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1、2020-2021高中英语 Module 6 Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World Section Grammar课时作业外研版必修42020-2021高中英语 Module 6 Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World Section Grammar课时作业外研版必修4年级:姓名:课时作业(十七)Module 6Section Grammar.用适当的情态动词填空(包含其否定形式)1I didnt see her in the meeting room this morning. She must h

2、ave missed the meeting.2He cant/couldnt have stayed at home this morning. I saw him shopping in the supermarket.3“The young man could have left, but he chose to stay and help me,” Prather told CBS News.4You ought_to/should have finished the article last Friday.Sorry. I have been very busy these days

3、. Could you give me three more days?5You neednt have told me the news. I have already known it.6While waiting for the flight, your father may/might have met his colleagues, but I am not sure.用括号内词的适当形式填空1My phone must have_been_stolen (steal) while I was taking a bus. I cant find it anywhere.2The dr

4、iver who died in the accident could have_survived (survive), but he didnt wear a seat belt.32019天津十二校联考Im not sure of the reason for the dogs illness, but it may have_been_caused (cause) by eating too much.4Mr White should have_arrived (arrive) at 8:30 for the meeting, but he didnt show up.5Why are

5、your eyes so red? You cant have_slept (sleep) well last night.Yeah, I stayed up late writing a report.阅读理解At the East Los Angeles Library, even the youngest readers have to pay their fines (罚款) but not the way you think. Card holders 21 and under can read away their late fees (费用) at a rate of $5 pe

6、r hour, according to CBS (Columbia Broadcasting System) reporter Jamie Yuccas. Its a new period of time for Los Angeles County, a program called “The Great Read Away.”“Were not really focusing (集中) on what theyre reading so long as theyre reading here,” LA County Library Director Skye Patrick said.

7、He said the idea came about after the library noticed a disconcerting fact: Many kids who had debts on overdue (逾期的) books or movies would stop coming to the library altogether.“Ten dollars, for some people is a huge amount,” Patrick said.“And those are the kids that you want in the library?” Yuccas

8、 asked.“Thats exactly right, so the purpose of this program is really to invite them back into the library, to make libraries open to them and their families,” Patrick said.In a reading room, Yuccas found 8yearold Jaylene Robles working off her late fee while also catching up on the popular “Judy Mo

9、ody” series.“When you didnt have to pay money for your fines, and you could read away your fines, what did you think?” he asked her.“I was surprised. I thought everyone in the library or someone that has a fine, would have to pay,” Robles said.Childrens librarian Xuemin Zhong said she sees kids read

10、ing away fees daily.“Ive seen as low as a couple of cents to as high as a couple hundred dollars,” Zhong said. “And Ive seen kids read that away because they have a duty to do so.”Since the program started last year, LA County said its more than 80 libraries have recorded more than 50,000 reading pe

11、riods and opened more than 13,000 blocked accounts (被封账号)【语篇解读】本文是议论文。美国洛杉矶县图书馆允许21岁及以下读者通过在图书馆阅读的方式支付逾期罚款。1How do the young readers pay their fines at the East Los Angeles Library?ABy using bank cards.BBy doing volunteer work.CBy reading at the library.DBy working for the library.答案与解析:C细节理解题。由第一段中

12、的“Card holders 21 and under can read away their late fees at a rate of $5 per hour”和第二段中的“Were not really focusing on what theyre reading so long as theyre reading here”可知,21岁及以下的读者可以通过在该图书馆阅读的方式支付因逾期未还书而产生的罚金。2What does the underlined word “disconcerting” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?AInteresting.

13、BWorrying.CValuable. DPositive.答案与解析:B词义猜测题。由画线词后的“Many kids who had debts. would stop coming to the library altogether”可知,因逾期未还书而产生债务的孩子会因为罚款而不去图书馆。这对图书馆来说是一个令他们担忧的事实。3What were Yuccas and Robles talking about?AHow Robles felt about the program.BHow the library invited readers.CThe amount of late f

14、ees.DA popular book series.答案与解析:A推理判断题。由倒数第五段中的“what did you think”和倒数第四段中的“surprised”可知,记者Yuccas和小女孩Robles谈论的是她对该计划的感受。4Which of the following words best describes the program?AInformal. BCostly.CCompetitive. DSuccessful.答案与解析:D推理判断题。由最后三段中的“kids reading away fees daily”和“kids read that away”以及“op

15、ened more than 13,000 blocked accounts”可知,该计划取得了成功。.完形填空It was July 1976. An unmanned spaceship, Viking One, had arrived at Mars. On July 20th, the spaceship _1_. Part of it continued toward a landing on the planet. It fell _2_ through the late afternoon Mars sky.Forty kilometers above the planet, t

16、he thin _3_ began to slow its fall. Six kilometers above the planet a big parachute(降落伞) opened. The landing craft fell more slowly. Then, three rocket engines _4_. And the landing craft set down _5_ on the surface. _6_ in the Viking One Lander immediately sent a message to the earth. It said, “I am

17、 here. I am down safely. I am beginning my work.”The message _7_ at the speed of light. It took twenty minutes to reach the earth, more than three hundred and twenty million kilometers _8_. Scientists and engineers at the control center _9_.Moments later, television receiver in the control center be

18、gan to _10_ the first picture from Viking One. People at the center could see the feet of the landing craft sitting firmly on the _11_ soil of Mars. Those pictures were our first _12_ look at the planet. They showed a red surface, full of rocks, with no sign of _13_. It was our first look at a plane

19、t that is full of surprises, mysteries and promise. Viking One was launched toward Mars in August, 1975. The spaceship had two _14_:an orbiter(轨道飞行器) and a lander(着陆器). The orbiter would circle _15_ Mars. It would take pictures of Mars surface. It would _16_ the atmosphere.The _17_ would go down to

