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1、状语从句状语从句1.状语从句一般分为九大类状语从句一般分为九大类时间状语从句时间状语从句 地点状语从句地点状语从句 原因状语从句原因状语从句 条件状语从句条件状语从句 目的状语从句目的状语从句 结果状语从句结果状语从句 方式状语从句方式状语从句 比较状语从句比较状语从句 让步状语从句让步状语从句2.1.时间状语从句:时间状语从句:引导词有引导词有when,whenever,while,as,the moment,the minute,the second,as soon as,immediately,no sooner than,hardlywhen,scarcelywhen,every ti

2、me,each time,by the time,the first time,the last time,next time,once,till,until,since,before,after 等等3.Strike while the iron is hot.when+非延续性非延续性/延续性动词延续性动词即即when可以指段时间也可以指点时间可以指段时间也可以指点时间whenever指的是任何时间指的是任何时间Whenever he comes,he will bring us gifts.while只能只能+延续性动词延续性动词,且常和进行时连用。,且常和进行时连用。When the

3、teacher came in,I was sleeping.=While/When I was sleeping,the teacher came in.请注意请注意 when,while,as 的区别的区别趁热打铁。趁热打铁。4.when 这时这时I was about to go to sleep when my sister came in.I was sleeping when my sister came in.I had just finished my homework when Tom came to visit me.while(并列连词,并列连词,“而而”表前后对比表前后

4、对比)He likes music while I like sports.He is a doctor but he doesnt like on the point of doing when when 既然既然How can they expect to learn anything when they never listen? 一边一边一边一边;随着随着;就在就在时候时候She was doing her homework as she was listening to the music.As she grew older,she became mo

5、re beautiful.Someone patted me on the shoulder as I was picking the flower.6.the moment the minute the second immediately 当当时候时候 =when ;一;一就就 =as soon as-Did you remember to give Mary the money you owed her?-Yes,I gave it to her the moment I saw sooner than 一一就就hardly when一一就就scarcely when一一就

6、就No sooner had he arrived than he went away again.Hardly had he arrived when he went away again.Scarcely had he arrived when he went away again.7.every time,each time 每当每当Each time he came to town,he would visit our the time By the time he arrived,the train had already gone.I considered he

7、r honest the first(last)time I met her.Next time you come,dont forget to bring us gifts.Once you see him,you will never forget him.Once you start,you will never give up.once 一一就就/一旦一旦就就8.not until /not until 直到直到才才He didnt leave the office until he finished the work.=Not until he finished the work d

8、id he leave the office.It is not until he finished the work that he left the office.till 和和until 基本通用,但在句首只能用基本通用,但在句首只能用until;在肯定句中,主句要用延续性动词,在否定在肯定句中,主句要用延续性动词,在否定句中,主句可以用非延续性动词。句中,主句可以用非延续性动词。9.since+点时间,所以如果引导从句,要用非延点时间,所以如果引导从句,要用非延续性动词,而且要用一般过去时。续性动词,而且要用一般过去时。It is/has been just a week since

9、we arrived here.(It is/has been+段时间段时间 since+一般过去时一般过去时 是常用句型)是常用句型)如果是延续性如果是延续性v.,则表示自从不做某事以来多长时间了。,则表示自从不做某事以来多长时间了。We havent seen each other since I worked in the factory.(自从我不在该工厂工作以来自从我不在该工厂工作以来)10.before 用法:用法:1 It was 2 hours before the medicine took effect.It wont be one year before we meet

10、again.2 还没来得及还没来得及 我还没来得及接电话,他就挂了。我还没来得及接电话,他就挂了。He hung up before I could answer the phone.11.2.地点状语从句地点状语从句 where,whereverwhere 在在地方地方Put the medicine where you can easily get it.Where there is a will,there is a way.wherever 无论在无论在地方地方Wherever you go,I will be right here waiting for you.12.与定语从句有本

11、质区别与定语从句有本质区别Make a mark where you have any doubts.Make a mark at the place where you have any doubts.where从句说明动作发生的地点,从句说明动作发生的地点,地点状语从句地点状语从句where从句修饰从句修饰the place,定语从句定语从句13.3.原因状语从句原因状语从句 because /as/since(=now that)/forbecause 语气最强,引导的从句可放前面也可放后面,语气最强,引导的从句可放前面也可放后面,回答回答why,可引导表语从句。,可引导表语从句。as/

