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1、2014-2015京版六年级上学期教学重点Unit 1 一、四会词汇及短语1. write (wrote) a story 写故事2. go (went) back to Canada 返回加拿大3. make (made) cakes 做蛋糕4. come (came) back 回来5. go (went) to the airport 去机场6. finish (finished) the piano lessons 上完钢琴课7. return(returned) the books 还书8. win (won) the football match赢这场足球赛9. last Thur

2、sday 上周日10. last Monday morning 上周一上午11. last week 上周二、三会词汇及短语1.have(had) a great time 过得很高兴2.visit (visited) my grandparents看望祖父母 (played) with my cousins和表兄妹玩 (worked) on my uncles farm在我叔叔的农场工作5.stay (stayed) in Beijing 待在北京6.learn (learned) to sing Peking Opera 学唱京剧7.go (went) swimmi

3、ng 去游泳8. No wonder 怪不得9.look stronger 看起来更强壮了10.visit (visited) some museums 参观博物馆11.have (had) an interesting vacation 过了个有趣的假期12.summer camp 夏令营13.last Thursday 上周四14.climb (climbed) the mountains 爬上15.go (went) fishing 去钓鱼16.catch (caught) the fish 抓鱼17.go (went) back 返回18.have (had) a lot of fun

4、 过得愉快19.give (gave) somebody some gifts 送给某人一些礼物20.a pair of Chinese shoes 一双中式鞋21.a pair of glasses 一副眼镜22.this summer 今年夏天 summer 明年夏天24.Would you please 请你.好吗?25.enjoy (enjoyed) the best food 享用最好的美食三、重点句1. What did you do this summer?I went back to Canada.2. When did you come back?I came

5、back last Thursday.3. Did you go to see your grandparents?Yes, I did. / No, I didnt.四、语音X, X-ray, Xerox, box五、文化1.Peking Opera 京剧2.a pair of Chinese shoes 一双中式鞋2014-2015京版六年级上学期教学重点表Unit 2 一、四会词汇及短语1.stand on your head 倒立2. practice kung fu 练习武术,练习功夫3.cry 哭4.fall (fell)down 跌倒5.go to hospital 去医院6.c

6、ut my finger 割伤我的手指7.hurt(hurt) 受伤8.break (broke ) 撞坏,打破9.scratch (scratched) 擦伤,刮伤10.eating too much吃的太多11.playing computer games 玩电脑游戏12. smoking 吸烟二、三会词汇及短语1.Whats wrong with 怎么了2.look well 看上去不错3.What happened to 怎么了发生了什么 interested in 对有兴趣5.break (broke)your neck 撞伤你的脖子6.take (took) an X-ra

7、y 照个X光7.have (had) a football match 有一场足球赛8.hurt (hurt) my right leg 伤了我的右腿9.Dont be upset. 别担心。 careful 小心11.sound good 听起来不错12.have (had) a stomachache 胃疼13.a bowl of 一碗14.a piece of 一块(一条、一张)15.Im afraid 恐怕16.take (took) a long walk 长时间散步17.give (gave) me some pills 给我一些药18.have (had) supper

8、 吃晚饭19.stop (stopped) doing 停止做某事三、重点句1.Why did you stand on your head?Because I wanted to practice kung fu.2.What happened to you?I hurt my right leg.3.What did you say?I said you should stop eating too much.四、语音Y, year, yellow baby, lucky stay, play by, fly, sky五、文化kung fu 武术2014-2015京版六年级上学期教学重点表

9、Unit 3 一、四会词汇及短语1.last weekend 上周末2.yesterday afternoon 昨天下午3.on Friday morning 在周五上午 飞5. drive(drove) 驾驶6.take (took) the train to Hangzhou 乘火车去杭州7.the train station 这个火车站 air 乘飞机 bus 乘公共汽车 subway 乘地铁 taxi 乘计程车 train 乘火车13.on foot 步行14.those vehicles 那些交通工具15.some

10、smart people 一些聪明的人二、三会词汇及短语1.take (took) a trip 去旅行2.last weekend 上周末3.miss (missed) ones flight 错过航班 (flew) to 飞往5.leave (left) my passport 落下了我的护照6.visit (visited) some places 参观一些地方7.see (saw) green hills 看见青山8.see (saw) blue water 欣赏碧水9.go (went) around 转动10.go (went) to the West Lake 去西湖1

11、 (did) some shopping 买东西 (bought) some silk dresses 买一些丝绸连衣裙 tea 绿茶14.ride (rode) horses 骑马15.invent (invented) those vehicles 发明那些交通工具16.make (made) our life comfortable 使我们的生活舒适17.make (made) travelling safe and fast 使旅行舒适、快捷三、重点句1.Where did you go last weekend?We flew to Hangzho

