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1、【高考必备】人教版高中英语必修一unit1 FriendshipAnne lived in Amsterdam in the Netherlands during World War II. Her family was Jewish 1_ they had to hide or they would be 2_ (catch) by the German Nazis. Du ring that time she wasnt able to go 3_ (outdoor) for so long that she had grown so crazy about everything 4_ (

2、do) with nature. One evening, she stayed 5_ (wake) on purpose to have a good look at the moon by herself, but she didnt dare open a window. Another time she happened to be upstairs at dusk 6_ the window was open. The dark, rainy evening, the wind, the thundering clouds held her 7_ (entire) in their

3、power. It was the first time in a year and a half that she 8_ (see) the night face to face.Anne felt very lonely without seeing her old friends, so she had to make 9_ new friend, her diary Kitty, whom she could tell everything to. 10_ (sad), at last, her family was discovered and caught by the Germa

4、n Nazis.参考答案: 2. caught 3. outdoors 4. to do 5. awakes6.when 7. entirely 8. had been 9. a 10. sadlyUnit 2 Reading课文语法填空 The Road To Modern English 一、语法填空(根据课文内容、依据语法规则完成下面短文) So why has English changed over time? 1_ (actual) all languages change and develop when cultures meet and communicate wi

5、th each other. At first the English 2_ (speak) in England between about AD 450 and 1150 was quite different from the English spoken today. It was based more 3_ German than the English we speak at present. Then gradually between about AD 800 4_ 1150, English became less like German because those 5_ r

6、uled England spoke first Danish and later French. These new 6_ (settle) enriched the English language and especially 7_ vocabulary. So by the 1600s Shakespeare was able to make use of a 8_ (wide) vocabulary than ever before. In 1620 some British settlers moved to America. 9_ (late) in the 18th centu

7、ry some British people were taken to Australia too. English began 10_ (speak) in both countries. 参考答案: 1. Actually 2. spoken 3. on 4. and 5. who 6.settlers 7. its 8. wider 9. Later 10. to be spoken Unit 3 Reading 课文语法填空 Journey Down the Mekong 一、语法填空(根据课文内容、依据语法规则完成下面短文) Wang Kun and his sister Wang

8、 Wei had dreamed about 1_ (take) a great bike trip. They decided to cycle 2_ the entire Mekong River from 3_ it begins to where it ends. Wang Wei 4_ (insist) that they start from Qinghai where the river begins in order to see all of the Mekong River. Wang Kun said it 5_ (be) very difficult, because

9、their journey would begin at an altitude of more than 5,000 metres. But Wang Wei refused to change her mind, 6_ (say) that it would be 7_ interesting experience. The Mekong River 8_ (begin) in a glacier on a mountain in Qinghai Province. The river is small at first. It moves 9_ (rapid) as it passes

10、through deep valleys. Sometimes the river becomes a waterfall and enters wide valleys. After 10_ flows out of China, it continues to flow through Southeast Asia. At last, the river delta enters the South China Sea. 参考答案: 一1. taking 2. along 3. where 4. insisted 5. would be 6. saying 7. an 8. begins

11、9.rapidly 10.itUnit3 Using Language课文语法填空Journey Down the Mekong一、语法填空(根据课文内容、依据语法规则完成下面短文)When they were in Tibet, it was already snowing, 1_ it was autumn. Sometimes they looked like snowmen 2_ (ride) bicycles. On the road children 3_ (dress) in long wool coats stopped to look at them. Wang Wei wa

12、s very 4_ (rely) and rode in front of Wang Kun as usual. The view around 5_ (they) was so beautiful that they were surprised. At one point they felt as if they 6_ (cycle) through clouds because they were too high. Then it 7_ (gradual) became much warmer and they had to change heavy clothes 8_ T-shir

13、ts and shorts. In the early evening they would stop to make camp and cook food. Wang Kun stayed 9_ (wake) until midnight with only the flames of the fire for company. Beneath the stars Wang Kun thought about the journey with 10_ hope of meeting their cousins as soon as possible.参考答案:1. though/althou

