1、HTTP:“T,5)UUm全国职称英语考试理工类A级习题无忧一1、词汇选项1、It is no use debating the rel ative merits of this pol ic y.A.mak ingB.tak ingC.disc ussingD.expec ting2、It is l aid down in the regul ations that al l members must c arry their membership c ards at a 11 times.A.suggestedB.warnedC.statedD.c onf irmed3、However b
2、ad the situation is,the maj ority is unwil l ing to risk c hange.A.rel uc tantB.eagerC.pl easedD.angry4、T he sec retary is expec ted to expl ore ideas f or post-war rec onstruc tion of the area.A.denyB.investigateC.stressD.c reateT he steadil y rising c ost of l abor on the waterf ront has greatl y
3、inc reased the c ost of ship ping c argo by water.A.gradual l yB.suddenl yC.exc essivel yD.exc eptional l y6、Our l ives are intimatel y bound up with theirs.A.tensel yB.nearl yC.c aref ul l yD.c l osel y7、T he union representative put ac ross her argument very ef f ec tivel y.A.expl ainedB.inventedC
4、.c onsideredD.ac c epted8、He tal k s tough but has a tender heart.A.heavyB.strongC.k indD.wil d9、Our statistic s show that we c onsume al l that we are c apabl e of produc ing.A.wasteB.buyC.useD.sel l 10 T he f uel tank s had a c apac ity of 140 l iters.A.f unc tionB.abil ityC.powerD.vol ume11、Her f
5、 aith uphel d her in times of sadness.A.supportedB.exc itedC.inspiredD.direc ted12、T he book provides a c onc ise anal ysis of the c ountry,s history.A.c l eanB.perf ec tC.realD.brief13 T he c ounc il meeting terminated at 2 oc l oc k.A.beganB.c ontinuedC.endedD.resumed14 Red f l ag was pl ac ed the
6、re as a tok en of danger.A.signB.substituteC.proofD.target15 T he sec retary is expec ted to expl ore ideas f or post-war rec onstruc tion of the area.A.denyB.investigateHTTP:“T,51 UOmC.stressD.c reate 2、阅读判断One day in 1963,a dol phin named El var and a f amous astronomer,Carl Sagan,were pl aying a
7、l ittl e game.T he astronomer was visiting an institute whic h was l ook ing into the way dol phins c ommunic ate with eac h other.Sagan was standing on the edge of one of the tank s where several of these f riendl y,highl y intel l igent c reatures were k ept.El var had j ust swum up al ongside him
8、 and had turned on his bac k.T he dol phin wanted Sagan to sc ratc h his stomac h again,as the astronomer had done twic e bef ore.El var l ook ed up at Sagan,waiting.T hen,af ter a minute or so,the dol phin l eapt up through the water and made a sound j ust l ik e the word more”.T he astonished astr
9、onomer went to the direc tor of the institute and tol d him about the inc ident.“Oh,yes.T hats one of the words he k nows,“the direc tor said,showing no surprise at al l.Dol phins have bigger brain in proportion to their body size than humans have,and it has been k nown f or a l ong time that they c
10、 an mak e a number of sounds.W hat is more,these sounds seem to have dif f erent f unc tions,suc h as warning eac h other of danger.Sound travel s muc h f aster and muc h f urther in water than it does in air.T hat is why the parts of the brain that deal with sound are muc h better devel oped in dol
11、 phin than in humans.But c an it be said that dol phins have a“l anguage”,in the real sense of the word?Sc ientists dont agree on this.A l anguage is not j ust a c ol l ec tion of sounds,or even words.A l anguage has a struc ture and what we c al l a grammar.T he struc ture and grammar of a l anguag
12、e hel p to give it meaning.F or exampl e,the two questions“W ho l oves Mary?”and W ho does Mary l ove?”mean very dif f erent things.If you stop to think about it,you wil l see that this dif f erenc e doesn,t c ome f rom the words in the question but f rom the dif f erenc e in struc ture.T hat is why
13、 the question”Can dol phins speak?c ant be answered until we f ind out if dol phins not onl y mak e sounds but al so arrange them in a grammatic al order whic h af f ec ts their meaning.1、T he astronomer was not interested in the way dol phins c ommunic ate with eac h other.A.RightB.W rongC.N ot men
