1、机电工程学院 机械设计制造及其自动化 毕业设计 第 41 页 共 41 页目 录设计总说明2DESIGN INSTRUCTION41 前 言72 零件的分析82.1 零件的作用82.2 零件的工艺分析82.2.1 主要加工面92.2.2 主要基准面93工艺规程设计93.1确定毛坯的制造形式93.1.1 基面的选择93.1.2 制定工艺路线103.1.3 机械加工余量、工序尺寸及毛坯尺寸的确定123.2 确定切削用量及基本工时133.2.1 粗精铣杠杆下表面133.2.2 钻、扩、铰25H7的通孔164 应用SIMULATIONXPRESS STUDY分析25孔184.1 模型信息184.2 载
2、荷和夹具194.3 算例结果215 其他加工工艺规程设计235.1 粗精铣下平台235.1.2 精铣宽度为30mm的下平台245.2 钻锥孔12.7255.3 钻M8底孔及锪钻14阶梯孔255.3.1 钻7的底孔265.3.2 攻M8螺纹孔265.4 锪钻14阶梯孔275.5 粗精铣2-M6上端面275.5.1粗铣2-M6端面275.5.2 精铣2-M6端面295.6 钻2-M6螺纹孔295.6.1 钻5的底孔295.6.2 攻M6的螺纹孔306 夹具设计316.1 加工工艺孔25夹具设计316.1.1 定位基准的选择316.1.2 夹紧元件及动力装置确定316.1.3 固定V型块的结构设计3
3、16.1.4 夹具设计及操作的简要说明326.2 粗精铣宽度为30mm的下平台夹具设计336.2.1 定位基准的选择336.2.2 定位元件的设计336.2.3 定位误差分析346.2.4 夹紧装置及夹具体的设计346.2.5 夹具设计及操作的简要说明356.3 钻M8螺纹孔夹具设计356.3.1 定位基准的选择356.3.2 定位元件的设计356.3.4 夹紧装置设计376.3.5 夹具简要操作说明377 致谢388 参考文献39设计总说明我的设计是为了解决CA6140车床杠杆的加工工艺和夹具设计。CA6140车床不仅能车削外圆,还可以切削成形回转面、各种螺纹、端面和内圆面等,CA6140车
10、都仍习惯于大量采用传统的专用夹具,一般在具有中等生产能力的工厂里,约拥有数千甚至近万套专用夹具;另一方面,在多品种生产的企业中,每隔34年就要更新5080%左右专用夹具,而夹具的实际磨损量仅为1020%左右。因此,机床夹具在机械制造中占有重要的地位。毕业设计是在我们学完了大学的全部基础课、技术基础课以及大部分专业课之后进行的。这是我们在走上工作岗位之前对所学各课程的一次深入的综合性总复习,也是一次理论联系实际的训练,因此,它在我们四年的大学生活中占有重要的地位。 就个人而言,我希望能通过这次毕业设计,使自己的能力有所加强。为未来从事机械制造的工作打下坚实的基础,此次设计是一次适应性的训练,从中
11、锻炼自己分析问题、解决问题的能力,为今后参加祖国的“四化”建设打下一个良好的基础。虽经多次修改,但限于作者水平,加之修改时间较仓促,此说明书中一定还有很多不足甚至错误,仍然恳请各位老师和读者的批评、指正。关键词:杠杆;加工工艺;专用夹具;定位 DESIGN INSTRUCTIONMy design is to solve the CA6140 lathe machining and fixture design lever. CA6140 not only can lathes turning cylindrical, can also cut Rotary forming surface,
12、various threads, facing and has a round face, CA6140 occupies an important place in the early manufacturing of lathe. Because the CA6140 lever parts machining of the lathe is not mature processing technology and a common fixture. So Im from the part of the material, molding method of rough, leverage
13、 production, processing technology of economical and practical, as a starting point, processing technology and design of special fixture designed lever. I leveraged the processing technology and the design of fixture design, solved the lever of CA6140 processing blanks and fixture design. Processed
14、in accordance with the content, choosing the right processing equipment. By looking for information on workpiece machining allowance and machining process, ensure the process can be implemented smoothly. Rational processing technology to ensure precision of machining parts meet the application requi
15、rements and requirements to meet market requirements.Lever also known as forks of the CA6140 lathe, is an important part on the machine. It is located in the brake mechanism of lathe, the main braking effect. When the clutch disengaged, and band is taut; when the left and right in the clutch when en
16、gaged, band is relaxed, so as to achieve the aim of braking. Starting from the CA6140 leverage requires the use of a lathe, when you select a process datum, CA6140 lathes, lever processes to be able to meet economy and reliability of the process. For rough benchmark of select, Yu this parts, accordi
