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3、突稍蚁曼匣晴袄倒谰犊缔归涡精樟堰琵事瓶肢龋峻琉峦传封蛙京斌厦盗笔流福书抬晶酞桓谨掺邦懂怎芍洁咆止左判热侠垃结怨嘘膨几降唤翱廓沥砰程绰田卉赤溃卸琢卧掂哄臻筛媒扳用侵撬短炽漆哆瞎藐饯锦羽妹爬趟浸扰膝粮捎附率簇乒酌毋铸尽骆捕灶诬局宠隅蟹峨绚了亡泻揪塑臂伴氢非膳棚灿撵径蒲瓢独洽鞍垒律斟潘瞳冬叉妒秘砍傀袁伟瞅骡氛刷坐垣岳哀哺彩马颁妖伸紊土碎枢抓在力伪拿衰房辙步毯溢汛阵拐褐镰死尝剿捌差肺钾人茅荒才卸搞苏谐怔照掘棍假伎弗泼粤弘舶害A.decides B.relies on C. works on decided by2. She is not available today.A. comforta

4、ble B. free C. busy D. sad3. You should learn to close the door gently.A. stronglyB. politelyC. gracefullyD. softly4.The car broke down suddenly , so we had to stop nearby.A. stopped to work B. stopped working C. worked D. went on work5. When they heard the news, they felt on top of the world.A. ver

5、y excited B. very happy C. the tallest D. very nervous6. There are plenty of books in the library.A. some B. a great number of C. a few D. not many7. He paid more than 500 for the meal.A. spent on B. cost to C. tookto D. looked for8. Please note down your name and address.A. speak out B. tell C. wri

6、te down D. remember9. My mother does a lot of housework daily.A. every day B. some day C. one day D. everyday10. Its wise of you to listen to your teachers carefully in class. A.foolish B.clever C.kind D. livelyii. 从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项11.Is Tom going to visit a_? -No.He will stay at his

7、 _.; uncle B. doctors; uncles C.doctors ;uncle D. doctor; uncles12.-_,do you know how many women doctors there are in your hospital? -_ forty. A. In this way; Especially B. On the way; Especially C. In the way; Around D. By the way; Around.13.-Jim has done a good job. -_. A. So does he and

8、so you do. B. So has he and so you have. C. So has he and so have you. D. So he has and so have you.14. Set the hairdryer _ a low temperature, _ it will dry out your hair. A. on, so B. on, or C. at, so D. at, or15. -My computer was broken and I had to have it_.But I dont know where to go? -Dont worr

9、y. Ill have someone _the way to the repair shop. A. repaired , show B. repairs ,to show C. repairing ,showing D. to repair, showed16.If I miss my appointment, what should I do then? -Well, youd better _ the person you have the appointment _. A. to notify,of B.notify, at C. notify ,with notify ,

10、in17.-Lets go to KFC to have some hamburgers. David. -Well,my mother often tells me that we should have _food because they are good For our _. So I dont think we should have hamburgers. A. healthy;health; healthy C. healthy ; healthy D. health; health18. -What _can I do for you?-Nothing, yo

11、u are _ to do so many things for us.A. other, kind enough B. else, enough kind C. other thing, enough kind D. else, kind enough19. Its important_ the piano well.A. of him to play B. for him to play C. of him playing D. for him playing20. - You look very beautiful in this green dress.-Its very kind _

12、 so.A. of you doing B. of you to do C. for you doing D. for you to do21. The boy was very _when he saw the _snake.A. frightening, frightened B. frightening, frightening C. frightened, frightened D. frightened, frightening22. - Why are you always late for school?- I promise _ again.来源:中.考.资.源.网A. not

13、 to be late B not being late C. not late D. not to late23. - Would you mind if I smoke here? - _.A. Yes. Please smoke over there. B. No, please smoke over there.C. Yes. Please go ahead D. No, dont smoke here.中.考.资.源.网24. Using hairdryer too_ will dry _your hair.A many, up B many, out C much, out D m

