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1、freelance 自由职业的 fri:l:ns You sell your work or services to a number of different companies. 自由职业你把你的工作或服务卖给许多不同的公司 teleworking 远程工作;在家办公; You work for a company from home via email,phone or the Internet电子办公你在家中通过电子邮件、电话或互联网为一家公司工作,job-sharing 分担工作制 You do your job for part of the week and another pe

2、rson does it for the other part. 分担工作 你在这周做了你的这份工作的一部分,另一个人做另一部分shift work 换班工作 You work during different parts of the day(eg nights).轮班工作你在一天中的不同时段工作(如夜班) part-time 兼职;半日工作 You only work for some ot the week(not full-time).兼职工作你只工作了一周(不是全职)。 temping 打临时工,做临时工作,打零工 You work for different companies f

3、or a short time without a permanent contract.临时工作你在不同的公司工作很短的时间没有一个永久的合同。consultancy 顾问工作,顾问职位; 咨询公司; knsltnsi: You arent employed by a company,but are paid to give specialist advice.顾问公司;咨询公司 你不是受雇于公司,但支付给专业的意见 flextime 弹性上班制; You work a number of hours per week or month but you decide when you sta

4、rt or finish.弹性制你每周工作几个小时或一个月,但你决定当你工作的起始时间 hot-desking 办公桌轮用制(按需要或依照轮流制度分配办公桌,而不是给每位员工桌子); You dont have a permanent place or office to work at,but you find a place to work when youarrive.办公桌轮用你没有一个固定的办公地点,但当你需要办公室可以找到一个办公地点 商务英语期末复习How to job - share Wouldnt it be nice if the working week finished

5、 on Wednesday? With a job-shareit can. Heres the essential guide to making it work.如果工作都在星期三完成,那岂不是很好吗?有工作共享就可以做到。这里是使它工作的基本指南。 (0) Find the perfect partner Find someone you like. Be prepared to communicate and share credit and blame,says Carol Savage, the managing director of Flexecutive, a flexibl

6、e working and blame信用和责任;director 主管,主任;flexible灵活的; consultancy顾问工作,顾问职位;咨询公司(1) Open your mind 敞开心胸 Bosses should consider requests for flexible working from employees with children undersix. So embrace imbreis the benefits: Twice as much experience, skills, brainpower and energ

7、y. Savage says. 老板应该考虑从事六岁以下的儿童工作的员工的灵活性要求。那么包含的利益:“双倍经验、技能、智力和精力。” (2) Plan for disaster灾难计划 Always discuss the worst-case scenarios.情境sinriu When Margaret Mills, a teacher, lost her job-share partner because of a family illness, a return to full-time work seemed inevitable.We had been over-optimis

8、tic. I did manage to find someone else who fitted in with me, but Iwas very lucky.经常讨论假设最坏的情况。当米尔斯玛格丽特,一位老师,因为一个家人的疾病失去了她的工作伙伴,回到全职工作似乎是不可避免的“我们一直过于乐观。我确实找到了一个适合我的人,我很幸运。” (3) Get organised 有组织性的 Plan the system for handing work over carefully and play to each others different strengths. Delegatedel

9、gt the workload according to each others particular独有的skills and qualities.仔细制定工作移交制度和发挥个人特长。根据每个人的特殊技能和素质来委派 工作量。(4) Set your limits规定你的极限 Managers should clarify what they expect in terms of hours, availability and results, andemployees should manage their employers expectations. Sue Osborn, a job

10、-sharer for 21years, says, Were often asked to do five-day week经理应该说明根据他们所期望的时间,可用性和结果,员工应该能解决他们的雇主的期望。奥斯本,工作21年来,工作员说,“我们经常被要求 每周五天工作日 ”(5)Put pen to paper 把笔放在纸上 Agree in writing arrangements for holidays, parental leave prentl li:v , retirement rtamnt , etc. Everyone should know where they stand

11、from the beginning. 同意假期的写作安排,产假,退休等,每个人都应该知道他们从一开始就站在哪里。(6) Dont feel guilty不要觉得内疚 Do not work until 1 am at home to make up for not being in the office every day 在家里不要每天工作到凌晨1点来弥补不在办公室(7) Two become one二合一 Clients may not like having to deal with two people working closely together. As Savagesays:

12、 A job-share should be like a marriage - one voice, one unit.客户可能不希望面对两人紧密合作。一份工作的份额应该像一份婚姻:一个声音,一个单位Present tenses 各类现在时态0 Even at home,always set (set) yourself a timetable.1 You need (need) to find a quiet place to work,where there are no distractions干扰.2 If you communicate (communicate) with a c

