1、A Comparative Study of Chinese and American Education System and Education Idea 【Abstract】Thisarticle mainlyintroducesthe similarities and differencesChineseand Americaneducation systemcomparative study ofChinacharacteristics,andUSA educationsystem and theeffect ofits own.Of course,the two countries
2、have their respective advantages anddisadvantages,we need totreat them dialectically.Learnthe strengths of others,to make up andreflect ontheir own weaknesses,can makethe education of our country get better.【Key Words】ChineseandAmerican education system,similarities and differences,characteristics,e
3、ffects ContentsAbstract(in English).II .Introduction.1II.The characteristics of the American and Chinese education .2 A:Education system.2 B:The fee for running .2 C:Teaching aims.2III.The similarities and differences about the education system .3 A:Education ideas .3 B:Education methods.3IV:Differe
4、nces andenlightenmenteducation enrollment systembetween China and America.4A:College enrollmentsystem between China and America.4B:Comparison and analysis.4V:Conclusion .5 IntroductionThisarticle mainlyintroducesthe comparative study of similarities and differencesabout ChineseandAmerican education
5、system,characteristics,and theeffects ofits own.As an English major,I thinkwe need to look atChineseandAmericaeducation system,whether it isthe sameor differentpoint,willhelp us to become betterlearning.Through this article,can we get a better understanding ofthe education system,the education ideao
6、f the United States,anditsinfluence and so on.Maybe wecan get inspirationfrom the American educationsystem and thecomparisonof Chinese educational system,and thenbecome a betterEnglish learners. II.The characteristics of the American and Chinese education A:Education systemThe type of education in n
7、owadays China is chiefly exam-oriented education whose characteristic is selecting people based on the marks they get in the exams. Obviously, this type of education has its disadvantages. The first, it has students pay too much attention to marks but overlook the development of ability. The second,
8、 luck plays an important role in this kind of education and its inefficient to select the right talented students. Moreover, regional unfairness also exist in nowadays education, which means students in some areas are easier to go to a good college while some others are much harder. Though these dis
9、advantages are known by people, the educational reform is difficult to carry out because of actual conditions in China.In America, education is not case as in China. America has been a highly developed country for a long time. The education in America had quite a scale since America was formed. Stud
10、ents will not get the degrees unless they accumulate enough credit points. Moreover, large discrepancies also occur in the characteristics of education between China and America. In America, education has more freedom. Students have rights to choose what to learn according to their interests, result
11、ing in great diversity in the lessons found up in schools. American education attaches importance to developing the ability of students by pay attention to develop their creativity, confidence as well as social responsibility. Thus, students in America are reckoned to get a better education for all-
12、round development than students in many countries, including China.Insufficiencies can not be avoided in both countries educational structure. As you can see above, Chinese students lack creative minds, while American students are, comparatively speaking, weaker in basic knowledge. They should learn
13、 from each other so that they can make up their own deficiency. In a word, it is not practical to thoroughly change the whole structure of education in China, but it is inspiring to encourage students to think with a creative mind like American students do. B:The fee for runningTwenty-first Century
14、is thehigh-techera of fierce competition,in the final analysisis the competition of talents.Therefore,to improve the national qualityhas increasinglybecome the focusof competition in the world.But the basicnational conditionsof our country at presentis rich human resources,high qualityhuman capital
15、stockis actually insufficient.Therefore,weshould seize the opportunityof developing oureducation,onlyincrease the human capital investment,improving theoveralleducation level ofthe whole nation,increase thehigh quality labor forcesupply,canfurther promoteChinas technology level,seize the opportune m
16、omenttimestepsproceed with determination,the realization of economic growthfrom extensive to intensivefundamentalstrategic transformation.To ensure that theinvestment of higher educationis theprecondition for the successof higher education,the current singleinvestment from the government todo higher
17、 educationis not enough,the diversification of sources offunding channelsis to runone of thesuccessful experienceof higher education.Chinas highereducation funding sources,USAhighereducation funding sources,by comparing the obtainedenlightenment.Chinas highereducation funding sources includethe cent
18、ral government and localgovernment investment,tuition,college studentfinancial aid system,enterprise scientific researchfunding,in universities,social donation.Americasources of higher education financing channels mainly includefinancial supportfor higher educationUSAthe federal government,state gov
19、ernmentfundedUSA,on higher educationtuition and fees,toUSAhigherschooldonation,contactbetweenAmericanenterprises and universities,eachuniversitytoprovide students withfinancial aid.Therefore,the establishment ofhigher educationfund raisingmechanism,improve our student loansystem,encouragethe joint-s
20、tockschool,establish a collegefund system,set up theeducation fund,promote theCountermeasures of silverschool cooperationphenomenon,use foreign capital activelyandreasonably,improve our universitiesfund managementlevel. C:Teaching aimsOne,Chinaeducational objectiveDecisionpointed out thatstarting in
21、 2001the State Council on thereform and development of basic educationand thebasic education curriculum reform:the implementation of quality education,promoting students all-round development agenda,shouldreflect the demands of the times.(a)the specific content1,to make thestudents patriotism,collec
22、tivism,love socialism,inherit and carry forward the finetradition of the Chinese nationandthe revolutionary tradition.2,with the socialist democraticlegal system consciousness,abide by the laws of the stateand social morality.3,and gradually form a correct world outlook,outlook on life and values.4,