14、tioned2、T he dol phin l eapt up into the air bec ause Sagan was too near the water.HTTP:力A.RightB.W rongC.N ot mentioned3、Parts of the dol phin,s brain are partic ul arl y wel l devel oped to handl e dif f erent k inds of sound.A.RightB.W rongC.N ot mentioned4、Dol phins are the most usef ul animal s
15、 to humans.A.RightB.W rongC.N ot mentioned5、Dol phins travel f aster in water than any other animal s.A.RightB.W rongC.N ot mentioned6、Some sc ientists bel ieve that dol phins have a l anguage of their own.A.RightB.W rongC.N ot mentioned7、Sounds c an be c al l ed a l anguage onl y when they have a s
16、truc ture and a grammar.A.RightB.W rongC.N ot mentioned3、概括大意与完成句子N ic ol a W al ters has been tak ing part in experiments in Sc otl and to disc over why humans gain and l ost weight.Being l oc k ed in a smal l room c al l ed a c al orimeter,(热量测量室)is one way to f ind out.1 T he sighs above the two
17、rooms read simpl y“Chamber One”and“Chamber T wo”.T hese are the c al orimeters:4m by 2m white-wal l ed rooms where human vol unteers are l oc k ed up in the name of sc ienc e.Outside these rooms another sign reads“Pl ease do not enter-work in progress”and in f ront of the rooms advanc ed mac hinery
18、registers every move the vol unteers mak e.Eac h day,meal s measured to the l ast gram are passed through a hol e in the wal l of the c al orimeter to the resident vol unteer.2 N ic ol a W al ters is one of twenty vol unteers who,over the past eight months,have spent varying periods inside the c al
19、orimeter.T al l and sl im,N ic ol a does not have a weight probl em,but thought the stric t diet might hel p with her training and f itness programme.A sel fempl oyed c ommunity danc e work er,she was abl e to f it the experiment in around her work.She saw an advert f or vol unteers at her l oc al g
20、ym and as she is interested in the whol e area of diet and exerc ise,she thought she woul d hel p out.HTTP:com3 T he experiment on N ic ol a invol ved her spending one day on a f ixed diet at home and the next in the room.T his sequenc e was repeated f our times over six week s.She arrived at the c
21、al orimeter at 8:30 am on eac h of the f our mornings and f rom then on everything she ate or drank was c aref ul l y measured.Her every move was noted too,her dail y exerc ise routine timed to the l ast sec ond.At regul ar interval s,af ter eating,she f il l ed in f orms about how hungry she f el t
22、 and sampl es were tak en f or anal ysis.4 T he sc ientists hel p vol unteers impose a k ind of order on the l ong days they f ac e in the room.“T he f irst time,I onl y took one video and a book,but it was OK bec ause I watc hed T V the rest of the time,“says N ic ol a.And twic e a day she used the
23、 exerc ise bik e.She pedal ed f or hal f an hour,watc hed by researc hers to mak e sure she didn,t go too f ast.5 It seems that some f oods enc ourage you to eat more,whil e others satisf y you quic k l y.Vol unteers are al ready showing that high-f at diets are l ess l ik el y to mak e you f eel f
24、ul l.Bel ieving that they may now k now what enc ourages peopl e to overeat,the researc hers are about to start testing a high-protein weight-l oss diet.Vol unteers are required and N ic ol a has signed up f or f urther sessions.1、Paragraph 1A.W hat does the c al orimeter l ook l ik e inside?B.W hat
25、 program was designed f or the experiment?C.W hat is a c al orimeter?D.W hat is the f irst impression?E.How do the vol unteers k il l the time?F.W hy did N ic ol a j oin in the experiments?2、Paragraph 2A.W hat does the c al orimeter l ook l ik e inside?B.W hat program was designed f or the experimen