14、gh 2. riding 3. dressed 4. reliable 5. them 6. were cycling 7. gradually 8. for 9. awake 10. theunit4 Reading 课文语法填空 A Night the Earth Didnt Sleep 一语法填空(根据课文内容、依据语法规则完成下面短文) Strange things happened 1_ Tangshan Earthquake happened. The well walls had deep cracks. A 2_ (smell) gas came out of them. Th

15、e water pipes cracked and burst. At 3:42 3_ the morning of July 28, 1976, everything began to shake. 4_ seemed as if the world was at an end. Steam burst from holes in the ground. Hard hills of rock became rivers of dirt. Soon the whole city lay in 5_ (ruin). Many people died or were 6_ (injure). Ev

16、erything in the city 7_ (be) destroyed. People were 8_ (shock) at this and wondered how long the disaster would last. The army organized teams to dig out those 9_ were trapped and to bury the dead. Workers built shelters for 10_ (survive). Fresh water was taken to the city. Slowly, the city began to

17、 breathe again. 参考答案: 1. before 2. smelly 3. on 4. It 5. ruins 6. injured 7. was 8. shocked 9. who 10 survivor Unit4 Using Language 课文语法填空 一语法填空(根据课文内容、依据语法规则完成下面短文) In the letter, Zhang Sha offers 1_ (congratulate) to the winner of the high school speaking 2_ (compete) about new Tang-shan. And he t

18、ells the winner a group of five 3_ (judge) heard the speech and agreed that his/hers was the 4_ (good) one this year. Then Zhang Sha invites the 5_ (win) to speak to the visitors to a new park which will be opened to the public to honour those 6_ died in the Tangshan earthquake and those who helped

19、the 7_ (survive). Zhang Sha also hopes that the winner will bring his or her family and friends 8_ July 28 at 11:00 am. 参考答案: 1. congratulations 2. competition 3. judges 4. best 5. winner 6. who 7. survivors 8. onUnit 5 Reading课文语法填空 Elias Story 一、语法填空(根据课文内容、依据语法规则完成下面短文) Elias was a poor black wor

20、ker. The time 1_ he first met Nelson Mandela was 2_ very difficult period of his life. Nelson Mandela offered 3_ (guide) to poor black people on their legal problems. Elias was not at school for long,for his family could not afford his school 4_(fee) and the bus fare. When he was worried about wheth

21、er he would be out of work because he didnt have one passbook, Nelson Mandela told him what 5_ (do). That day was one of Elias 6_ (happy) days in his life. Later, Elias joined the ANC Youth League 7_ (organize) by Nelson Mandela. In 1963,Elias helped Mandela 8_ (blow) up some government buildings. I

22、t was very dangerous but Elias was happy because he thought 9_ would help them achieve their dream of making black and white people 10_ (equality). 参考答案: 1. when 2. a 3. guidance 4. fees 5. to do 6. happiest 7. organized 8. (to) blow 9. it 10. equal unit 5 Using Language 课文语法填空 The Rest Of Elias Sto

23、ry 一语法填空(根据课文内容、依据语法规则完成下面短文) Robben Island was a prison from 1_ no one escaped. When Elias got to Robben Island, Mandela was also there and helped him. Mr. Mandela began a school and taught them during the lunch breaks and the evenings when they 2_ (be) asleep. In order 3_ see the words they used a

24、nything they could find 4_ (make) candles. Mr. Mandela 5_ (allow) the prison guards to join them and said they should not be stopped from studying for their degrees. After Elias was set free from the prison, he found a job since he was better 6_ (educate). But he lost his job after the police found

25、out and told his boss about his 7_ (experience). When Mr Mandela and the ANC came to power, he was given a job 8_ (take) tourists around the prison on Robben Island. Though he felt bad the first time he talked to 9_ group, now he is proud 10_ (show) visitors over the prison, because he helped to make black people free in their own land. 参考答案: 1. which 2. should have been 3. to 4. to make 5. allowed 6. educated 7. experiences 8. taking 9.a 10. to show


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