13、lient on the phone today rather than face-to-face,its still import to dress for work as normal.如果你今天与客户电话沟通,而不是面对面,穿正常的工作服依旧重要。3 Now that you have escape (escape避开) from the office,youll still need peace安心 and quiet at home.Dont answer the door to neighbours or make social calls.4 Once you have been

14、 working (work)from home for a while,you might feel a bit lonely.It might be worth going into the office once or twice a week.5 After you have been (be) at the computer for a few hours,remember to take a break why not leave the house and go for a walk outside?6 Be strong.When a friend calls and asks

15、 you out to lunch,say what you would say in any other job:Sorry but I am working (work) on something at the moment.How about after five instead?7 Make sure colleagues and clients can reach 联系到you and answer (answer) the phone as though you are in the office.Lifes all about making connections建立人脉To y

16、ou, networking人际网 might mean (1)attending a conference or trade fair商品交易会 event to meet new client or partners.Or it could be the coffee break at work where you share (2) ideas with colleagues in other departments部门. But nowadays networking has become an event in itself.For example, Pricewaterhouse

17、Coopers普华永道会计师事务所offer its female staff职员的 a formal networking (3) group called PwCwomen. With 900 members, it organises组织events事件ranging from从排列 informal drinks evenings to coaching辅导 events. Tina Hallet, who is (4) responsible尽责的 for the group, says that she got involved (5) in 涉及 networking becau

18、seId got to a reasonably合理的 senior level高级水平 and I wanted to help other people to maximise发挥 their potential潜能.You dont have to be senior to (6) run a network though. Vicky Wood and Sally Hopkins had the idea for the City Girls Network when they first moved into Londons corporate公司的 world and wonder

19、ed how to get to (7) know other women. We couldnt find anything for people with no experience. So we thought wed start our own.From twelve friends meeting regularly经常, it rapidly迅速地grew to 250 members from many different organisations. Its a great way to (8) make useful contacts联络 and bring in poten

20、tial潜在的business.Fiona Clutterbuck is co-chair联合主席of a network for the bank ABN AMRO. Women tend to think of networking as (9)socialising and give it low priority优先权. But given the chance, women will network as the banks last speed networking event demonstrated显示. With over 100 women and men, it was

21、a great (10)success. It is amazing how many people you get to meet from different parts of the organisation组织,机构,团体.Match the expressions on the left to the responses on the right.0. Id like to introduce you to Mark. B. Hello, Marek. How do you do?1. Nice to meet you at last. D. Pleased to meet you

22、too.2. Do you two know each other already? I. Well, weve spoken on the phone a few times.3. Would you like a coffee? C. Thanks.4. So have you enjoyed this morning? J. Yes, it was very interesting.5. Is this your first time at one of these events? A. Yes, it is. And you?6. May I join you? E. Sure.7.

23、Youre a colleague of Martin Obach, arent you? K. Thats right. He works in our Barcelona office.8. How do you know him? L. We were both at Elcotil together.9. How many children do you have? F. Two. Twins.10. Have you always lived in Lille? G. Yes, most of my life.11. I know your company is looking fo

24、r a partner on this Thai project. H. Yes. Is that something you might be interested in ?2)The past 过去时Dear Sir or Madam, I(0)saw (see) your advert广告 for the post of Client Services Executive总经理in yesterdays newspaper and I would like to apply for the position职位.As you can see from my attached附加的CV简历

25、, I(1)have been working (work) for my current company for over two years.I(2)joined (join) MacKintyre and Co in 2007 and since then,I (3)have had (have) many opportunities to develop my skills.However,I (4)have been considering (consider) a career change with a new challenge for a number of months a

26、nd this seems like the perfect moment to make that move.I see from recent最近的press新闻报道reports报告that your company(5)has expanded (expand扩大) its operations经营in China and therefore因此I would like to draw your attention to my degree in Oriental东方Studies and Mandarin北京话which I(6)completed (complete完成) in 2

27、006.Combined with结合my current MBA,which I (7)have been studying (study) for part-time at the local university,I feel that I would be an asset有价值的人to your company. Please also note that my current manager(8)has agreed (agree) to write a reference证明and can be contacted联络on 0207 857 6785. MBA:工商管理学硕士 I

28、 look forward to hearing from you.Yours faithfully忠实地Daniel LewisMemoYou are a seminar organizer. You want to check details for an event next week with your two assistants. Write an email to your staff. Write 40-50 words. Sy which rooms you have booked for the event. l Ak them to confirm the schedul