26、t?C.W hat is a c al orimeter?D.W hat is the f irst impression?E.How do the vol unteers k il l the time?F.W hy did N ic ol a j oin in the experiments?3、Paragraph 3A.W hat does the c al orimeter l ook l ik e inside?B.W hat program was designed f or the experiment?C.W hat is a c al orimeter?D.W hat is
27、the f irst impression?E.How do the vol unteers k il l the time?F.W hy did N ic ol a j oin in the experiments?4、Paragraph 4A.W hat does the c al orimeter l ook l ik e inside?B.W hat program was designed f or the experiment?C.W hat is a c al orimeter?D.W hat is the f irst impression?HTTP:com5、E.How do
28、 the vol unteers k il l the time?F.W hy did N ic ol a j oin in the experiments?T he mac hinery outside the c al orimeters rec ords everythingthe vol unteers dobec ause shedoes not have a weight probl embec ause thel if e there c an be very boringmak e peopl eovereatbec ause shewas her own bossaf ter
29、 passing a high-protein test6、N ic ol a W al ters had time f or the experiments.A.the vol unteers dobec ause shedoes not have a weight probl em7、bec ause thel if e there c an be very boringmak e peopl e overeatE.bec ause she was her own bossaf ter passing a high-protein testVol unteers have to get p
30、repared f or the time in the c al orimeterthe vol unteers dobec ause shedoes not have a weight probl embec ause thel if e there c an be very boringmak e peopl eovereatbec ause shewas her own bossABCDEFBCDFABCDEFaf ter passing a high-protein test 8、T he experiments show that high-f at diets.A.the vol
31、 unteers doBbec ause shedoes not have a weight probl emCbec ause the l if e there c an be very boringDmak e peopl e overeatE.bec ause she was her own bossFaf ter passing a high-protein test4、阅读理解British sc ientists are breeding a new generation of ric e pl ants that wil l be abl e to grow in soil c
32、ontaining sal t water.T heir work may enabl e abandoned f arms to bec ome produc tive onc e more.T im F l owers and T ony Yeo,f rom Sussex University5 s Sc hool of Biol ogic al Sc ienc es,have spent several years researc hing how c rops,suc h as ric e,c oul d be made to grow in water that has bec om
33、e sal ty.T he pair have rec entl y begun a three-year programme,f unded by the Biotec hnol ogy and Biol ogic al Sc ienc es Researc h Counc il,to establ ish whic h genes enabl e some pl ants to survive sal ty c onditions.T he aim is to breed this c apabil ity into c rops,starting with ric e.HTTP:“T,5
34、)UUmIt is estimated that eac h year morethan 100 hec tares(公顷)ofagric ul tural l and are l ost bec ause sal t gets into the soil and(妨碍生长)pl ants.T he probl em is c aused by several f ac tors.In tropic s,mangroves(红树林)that c reate swamps(沼泽)and traditional l y f ormed barriers to sea water have been
35、 c ut down.stunts theIn theMediterranean,a series of droughts have c aused the water tabl e to drop,al l owing sea water to seep(渗透)in.in Latin Americ a,irrigation of ten c auses probl ems when water is evaporated(蒸发)by the heat,l eaving sal t deposits behind.Exc ess sal t then enters the pl ants an
36、d prevents them f unc tioning normal l y.Heavy c onc entrations of mineral s in the pl ants stop them drawing up the water they need to survive.T o overc ome these probl ems,F l owers and Yeo dec ided to breed ric e pl ants that tak e in very l ittl e sal t and store what they do absorb in c el l s
37、that do not af f ec t the pl ants growth.T hey have started to breed these c harac teristic s into a new ric e c rop,but it wil l tak e about eight harvests bef ore the resul ting seeds are ready to be c onsidered f or c ommerc ial use.Onc e the c harac teristic s f or surviving sal ty soil are k no
38、wn,F l owers and Yeo wil l try to breed manners of c rops and pl ants.Land wil l then be abl e to bl oom again,poorer c ountries of the worl d.the appropriate genes into al l that has been abandoned to nature providing muc h needed f ood in the1、W hic h of the f ol l owing statements about F l owers
