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1、_We use “What” to ask about things or people.我们用“What”来询问人或物。We use”Where” to ask about places or positions.我们用”Where” 来询问地点或位置。We use” Who” to ask about people. 我们用” Who” 来询问人。We use”How” to ask about the way of doing things.我们用”How”来询问做某件事的方式。We use “How many” to ask about the amount of countable

2、nouns.我们用“How many” 来询可数名词的数量。Fill in the blanks with “what”where”who”how”or “how many”1._do you play football? In the playground. 2._books do you borrow? Two books.3._ is your favourite food? Chocolate. 4._do you buy from the supermarket? Chips and milk.5._does Jenny put the basket? On the table. “

3、what”where”who”how”or “how many”6._ice creams are there? There are three.7._is Miss Black? She is our English teacher.8._do you go to school? By school bus. _is the girl with a hat? She is a singer.9. _does Sam live? He lives in Flat A. 10. _does Tim go to the library? He walks to the library.Fill i

4、n the blanks with “what”where”who”how”or “how many”11._toys do you have? I have two toys. 12. _is your name? My name is Daniel.13. _do you go to the market? I go to the market by bus.14. _photos does Ricky have? He has five photos15. _do you do every afternoon? I play the piano every afternoon.Fill

5、in the blanks with “what”where”who”how”or “how many”16. _is the new bookshop? It is near the school.17_drew the picture? Mary drew the picture.18. _do Nancy and Tim wear to the picnic? They wear sports suits.19. _do the students buy the food?They line up in the canteen.20._habmburgers does Betty hav

6、e? She has four hamburgers.Fill in the blanks with “what”where”who”how”or “how many”21._cooks the breakfast every morning? My father cooks the breakfast.22._dogs do you see? I see three dogs.23._does Eric swim on Sunday? Eric swims in the sea.24._do you spell your name? E-R-I-C.Adverbs (副词)1.We use

7、adverbs to talk about actions.我们用副词来修饰动作。2.We put adverbs after the verbs or at the end of the sentences.我们将副词放在动词后面或者放在句末。3.To form adverbs, we usually add “ly”to the adjectives.副词的构成: 通常是在形容词后面加“ly”4.For adjectives ending with “y” ,we change the “y”into”ily” 以“y ”结尾的形容词变为副词时将”y“改成”i”再加”ly”。一 Get r

8、eady circle the correct answers.1.Dont talk to you friends( happily rudely) 2.Ken is late .He is running( slowly/quickly)to school.3.The baby is sleeping.( quietly/ quiet).二Change the give adjectives into a adverbs. Write the answers in the blanks.1. quiet _ 2. rude_ 3. noisy _4. tidy_5.

9、zy_7. loud_8. soft_三put a “”next to each of the correct answers.1. We are late, Lets walk( quickly/ quietly) 2. Dont speak (loudly /loud) to others.3. We read ( noisily/ quietly) in the library. 4. We shouldnt eat( quick, quickly)5. The dog runs (happily happy) to Barry. 6.Everyone likes Ken. He spe

10、aks (slowly ,politely)7. Susan is a singer and she sings ( soft ,softly). 8. John is strong and he runs (fastly, easily)9. Peters leg is hurt ,so he walks ( slowly ,slow)四fill in the blanks with the correct form of the given words.quick soft noisy quiet polite loud rude slow soft lazy1. Lily reads _

11、under the tree 2.Tony ate _and his mother was very angry.3. Judy speaks _to her grandma. 4.Tom ran _to the bus stop.5.The birds are singing _in the park. 6.The old woman is walking _on the road.7. Dont talk _on the phone. 8. The girls are sitting on the beach_. 9. The policeman shout_to the robber.

12、10. Mrs Lee spoke _to her baby.五Alice is writing a letter to her pen friend .look at the table ,Complete her letter by filling in the correct form of the given words.Judy( polite) Tom (soft) Gary(happy) Lucy( loud) Alice(quiet)Mandy(noisy)Dad(rude) Mum(quick)Dear Brian: Hello! How are you? I want to

13、 tell you about my friends and my family. Judy is a good girl. She talks _to people.Tom is never rude and he speaks _ _to us . Gary likes to make people laugh. He is cute and simles _Lucy likes to play her music_She is good at singing too.I listen to her songs_.My sister ,Mandy ,loves to talk all th

14、e time. Sometimes she is naughty and plays _with her friends. Dad is gentle and he never talks to people_Mum is a good cook and she can cook dinner _I love her food. It is time for bed. Please write and tell me about your friends and family. Love from AliceShould /Shouldnt.1. We use “should” to give

15、 advice for things that are important.2. We use”shouldnt”to talk about things that we better not do .3. We keep the base form fo the verbs after “should” or “shouldnt”.4. We can use “should” to form questions. We always have “should”or “ shouldnt “ in the answers.Get ready: circle the correct answer

16、.1. Tony is getting fat.He ( should shouldnt) eat ice cream.2. Paul is tired. He should ( go goes) to bed now.3. What ( should shouldnt I wear to school? You shoulder wear uniform.A. Put a “” next to the picture that we should do and a “X” next to the one that we shouldnt do .Then fill the blanks wi

17、th “should “ or “ shouldnt”.1. We _keep the library clean.2. We _use the library cards.3. We _play in the library.4. We _write on the books.5. We_be quiet.6. We_sleep in the library.7. We _put the books away.B complete the questions with “ should” and the given words ,then mathc the questions with the answers.What _he do? He should line up.The students are fighting. What _? She should see a doctor. Mary is sick.What _? She should eat more and do exercise.Julia is weak and thin, What _? They shouldnt be rude.they should be quiet.C , look at the picture, Welcome ToDownload !欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考!精品资料


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