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1、2022届高考英语一轮复习练习 阶段评估检测必修52022届高考英语一轮复习练习 阶段评估检测必修5年级:姓名:阶段评估检测(五)(必修5)(120分钟150分)第一部分听力(共两节, 满分30分)第一节(共5小题; 每小题1. 5分, 满分7. 5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后, 你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。Text 1M: May I take your order now? W: Yes, please. Please give us a full English break

2、fast. M: OK. Anything else? W: No, thank you. Thats enough. 1. Where does the conversation take place? A. At a shop. B. In the office. C. In a restaurant. 答案: CText 2W: I beg your pardon? M: I said “Do you need any help? ”W: Thats very nice of you. I guess I could use some help. M: Just tell me what

3、 youd like me to do. 2. What will the man want to do? A. Ask for help. B. Offer to help. C. Thank the woman. 答案: BText 3M: Excuse me, could you tell me where is the post office? W: Go three blocks and turn right. Its right there. M: Should I take the bus? W: No. It takes only about five minutes to w

4、alk. M: Thank you very much. 3. What is the man looking for? A. A bookstore. B. A bus station. C. A post office. 答案: CText 4M: Whats the temperature today? W: Its about 5 degrees centigrade. M: Whats the weather forecast for tomorrow? W: The weatherman says its going to snow tomorrow. 4. Whats the w

5、eather forecast for tomorrow? A. Its going to snow. B. Its going to rain. C. Its going to clear up. 答案: AText 5M: Anna, lets go out and see a movie tonight! W: Sorry, I cant. I have to work late at the laboratory. M: Come on! You surely lead a dogs life. Whats up with that? W: My boss wants me to fi

6、nish this project tonight. 5. Why cant the woman go out to see the movie? A. She wants to relax. B. She has to work on a project. C. She already has a date. 答案: B第二节(共15小题; 每小题1. 5分, 满分22. 5分)听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题, 从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前, 你将有时间阅读各个小题, 每小题 5 秒钟; 听完后, 各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间

7、。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料, 回答第 6、7题。 Text 6M: Ladies and Gentlemen, lets welcome Jane Carter. Jane, you are so young. How can you sing so well? W: Well, Mr Green. I like singing very much. And Ive been doing this for a while, above all I have Mr James as my teacher. M: No wonder. I believe youll do a wond

8、erful job tonight. Now ladies and gentlemen, Jane Carter. 6. What is the man doing? A. Giving a speech. B. Chairing a meeting. C. Introducing a person. 答案: C7. Why does the woman sing so well? A. She has a great teacher. B. She teaches singing. C. She is young. 答案: A听第7段材料, 回答第8、9题。Text 7M: Excuse m

9、e, I am new to this school and not familiar with this library. Can you help me? W: Certainly. Whats your topic? M: Im looking for information on tropical fish. W: All right. You can use the computer over there, enter “tropical fish” under “subject”. If you know the title of the book, enter it under

10、“title”. M: Great, thank you. W: You are welcome. 8. What is the man doing? A. He is reading. B. He is cooking. C. He is looking for some information. 答案: C9. How can he find the information on tropical fish? A. By asking his teacher for help. B. By looking through the books on the shelf. C. By usin

11、g the computer to search for it. 答案: C听第8段材料, 回答第10至12题。Text 8M: Hey, Janet. It is the fourth time Ive seen you in the library this week. What are you busy with? W: Im here all the week round doing my paper. Its quiet here so I dont do much at home or in the classroom. And it is nearly completed. M:

12、Let me have a look at it. Australian population in year of 2025. So in what way do you think the Australian population will change in 2025? W: Well, the major reason for population change is the change in birth and death rates. Over the past 150 years, the improvement on Australian health care has l

13、ed to a drop in the death rate. So I think in the year of 2025, the population in Australia will increase. M: That makes sense. I know you must have done a lot of work on it. W: Absolutely.I am sure it is a perfect paper. 10. Where does the woman do most of her paper? A. At home. B. In the classroom

14、. C. In the library. 答案: C11. What is the womans paper about? A. Australian health care. B. Australian population in 2025. C. Australian birth and death rates. 答案: B12. What does the woman think of her paper? A. Satisfying. B. Time-wasting. C. Practical. 答案: A听第9段材料, 回答第13至16题。Text 9M: Do you fancy

15、going to see a show tonight? W: Sure! Great idea! Whats on? M: Ive got the paper here. Ill have a look. Theres a circus from Moscow. I love the circus, especially the clowns. W: I dont find the clowns very amusing. I never have. M: Oh, OK. Well, lets forget the circus then. What about this The Danci

16、ng Queen. Its a musical I read a review of it in a magazine. Its supposed to be extremely funny! Shall we go and see that? W: Im not really into musicals. Is there anything else on? M: Sure. Theres Take It or Leave It. It came out last week. W: What kind of play? M: Its a comedy. W: Oh, right. That

17、isnt my favorite kind of play. In fact, I really dont like stage comedies at all. M: Alright. There are lots of other things on. For example, theyre showing an old black and white comedy. Do you like old silent films? W: To be honest, silent films dont make me laugh. M: Fine. Lets forget that, then.