39、 and Yeo is true?A.T hey are students at Sussex University.B.T hey are ric e breeders.C.T hey are husband and wif eD.T hey are c ol l eagues at an institution of higher l earning.2、F l owers and Yeo have started a programmeA.to f ind ways to prevent water pol l ution.B.to identif y genes that promot
40、e growth in sal ty soil.C.to breed ric e pl ants that taste sal ty.D.to f ind ways to remove exc essive sal t f rom soil.3、W hic h of the f ol l owing is N OT mentioned as a c ause of the probl em disc ussed in the passage?A.N atural barriers to sea water have been destroyed.B.T he water tabl e has
41、gone down af ter droughts.C.Sea l evel has been c ontinuousl y rising.D.Evaporation of water l eaves sal t behind.4、T he word“af f ec t”in Paragraph 6 c oul d be best repl ac ed byA.inf l uenc e”B.“ef f ec t”HTTP:”T.匚口 mC.“stop”D.”present”5、T he attitude of the author towards the researc h proj ec t
42、 isA.positiveB.negative.C.suspic iousD.indif f erent.Af ter too l ong on the N et,even a phone c al l c an be a shoc k.My boyf riend,s Liverpudian ac c ent suddenl y bec omes hard to understand af ter the c l arity of his words on sc reen;a sec retary5 s tone seems more rej ec ting than I d imagined
43、 it woul d be.T ime itsel f bec omes f l uid?hours bec ome minutes,and al ternatel y sec onds stretc h into days.W eek ends,onc e a highl ight of my week,are now j ust two ordinary days.F or the l ast three years,sinc e I stopped work ing as a produc er f or Charl ie Rose,I have done muc h of my wor
44、k as a tel e-c ommuter(远 程交谈者).I submit artic l es and edit them via E-mail and c ommunic ate with c ol l eagues on Internet mail ing l ists.My boyf riends l ives in Engl and,so muc h of our rel ationship is c omputer-mediated.If I desired,I c oul d stay inside f or week s without wanting anything.I
45、 c an order f ood,and manage my money,l ove and work.In f ac t,at times I have spent as l ong as three week s al one at home,going out onl y to get mail and buy newspapers and groc eries.I watc hed most of the bl izzard(暴风雪)of 96 on T V.But af ter a whil e,l if e itsel f begins to f eel unreal.I sta
46、rt to f eel as though Ive merged with my mac hines,tak ing data in,spitting them bac k out,j ust another node(节点)on the N et.Others on l ine report the same symptoms.W e start to strongl y disl ik e the outside f orms of soc ial izing.Its l ik e attending an A.A.meeting in a bar with everyone hol di
47、ng a hal f-sipped drink.W e have bec ome the N et opponents worst nightmare.W hat f irst seemed l ik e a l uxury,c rawl ing f rom bed to c omputer,not worrying about hair,and c l othes and f ac e,has bec ome an avoidanc e,a l ac k of disc ipl ine.And onc e you start repl ac ing real human c ontac t
48、with c yber-interac tion(网上交流),c oming bac k out of the c ave c an be quite dif f ic ul t.At times,I turn on the tel evision and j ust l eave it to c hatter in the bac k ground,something that I d never done previousl y.T he voic es of the programs soothe(安慰)me,but then Im j arred(使感不 快)by the c omme
49、rc ial s.I f ind mysel f suc k ed in by soap operas,or c ompul sivel y(强制性地)needing to k eep up with the l atest news and HTTP:Ti5l.8mthe weather.“Datel ine,”“F rontl ine,”“N ightl ine,”CN N,every possibl e angl e of every story over and over and over,even when they are of no possibl e use to me.W o
50、rk movers f rom f oreground to bac k ground.6、Compared with the c l ear words of her boyf riend on sc reen,his ac c ent is A.obsc ure.B.distinc t.C.unreal.D.misl eading.7、T he passage impl ies that the writer and her boyf riend l ive inA.Engl and.B.dif f erent c ountries.C.the same c ity.D.the same
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