12、u.2.How did you go to Hangzhou?We went there by air.3.Who invented those vehicles?Some smart people did.四、语音Z, zebra, zip, zipper五、文化1.the Spring Festival Fair春节集市(庙会)2.The West Lake 西湖 tea 绿茶北京版六年级上册各单元重点知识2014-2015京版六年级上学期教学重点表Unit 5 一、四会词汇及短语1.the ancient Olympic 古代奥运会2.Games, the Qin Dyna

13、sty秦朝的比赛3.Athens 雅典 买5.borrow 借 金的,金色的7.silver 银,银色的8.bronze medals 铜牌二、三会词汇及短语1. years / days ago 几年前几天前2.modern Olympic Games现代奥林匹克运动会3.hold (held) the first Olympic 举办第一届奥运会 Greece 在希腊5.all over 到处6.take (took) part in 参加.7.a long time ago 很久以前8.the capital city of Greece 希

14、腊省会9.both and 两者都10.different nations 不同的国家11.the motto of 格言是12.Higher, Faster, Stronger 更高,更快,更强13.a great success 一个巨大的成功 medals 金牌15.silver medals 银牌16.bronze medals铜牌17.on the gold medal table 在金牌榜上18.a big sports festival 一场大的体育盛宴 that time 在那时 proud of 以.为骄傲三、重点句1. When did t

15、he ancient Olympic Games begin?They began in 776 BC.2. When did people hold the first modern Olympics?They held them in 1896 in Athens.3. How many medals did the Chinese athletes win?They won 51 gold medals, 21 silver medals, and 28 bronze medals.四、语音bl, blue, blackbr, bright, break, brightcl, class

16、, clean, climbcr, cross, crowd, crowded五、文化1. 776BC 公元前776年2. 618AD 公元618年3. the Qin (Tang) Dynasty 秦(唐)朝2014-2015京版六年级上学期教学重点表Unit 6一、四会词汇及短语1.a blue suit with a silver tie 一套蓝色西装配银色领带2.a denim skirt 一条牛仔短裙3.jeans 牛仔裤4.pajamas 睡衣5.a hoody 一件套头衫(卫衣)6.pretty dresses 漂亮裙子7.formal clothes 正式的服装8.on sta

17、ge 在舞台上 work 在工作 school 在学校11.Medium 中号12.Large 大号二、三会词汇及短语1.wait for 等待2.say goodbye to 对某人说再见3.see you tomorrow 明天见4.the taller man 那个较高的男人5.look so serious 看起来很严肃6.a lawyer 一个律师7.a singer 一个歌手8.her favourite colour 她的最喜欢的颜色 to do 爱做某事10.a pair of sun glasses 一副太阳眼镜11.look so cool 看

18、起来很酷12.look nice 看起来不错13.What size 什么尺寸14.go well together 配起来很协调15.make it by hand 手工制作16.make clothes 做衣服三、重点句1. What is he wearing?He is wearing a blue suit with a silver tie.2. What does she wear on stage?She wears pretty dresses.3. What size do you wear?I wear a Medium and she wears a Large.四、语

19、音fl, flag, floor, flowerfr, fridge, fried, friendgl, glad, glass, glovegr, grass, great, green五、文化1.XS 特小号2.XL 特大号2014-2015京版六年级上学期教学重点表Unit 7一、四会词汇及短语1.each animal 每种动物e around 轮回3.go to the dentist 去看牙医4.practice together 一起练习5.rat 老鼠6.nephew 侄子,外甥7.caring 关心的 聪明的9.strong 强壮的10.friendly 友好的

20、二、三会词汇及短语1. Year of the Tiger 虎年2. in the Chinese calendar 在中国农历3. How interesting! 多么有趣! the year of the tiger 在虎年里5.Rat Ox Tiger Rabbit Dragon Snake Horse Sheep Monkey Rooster Dog and Pig (子)鼠 (丑)牛 (寅)虎 (卯)兔(辰)龙 (巳)蛇 (午)马 (未)羊 (申)猴 (酉)鸡 (戌)狗 (亥)猪 born in the year of 在年出生 birth-year ani

21、mal 我属相8.the older of 年长的9.decide to 决定做某事10.start the cycle 开始了这个循环11.a New year gift 新年礼物12.a tiger-year stamp 虎年邮票13.collect stamps 集邮三、重点句1. How often does each animal come around?Every twelve years.2. Which animal was the first of the twelve?It was the rat.3.Grandma likes the dog best. She is as caring as a dog.四、语音pl, pl ace, plane, plantpr, practice, pretty,五、文化1.Year of the Tiger 虎年 the Chinese calendar 在中国农历


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