23、have a sense of social responsibility,strive to serve the people.5,with initialinnovation spirit,practice ability,scientificandhumanistic quality and environmental awareness.6,have to adapt to thebasic knowledge,basicskills and methodsof lifelong learning.7,witha healthy body andgood psychological q
24、uality,cultivatehealthy aesthetic sentiment andlife style,to become ideals,morality,culture,discipline of thenew generation.(two)the analysis of Chinascurrent educationobjectiveOverall development theorybasis of 1,our education purpose-Marxpeople.2,the social nature ofour education purpose-to train
25、socialistbuilders and successors.3,our educationobjectivedemands for the quality of talent-the all-round development.(three)characteristicsThe targetput forward clearly,should prompt thestudents in theknowledge and skill,process and method,emotion attitude and values(basic knowledge,basic skills,bas
26、ic attitude)three areashave been able to get thecomprehensive and harmonious development,so as tolay a good foundation fortheirlifelong learningand sustainable development,which willisthree-in-onecurriculum goal system in our countryat presentestablished.Two,USAestablishededucational goals(2001)(a)t
27、he specific content:First,the elimination ofthe disadvantagedstudent achievementgap;Second,through thereading firstto improve theliteracy rate;Third,expand the flexibility,reducing bureaucracy;Fourth,success andfailure ofrewardpunishment;Fifth,to promoteaccess to informationof parents choose;Sixth,i
28、mprove the quality of teachers.Seventh,strengthenmath and science education,improvement of teachingand curriculum;Eighth,to create asafer schoolsfor twenty-first Century,teachers will have the right toput thosewithacts of violence orcontinue to causedamagestudents pleaseout of the classroom;Ninth,su
29、pport forcharacter education,increase toStates and school districts for character educationfunding,trainingteacherstolearnall kinds ofmorality curriculumandactivities into theclassroom.(two)characteristicsUSAschools purpose is togive studentsneedthe support of all aspects,so that they becomehealthy,
30、socialcompetence,personalityperfect person.At the same time,their basic educationattaches great importance tostudents of the actualstrainability and moralrational spirit,to cultivate the students ascreative,independent peopleandmoraland responsible person.Some Americaschoolsto respectstudents person
31、ality,strengthen thecritical thinking,cultivate the students thinkingability of problemand other requirements,asthe fundamental purposeof running.The similarities and differences about the education SystemA:Education ideas Love the motherland,love the peopleto comply with laws and regulations,streng
32、then the legal consciousness,to comply with school discipline school,abide by social morality.See these,as if theseGet Wordcodesandin the ears.The value orientation and thenational culturebackground different,which determinesthe Si no USeducational concept,educational mode and method sexist biggerdi
33、fference.Americaprimary codeon the surface looksjustsome trivial matters,butits content ismeticulous,and the language easy to understand,easyto acceptby thepupils,soUSApupilshave goodstudy habits.By comparison,Chineseprimary codeistooabstract and empty,too much emphasis onform,languageis only suitab
34、le forreciting,not easy to understand.The pupilsin the face of thesebeautiful languagecan only donot stopreading back,their understandingis not enough tounderstandtheprofoundconnotation ofthe code,not to mentionit in real life.Think ofmyprimary school,the teacher asked us tonot stopreading thesecode
35、s,until theback down,but wenever used in practice,which is a big reason forus tohave a superficial knowledge of these codesare.Can be said that nocodeof American studentsis ageneral,butChinese pupils keepnot aspecific.Everseen on the Internetabout Si no USeducationtwois the image of theequality,Amer
36、ican studentscareer: learning= fun+ lifeknowledge +creative use ofknowledge anda sense of achievement;Chinese students career: learningbook knowledge+test+=boring.In the United States,the teacher is aparticipant,while in China,the teacheris aperformer.The differences between Chinese and Americanstud
37、entscodemakes me think of theSi no USeducation systemgap.In the United States,childhoodeducation quitestrict,American parents wouldset many of the rules,such as thekids cant make noise in public placesand the like,butas the child grows older,will also become looseon the education of their children,p
38、arents of children inhigh schoolsimplyletthemselvesgoback.While in China,buton the contrary,children are young,parentsdotingontheirvariety,without restraint,after growing up,but everywhereinterference,college major,love objectarethe object of theirintervention,which eventually led tothechildren arer
39、ebellious.From the aboveopinion,the educational system in the United Statesrelative to Chinaseducation systemmore scientific.But this does not mean that the American educationsystem cancopy to Chinaoperation.The culture of different countriesdecide the differenteducation system,the formulation ofthe
40、 education systemmust be based onits own national conditionsandthe reality of the situation,I believe that in the near futureChinawill findfit heruniqueeducation system. B:Education methodsIn addition to crazyin the era ofFenshukengruandright to rebel,all things are,only reading highhas beenChineseu
41、niversally recognizedvalues.Chinese parentson the importance of educationandreading to your childsacrificewill,is famous inthe world.In addition,theHarvardYaleivyuniversitycan givetheir childrens futureis plated on theoutside ofsaid of sbs namehaloonly byname,a lot ofgrowing up inChineseexam oriente
42、d educationunder the oppression ofChineseparents,on Americaneducation seems tohave a lot ofgood fantasystyle educationas the center ofthe teacher,the correct answeronlyandclear,as long as the studentslisten andnotesfor the exam,hence the namecrammingeducation.American educationclasseslikeseminars,th
43、e teacheristhe leader,students are the main players,everybodys speechwill be consideredreasonable,there is no correct answerin most cases,socalledopen education.Compared with thelearning does not depend onthe interest,butfor the examinationcrammingeducationpower,to allowstudentsaccording to their own will to chooselearningcontent and mode ofopen educationhaveits own advantages.But whenyoure the same as meexperienced in New Yorkstorecash registerfailedto suspendbusiness,becausethe cashierwill not calculate change;hear twoandpeopletableof high school studen
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