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1、2020-2021学年高中英语 Unit 7 Art lesson 1练习北师大版必修32020-2021学年高中英语 Unit 7 Art lesson 1练习北师大版必修3年级:姓名:Unit 7Art Lesson 1词汇知识自主学习. 根据语境写出正确单词1. show a thin figure with an expression of fear 显出一个瘦弱的身影, 脸上带着恐惧的表情2. make people see yellow spots 让人们看到黄点3. let out a powerful scream 发出一声有力的尖叫4. staying at a home f

2、or the mentally ill 待在一家精神病院里5. paint the massive circles 画大圆圈 6. beneath this amazing sky 在这片神奇的天空下7. affect his sense of sight 影响他的视觉8. hear the scream of nature 倾听大自然的呐喊9. paint the same scene 27 times 同一个场景画了27次10. seem like quite a mysterious scene 看起来很神秘11. produce different reactions in viewe

3、rs在观众中产生了不同的反应. 根据语境写出短语的含义1. When she saw him, she let out (发出)a cry of horror. 2. Lets set on(开始)by reviewing what we did last week. 3. A typical training programme takes the form of a series of (一系列)workshops. 4. They should be given access to the computer it is connected to (与连接的). 5. As for(关于)

4、 the problem, I think it is a wise choice for you to buy an e-dictionary. 6. Moreover, you may have chance to play with (同一起玩)outstanding players. 7. Similarly, Amazon is full of (充满)free e-books, with a list of the top 100 free e-books. 8. Always remember to love your mother, because only have one

5、mother in your lifetime(在你的一生中)! 9. Our country is developing at an amazing speed (以惊人的速度), which is what makes me feel so proud. . 补全句子1. What is strange is that above the house and the tree, we see a daytime sky full of brightness and soft white clouds. 奇怪的是, 在房子和树木之上, 我们看到明亮的天空和柔软的白云。2. It shows

6、a beautiful house lit by lights from inside, surrounded by the darkness of night. 它展示了一座美丽的房子, 房子里充满了灯光, 外面被夜晚的黑暗包围。3. He also took a drug that can make people see yellow spots, just like the stars in The Starry Night. 他还服用了一种能让人看到黄色斑点的药物, 就像星月夜中的星星一样。4. Many experts say that The Scream is connected

7、 to Munchs mental heath problems, which caused him a lot of pain. 许多专家说, 呐喊与蒙克的心理健康问题有关, 这给他带来了很多痛苦。5. Magritte was a painter inspired by his thoughts and ideas. 马格利特是一位受到自己思想和想法启发的画家。6. His view was that art should shock the viewers and challenge their sense of reality. 他的观点是艺术应该震撼观众, 挑战他们的现实感。阅读精析

8、合作学习Task 1框架宏观建构: 整体理解1. Skim the passage and fill in the blanks. Paras. 1-3: Introduce the author and _ process of The Starry Night. Paras. 4-6: Introduce the author and creation _of The Scream. Paras. 7-9: Introduce the _and creation process of The Empire of Light. 答案: creationprocessauthor2. What

9、 is the text type of the passage? A. Narration (记叙文). B. Argumentative Essay (议论文). C. Expository Writing (说明文). D. Practical Writing (应用文). 答案: C3. Whats the main idea of this passage? The passage is mainly about the creation process of the masterpieces of the three painters and peoples comments on

10、 their paintings. 【寻技巧提能力】1. Skim (略读) Skim指“略读”, 又称浏览, 指的是跳过文章的具体细节不看, 只看文章的图片、标题或者各段的主旨句等, 在短时间内迅速掌握文章的主旨和大意的阅读方法。它属于理解性技能。 2. 如何用 Skim 策略找主题句? (1)段落首句是主题句的规律 给予例证、解释或说明的段落; 下定义的段落; 对两个或两个以上的事物作比较或对比的段落; 表明原因和结果(往往结果交代在前)的段落。 (2)段落中间句是主题句的规律 段落特征: 描述细节提出主题解释或提问。 (3)段落尾句是主题句的规律 段落特征: 描述细节或交代论据做出概括。

11、 3. 什么是自述式说明文? 自述式说明文就是作者以自己的口吻对某个事物或现象的产生、发展特性、性质、状态功能等进行阐述、介绍、解释或说明的文章。它常用举例、比较、分类或叙述等方法说明事物。Task 2文本微观剖析: 细节探究1. Choose the best answer. (1)Who is the painter of The Empire of Light? A. Edvard Munch. B. Vincent van Gogh. C. Leonardo da Vinci. D. Ren Magritte. (2)What can we learn from the text? A

12、. Van Gogh was a famous artist when he was alive. B. The Starry Night is a successful work of Van Gogh. C. Van Gogh painted The Starry Night using a common method. D. The Starry Night sold well before Van Gogh died. (3)When did Munch paint The Scream? A. In 1893. B. In 1889. C. In 1953. D. In 1954.