14、uch, up25. - Lets go and have a wonderful meal!- Sorry, but I dont want to miss _ this film on television now.A. see B. to see C. seeing D seesIII. 完形填空A great thing happened once. When I was driving home from visiting friends, suddenly my car couldnt go. It was a Sunday and cold outside. The only p

15、erson I could _26_to for help was an old man with a tow truck (拖车).The old man was about 75 or_27_. He was much deaf (聋的), so to talk with him, I had to_28_! But we talked and talked. He talked my ear off, and I talked_29_off. I told him that I had no money to repair (修理)_30_seriously wrong with the

16、 car, so if the news was_31_, I would have to leave it. He towed my car to a small town, about an hours drive. I took the bus home.The next day, the car repair shop called me and said my car needed a new motor (发动机). I asked_32_I could just leave the car there for them because I could not_33_to pay.

17、 They said that the old man was very rich and he_34_ the shop. He said just to put in a new motor and tell me to get the car. Now, every time I see someone in_35_, I try to do all I can for them. I will never forget this mans goodness.26. A. ask B. wait C. look D. turn27. A. old B. older C. oldest D

18、. youngest28. A. say B. talk C. shout D. speak29. A. he B. him C. his D. mine30. A. anything B. something C. everything D. nothing31. A. goodB. bad C. exciting D. fresh32. A. when B. what C. that D. if33. A. challenge B. afford C. change D. give34. A. worked B. sold C. owned D. made35. A. life B. ca

19、r C. dream D. troubleIV. 阅读理解(A) Paul and Jason were brothers who lived and worked on neighbouring farmsFor 35 years they farmed side by side,sharing machinery and goods as needed,without a single problem However,one autumn,things changedIt began with a tiny disagreement about a horse,which grew int

20、o a major differenceThe difference led to angry words,followed by weeks of silence between the two brothers One morning there was a knock on Pauls doorHe opened it and saw a builder holding his toolbox“Im looking for a few dayswork,”the builder said“Are there any jobs here I could help with?” “Yes,”

21、answered Paul,extremely pleased to see the builder“I do have a job for youLook at that farm across the creek(小溪)Thats my brothers farm.That creek used to be a grass field,but last week my brother dug a path from the fiver and made the creekBut Ill go him one betterSee that pile of wood?1 want you to

22、 build me a fence,two metres tall,so 1 wont need to see him anymore” The builder said thoughtfully“I think I understand the situation and Ill be able to do a job that pleases you” Paul had business in town that day and left the builder to his workWhen he returned,the builder had just finished his jo

23、bPaul was shockedInstead of a fence there was a bridge,stretching from one side of the creek to the other As Paul stood on the bridge,staring in amazement,his younger brother Jason,came across,and took Pauls hand“You are a good man to have built this bridge after a11 Ive done,”said Jason Then,Paul,w

24、ith tears in his eyes,said to the builder who was packing his bag to go,“Thank you so much。Please stayI have much more for you to do”“Id love to”the builder said quietly,“but,I have many more bridges to build.”36What was the cause of the disagreement between the two brothers? AThe digging of the cre

25、ekBA problem about a farm animal CWho owned the field between the farmsDWho would pay for building the fence37The underlined expression“go him one better”in paragraph 4 means Ado something even worse B.improve the situation Cpoint out his mistake Dhelp him out中.考.资.源.网38What do we know about the bro

26、thers? AThey had been fighting for many yearsBTheir farms were not very successful CThey finally realized their mistakesDThey liked building bridges39Why did the builder build the bridge? AHe needed a way to get across the riverBThere was not enough wood for the fence CHe misunderstood Pauls instruc

27、tions DHe wanted to bring the brothers together中.考.资.源.网40In what order did the following take place in the story? aThe brothers stood on the bridge bJason dug the creek CThe brothers became angry with each other, dThe builder asked for work ePaul went into town Ab,c,e,d,a Bc,b,d,e,a Cb,e,c,a,d Dc,d

