1、Section I:GrammarChapter 23:Subjects and VerbsActivity 1 on Subjects and Verbs(page 427)1.The ripening tomatoes-listened on the sunny windowsill.2.Acupuncture reduces the pain of my headaches.3.Elena twisted a strand of hair around her fingers.4.My brother built his bookshelves from cinder blocks an
2、d planks of wood.5.A jackrabbit bounds up to fifteen feet in one leap.6.The singers diamond earrings sparkled in the spotlight.7.My roommate crashed her car on the icy highway.8.On St.Patricks Day,our neighborhood tavern serves green beer.9.My six-year-old brother survives on a diet of peanut butter
3、 and jelly.10.During my parents divorce,I felt like a rag doll being torn between two people.Activity 2 on Subjects and Verbs(429)1.A thick layer of dust covers the top of our refrigerator.2.In June,sagging Christmas decorations were still hanging in the windows of the abandoned house.3.The people i
4、n the all night coffee shop seemed weary and lost.4.Every plant bent toward the small window.5.A glaring headline about the conviction of a local congressman attracted my attention.6.Two of the biggest stores in the mall are eoine out of business.7.The battery testers tiny red lights suddenly starte
5、d to flicker.8.A neighbor of mine does all her work at home and e-mails it to the office.9.The jar of peppercorns tumbled from the spice shelf and shattered on the floor.10.The scar in the hollow of Brians throat 迄 the result of an emergency operation toclear his windpipe.Review Test(429-430)1.With
6、one graceful motion,the shortstop fielded the grounder and threw to first base.2.Like human mothers,sheep and goat mothers develop close bonds with their babies.3.Before class,Antoinetta and Jorge rushed to the coffee machine in the hall.4.I shifted uncomfortably on the lumpy mattress before falling
7、 into a restless sleep.5.Waiting in the long lickel line,Matt shifted his weight from one foot to the other.6.Ancient Egyptians were branding cattle more than four thousand years ago.7.Dogs and cats crowded the veterinarians office on Monday morning.8.The driver abruptly halted her Jeep and backed u
8、g toward a narrow parking place.9.During the American Revolution,some brides rejected white wedding gowns andwore red as a symbol of rebellion.10.The little girfs frantic family called a psychic to locate the child.Chapter 24:FragmentsActivity 1 on Dependent Word Groups(433-434)Note:Answers will var
9、y;examples are shown.1.If I dont get a raise soon,Fil quit.2.Because it was raining,we canceled the picnic.3.When I heard the news,I cried.4.Because I couldnt find the car keys,1 had to walk.5.The restaurant that we tried was disappointing.Activity 2 on Dependent-Word Fragments(434)1.Whenever I spra
10、y deodorant,my cat arches her back.2.We had a great time playing football in the house until he came home for the weekend.3.If Kim takes too long saying good-bye to her boyfriend,her father will start flicking the porch light.4.Scientists are studying mummified remains that are thousands of years ol
11、d.5.After I got to class,I realized my report was still on the kitchen table.Activity 3 on-ing Fragments(435-436)1.Marble-sized hailstones fell from the sky,flattening the young plants in the cornfield.2.It came to a stop at my house.3.The reason for this is that I am partially deaf.Activity 4 on-in
12、g and to Fragments(436-437)Note:Answers may vary.Activity 5 on Added-Detail Fragments(437-438)1.Looking at the worm on the table,Shelby groaned.2.1 put a box of baking soda in the freezer to get rid of the musty smell.3.Staring at Ihe clock on the far wall,I nervously began my speech.4.Fantasizing a
13、bout the upcoming weekend,Jerome sat quietly at his desk.5.To get to the bus station from here,you have to walk two blocks out of your way.1.For example,he sees the new movies first.2.And his fingertips are always black,like ink pads.3.Electronic devices,such as video cameras and cell phones,keep ge
14、tting smaller.Activity 6 on Added-Detail Fragments(438-439)Note:Methods of correction may vary.1.Left-handed students face problems.For example,they must sit at right-handed desks.2.Mrs.Fields always wears her lucky clothes,such as a blouse printed with four-leaf clovers,to bingo.3.Hundreds of moths
15、 were swarming around the stadium lights like large flecks of snow.4.For instance,he buys and sells comic books and movie posters.5.I wonder now why I had to learn certain subjects,such as geometry.Activity 7 on Missing-Subject Fragments(439-440)Note:Methods of correction may vary.1.Then she does fi
