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1、精品教育教 案课程名称 捷进英语综合教程1 课 时 班 级 专 业 教 师 系 部 教 研 室 教 材 捷进英语综合教程1 教师用书Teaching Plan教 学单 元Unit 3 Time Together单 元主 题l Difficult partners along the journeyl Difficult flatmatesl Living with others课 时安 排8教学内容l Reading for learningDriving Me Madl Reading for DoingPeople Are Strangel Guided WritingAn Invitat

2、ionl Audio/Video Lab教学环节主要特色教学活动安排建议Warm-up(热身)u This section introduces the idea of teamwork and working with other people. It encourages students to start thinking about some of the advantage and disadvantages of teamwork. Depending on the time you have available, you could also ask students to wr

3、ite their own sentences describing how they feel about working with others.Reading(阅读)Reading for learningu This section starts with recognising the main idea. It then encourages students to write a brief summary of the main idea.u Vocabulary and GrammarStudents look at some challenging words and ph

4、rases from the text. Task 2 gets them to use the words in a real world context and Task 3 tests their ability to understand some common collocates. The grammar section works on the past perfect, a useful text for narrating events.u Beyond the TextStudents look at a range of adventure trips. In Readi

5、ng and Understanding, you could spend more time on Task 1 of identifying the main idea by first allowing students to only read the topic sentence in each case before then checking their ideas by reading the whole text. Task 2 checks the students detailed understanding and Task 3 encourages summarisi

6、ng of the main ideas. In Vocabulary Focus, Task 1 builds on the theme of teamwork. Task 2 combines teamwork and travel and acts as good preparation for the Beyond the Text task. If you have time, you could discuss the students opinion of the trip. The Grammar Focus part looks at the past perfect. Af

7、ter focusing on the form students then practise using the structure in the context of travel and teamwork. Beyond the Text students look at a range of trips they could make that reflect, in a simple way, the challenges of the reading text.Reading for doingu Students read a reflective article on a pe

8、rsons experiences of living with other people. If you have more time, you could highlight some of the structures used for giving advice. Students might find this useful when they move onto the video section.Guided Writingu An invitation:(1) rejecting invitations(2) signing off Before students read t

9、he letters you could brainstorm a range of contexts for inviting people out. When checking Task 2 highlight the formal / cautious nature of rejecting. With weaker students you might want to show them the model first before they write their invitation.Audio/Video Labu Students watch a video showing s

10、ome of the difficulties of living with others:(1) listening for feelings(2) listening for apologies Write flatmate onto the board and ask students to discuss their experience of living with others. For each part of the video you might want to play it twice. Students might need more support with Task

11、 5 and Task 6. With weaker classes, provide some phrases or sentences on the board to help them.Wrap-upu This section provides a quick review of the vocabulary, grammar, writing and theme of the unit. u Tasks could be set for individual work or done in pairs. Task 1 should be set as pair work. Task

12、2 and Task 3 could be set as homework or as a competitive game. Task 4 and Task 5 should be set as small group discussion tasks.课后学习设计作业u Finish all the exercises in Unit 3.u Read the two texts in this unit again and try to summarise their contents.u Make a plan for your travel in the near future.课后总结与反思-可编辑-


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