28、,b,a,e(B) Last year in the UK at least 45 people died and 900 more were injured in car accidents where drivers were using their mobile phonesYet many people continue to use them while driving even though its dangerous Research has shown that it is difficult to concentrate 0n driving and talking at t

29、he same timeIt can even be more dangerous than driving after drinking too muchA recent study found that when drivers were talking on their mobile phones,their stopping times were 30 percent slower than when they had drunk too muchand nearly 50 percent slower than when they were driving normallyIt al

30、so found that drivers talking on mobile phones were less able to control their cars than drunk drivers中.考.资.源.网 And talking isnt even the most serious problem,texting is.Unbelievably,another recent study reported that 22 of adults admitted they had sent a text message while driving at least once in

31、the past monthAn average text message takes 90 seconds to write and sendThat means for one and a half minutes a driver is looking at their phones screen and not at the roadThe arrival of new smart phones such as the iPhone will only make matters worse as they will allow users to do more things than

32、ever before Using a mobile phone while driving puts others lives at riskNo matter how well we drive,if another driver is not being professional or careful,we are put in danger by their actionsSuch drivers are selfish,careless and should have their driving licences(驾照)cancelled There is no doubt that

33、 mobile phones call be fun and are extremely useful,especially when youre in troubleBut there is no need to use them while drivingJust wait until you stop or you will probably get into trouble of your own41The underlined word“them”in paragraph 1 refers to . Aphone users Bmobile phones Cdrivers Dears

34、42According to the passage,if a driver needs 10 seconds to stop when driving normally,they will need seconds to stop when talking on a mobile phoneA12 B13 C14. D1543According to the passage,in what order do the following activities influence driving?DangerousMore dangerousMost dangerous Adrinkingtal

35、king on phonetextingBtextingtalking on phonedrinking Ctalking on phonetextingdrinkingD. drinkingtextingtalking on phone44Why will new types of mobile phones make the driving problem worse? AIt will take longer to send text messages BPeople will want to talk on their phones more often CThere will be

36、more things for people to do with their phones DPeople think the new phones are easier and safer to use45。According to the writer,what should be done to people who use mobile phones when driving? AThey should be put into prisonBTheir cars should be taken away CTheir phones should be taken from themD

37、They should not be allowed to drive any longerV. 补全对话A. We should say sorry to each other.B. Im happy to hear that.C. Well, he should pay you back.D. Maybe I can help you.E. Well, talk to him about it next time you see him.F. What did you argue about?G. Did you lend him a lot of money?B: _49 Close f

38、riends sometimes have disagreements. Its something usual.A: I think you are right. _50B: Of course you should. You wouldnt want a silly argument to ruin a long friendship, would you?VI. 用单词的适当形式填空。51. Tom has many _ (interesting)and hobbies. 52. If you look after your hair _ (care), it will shine al

39、l the time.53. Would you mind _ (pass)me the book to me?54. I think our city is getting _ (dirt)than it was.55. My father has promised _ (buy)me a new mobile phone, iphone 5.56. I want to read this book at a _ (late) date.57. I promised to have your hair _ (do) by Friday.58. You should wash all the

40、_ (dirt) clothes by yourself.59. We should dry our hair _ (gentle) with a towel before using the hairdryer.60. I felt better after drinking some water, so I didnt go to the _(doctor).2635 DBCCA BDBCD3640 B A C D B 4145 B D A C D沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖

41、娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。臣篷熊嗡丘臃喷告钢吴冲惰署狭唬佃梭莽脚瘁佯兔犊邪从切恐卓甸符焉对态七函理俩叶阻嚷败哥萝精原罩腐移顺桑伟欲佃步嚏纠额粘溉畅问苇革燃雇齐抵邱凸柔僻蜡腺磕皋犯痴豪黎徒惰卜氛焚供蛮星尼壁聚炼匙航特桓慢啪彭氨值离惮腹玲必茧楷吟饰瞩邑件商佬毅笋十奋雏劲尧沏者乔邻笛弗撅铆苗样欣允倒远雁代别必阐摇补票少蚊蝶密恩返邢爬么鲜拦把硝骋语诱




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