16、fty sit-ups.2.I like all kinds of pizza but refuse to eat frozen pizza.3.They break out in hives when they eat it,and they can even have trouble breathing.4.To distract me,the dentist tugged at a corner of my mouth.Then he jabbed aneedle into my gums and injected a painkiller.5.Last semester,I took
17、six courses and worked part-time in a discount drugstore.Review Test 1(440-442)1.C5.C9.C13.C17.C2.F6.F10.c14F18.c3.F7.F11.F15.C19.F4.C8.C12.C16.F20.CCorrectionsNote:Methods of correction may vary.2.Im starting to think there is no safe place left to ride a bicycle.3.When I try to ride in the highway
18、,in order to go to school,I feel like a rabbitbeing pursued by predators.6.Drivers whip past me at high speeds and try to see how close they can get to my bike without actually killing me.7.When they pull onto the shoulder of the road or make a right turn,drivers completely ignore my vehicle.11.Rega
19、rdless of an approaching bike rider,street-side car doors will unexpectedly open.14.Frustrated drivers who are stuck in traffic will make nasty comments or shout out obscene propositions.16.While jaywalking across the street,the pedestrian will treat me,a law-abiding bicyclist,to a withering look of
20、 disdain.19.Pedestrians may even cross my path deliberately,as if to prove their higher position in the pecking order of the city streets.Review Test 2(441-442)1.We both began to tire as we passed the halfway mark in the race.But whenever Id hear Reggies footsteps behind me,I would pump my legs a li
21、ttle faster.2.I have a few phobias,such as fear of heights and fear of dogs.My ultimate nightmare is to be trapped in a hot-air balloon with three German shepherds.3.Punching all the buttons on the radio in sequence,Phil kept looking for a good song.He was in the mood to cruise down the highway and
22、sing at the top of his voice.4.My children joke that we celebrate“Hanumas“with our Jewish neighbors.We share Hanukkah and Christmas activities,including making potato pancakes at their house and decorating our tree.5.I noticed two cartons of cigarettes sticking up out of my neighbors trash bag.I rea
23、lized that he had made up his mind to give up smoking for the fifth time this year.6.Ive decided to leave home and rent an apartment with my best friend.By being away from home and on my own,I will get along better with my parents.7.The alley behind our house was flat except for a wide groove in the
24、 center.We used to sail paper boats down the groove whenever it rained hard enough to create a“river”there.8.Don passed the computer schooFs aptitude test.This qualifies him for nine months of training.Don kidded that anyone could be accepted if he or she had$4000.Review Test 3(442-443)Note:Answers
25、will vary;examples are given.1.passed,the sun came out.2.I hate any food thats good for me,such as fresh fruits and vegetables.3.movie,I fell asleep.4.harder,Til flunk out.5.restaurant,is hoping to become a chef.6.A strong wind suddenly came up,knocking over the table.7.on time,Jeannie ran all the w
26、ay.8.dressed,Dana put his shoes on the wrong feet.9.attic is an old violin.10.temple,I yelled at the kids.Chapter 2!5:Run-OnsActivity 1on Period and a Capital Letter(446)1.job.They6.words.He2.wills.She7.scissors.Then3.dressing.She8.roof.Their4.water.They9.work.Every5.environment.They10.friends.IActi
27、vity 2on Comma and a Joining Word(447-448)1.but6.SO2.and7.but3.SO8.and4.for9.for5.but10.so or andActivity 3 on Comma and a Joining Word(448)Note:Answers will vary;examples are given.1.,but its not very clean.2.,for her had a daytime job.3.,and after dinner she went to the library.4.,so he feels very
28、 frustrated.5.,but I decided to wait another week.Activity 4 on Period and a Capital Letter or Comma and a Joining Word(448-449)Note:Answers may vary;examples are shown.1.refrigerator,and then6.stiff,but soaking2.environment.They7.work.Some3.heat,so I8.house,so now4.Russia.We9.Correct5.T-shirts.The1
29、0.city.WeActivity 5on Semicolon(450)1.plates;they6.house;they2.week;now7.window;Joey3.immense;its8.microscope;he4.bacon;her9.street;the5.covers;she10.fist;laterActivity 6 on Semicolon with a Transitional Word(451-452)1.;therefore,or thus,consequently,or as a result)2.;on the other hand,or however)3.