18、 How about a more modern film? W: Good idea. M: Heres one called Sweet Dating. Its a romantic comedy. W:Im tired of seeing romantic comedies. Sorry. M:Well, why dont we just go to the comedy club in the town centre? They always have good comedians there. W:Im not a big fan of comedy clubs. But I sup

19、pose I could give it a go. . . M: Great! 13. What does the man suggest seeing at first? A. A circus. B. A musical. C. A comedy. 答案: A14. Which of the following is a new play? A. The Dancing Queen. B. Take It or Leave It. C. Sweet Dating. 答案: B15. How does the woman feel about the romantic comedy the

20、 man mentions? A. Its funny. B. Its boring. C. Its old. 答案: B16. What do the speakers decide to do at last? A. Attend a club. B. Enjoy the clowns. C. See a silent film. 答案: A听第10段材料, 回答第17至20题。Text 10Mia is a carbon copy of her sister Ella, and people can hardly tell them apart. They specialize in d

21、ifferent fields. Mia has a good comprehensive quality. She majored in electricity at college and successfully entered a famous American technology company after graduation. Because of her outstanding achievements plus her exceptional capacity, soon she was promoted to a senior management position in

22、 the company. Now she is one of the companys core decision makers. Ella is four years older than Mia. Ella adored seeing movies as a child and she became a director when she grew up. A decade ago, my communication with her reminded her of the subject of law. So she decided to shoot a TV series featu

23、ring a fair and honest judge. Before the shoot, not only did she carefully learn about the law, but also she sought professional legal advice. The series is scheduled for release in August this year. Despite the tough times in the film and television industry in recent years, the series, which is pr

24、ofessional as well as interesting, will surely bring huge economic and social effects to Ella. Mia and Ella have succeeded in their respective careers, and they are the pride of their parents. 17. What major did Mia study at college? A. Law. B. Management. C. Electricity. 答案: C18. Why could Mia ente

25、r the core decision-making level in the company? A. Because of her fair judgement. B. Because of her extraordinary ability. C. Because of her enthusiasm for movies. 答案: B19. What does Ella do? A. A director. B. A manager. C. A technician. 答案: A20. In order to shoot the TV series, what did Ella do? A

26、. She studied sociology. B. She turned to professionals. C. She sought economic support. 答案: B第二部分阅读理解(共两节, 满分40分)第一节(共15小题; 每小题2分, 满分30分)阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项。AIn an effort to inform our citizens of clearing the street snow, the city adopts a snow removal plan. Routes used by City Emer

27、gency Services come first. Secondly, connected streets will be cleared, which allows citizens the greatest access to public roads. And thirdly, roads within neighborhoods will be cleared. Snow removal and ice control will start when: *Snow accumulates 4 inches or more. *Weather conditions do not end

28、anger the safety of the road crews. *Snow falls during peak traffic periods of heavy use of main streets. Snow and ice removal will be delayed or cancelled when: *There is severely cold, significant wind and limited visibility. *The snowfall occurs on the weekend or a holiday and is not considered a

29、 threat to public safety. In that case, snow and ice removal may take place on the next normal weekday. *Snow and ice may be left on roadways if melting is obvious. Your cooperation is requested during snow removal and these suggestions may apply: *Limit travel during storms. Travel is possible once

30、 roads have been cleared or salted by the road crew. *Avoid removing snow from your driveway into the road. Pile the snow in your yard. *Park your vehicles in your driveways and off the road or walks. *Keep public sidewalks next to your house clear of snow and ice. *Be responsible for removing this

31、snow which is thrown by the snow plough (犁) from your driveways. Hopefully, you can understand this inconvenience. 【文章大意】本文是一篇应用文。文章主要介绍了城市的除雪工作安排、注意事项和市民需要配合做的事情。21. When will the snow have to be removed? A. If it reaches a certain thickness. B. If the main streets are not busy. C. If the snow and

32、ice begin to melt. D. If extreme weather makes roads dangerous. 【解析】选A。细节理解题。根据文中“Snow accumulates 4 inches or more. ”可知, 当积雪累计达4英寸或以上时, 除雪工作将开始。也就是说积雪达到一定厚度时, 就必须开始除雪工作。22. What should citizens do to cooperate in the snow removal? A. Help to put the salt on the road. B. Pile the snow nearby to the

33、road. C. Throw the snow into the driveways. D. Clear the sidewalks close to their houses. 【解析】选D。细节理解题。由文中“Keep public sidewalks next to your house clear of snow and ice. ”可知, 市民被要求清理自己家附近的公共人行道上的冰和雪。23. Which of the following is TRUE according to the text? A. Clearance of emergency routes has a pri