13、(4)Why did Magritte paint his works? A. He was encouraged by Van Gogh. B. He loved Edvard Munchs works. C. He was influenced by his own thoughts and ideas. D. He loved the nature and got inspirations from it. 答案: (1)(4)DBAC2. Reread the passage and fill in the blanks. The Starry NightThe ScreamThe E

14、mpire of Lightwriters(1)Vincent van Gogh Edvard MunchRen MagritteWhat may have inspired the painter? Van Goghs (2)mental illness may have affected his sense of sight. He also took a drug that can make people see yellow spots. He was walking down the road with two friends when the sun set; suddenly t

15、he sky turned as red as blood. . . He stood there shaking. Then he heard the (3)scream of nature. He was inspired by his (4)thoughts and ideas. Opinions about the paintingHe also thought it was a (5)failure. It is connected to Munchs mental health problems, which caused him a lot of (6)pain. He thou

16、ght that the change between day and night in the paintings was (7)surprising. 3. Long sentence analysis. (1)In his diary(状语), Munch (主语)talked about(谓语) what inspired him(宾语从句). 译文: 蒙克在他的日记中谈到了灵感的来源。(2)What makes it striking(主语从句) is(系动词) that it shows a thin figure with an expression of fear(表语从句)t

17、he figures mouth(主语)is(系动词) wide open (表语)and letting out (谓语)a powerful scream(宾语). 译文: 这幅画富有冲击力, 画中有一个表情恐惧的瘦弱身影嘴巴大张, 正发出强烈的尖叫声。Task 3阅读思维升华: 主题实践1. What are the names of the three paintings? (Critical Thinking 批判性思维)The Starry Night; The Scream; The Empire of Light. 2. Whats your opinion of the th

18、ree paintings after reading the passage? (Creative Thinking 创造性思维)In my opinion, the three paintings are full of artistic beauty and give people the space to imagine. 要点精研探究学习1. figure n. 数字; 人物; 身材; 图形 vt. 计算; 认为*(2019江苏高考)Naomi managed to figure out 16 of Steves favorite, and most personal, songs.

19、 娜奥米想出了16首史蒂夫最喜欢的、最个性化的歌曲。*(2019天津高考)I figured I needed to do the same to ensure a good career. 我想我需要这样做才能保证我有个好工作。*He is a person we can always figure on to complete his jobs. 他是一个我们经常可以指望其完成任务的人。*By 2004, this figure had risen to 14 million. 到 2004 年为止, 这个数字已增长到 1 400 万。*Shes always had a good fig

20、ure. 她一向体态优美。*The movement is supported by key figures in the three main political parties. 这场运动由3个主要政党的重要人物支持。figure out计算出; 想出; 理解figure on 指望; 打算figure that . . . 认为【巧学助记】图文巧记figure一词多义(1)语法填空。The only problem is that I cant figure out why shed want to date a guy like me. It figures on what the c

21、ustomer wants to use his/her pencil for. (2)We must figure out how to solve (想出如何解决) the problem. (3)We can figure on him to join the work. 我们可以指望他参加这项工作。2. massive adj. 大量的; 巨大的, 厚重的; 魁伟的*The explosion made a massive hole in the ground. 爆炸在地面上留下了一个巨大的坑。*They have a massive great house. 他们有一座非常大的房子。

22、*The page was covered with a mass of figures. 纸上写满了密密麻麻的数字。*His music is commercial. It is aimed at the masses. 他的音乐很商业化, 针对的是一般大众。(1)massivelyadv. 大量地; 沉重地; 庄严地(2)mass n. 块, 团; 群众, 民众; 大量; 质量mass of. . . 大量; 许多the masses 群众; 平民百姓(1)语法填空。Government attempts to suppress dissatisfaction among the mass

23、es. They insist the tax will massively(massive) reduce future investment. (2)I struggled through the mass of people (人群里) to the exit. 3. affect vt. 影响; 使感动; 假装; 侵袭*(2019天津高考)These actions have greatly affected the ecological balance. 这些行动极大地影响了生态平衡。*The whole food chain is affected by the overuse o