30、;otherwise,4.;meanwhile,5.;however,(or nevertheless)Review Test 1(452-453)Note:Someanswers may vary.1.break,but6.victims,so2.drivers.When7.marriage.Five3.tray.Then8.health,so4.bare,and they9.schoolwork.The5.garbage,and10.CorrectReview Test 2(453-454)Note:Answers may vary.1.days;itsOr:days,and its2.h
31、eels,and thenOr.heels,and then3.diner.AOr:diner,and a4.occult.ItOr:occult,for it5.parents.ThisOr.parents,for this6.intersection.RustyOr.intersection,but rusty7.deafness.HeOr:deafness,so he8.far.LargerOr:far,so mon.NoOmon,for no10.soda.ItOr.soda,but itReview Test 3(454)Note:Corrections may ing,so the
32、y2.relax.Then3.bathroom;she4.door.It5.coffee,but IChapter 26:Regular and Irregular VerbsActivity 1 on Present Tense Endings(456)1.wakes2.clowns3.watches4.wants5.worksActivity 2 on Past Tense Endings(457)Or.days.ItsOr.heels.ThenOr:diner;aOr.occult;itOr.parents;thisOr:intersection;rustyOr.deafness;heO
33、r.far;largerOmon;noOr:soda;plained3.realized4.burned5.edgedActivity 3 on Irregular Verbs(459)Review Test 1(462)1.ehese chosen6.WHg rang2.begttfi began7.forgot forgotten3.drunk drank8.went gone4.breaked broke9.throwed thrown5.shrunk shrank10.blowed blewActivity 4on Nonstandard Forms of Irregular Verb
34、s(461)1.be is6.were was2.have has7.was were3.were was8.was were4.have had9.done did5.was were10.de does1.walk walked6.doesnt dont2.stele stolen7.begun began3.choose chose8.check checked4.tefe torn9.has have5.has have10.stieked stuckReview Test 2(462)Note:Answers will vary;examples are given.1.I knew
35、 I could pass the course,and I did.2.To get to work,Luz takes two buses and a subway.3.Mom has always given me good advice.4.Have you ever written a narrative essay?5.As a schoolchild,I never did my homework until the last minute.6.They talked for an hour before finally hanging up.7.An opera usually
36、 begins with an overture.8.After work,Todd went shopping.9.I have not seen my cousin for years.10.My kids drive me crazy sometimes.Chapter 27:Subject-Verb AgreementActivity 1 on Words Between Subject and Verb(463-464)1.Some members want to ban certain books from theschool library.2.Chungs trench coa
37、t,with its big lapels and shoulder flaps,makes him feel like a tough private eye.3.Misconceptions about apes like the gorilla have turned a relatively peaceful animal into a terrifying monster.4.The rising cost eeee&srties We4eed-aHd-frhekeF forces many elderly people to live in poverty.5.In my opin
38、ion,a few slices of pepperoni pizza make a great evening.Review Test 2(466-467)Activity 2 on Verb Before Subject(464)Activity 3 on Compound Subjects(465)1.are1.sit2.are2.cover3.do3.knows4.were4.were5.was5.smellActivity 4 on Indefinite Pronouns(466)1.suits2.mentions3.are4.enters5.fallsReview Test 1(4
39、66)1.are6.damages2.was7.was3.seem8.makes4.are9.clean5.contains10.isis-are1.Martha and her motherlook looks2.Neitherwas-were3.Three goats,a potbellied pig,and a ducklooks-look4.ballsis-are5.low-calorie cola and the double-chocolate cakeinterfere interferes6.odorafe-is7.Onefs-are8.gum and some tapebeg
40、in begins9.personhave has10.EachReview Test 3(467)Note:Answers will vary.Subjects for sentences 1,2,3 and 4 are underlined below.1.The magazines under my roommates bed.2.The car with the purple fenders3.My boss and her secretary4.Neither of the football playersChapter 29:Pronoun Agreement and Refere