20、the surface. It would carry _18_ to dig up and study soil and _19_.It also would report about any evidence of life on the planet. The lander would send this _20_ to the orbiter and then back to the earth.1A. separated B. appearedC. worked D. started答案与解析:A根据文章倒数第三段可知“海盗一号”宇宙飞船由orbiter和lander两部分组成,到了

21、火星上空两部分分离。2A. correctly B. slowlyC. quickly D. directly答案与解析:C根据常识判断宇宙飞船应该在飞行时是很快的,在遇到阻力时才会减速,这也与后面飞行减缓后的“slowly”相对应。3A. air B. universeC. space D. atmosphere答案与解析:Dthin可以修饰air和atmosphere,但是只有atmosphere符合语境,火星的大气减慢它的飞行,而且与后文也一致。4A. fired B. fellC. opened D. floated答案与解析:Arocket的作用就是通过发射把lander送到火星上,

22、着陆时需要对地面的反推力才不至于着陆太猛。5A. heavily B. softlyC. suddenly D. immediately答案与解析:B因为前面所述的各种措施,如降落伞、火箭发动机等,所以是轻轻着陆。6A. A computer B. A rocketC. A pilot D. An astronaut答案与解析:A“海盗一号”是无人飞船,所以只能通过电脑发送信息说其在工作。7A. spread B. traveledC. shot D. moved答案与解析:B根据上下文,message以光速“传播”,spread“扩散”;shoot“发射”;move“移动”。8A. far

23、B. longC. distant D. away答案与解析:D表示距离时,如果有具体的数字,后面应是away。9A. shouted B. watchedC. cheered D. welcomed答案与解析:C火星登陆成功,人们欢呼起来,shout“大喊”;watch“看”;welcome“欢迎”。10A. make B. takeC. show D. search答案与解析:C在屏幕上show“显示”发送回来的图片,其他三项意思不符。11A. red B. brownC. gray D. black答案与解析:A火星上的土壤是红色的,所以后面第二句提到红色的火星表面。12A. caref

24、ul B. closeC. real D. clear答案与解析:B这些照片是在火星上拍摄的,所以是close look“近看”,real不修饰look。13A. men B. lifeC. trees D. air答案与解析:B根据常识可知,火星上没有生命的迹象,更没有树和人。14A. parts B. rocketsC. engines D. centers答案与解析:A宇宙飞船有两部分,由下一句话可得知答案。15A. through B. towardsC. over D. around答案与解析:Dcircle around Mars“环绕火星飞行”。16A. enter B. exa

25、mineC. collect D. discover答案与解析:Bexamine指“检验”。enter“进入”;collect“收集”;discover“发现”都不合适。17A. orbiter B. landerC. spaceship D. rocket答案与解析:B由上文可知,宇宙飞船分两部分,前面介绍了orbiter,这里介绍lander。18A. engineers B. astronautsC. parachutes D. instruments答案与解析:D在火星上,“海盗一号”只能通过一些科学仪器对火星上的土壤和岩石进行检测。19A. surface B. treesC. ro

26、cks D. pictures答案与解析:C由前文中“full of rocks”可知答案。20A. spaceship B. rocketC. lander D. information答案与解析:D着陆器把在火星上得到的信息传给轨道飞行器,然后传到地球上来。.语法填空2019广西南宁检测Jiaozi (Chinese dumpling) is a kind of traditional Chinese food, _1_ is essential (必不可少的) during holidays in Northern China. Chinese dumplings become one

27、of the most widely loved foods in China. There are many _2_ (reason)The Chinese dumpling is one of the _3_ (important) foods in Chinese New Year. The shape of Chinese dumplings is similar _4_ ancient Chinese gold or silver ingots (铸块), which symbolize wealth. Traditionally, the members of a family g

28、et together _5_ (make) dumplings during the New Years Eve. They may hide a coin in one of the dumplings. The person who _6_ (find) the coin will be likely to have good fortune in the New Year. The Chinese dumpling is also popular during other Chinese holidays or festivals, so it is part of the Chine

29、se culture and tradition.The Chinese dumpling is a kind of delicious food. You can make _7_ variety of Chinese dumplings using different fillings (馅) _8_ (base) on your taste and how various ingredients (烹调的原料) are mixed together by you._9_ (make) dumplings is really teamwork. _10_ (usual) all famil

30、y members will join the work. Some people started to make dumplings when they were kids in the family, so most Chinese know how to make dumplings.【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍中国的传统食品“饺子”。1答案与解析:which此处“a kind of traditional Chinese food”是先行词,指物,空处引导非限制性定语从句并在从句中作主语,故答案为which。2答案与解析:reasons根据many可知后面的名词应用复数形式,

31、故答案为reasons。3答案与解析:most important句意:中国的饺子是中国新年最重要的食物之一。此处应用形容词的最高级,故答案为most important。4答案与解析:tobe similar to.“与相似”,故答案为to。5答案与解析:to make句意:传统上,家庭成员在除夕聚在一起包饺子。此处是动词不定式作目的状语,故答案为to make。6答案与解析:finds句意:发现硬币的人在新的一年里很可能会有好运气:这是传统风俗,所以句子用一般现在时,且先行词是The person,从句谓语动词应用第三人称单数形式,故答案为finds。7答案与解析:aa variety of“各种各样的”,故答案为a。8答案与解析:basedbe based on.“以为根据”,在句中需要过去分词作状语,故答案为based。9答案与解析:Making此处是ving作主语,故答案为Making。10答案与解析:Usually句意:通常所有的家庭成员都会参与这项活动。此处是副词修饰整个句子,故答案为Usually。


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