17、ng to rough benchmark of select principles, select this parts of not processing surface rib Board surface as processing of rough benchmark, available external clip tight force for intensified, again uses a v shaped block supports 45mm round of outside contour for main positioning, to limit four a fr
18、eedom, again to side positioning, with supports block or supports Board to elimination remaining of two a freedom, reached completely positioning, on can achieved 25 hole of processing. Fine selection of benchmarks, the main consideration to issues of baseline coincide, designing benchmark best coin
19、cides with the process benchmarks, so 25 holes as essential benchmarks.Comparison and selection of route, key is the route of choice can help increase productivity, whether it helps improve dimensional accuracy and precision, is easy to set-up requirements. From route requirements, outline for refin
20、ed benchmarks 25mm hole, milling bottom first, then taper hole of drill, thereby ensuring two hole center line dimensions perpendicular to the right end. Meet the principle of work surface first and then drill, improvements in efficiency and accuracy, both subject and found that this scenario is mor
21、e reasonable. So I decided to use this programme for production.CA6140 lathes, lever of rough sand casting production, production capacity of 5,000/year, belongs to the mass production. So you need a dedicated fixture supports processing needs. Leverage part material is HT200, HT200 gray cast iron i
22、s a carbon steel carbon mass fraction is greater than 0.65%, HB150HB220, rough weight of about 0.85kg. Due to the casting for mass production, and production of workshop space is limited, apart from the dimensions of the technological requirements, and parts, and the rest are not created by the meth
23、od of removing material, therefore should be used type cast metal casting, both quality and volume requirements are met, it also meets the economic indicators.CA6140 fixture for lathe leverage special fixture, special fixture apply to the mass production of parts. I follow two basic principles of di
24、stribution of fixture design, using v-position combined with the c-hex head screws, ensuring complete orientation of the parts to be processed. Make the process safe and reliable to ensure accuracy. Produce qualified products, meet the requirements of users, be sure to use safe and reliable process.
25、 Design Jig is used in metal cutting workpiece position to accurately and firmly clamped. Its main role is: credible assurances of workpiece machining quality, improve processing efficiency, reduce labor with mild, and expansion of the technological performance of machine tools into full play. Parts
26、 in the process confirmed, according to technical rules are processed in the order. Outside the processing in addition to machine tools, cutting tools, measuring tools, mass production but also with fixture. They are the connection between the machines and work pieces, make relative to the machine t