24、f chemicals in agriculture. 整个食物链因农业中过度使用化学制品而受到影响。*This may have an effect on food prices. 这将会对食品价格有所影响。*The worlds first anti-tobacco treaty has come into effect. 世界上第一个烟草控制条约已经开始生效。(1)be affected by . . . 被打动(2)effect n. 结果, 作用, 影响have an effect on 对有影响come into effect 开始生效【巧学助记】Drinking too much

25、 has a bad effect on your health, so give up drinking to prevent alcohol from affecting your body. 饮酒太多对你的健康有害, 所以你要戒酒以防止酒精影响你的身体。(1)语法填空。She was deeply affected(affect) by the sad story. Overseas investment has had a positive effect on exports. Factories that gave out harmful gases were all shut do

26、wn after the policy came into effect. (2)句型转换。The home environment can affect a childs growth. The home environment can have an effect on a childs growth. 4. spot n. (圆)点; 斑点vt. 认出; 弄脏adj. 现场的(spot-spotted-spotted-spotting)*(2019江苏高考)As soon as Christiansen saw the photos, he realized why he had fai

27、led to spot the caldera. 克里斯琴森一看到照片, 就明白了为什么他没能找到破火山口。*(2019天津高考 )She said she spotted my wallet on a bus seat. 她说她在公共汽车座位上发现了我的钱包。*He answered the question on the spot. 他当场就回答了那个问题。*Neighbours spotted smoke coming out of the house. 邻居们发现有烟从这所房子里冒出来。(1)on the spot当场(2)spot sb. doing sth. 发现某人正在做某事be

28、 spotted with散布; 点缀(1)语法填空。Those spots(spot )help it hide in the jungle. If you like them, you can buy them on the spot. I spotted him sleeping(sleep) in the classroom. The night sky is spotted with twinkling stars. (2)The police were on the spot within five minutes. 警察在五分钟内就到了出事地点。(3)The workers co

29、at was spotted with oil. 那个工人的外套上满是油斑。5. failure n. C失败的人/事 U失败*(2019全国卷)Some of the early ventures(企业)were immediate failures. 一些早期的企业很快就失败了。*A quick review of successes and failures at the end of year will help sharpen your year ahead. 年末时快速回顾一年的成功和失败将有助于你在新的一年进一步磨砺自己。*Persisent people begin their

30、 success where others end in failure. 在他人以失败告终的地方, 坚持不懈者开始其成功。*A power failure created an emergency in traffic and transportation. 一次停电使交通运输陷入紧急状况。*They also fail to realize how much they eat. 他们也没意识到自己吃了多少。(1)end in failure以失败告终heart failure心力衰竭success and failure成功与失败power failure停电(2)fail vi. 失败,

31、 不及格; 衰退fail to do未能做failure 作“失败”讲是不可数名词, 表示抽象意义; 作“失败者, 失败的事”讲是可数名词, 表示具体意义。这种用法被称为“抽象名词的具体化”。Failure is the mother of success. 失败是成功之母。(1)语法填空。Hard as she tried, she failed to pass (pass)the exam. As a musician he was a failure, but as an artist, he was a great success. (2)Hard work leads to succ

32、ess and failure often lies in laziness. 勤奋通向成功, 失败源于懒惰。(3)Their long struggle ended in failure. 他们的长期斗争以失败告终。6. scream vi. 尖叫; 呼啸; 发出尖锐刺耳的声音*He covered her mouth to stop her from screaming. 他捂上她的嘴, 不让她叫出声来。*The baby screamed out for food. 婴儿哭叫着要食物。scream out尖叫【知识延伸】“vi. +out”的短语有: cry out大声呼喊laugh o

33、ut 大笑(1)When you read the jokes in this issue, laugh out loud (大声笑出来). (2)He was crying out in pain (他在痛苦地大叫着) when the ambulance arrived. (3)She tried to scream out loud, but theres no sound. 她试图大声尖叫, 但是却没有声音。7. striking adj. 惊人的; 显著的* Its most striking feature, though, is only found in the young.