41、nceActivity 1 on Pronoun Agreement(473)1.they2.them3.they4.their5.itActivity 2 on Indefinite Pronouns(474)1.her2.he3.its4.his or her5.himActivity 3 on Pronoun Reference(475)Note:The rewritten part of each sentence is underlined.Corrections may vary slightly.1.Dad spent all morning fishing but didnt
42、catch a single fish.2.At the fast-food restaurant,the waiters give you free glasses with your soft drinks.3.Ruth told Denise,“My bouts of depression are becoming serious.”Or:Ruth told Denise,“Your bouts of depression are becoming serious.4.Dipping her spoon into the pot of simmering spaghetti sauce,
43、Helen felt the spoon slip out of her hand.5.Pete visited the tutoring center because its staff can help him with his economics course.Review Test 1(476)1.her2.the shop employees3.his4.the subject5.he or sheReview Test 2(476)1.th。;his or herb.2.tiiC ythe playersa.3.hetheyb.4.theirherb.5.the、/ii icyth
44、e ownersa.Chapter 30:Pronoun TypesActivity 1 on Subject and Object Pronouns(479-480)1.Ome2.she3.sshe4.sthey5.sWe6.sShe7.she8.0me9.0them10.0meActivity 2 on Possessive Pronouns(480-481)1.its2.theirs3.hers4.ours5.yoursActivity 3 on Demonstrative Pronouns(481) herethemthat there十 h c rrr L
45、I IC/111This those those that thoseReview Test(482)1.them6.me2.Those7.I3.me8.This4.theirs9.hers5.her10.IChapter 31:Adjectives and AdverbsActivity 1 on Adjectives(485)1.best2.youngest3.worse4.most unusual5.leastActivity 2 on Adverbs(485-486)1.rapidly2.thick3.continuously4.carefully5.heavyActivity 3 o
46、n Well and Good(486)1.good2.well3.well4.good5.wellReview Test 1(486-487)1.less6.truthful2.worse7.suddenly3.quickly8.thinner4.confidently9.good5.well10.warmestReview Test 2(487)Note:Answers will vary;examples are shown.1.Its embarrassing to make a careless mistake.2.“Get out!”the shop owner shouted a
47、ngrily to the panhandler.3.If a thing is worth doing,its worth doing well.4.A lullaby is one of the most relaxing kinds of music.5.My husband is also my best friend.Chapter 32:Misplaced and Dangling ModifiersActivity 1 on Misplaced Modifiers(488-489)Note.The underlined part in each of the correction
48、s below shows what had been a misplaced modifier.1.The patient on the psychiatrists couch talked about his childhood.Or.0n the psychiatrists couch,the patient talked about his childhood.2.With swiveling heads,the crowd watched the tennis players.3.Vonnie put four hamburger patties,which she was cook
49、ing for dinner,on the counter.4.Steve carefully hung in Ihe bedroom closel the new suit that he would wear to his first job interview.5.Anne ripped on a car door the shirt that she made in sewinp class.Or.Anne ripped the shirt that she made in sewing class on a car door.6.The latest Denzel Washingto
50、n movie has opened in almost 2,200 theaters across the country.7.Wearing a bulletproof vest,the newscaster spoke softly into a microphone.Or:The newscaster,wearing a bulletproof vest,spoke softly into a microphone.8.Owing two months rent,the tenants left town in a dilapidated old car.Or:The tenants,
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