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1、实用标准文档文案大全8 8 上上 UnitUnit 8 8 NaturalNatural disastersdisasters一、复习单词表一、复习单词表A A拼读易错单词拼读易错单词 disaster,accident,coach,village,slight,silent,direction,nervous,heart,trapped,daughter,boardB B四会单词四会单词(1)词性变化1.disasters view/natural adj.naturalnature in the n.nature2.mop a floor with clean the n.mopup wa

2、ter themop moppingmopped/v.mop3.lessfear ful/fear sth do fear to .fear vfearin other each at look n.fear of the survivorsc n.survivor v.survivevi.Its difficult for giant pandas to survive in the wild.vt.Timmy survived the earthquake in 1999.Im afraid the two sick boys may not survive the winte

3、r.5.mindn.change ones mindmake up ones mindv.mind doing sth(2)、重点单词用法1.start开始start to shake引起(大火)start a big fire发动start the car创办,组建start a band/factory出发,动身when are you going to start?2.区别几组词实用标准文档文案大全a.b.livelivelylivingaliveexcitementexcitedlyexcitingexcited/excitec.d.oneself telloneself talk t

4、ooneself say tooneselfask downcut down falldown comedown calm3.foggiestfoggier/adj.foggy n.fog tomorrow._much be It will tomorrow._much be willThere9.cover1)cover sth2)cover A with B3)be covered with4)be covered live4.n.arrival v.arriveWhat was the time of his arrival?When the vet arrived,the dog ho

5、uran halffor deadbeen haddied had5.hurt-hurt/hurtvi.My back hurt.vt.He hurt his left可与表否定的词连用用不可与表否定的词连almost nearly nearly the sameHes almost/nearly as tall as me.Almost nothing can prevent him going there.二、二、重要词组、句型用法重要词组、句型用法1.naturalnatural 词性_ 意思是_实用标准文档文案大全e.g.自然灾害

6、_ 自然科学 (n)_ 意思是_ e.g.nature reserve 意思是_Milk is the _food for young babies.牛奶是婴儿的天然食物。2.WhoWho willwill mopmop upup thethe waterwater upup ifif I I gogo homehome withoutwithout you?you?mop 意为_,过去式_,现在分词_mop up 意为_ 后接的宾语是名词,则名词既可以放在 up 之前,也可以放在 up 之后,但如果宾语是代词宾格,只能放在 mop 和 up 之间。我们学过的类似词组还有_(吃光),_(喝光)

7、,_(烧光)等。The floor is all wet.Please _.A.mop up it B.mop it up C.clean it clean it3.SchoolSchool footballfootball teamteam losesloses final 意为 lose 过去式_,现在分词_我们队很强,我们不会输掉决赛的。Our team is very .We wont .比赛输给了某人:loselose thethe gamegame toto我们班赢了足球赛,但输了篮球赛。Our class but .4.F

8、loodFlood washeswashes awayaway village.village.洪水冲走了村庄。洪水冲走了村庄。wash vt.洗,冲洗 可接双宾语可接双宾语 washwash sth.sth.forfor awayaway (水水)将某人将某人/物冲走或冲到某处物冲走或冲到某处去年洪水把她的儿子冲走了。The her son last year.5.LightningLightning startsstarts bigbig firefire inin classroomclassroom bui

9、lding.building.闪电使教学楼着起大火。闪电使教学楼着起大火。fire U 火,火力 C 炉火,火灾 v.开火;解雇孩子不应该玩火。Children should not .无烟不起火。There is .他们在向敌人开火。They the enemy.昨天老板解雇了约翰。The boss John yesterday.catch fire 着火(强调动作)be on fire 着火(强调状态)put out a fire 灭火 play with fire 玩火fight the fire 救火 make/light/build a fire 生火/点火6.CarCar acci

