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1、 2017.2.26 六年级下册 Name: 一、写出下面单词的适当的形式1. visit(名词) 2. take(反义词) 3. he(反身代词) 4. use(形容词) 5. Dancing (动词) 6. was not (缩写) 二、用适当的介词填空1. My family is going _ a trip _ China.2. What are you going to do _ your summer holiday?3. Harbin is _ the north _ China.4. Hangzhou is _ Zhejiang Province. 5. The capita

2、l _ Britain is London.6. How will you go to the City Library, _ foot or _ bus?7. Which river is the longest river _ the world?8. The Great Wall is the north of Beijing. 9. Hangzhou is an interesting place _ visit.10. He will come to China _ three days. 11. Japan is _ the east of China.12. There is a

3、 toy shop a cake shop and a bookshop.13. I usually go to work _ my bike. 14. Go this street, Youll see a supermarket.15. The visitors will learn more the history of the city.三、单项选择( ) 1. I have two gifts, _ is for you, _ is for me. A. one, other B. one, another C. one, the other D. the first, the se

4、cond ( ) 2. Can you write _ in English? A. their B. them C. theirs D. they( ) 3. Lucy _ to go to Zhejiang _ train. A. want, on B. wants, on C. wants, by D. want, by the( ) 4. Bob_ a big family. His family all _ music. A. has, love B. have, loves C. has, loves D. have, love ( ) 5. The students _ goin

5、g to _ the Summer Palace tomorrow.A. are, visiting B. are, visit C. is, visit D. is visiting ( ) 6. The capital city of America is _. A. Washington D.C. B. London C. Sydney D. Toronto( ) 7. It _ two hours to clean the room. A. take her B. takes for C. took she D. took her( ) 8. We can learn a lot _

6、the history _ China. A. on, about B. about, of C. of, in D. of, about( ) 9. New York is _ in America. A. the biggest city B. one of the biggest city C. the biggest cities D. one of the biggest cities( ) 10. There _ a big lake and a lot of interesting places in it. A. be B. is C. have D. are( ) 11. T

7、hey are going to _ there _ a few days.A. stay, for B. stay, on C. stayed, to D. stayed, for ( ) 12. John and his friends _ play football this evening. A. is going to B. are going C. are going to D. shall( ) 13. They plan to _ for a few days. A. stay home B. at home C. stay at home D. keep at home( )

8、 14. I will take you _ the Water Park. A. with B. in C. from D. of( ) 15. - When are we going there? -_. A. A few days ago B. Last Sunday. C. Yesterday evening. D. Tomorrow morning.四、按要求改写句子1. They will go to Shanghai by plane. (对划线部分提问) _ _ they go to Shanghai?2. They will go to Hangzhou by plane.

9、(变否定句) They _ _ go to Hangzhou by plane.3. The animals are having a meeting. (对划线部分提问) _ _ the animals _?4. They are going to take a train to Beijing. (改成同义句)They _ go to Beijing _ _.5. be, they, Great, to, going , the , visit , Wall (连词组句)_6. Peter went to Sanya last summer. (将last summer 改为next su

10、mmer)Peter _ _ _ Sanya next summer.7. Were going to visit the Ming Tombs tomorrow. (一般疑问句) _ you _ _ visit the Ming Tombs tomorrow?8. The bear wants to go to the bookshop. (改为同义句) The bear to go to the bookshop.9. I am going to visit Beihai Park this weekend. (对划线部分提问) to visit Beihai Park?五、完成句子1.

11、明天早上我们将开始我们的旅行。_ _ we will start _ _.2. 长城是世界上最长的墙。The _ _ is the longest wall in the world.3. 北京离上海很远。Beijing is very _ _ Shanghai.4. 三亚在海南省的南部。Sanya is _ _ _ _ Hainan Province.5. 颐和园建于清朝。The _ _ was built in Qing Dynasty.六、完型填空_1_ Sunday morning, Jim went to _2_ Mike._3_ he didnt know where Mike l

12、ived. On the way, he _4_ in front of a white house, and _5_ an old man the way to Mikes house. “His house is not far from _6_ house.” said the old man. “Its behind the trees. But you cant get there _7_. You can to there by bus. Itll take you two hours to get there on foot.” “Whats wrong _8_ the old

13、man?” Jim thought. “I can see Mikes house from here now. Its behind the tree.” _9_Jim walked to the other side of the trees. He saw the man was right. There was _10_ river in front of him and he couldnt see a boat. The house was on the other side of the river.( ) 1. A. On B. In C. At D. About( ) 2.

14、A. look B. look at C. watch D. see( ) 3. A. Or B. And C. So D. But( ) 4. A. stops B. stopped C. stop D. stopped( ) 5. A. told B. spoke C. answered D. asked( ) 6. A. my B. mine C. me D. I ( ) 7. A. easier B. easiest C. easily D. easy( ) 8. A. with B. to C. about D. outside( ) 9. A. Than B. Then C. Now D. Sometimes( ) 10. A. an B. / C. the D. a七、句型转换(否疑答练习)1. It was exciting. 2. All the students were very excited. 3. There is going to be a hotel near the park. 4. There were some photos on the table. 5. Peter enjoyed himself at the party. 6. They saw the movie last week.


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