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1、2013最新版三年级英语下册第五单元测试题 一、读句子,选出各自所喜欢的水果。1.Do you like apples, Sarah? Yes,I do. 2.Do you like pears? No.I dont ,I like bananas.AB AB3.Do you like oranges? Yes,I do. 4. Do you like grapes? No,I dont. I like pears.AB AB二、精挑细选。1. Have some_. A . strawberry B.strawberries2.Sorry. I_ like watermelons.

2、esnt B.dont3.I like grapes._? -I like bananas.A.How about you B.Do you like them4.I dont like apples.-Me,_? A. too B.neither5.I dont like .I like . A.apples grapes B.strawberries grapes三、连一连Apple pear banana orange hot dog grape watermelon strawberry 四、小猫钓鱼1.Have some grapes. A.Thank you.2.Can I hav

3、e some strawberries? B. Yes,I do.3.Do you like watermelons? C.Me,neither.4.I dont like apples D.Sure. Here you are.5.Here you are. E.Sorry,I dont like grapes.五、阅读欢乐岛。Hi,my name is Sarah. Im six years old.Look!This is my family.The man is my father. He likes pears.The woman is my mother.She likes wat

4、ermelons.The boy is my brother.His name is John.He likes oranges,milk and watermelons.The girl is me.I like apples,grapes and bananas.1、Father likes A、pears B、bananas C、orange2、Mother likes A、stawberries B、watermelons C、orange3、My brother likes A B4、Sarah is years old. A、five B、six C、ten 5、I like .六

5、、选出不同类的单词:1、( )A、tall B、long C、pear 2、( )A、he B、she C、fruit3、( )A、apple B、orange C、map 4、( )A、banana B、short C、strawberry5、( )A、watermelon B、boat C、ball 6、( )A、father B、car C、mum七、翻译连线1、Honey,lets buy some fruit. A我也不喜欢。2、Do you like oranges? B对不起,我不喜欢葡萄3、Yes ,I do. C宝贝,我们买点水果吧 4、sorry,I dont like g

6、rapes. D你喜欢橙子吗5、Me,neither. E能给我吃一些草莓吗?6、Can I have some strawberries? F是的,我喜欢八、选择每组中不同类的单词,将其序号填在括号里 ( )1.A.bread C.pear ( )2.A.yes C sorry ( )3. dog B chicken C.neither ( )4.A.strawberry B.friut ) B.have C .grapes九、我是小小翻译家。( )1.Do you like strawberries? A.你喜欢草莓

7、吗? B.你想吃点草莓吗?( )2.-I dont like pears.-Me,neither. A.-我不喜欢吃梨子。-但是我喜欢。B.我不喜欢吃梨子。-我也不喜欢。( )3.I want some bananas,oranges and grapes. A.我想要一些香蕉,橙子和葡萄。B.我喜欢香蕉,橙子和葡萄。( )4.Sorry,I dont like grapes.A.对不起,我不喜欢葡萄。B.对不起,我喜欢葡萄。( )5.An apple aday keeps the doctor away. A.我每天吃一个苹果。B.一天一个苹果,医生远离我。十、情景交际。( )1.Do yo

8、u like watermelons? A.No, I cant. B. No, I dont.( )2.Can I have some oranges?A.Here you are.B.Sorry,I dont like oranges.( )3.Have some fruit, boys and girls. A.Thank you,Miss White.B.Sure. Here you are( )4.Do you like strawberries?A.No, but I should.B. Very well,thanks.( )5.Doggy bag ,please! A.Look

9、!This is the doggy bag. B.No way!十一、阅读短文,判断正误,正确的写“T”,错误的写 “F”. Hello! I am Wang Hong.I like peaches(桃子)very much.I dont like grapes.My father likes watermelons.He doesnt like strawberries.My mother likes bananas. She doesnt like pears.( )1.Wang Hong likes apples. ( )2.Wang Hong doesnt like grapes.(

10、 )3.Wang Hongs father likes watermelons. ( )4.WangHongs mother likes bananas( )5.Wang Hongs mother doesnt like oranges十二、看图,选词完成下面的语段。 B.pearsC.watermelon D.five E. grapesI see some fruit.Look!Four _,_strawberries,some _ and one_.I like _them all. An apple a day, keeps the doctor away ! _Honey

11、 , lets buy some fruit . Do you like oranges ? No,I dont. I like apples. Do you like pears? Yes,I pear orange banana. fun run duck under cut upHave some grapes. Thanks.I like grapes. Sorry.I dont like grapesCan I have some bananas? Here you are. Watermelon strawberrygrape I dont like waterm

12、elons. Me, neither.Do you like grapes? They taste really good.Do you like oranges?No, but I should. Apples, watermelons, Strawberries,too-I like them all. How about you?Wow! 8 dollars! Its cheap! I want some chicken and a hot dog.I want some bananas ,oranges and apples. Do you like milk? Yeah! I lik

13、e milk,juice and Coke. Doggy bag please! No way!Oh,Im full.dHow many fish do you see? 1,214 15. I see fifteen.11eleven 12 twelve 13 thirteen 14 fourteen 15 fifteenLook at the kites! Wow, so beautiful! How many kites do you see?1,2I see 12.No! The black one is a bird! Oh!Hello,my friend, Please tell

14、me. How many cars do you see?One ,two,threeIsee eleven. a e i o uMy hand has five little fingers.My leg have ten little toes,My dog has one cute little face.But my duck has one big nose.How many cars do you have? We have twenty.16 sixteen 17 seventeen 18 eighteen 19 nineteen 20 twentyHow many do you

15、 have? How many do you see? 10 and 8 makes 18. Can you count with me? How many do you have? How many do you see?4 times 5 makes 20. Can you count with me?Wow!So many apples! Lets have a race. Good idea!1,2,3,4 5,6,7,8,9 18,19,20. 17. Look,I have 17! How many apples do you have? Oh,no! I have only three! I won!Look! So much fruit! I can get the grapes. Im big and tall.I can get the bananas. Im short I can get the strawberries. 13 bananas!20 grapes We have grapes, strawberries, apples, andeh?Where are the bananas? Sorry!I like bananas. Hey! I like bananas , too.4 / 4


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