10、dentaccident killskills threethree三个男子在车祸中丧生。三个男子在车祸中丧生。accidentaccident n.n.事故事故 复数:复数:昨晚有一场车祸。There was last night.a car accident 交通事故 by accident 偶然实用标准文档文案大全发生了一起严重事故 have a accident每年都有许多交通事故。There are many every year.7.fear:词义_词性_ bebe inin fearfear 害怕地害怕地 e.g.Frightened by the loud n

11、oise,the children looked at each other .(害怕地)8.shake:TheThe earthearth startedstarted toto shake.shake.词义_词性_ 过去式 _ 现在分词 e.g.the bottle well before use.使用之前摇匀瓶子。I felt a slight shakingshaking through my body.shaking 词义_词性_ _ 9.calm:词义_词性_ 短语:calm down calm sb.down e.g.The mother _her excited child _

12、.母亲使她激动地孩子平静下来。10.since:Some people screamed becausebecause they were very frightened.SinceSince everyone is here,lets begin our class.since 词义_词性_ 用法比较:since 表示_because 表示_A.间接或附带的原因,往往是众所周知的原因;B.主要原因、有必然的因果关系用 since 或 because 填空:Mike was very hungry he hadnt eaten breakfast.were young,we shouldnt

13、be too afraid of making mistakes.11.mind:词义_词性_短语:changechange onesones mindmind 改变主意改变主意 makemake upup onesones mindmind toto dodo sthsth 下定决心做某事下定决心做某事=decidedecide toto dodo sthsth我爸爸已下定决心戒烟.My father to give up smoking.动词:“介意,反对”常用结构:WouldWould /DoDo youyou mindmind +形容词性物主代词形容词性物主代词+doingdoing

14、sthsth?e.g.我把窗户关上你介意吗?12.I was sleeping whenwhen the earthquake started.释义:When 当时候 表示在某一时刻,译为:“就在那时,突然”这时,主句通常用过去进行时主句通常用过去进行时,从句用一般过去时。从句用一般过去时。实用标准文档文案大全e.g.I was trying to find my way out whenwhen I suddenly heard some noise above me.翻译:当天开始下雨时,我和朋友们在操场上打篮球.13.I tried my best to run out.句意_尽某人的最

15、大努力干某事 _近义词组:_We should (尽全力)to stay in safe places when the earthquake comes.14.“Im trapped,”I said to myself.被困住_e.g.Five workers (被困)in the mine for 10 hours last all directions=in every direction 向四面八方他朝哪个方向跑了?did he run away?direction 名词,“指示,说明指示,说明”常用复数常用复数服药前请读一下说明(书)。Read the bef

16、ore you .n.指导 under the direction of sb.在某人的指导下我们在陈老师的指导下完成了这个课题。We the project v.指路;指导;导演你可以指给我车站的方向吗?Can you the station?16.asas possible=asas sb.can/could 尽可能 asas 中间加形容词或副词原级。请你让他尽快给我回电话好吗?Could you please ask him back .=Could you please ask him back .我希望你尽早来。I hope you can come .

17、=.17.hit vt.撞,打击 过去式 现在分词 他的头撞到墙上了。He against the wall.他打了我的背。He the back.18.burn n.烧伤,烫伤 v.燃烧,烧伤 过去式 现在分词 三单 纸容易燃烧。Paper .他把她的信烧了。He .实用标准文档文案大全19.nearly adv.几乎,将近 AlmostAlmost 强调“差一点就”=very nearly,用于用于 no,no,none,none,nothingnothing 等否定词等否定词前面前面,但 nearly 不可,almostalmost 不能用不能用 notnot 修饰修饰。Nearly 表

18、示“接近”,常与 almost 换用,但在具体数字前常用 nearly.not 修饰 nearly,意为“远非”。几乎没有人相信他。no one her.他们快旅行结束了。They are their journey.20.My parents could not get home that night because of the heavy snow.heavy 形容词,“大的,密集的”副词:heavily雨下得很大。It is a .这条街上交通量很大。The traffic is very .“重的,沉重的”这个箱子很重。The box is very .21.sound 任何声音C