34、ority. B. Snow and ice must be removed on the weekends. C. Citizens play the most important role in snow removal. D. The poster is to inform citizens of an oncoming heavy snow. 【解析】选A。推理判断题。由文中“Routes used by City Emergency Services come first. ”可知, 城市应急服务线路优先, 也就是说清除紧急路线是优先事项。【知识拓展】removal n. 移动; 搬

35、迁; 清除safety n. 安全in that case既然那样, 假使那样的话长难句: Secondly, connected streets will be cleared, which allows citizens the greatest access to public roads. 分析: which引导定语从句。译文: 其次, 连接的街道将被清理, 这将使市民最大限度地进入公共道路。BOn a recent trip to the island of Newfoundland, Canada, my husband asked our talkative cab driver

36、 what made him most proud to be a native. “Our generosity and hospitality (好客), ” he replied in a strong local accent. “If your car breaks down in the middle of nowhere, someone will stop to help. People here are kind like that. ” His answer rang in my mind during that ride with my husband and teena

37、ge kids, as we headed out to explore on the first day of our vacation. Little did I know we were about to experience some of that remarkable Newfoundland kindness for ourselves. We met Alma that same morning at the start of a long hike. Our teenagers hurried ahead, and as we walked behind, admiring

38、the scenery, two women in sunglasses and summer hiking equipment stopped. Theyd heard us discussing different routes, and then asked if wed like suggestions. They looked to be in their 40s, and were both enthusiastic to share their local expertise. We listened eagerly, taking mental notes, until one

39、 of the women asked, “You have a car, right? ” I explained that there were no cars available during our week on the island, so we had to rely on cabs instead. “Oh no, ” she said, “you need a car. ” And then, as casually as if offering a piece of chewing gum (口香糖), she said, “Take mine! ” My husband

40、and I just smiled in disbelief, dumbfounded. “Why not? ” she insisted. “You need a car to get to know all these places. ”“But you dont even know us, ” I said. “That doesnt matter, ”she continued with absolute determination. Surprised, I looked over at her friend, who shrugged and said, “Thats Alma.

41、”Forty minutes of talking later, my family climbed into Almas car. We spent the rest of our vacation discovering different areas of this beautiful island. But it wasnt the groups of whales we saw, or the vast areas of woodland, that made this place so memorable. Instead, it was the act of kindness f

42、rom a complete stranger that made us realize how special Newfoundland really was. Next year, theres no doubt where well be taking our summer vacation. Who knows what act of kindness well meet then? 【文章大意】本文是一篇记叙文。作者一家去加拿大纽芬兰岛旅行时, 最让他们难忘的不是那里的美景, 而是一位陌生的善良的女士将私家车借给作者一家, 让他们自驾体验美景24. What did the cab

43、driver take pride in as a native? A. Their kindness and enthusiasm. B. Their cheap service and friendliness. C. Their unselfishness and determination. D. Their rich experience and local knowledge. 【解析】选A。细节理解题。根据第二段中的“Our generosity and hospitality, he replied in a strong local accent. If your car b

44、reaks down in the middle of nowhere, someone will stop to help. People here are kind like that. ”可知, 当地人的善良和热情让出租车司机自豪。25. The underlined word “dumbfounded” in Paragraph 5 probably means “_”. A. annoyedB. satisfiedC. shockedD. embarrassed【解析】选C。词义猜测题。根据第五段第二句“And then, as casually as if offering a p

45、iece of chewing gum, she said, Take mine! ”可知, 那位女士让我们用她的车; 结合该句“My husband and I just smiled in disbelief, dumbfounded. ”可推知, 听到陌生人给我们提供汽车, 我和丈夫应是不敢相信, 感到很惊讶。画线词与该句中的“in disbelief”相呼应, 表示“惊呆的”。26. What impressed the author most during her stay in Newfoundland? A. The local culture of the island. B.

46、 The answer from the cab driver. C. The beautiful scenery of the island. D. The help from an enthusiastic stranger. 【解析】选D。细节理解题。根据倒数第二段最后一句“Instead, it was the act of kindness from a complete stranger that made us realize how special Newfoundland really was. ”可知, 最让作者难忘的是一位陌生人友好的帮助, 即她将自己的车借给了作者。27

47、. What can we infer about the author from the last paragraph? A. She expects to visit Newfoundland again. B. She hasnt decided where to go next year yet. C. She is looking forward to meeting Alma once more. D. She also wants to be kind to others during the vacation. 【解析】选A。推理判断题。根据最后一段可知, 作者希望再次去纽芬兰岛旅游。【知识拓展】长难句分析Little did I know we were about to experience some of that remarkable Newfoundland kindness for ourselves. 分析: 该句为主从复合句。句中we were about


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