29、e with security. l Eplain that one participant will be late. From: students name Subject: Confirmation of seminar details Date: XXXX To: Assistant seminar organizers Please note that I have booked Rooms 101 and 102 for the seminar next week. Id be grateful if you would now confirm this booking and t

30、he final schedule for the event with security. Also note that Mr Singh will be one hour late on the Monday morning. You are a human resources manager for a large manufacturing firm. To offer staff better health nsurance, the company has recently changed its insurance company. A representative from t

31、he insurance company is visiting to present the new policy. In your memo you should: *say what has happened *announce the representatives visit. *say when and where his presentation will take place To: All staff From: HR Manager Date: 19 March Subject: A representation from the new insurance company

32、 As you are probably aware, we has recently changed our insurance company to provide you with better health insurance. Therefore, a representative from the new insurance company is visiting us. Please note that he will give a presentation on Thursday 27 March at 4.30pm in the conference room to outl

33、ine the new policy. Any staff is welcome to attend.Tags that can end misery of lost luggageGlobalbagtag was (0) set up six years ago by husband-and-wife team Chris and Alison Truelove on their return from a holiday in Australia.The couple decided to (1) launch G, which sells secure tags which travel

34、lers attach to their luggage. They started to (2) charge 9.95 per tag in the first year, followed by a 2.95 subscription (3) fee for the following years. Customers activate the tag online with their home address on an online database. If luggage is lost, the person who finds it can log on to the Glo

35、balbagtag website and report the missing items.Mr Truelove said: We have seen a huge (4) growth in orders as travellers realise they cannot rely on the airlines to look after their bags. It is actually a very simple (5) concept .Globalbagtag is now planning to (6) branch out into stickers for items

36、including mobile phones, MP3 players, keys and laptops.3)Will and the future Will和将来时0 Im just phoning to confirm that I will be / am in my office by ten.1 Dont worry.I promise that I ll call / m calling you back straight away.2 Inflation probably wont rise / wont have risen above three percent this

37、 year.3 We ll run / re running seminars every day next week so I cant take any time off,Im afraid.4 After that,I ll have / m going to have a rest in my room before this afternoons session starts.5 The hotel has a scheduled shuttle bus to the training centre.I think it is going to leave / leaves ever

38、y half hour,but let me check for you.6 Security open / will be opening the building at eight tomorrow instead of nine.7 We begin at nine.So by the time he arrives at nine thirty,the first session will have started / will be starting.8 He says he s going to leave / ll have left at three to catch a fl

39、ight even though he knows it doesnt finish until four.9 Im sure you re receiving / ll be receiving something in the post in the next couple of days,but I can check with my colleague if you like.How to delegateNew managers often find it difficult to delegate the tasks they used to do. But getting oth

40、ers to do what you did so well is a key to good management.1 A Tailor work to the individual It should be challenging and make use of their specific skills that you may not have.2 E Delegate complete tasks This is much more satisfying for the person delegated to than bits and pieces. If people feel

41、they have ownership of a whole manageable project, they will usually rise to the challenge.3 C Give incentives Dont start by saying I know youre really busy and dont have time for this, but Explain why the job is important and why you have chosen them. Also explain what the rewards are possibly fina

42、ncial or psychological.4 D Define the expectations and objectives Specify what results are needed, the deadline, and how often the employee should update you.5 G Avoid misunderstanding After you have briefed the person, ask them to explain back to you what theyre going to do to ensure the instructio

43、ns are clear.6 F Let go Dont check up on them. Make yourself available to answer questions but allow them space to work on their own.7 B Be postive Give lots of praise, helpful feedback and constructive criticism. It boosts confidence and saves time next time.Tip 1: Keep the title of the report shor

44、t. It only needs to tell your reader the subject. Tip 2: Divide your report into sections to make it easier to read. Use headings such as Introduction, Findings, Conclusions, Recommendations. Tip 3: State the aim of the report in the introduction. This will include why you have been asked to write i

45、t and what you will have done by the end. Tip 4: In the findings section describe the facts and information. Avoid giving your opinion at this stage. Report on _visits to website and proposed marketing strategy_ Introduction The aim of this report is to comment on the number of people visiting the c

46、ompany website in the last three months and propose a marketing strategy for the next three months. Findings Over the last three months, the number of visitors has increased by 650.There are two reasons for the increase. First of all, we launched a newsletter for subscribes. Secondly in May, we ran a comp


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