19、光速比声速快得多。Light travels .noise 噪声UC别吵闹!Dont !voice 人的嗓音C那女孩嗓音很美。The girl .3 3、语法复习语法复习(一一)过去进行时过去进行时1.概念2.构成3.判断方法:一般有过去的具体的点时间,或者一段时间,如:at 10 oclock last night/at this time the day before yesterday/from to/between and/the whole morning a)where _ they _(discuss)it between 3 p.m.and 5 p.m.yesterday?b)

20、He with his classmates _(not watch)TV at this time yesterday.c)Did you see a girl in red pass by just now?No,sir.I _(read)a newspaper.(二二)when/when/while/aswhile/as1.A.A.当两个延续的动作同时发生,两个句子都可用过去进行时过去进行时来表示,用 while 连接,如:1.People _(run)in all directions while pieces of glass and bricks _(fall)down.实用标准文

21、档文案大全2.Yesterday afternoon,while Daniel _ _(work)on the computer,Millie _(stand)beside him.B.B.当一个延续的动作正在发生的时候,另外一个瞬间动作发生了,用“when”连接,较长较长的动词用过去进行时,较短动词用一般过去时的动词用过去进行时,较短动词用一般过去时,when 释为:“就在那时”We _(read)a terrible story when suddenly the lights _(go)out.C C.AsAs 的同时进行主要表示动作发生的背景或条件,意思为的同时进行主要表示动作发生的背

22、景或条件,意思为“随着随着”;“一边一边,一,一边边”As I (try)to find my way out,I suddenly (hear)some noise above me.四、语篇复习四、语篇复习A A、缺词填空、缺词填空When the earthquake s_,Timmy felt a slight s_ through his body.Then he heard a big noise like t_.Then real noise began,like b_ under the ground.People ran in all d_.Pieces of glass a

23、nd b_ fell down.Timmy t_ his best to run out to the street.After the noise and shaking e_,he found he was t_ but still alive.He felt afraid but he tried to c_ down.At last people moved away the bricks and stones and s_ him.B B、书面表达、书面表达写一篇 80 词左右的短文介绍雅安地震时间2013 年 4 月 20 日早晨 8:00地点雅安市芦山县损失200 多人遇难,13

24、000 多人受伤,成千上万的房屋倒塌救灾情况全国各地的人们伸出援手,纷纷捐款捐物帮助当地人重建家园你的实际行动 An earthquake hit Lushan County,Yaan City at 8:00a.m.on 20th April,2013.The earthquake was terrible.Over 200 people lost their lives.About 13000 people got hurt.Thousands of houses came down.After the earthquake happened,people from all over th

25、e country gave a hand.They donated money and things to help people in disaster areas to rebuild new homes.When my classmates and I heard about the bad news,we felt very sorry.We collected many books,pens and notebooks for children in Yaan.We also asked our parents to donate money.We hope they can li

26、ve a new happy life soon.五、必背内容五、必背内容1.湿透了 all wet 实用标准文档文案大全2.像地底下的炸弹 like bombs under the ground3.四面八方 in all directions4.自言自语 say to oneself5.找到我的出路 find my way out6.走去汽车站台 walk to the bus stop(=go to the bus stop on foot)7.去雪地里玩 go to play in the snow 8.堆雪人 build a snowman=make a snowman9.摔倒 fal

27、l over 10.做一个大雪球 make a big snowball11.躲在树后面 hide behind a tree 12.一个雪球砸中了他 a snowball hit him13.跑向他们 run towards them 14.试着尽快逃出去 try to get out as soon as possible15.用湿毛巾捂住你的嘴和鼻子 cover your mouth and nose with a wet towel16.保护你自己以免受到浓雾的伤害 protect yourself from thick smoke17.返回进去着火的大楼 go back into t