34、然而, 它最引人注目的特点只能在年轻人身上发现。*The child ran into the road and was struck by a car. 孩子跑到公路上被车撞了。*He struck the table with his fist. 他用拳头打桌子。*About two million workers went on strike in 1919. 大约两百万工人在1919年罢工。【导图理词】【巧学助记】Strike while the iron is hot. 趁热打铁。(1)语法填空。A good idea struck(strike) me as I was teach

35、ing students how to solve the problems. It struck me that we may miss the last bus. Staff at the hospital went on strike in protest at the incidents. I was struck by the beauty of the West Lake. (2)I was deeply struck by(给我留下深刻印象) her honesty. (3)It struck her that (她突然想到) she forgot to lock the doo

36、r. 8. cause n. 原因; 事业; 目标vt. 引起; 使遭受* Unemployment is a major cause of poverty. 失业是贫困的主要原因。*Animal welfare campaigners raised70, 000 for their cause last year. 动物保护主义者去年为他们的事业募集了7万英镑。*Do they know what caused the fire? 他们知道引起这场火灾的原因吗? (1)a cause for sth. 理由; 动机; 缘故with/without good cause理由充分; 无缘无故be

37、 for/in a good cause做好事; 行善(2)cause sb. to do sth. 促使某人做某事(1)语法填空。There is no cause for concern. Dont complain without good cause. He was respected because he was in a good cause. Dont cause him to do(do) something that he doesnt want to do. (2)Only a few people can find any cause for celebration (找

38、到庆祝的理由). (3)The project is still causing him a lot of problems (仍然给他带来许多的麻烦). 9. reaction n. 反应, 回应(与to连用)*However, on September 12, 1933, physicist Leo Szilard invented the neutron-induced nuclear chain reaction. 然而, 1933年9月12日, 物理学家利奥西拉德(Leo Szilard)发明了中子引发的核链式反应。*Moreover, I can find out whether

39、my reactions to an event are reasonable enough by reading about those of others on the Internet. 此外, 我可以通过在网上阅读别人的反应来判断我对事件的反应是否足够合理。*In reaction to the phenomenon, some people called for raising the air pollution tax. 为了应对这一现象, 有人要求增加空气污染税。*Only when we react to emergencies in life calmly can we so

40、lve problems in a better way. 只有我们冷静应对生活中的紧急状况, 我们才能更好地解决问题。*How do acids react on metals? 酸对金属起什么反应? *Of course, most parents wont react with extreme anger. 当然, 大多数的父母不会有极度愤怒的反应。(1)in reaction to为了应对(2)react to . . . 对做出反应react against . . . 反抗, 反对react with和发生化学反应react on/upon对起作用/有影响【巧学助记】Please

41、share how you reacted to the situation and the cause of your reaction. 请分享针对这种情况你是如何做出反应的以及你的(这种)反应的原因。(1)语法填空。A spokesman said the changes were not in reaction to the companys recent losses. How did she react to the news that the massive earthquake happened in Japan? In his speech, he reacted again

42、st the price increases. (2)The government took many measures in reaction to (为了应对) the change of the climate. (3)How did he react to your suggestion? 他对你的建议有什么反应? (4)Children tend to react against their parents (抗拒父母) by going against their wishes. 10. What is strange is that above the house and the

43、 tree, we see a daytime sky full of brightness and soft white clouds. 奇怪的是, 在房子和树之上, 我们看到明亮的天空和柔软的白云。【句式解构】What在句中引导主语从句, 且在从句中作主语。 *What she saw frightened her. 她看到的事情吓了她一跳。*What was once regarded as impossible has now become a reality. 曾经被认为不可能的事情现在已经变成了事实。*What hurt our feelings most was the pers

44、onal comment of the judge. 最伤我们感情的是法官的私下评论。*What is gone is gone. 过去的事就过去了。what引导的名词性从句相当于名词的作用, 可作主语、宾语、表语, 且what在从句中可用作主语、宾语或表语。(1)My topic today is what most scientists are researching. (表语从句)我今天的话题就是大多数科学家正在研究的课题。(2)What he has told us is of great importance. (主语从句)他告诉我们的(事情)至关重要。(3)The question

45、 what makes the matter worse has been puzzling me. (同位语从句)什么使情况更糟的问题一直在困扰着我。(4)The manager told us that he wanted to take back what he had said. (宾语从句)经理告诉我们他想收回他说过的话。(1)He has got what he wants. 他已经得到了他想要的东西。 (2)The man is no longer what he used to be. 这个男人不再像他从前那样了。(3)他什么时候回来还不能肯定。 译: When he will come back is not sure. 【知识延伸】what在引导名词性从句时的含义是什么? (1)什么(内容) She doesnt know what she could do with the problem. (2)的人 He is no longer what he used to be. (3)的话 What the president said at the meeting is very important. (4)的事 They dont know what happened ju


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