27、ool for the correct location. Fixtures referee will directly affect the precision of workpiece machining. After when the workpiece is positioned, in order to avoid the cutting force in machining, gravity, and so undermine the role of positioning, you should also use some mechanism or device to clamp
28、 the workpiece fixing. Workpiece clamping is correct, quick, easy, and reliable, will directly affect the workpiece machining quality, productivity, cost and operational safety. In bulk, mass production, the workpiece clamping is achieved through the fixture. Jig is widely used in the production. Th
29、e fixture first appeared in the late 18th century. With the progress of science and technology, fixture from an auxiliary tool developed into a wide range of technology and equipment.Due to the widely used CA6140 lathe, to leverage parts of process design is imminent. Fixture plays an important role
30、 in the manufacture of machinery, CA6140 lathes, machining and fixture design lever is a very necessary, meaningful design. This fixture was designed not only to meet part of the requirements, budget and feasibility, and consistent with the processing. Processed in accordance with the procedure, sel
31、ecting the appropriate equipment. Processed in accordance with the accuracy requirements, select the right tool. Processed products must be able to stand the test of the market, the design of the fixture is a qualifying fixture. International Association for the study of production statistics indica
32、te that currently, small batch production variety of artifacts has some 85% artifacts of total number of species. By modern varieties often require companies to manufacture product upgrades, to adapt to the market demand and competition. However, enterprises in general are still accustomed to extens
33、ive use of traditional special fixture, generally has a moderately productive factories, some with thousands of special fixture for nearly on the other, in multi-species production enterprise, updated every 3-4 about 5080% a dedicated fixture and fixture only about 1020% the actual wear. Therefore,
34、fixture plays an important role in the manufacture of machinery.Graduation is all were learning through University courses, technical courses, as well as most of the courses followed. This is what we have learned at work prior to an in-depth and comprehensive review of the curriculum, but also a tra
35、ining in theory and practice, and therefore, in our four years of plays an important role in college life. On a personal note, I hope will pass the graduation project, help strengthen their abilities. In machinery manufacturing jobs and lay a solid foundation for the future, the design was an adapta
36、tion of the training to exercise their ability to analyse and solve problems, and for future participation in the countrys four modernizations construction to lay a good foundation.Despite many changes, but limited to the author level, coupled with the modified time is rushed, there must be a lot to