28、he building on fire18.走过洪水 walk through the flood water 19.躲在坚硬的桌子下面 hide under a strong desk or table20.火灾中保护我们自己的安全 keep ourselves safe from fires21.远离stay away from.22.遵守交通规则 follow traffic rules23.在铁路上骑自行车是危险的 its dangerous to ride a bicycle on railways24.当我们烧伤自己时先做什么 what to do first when we bu

29、rn ourselves25.把你的手放在冷水里大约十分钟 keep your hand in cold water for about ten minutes26.在那之后我应该做什么?What should I do after that?27.去看医生 go and see the doctor28.告诉我们早点回家 tell us to go home early29.听到风在吹 hear the wind blowing30.清除街道上的雪 clear the snow in the streets31.慢慢走在厚厚的积雪中 walk slowly in the deep snow3

30、2.我正在睡觉,这时开始下雨了。I was sleeping when it started to rain.33.你没有听到雨声吗?Didnt you hear the rain?实用标准文档文案大全34.我醒来的时候,到处都是水。When I woke up,there was water everywhere.35.如果我不带你回家,谁来把水拖干呢?Who will mop up the water if I go home without you?36.听说一所英国学校的火灾 hear about the fire at a school in the UK37.发生了什么?What

31、happened?38.一场雷电交加的猛烈暴风雨 a heavy storm with thunder and lightning39.闪电击中了一幢教学楼并引起了火灾。Lightning hit a classroom building and it caught fire.40.没有人受伤。Nobody was hurt.41.我正在睡觉,这时地震开始了。I was sleeping when the earthquake started.42.一开始,我感到一阵轻微震动。At first(=In the beginning),I felt a slight shake.43.然后我听到雷

32、鸣般的噪声。Then I heard a loud noise like thunder.44.我尽力跑出大楼。I tried my best to run out of the building.45.玻璃碎片和砖块正在往下掉 pieces of glass and bricks were falling down46.最后,噪声和震动停止了。Finally(=at last/in the end),the noise and shaking ended.47.我的又暗又寂静。It was dark and silent around me.48.我什么也看不见。I could not se

33、e anything at all.49.我不知道是否有其他人在我附近。I dont know if(=whether)anyone else was near me.50.我感到紧张,心跳很快。I felt nervous and my heart was beating fast.51.片刻的恐惧掠过我的大脑。A moment of fear went through my mind.52.我告诉自己镇静下来,因为我还活着。I told myself to calm down since I was still alive.53.我大声呼救,但是没有人过来。I shouted for he

34、lp,but no one came.54.幸运的是,我有足够的空间移动。Luckily,there was enough space for me to move.55.他们很快地搬开砖块。They quickly moved away the bricks.56.终于,我见到了亮光。At last,I saw the bright daylight.57.多么可怕的暴风雪啊!What a terrible snowstorm!58.今天早上大约七点开始的。It started at about seven this morning.59.我看到你和你父母正站在路边上。I saw you a

35、nd your parents standing on the side of the road.60.你正在等出租车吗?Were you waiting for a taxi?实用标准文档文案大全61.由于寒冷的天气,我爸爸的车坏了。My dads car broke down because of the cold weather.62.你看到我们的时候,他正在打电话叫人过来帮忙。He was ringing someone to come and help.63.米莉正在看电视的时候,安迪走进了房间。When/While/As Millie was watching TV,Andy ca

36、me into the room.(=Millie was watching TV when Andy came into the room.)64.我和米莉共同撑一把伞。I shared an umbrella with Millie.65.雪一直下。The snow kept falling.66.我把伞丢在了风中。I lost my umbrella in the wind.67.第二天早上我听到了汽车的吵闹声。I heard the noise of traffic the next morning.68.由于大雪,我爸妈那天晚上没能回家。My parents could not get home that night because of the heavy snow.69.突然,一阵大风从后面吹来。Suddenly,a strong wind came from behind.


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