12、since 不能回答不能回答why。He couldnt have seen me,because I was not there.since 相当于相当于now that,语气较弱,语气较弱,as 语气最弱语气最弱,as和和since均均表示双方都知道的原因,通常都放在句首。表示双方都知道的原因,通常都放在句首。Since everybody has come,we can set off.As he is honest and modest,all his friends like him.for是并列连词,只能是并列连词,只能放在句中,放在句中,for分句不是前面分句分句不是前面分句发生

13、的直接原因,只提供一种判断的依据或对前面分句发生的直接原因,只提供一种判断的依据或对前面分句加以解释。加以解释。It rained last night,for the ground is wet now.14.4.条件状语从句条件状语从句if,unless,as long as,in case,on condition that etc.15.if“如果如果”,表示正面的条件,表示正面的条件If you work harder,you will succeed.Work harder,and you will succeed.Work harder,or you wont succeed.W

14、orking harder,you will succeed.16.unless 表示反面的条件,“除非,如果不”We cant write to Mary unless she tells us her address.We cant write to Mary if she doesnt tell us her long as/so long as(只要)1)I will never give up learning as long as I live.2)You may borrow the book as long as you keep it clean.

15、 case 假使假使,如果如果 Send us a message in case you have any difficulty.19.on condition that 条件是条件是He said that he would come to the meeting on condition that no one asked him to speak.20.5.目的状语从句目的状语从句 so that,in order that,in case,for fear that etc.21.Lets take the front seats so that we can see mo

16、re that “为了为了”,要放在主句之后,要放在主句之后,so as to同同 从句中要使用情态动词,如:从句中要使用情态动词,如:can,could,may,might 等等 order that “为了为了”,放在主句前和,放在主句前和后均可。后均可。in order to 同同School was closed early in order that the children might go home ahead of the storm.23.for fear that 唯恐;以免唯恐;以免The instructor emphasized th

17、e issue three times for fear that the students did not pay enough attention to the case 以免;以免;万一万一 Better take more clothes in case the weather is cold.25.6.结果状语从句结果状语从句so that,sothat,suchthatWe took the front seats so that we saw more clearly.It is so good a story that Ill never forge

18、t it.It is such a good story that Ill never forget it.such+名词 +that clause so+adj./adv.+that clause so+many/few+复数名词 +that clause much/little+不可数名词 按照按照;as if/as though 似乎;好像似乎;好像When in Rome do as the Romans do.You must try to do as I did.Ill do as I am told to.He talked as if he had seen that

19、 film.7.方式状语从句方式状语从句 27.8.比较状语从句比较状语从句 asas,not as(so)as,than,the more the more.The streets in Beijing are as crowded as those in Shanghai.He doesnt work so hard as you do.第一个第一个as是是adv.,修饰,修饰adj.或或adv.原级,第二个原级,第二个as是连词,是连词,引导比较状语从句,常省略与前面重复的部分。引导比较状语从句,常省略与前面重复的部分。He is better than I.than引导比较状语从句,常

20、省略与前面重复的部分。引导比较状语从句,常省略与前面重复的部分。28.The more,the more 越越 越越The more he listened to that song,the less he enjoyed it.29.although,though,as,while even if,even thoughno matter(what etc.),whatever etc.whetheror.9.让步状语从句让步状语从句 30.although,though 尽管尽管although 和和though 可以互换,都不能和可以互换,都不能和but连用,但可以和连用,但可以和yet

21、/still连用。连用。Although(Though)he is old,he works hard.Although(Though)he is old,(yet/still)he works 引导让步状语从句时,译为引导让步状语从句时,译为“尽管尽管”,必须把此状语必须把此状语从句中的表语从句中的表语,状语状语,或动词原形提到或动词原形提到as前前(作表语的作表语的如是单数可数名词,提到如是单数可数名词,提到as前时要去掉冠词前时要去掉冠词),其他,其他不变,形成倒装。不变,形成倒装。Child as he is,he can work out the difficu