37、 be desired and even errors in the manual, still urge teachers and readers criticisms, corrections.Keywords: leverage; process; special fixture; positioning如需要完整内容请联系871872846获取完整内容包括图纸,工序卡片,ppt演示,说明书完整版如下图内容:1 前 言本设计说明书是根据机械、设计类等资料为依据所编写,同时得到了指导老师和社会各界的支持和帮助。特别是导师给我的设计提出了许多宝贵的意见,这使我受到极大的鼓舞,并获得极深的教益
39、时,力求使设计说明简单明了,通俗易懂。本设计说明书在文字强调设计应用的同时,更添加部分图形使读者尽可能明了设计。近三十年来科学技术的飞速发展,使我国的制造业和制造方式发生了并仍在继续发生着深刻的变革。计算机技术和网络技术为科学技术的发展提供了良好的机遇,又对制造学科的改革与改造提出了新的要求。杠杆加工工艺的复杂性和繁琐性也随之增加。夹具设计要根据具体的机床设备进行加工和设计。以满足加工需求,使被加工的零件适应市场需求而不被淘汰。 虽经多次修改,但限于作者水平,设计尚有许多不足之处,仍然恳请各位老师和读者的批评、指正。2 零件的分析2.1 零件的作用所设计题目是CA6140车床的杠杆零件。它位于
40、车床制动机构中,主要起制动作用。杠杆一端与制动带连接,另一端通过刚球与齿条轴的凸起(或凹槽)相接触,当离合器脱开时,齿条轴与杠杆下端接触,是起逆时针方向摆动,将制动带拉紧;当左右离合器中任一个接合时,杠杆都顺时针方向摆动,使制动带放松,从而达到制动的目的。2.2 零件的工艺分析所加工的杠杆零件,如图2.1所示。工件在夹具中的定位,是通过工件上的定位基准表面与夹具的定位元件的工作表面接触或配合来实现的,因此设计中选用的定位方法与定位元件的具体结构应与工件的定位基准表面相适应。图2.1 CA6140杠杆零件2.2.1 主要加工面(1)、钻孔以及与此孔相通的14阶梯孔、M8螺纹孔;(2)、钻锥孔及铣
41、锥孔表面;(3)、钻2-M6螺纹孔及其上表面,粗精铣杠杆底面。2.2.2 主要基准面以45外圆面为基准的加工表面有的孔、杠杆下表面。其他的加工表面都是以的孔为中心加工的。使用22的高速钢麻花钻和专用钻夹具,钻加工22的通孔。使用24.7的标准高速钢扩孔钻,扩孔至24.7。使用标准25高速铰刀,铰通孔至25的孔,孔的公差为H7,其下偏差为0,上偏差为0.021。3工艺规程设计3.1确定毛坯的制造形式“杠杆”零件材料为HT200,是碳的质量分数大于0.65%的碳素钢,HB150HB220,毛坯重量约为0.87kg,加工后零件重量为0.837kg,生产产量为5000件/年,属于大批量生产。由于铸件为
42、大批量生产,且工厂的生产厂房空间有限,而且零件除了有工艺要求的尺寸外,其余均用不去除材料方法制造出来的,因此应采用“一型多铸”的金属型铸造,既满足了质量和批量要求,又满足了经济性指标。3.1.1 基面的选择(1)粗基准的选择。钻25孔夹具如图3.1所示,对于本零件而言,按照粗基准的选择原则,选择本零件的不加工表面是肋板表面作为加工的粗基准,可用外部夹紧力进行加紧,再利用一个V形块支承45mm圆的外轮廓作主要定位,以限制四个自由度,再以一面定位,用支承块或者支承板来消除余下的两个自由度,达到完全定位,就可实现25孔的加工。图3.1 钻25孔夹具体(2)精基准的选择。主要考虑到基准重合的问题,设计
43、基准最好与工序基准重合,所以选择25的孔作为精基准。3.1.2 制定工艺路线 工艺路线的选择标准就在于生产效率高、尺寸精度和位置精度高、便于装夹。“工件上被选作定位基准表面的常有平面、圆柱面、圆锥面和其他成形表面及它们的组合。当工件以平面定位时,常用支承钉或支承板作为定位元件;当工件以圆柱孔定位时,常用定位销、定位心轴以及圆锥销等作为定位元件;当工件以外圆柱面定位时,常用的定位元件有V型块、定位套以及半圆套等。”1 确定定位方案后,拟定了以下三种工艺路线。(1)三种工艺路线分别见表3.1、表3.2和表3.3。工艺路线方案一。表3.1 杠杆加工工序方案一工序1粗铣25孔下表面工序2钻、扩孔使尺寸
44、到达24.8mm工序3粗铣宽度为30mm的下平台工序4精铣25孔下表面工序5铰孔使尺寸到达工序6精铣宽度为30mm的下平台工序7钻12.7的锥孔工序8粗精铣2-M6上端面工序9锪钻14阶梯孔,加工M8螺纹孔工序10钻2-M6螺纹底孔,攻螺纹孔2-M6工序11检查(2)工艺路线方案二。表3.2 杠杆加工工序方案二工序1粗精铣25孔下表面工序2钻、扩、铰孔使尺寸到达mm工序3粗精铣宽度为30mm的下平台工序4钻12.7的锥孔工序5钻2-M6孔,加工螺纹孔2-M6工序6粗精铣2-M6上端面工序7锪钻14阶梯孔,加工M8螺纹孔工序8检查(3)工艺路线方案三。表3.3 杠杆加工工序方案三工序1粗精铣25
46、先铣下端面,再钻锥孔,从而保证了两孔中心线的尺寸与右端面的垂直度。符合先加工面再钻孔的原则,两个方案都满足这个要求。但是如果选择第二条工艺路线先加工M6螺纹孔再铣上表面的话就不符合先加工面再钻孔的原则,并且毛坯的端面与钻头轴线是否垂直决定了钻出来的孔的轴线与加工出来的零件平面是否垂直这个问题。所以发现第二条工艺路线并不可行。而从提高效率和保证精度这两个前提下,发现第三个方案是比较合理想的。所以决定以第三个方案进行生产。具体的工艺过程如表3.4所示。表3.4 最终工艺路线工序1粗精铣杠杆下表面。保证粗糙度是3.2,选用立式铣床XA5032。工序2加工孔25。钻孔25的毛坯到23mm;扩孔23mm
47、到24.8mm;铰孔24.8mm到mm(接近25H7)。保证粗糙度是1.6,采用立式钻床Z550。工序3粗精铣宽度为30mm的下平台。仍然采用立式铣床XA5032。工序4钻12.7的锥孔,采用立式钻床Z550,为保证加工的孔的位置度,采用专用夹具。工序5加工螺纹孔M8,锪钻14阶梯孔。保证与垂直方向成10。采用立式钻床Z550。工序6粗精铣M6上端面。用立式铣床XA5032。工序7攻2-M6螺纹采用立式钻床Z550。,为保证加工的孔的位置度,采用专用夹具。工序8检查3.1.3 机械加工余量、工序尺寸及毛坯尺寸的确定“杠杆”零件材料为HT200,HBS182HBS199,毛坯重量约为0.87kg,生产产量为5000件/年,生产类型属于大批量生产,采用金属型铸造方式。根据上述原始资料及加工工艺,分别确定各加工表面的机械加工余量、工序尺寸及毛坯尺寸如下:(1)杠杆下表面:根据机械制造工艺设计简明手册(以下简称工艺手册)2可以知道金属型铸造、大批量生产时,铸件尺寸公差等级为79级。加工方向的基本尺寸为30mm,粗糙度为3.2,根据工艺手册可知,金属型铸造大批量生产时加工余量等级为F级;再由工艺手册可知,尺寸公差等级为8级的时候加工余量范围是1.5mm2mm。由工艺手册可以知道,粗加工后精铣,加工长度为160mm
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