2. Ability ObjectsListening skills.Reading skills.3. Moral ObjectKnow about some signs of traffic.语言知识目标1、掌握一些重要的词汇:stop , bus station , transportation,on foot等。 2、学会谈论、描述如何到达目的地的交通方式。 掌握下面两种语言结构: 1How引导的特殊疑问句、肯定句句型: How do you get to school? I take the bus. How does she/h

15、e get to splace? She/He rides her/his bike. 2助动词do在不同人称特别是第三人称单数后的变化。 语言技能目标1、能根据录音判断交通的方式;2、能询问他人到达某地的交通方式,并能转述;3、能运用简单的语言对自己上学的路线、方式进行描述。教学策略1、引导学生发现和利用生活中的学习资源,补充词汇、句型及交通知识;2、利用小组合作、分组竞争的机制,激起学生的竞争意识,激发学生的表现欲和信心;3、通过录音带、多媒体课件,利用情境教学,启发学生思维;4、口头鼓励评价贯穿课堂始终,让不同层次的学生渴望成功的心理得到满足。 重点Key vocabulary.List

16、ening skills.难点Oral practice using the target language:教学过程Step I Greet the class and check the homework.Step II Section B 1aShow some pictures on the blackboard. Teach students some key words.This is a train station. Trains stop here. This is a bus stop. Because stop here.This is a bus station.Step

17、 III Group MuralTape together several pieces of large chart paper and ask students to use colored markers to make a transportation mural.Step IV 1b PairworkFirst ask two students to read the dialogue to the class.Sa: How do you get to school?Well, I ride my bike to the subway station. Then I take th

18、e subway. Step V 2bFirst ask a different students to say what kinds of transportation each picture shows. Then tell students the picture I show riding a bike to the subway, taking another bus after the subway and walking from the bus stop to the school.Step VI 2c GroupworkIn this activity let studen

19、ts tell how Nina gets to school. Ask students to use the pictures in 2b. And write these sentences on the blackboard.First she Next she Then sheStep VIII Optional ActivityExplain the practice of the sentences starters First she,Then, she by writing the sentences on the blackboard.First I get up. Nex

20、t I take a shower. Then I have the breakfast.Step IX Summary and HomeworkThis class weve learnt some key vocabulary and had oral practice. After class ask your parents how they get to offices. Next class Ill ask some of you to report to the class.三、练习稳固1. listening 2. pairwork 四、课堂小结 Key vocabularyT

21、arget LanguageFirst Next Then五、课后作业 Finish the exercise in the newspaper.六、预习作业1. finish 3a2. read the grammar point in exercise book3. read 3a and try to recite 3a七、教学反思2021-2021学年初二英语教案【主备人】初二B组 邹晓舟 【备课时间】 _年_ _月_ _日 【方案上课时间】_ _周星期_, _ 年_ _月_ 日课题Unit 4 How do you get to school? Period 4 Section B

22、3a-self check教材:第 23-24 页 大纲要求Talk about how to get to places教案设计集体备课意见实际课堂操作教 学目 的1. Knowledge ObjectsKey vocabulary.Reading passage.Reading and writing practice.2. Ability ObjectsWriting skills.Reading skills.Survey. 1. 知识目标1.掌握重点单词及短语:North America, school bus, depend on, by boat, must, etc.2.了解世

23、界不同地区学生的上学方式。2. 能力目标1.学生能读懂有关交通工具的文章.2.学生能表达自己周围同学的交通方式.根据对教材和学生的学情分析,本课时确定的重难点如下:重点:1.培养学生的阅读能力和阅读技巧. 2.培养学生的写作能力和技巧.难点:分析句子结构。1. It depends on where you are.2. And in places where there are rivers and lakes, like Hongshanhu and Kaishandao, students usually go to school by boat.3. That must be a lo

24、t more fun than taking buses!重点Reading and writing practice.Oral practice难点Reading and writing practice.Survey.教学过程Step I Greet the class and check the homework.Step II Show some new words on the blackboard. Teach the new words and ask students to repeat.Step III 3aNow let students read the article

25、again. Then have them look at five sentences on the blackboard.Answers: 1. T 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. TStep IV 3bFirst let students look at the chart. Make sure students know what to do. Ask them to finish the activity individually according to the chart.Step V 3cJust now you filled in an article about how

26、 students get to Hilsville High School. How do students get to your school?Step VI Self Check 1 tell students to use words: “ride, take, think of, and get toStep VII 2First let students look at the picture. Image you meet an American who needs help. His friend is ill in hospital. Ask students to wor

27、k in pairs to write out the conversation. Walk around the class offering language support where necessary.三、练习稳固1. Reading and writing practice.2. pairwork 四、课堂小结 Today weve reviewed key vocabulary in this unit and done some reading and writing practice.五、课后作业Finish off the exercise of the workbook.六、预习作业 Pre-read the new words in Unit 5七、教学反思- 11 -


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