22、lt problem.Busy as he is,he never misses a football match.Hard as she works,she makes little progress.Work as she may,she makes little progress.32.even if/even though 即使即使Even if you are not fond of flowers,you shouldnt miss the exhibition.Even though his dean didnt mean it,he still felt embarrassed

23、 matter(what,who,which,when,where,how)无论(什么,谁,哪一个,何时,何无论(什么,谁,哪一个,何时,何地,怎样地,怎样/多么)多么)whatever,whoever,whenever,wherever,whichever,howeverDont trust her,no matter what she says.However hot it is,he will not take off his coat.无论天多热无论天多热,他也不脱掉外衣。他也不脱掉外衣。However he tries,he wont be able to work we

24、ll.无论他怎样努力无论他怎样努力,他也不能工作得好。他也不能工作得好。34.while 尽管尽管While I really dont like art,I find his work(作品)(作品)impressive.35.whetheror 无论无论还是还是Whether his proposal is practical or not,the department plans to adopt.36.状语从句中从句的省略(非常重要的考点):状语从句中从句的省略(非常重要的考点):如果主从句主语一致,从句谓语动词为如果主从句主语一致,从句谓语动词为be或含或含有有be的某种形式的某种形

25、式,就可以省略从句中的就可以省略从句中的“主语主语+be”部分;部分;另外如果从句主语是另外如果从句主语是it,谓语为,谓语为be或含有或含有be的某种形的某种形式,就可以把从句中的式,就可以把从句中的it+be部分省去部分省去。此省略现象此省略现象常出现在时间、条件、让步、比较、方式、原因等状常出现在时间、条件、让步、比较、方式、原因等状语从句中。语从句中。Unless(I am)invited,I wont attend their wedding.If(it is)necessary,Ill explain it to you.While he was walking in the st

26、reet,he met Tim.While walking in the street,he met Tim.if necessary、if possible、when necessary37.改错:改错:1 Because he is ill,so he cant come.2 Though he is old,but he has a good memory.3 If you think hard,and you will have an idea.4 He has four sons,three of them are thieves.5 Having finished the work

27、,so he went home.6 He is very tired that he cant walk on any more.because 不与不与so 连用。连用。38.定语从句定语从句/名词性从句名词性从句/状语从句状语从句 Ill put the book where you lay it.Where I put the book hasnt been decided.The place where Ill put the book is where you lay it.The fact that they will accept me is real.The fact tha

28、t can prove his innocence lies in your telling us the truth.The fact is that he gave it up too early.He said that he was on the way to success.主主定定定、表定、表同同表表宾宾地点状语地点状语39.1._ you decide to take up,you should try to make it a success.A.If B.Whenever C.Unless D.Whatever40.2.It is foolish to take a taxi

29、 _ you can easily walk to the station.A.before B.that C.unless D.when41.3.Ill accept any job,_ I dont have to get up early.A.even though B.though case long as42.4._ problems you have,you can always come tome for help.A.What B.Whatever C.Whichever D.Which43.5._ much advice I gave him,he did

30、 exactly what he wanted to do.A.How B.Whatever C.However D.No matter44.6.If we work with a strong will,we can overcome any difficulty,_ great it is.A.what C.however D.whatever45.7.I hurried _ I wouldnt be late for class.A.since that if D.unless46.8.John plays football _,if not better

31、 than, well well as well well as47.9.-What was the party like?-Wonderful.Its years _ I enjoyed myself so much.A.after B.when C.before D.since48.10.Dont change your mind,_ happens to you.A.which B.what C.whichever D.whatever49.11._ he comes,we wont be able to go.A.Without B.U

32、nless C.Except D.Even50.12.Nobody believed him _ what he said.A.even though B.even if matter D.because51.13.I was watching TV _ suddenly the lights went out.A.when B.while D.for52.14.Take your umbrella with you _ it rains.A.if case long as53.15 Why!I have nothing to confes

33、s._ you want me to say?A What is it that B What it is that C How is it that D How it is that 54.16 I had hardly arrived _ he started crying to go home.A as B for C when D until17.It wont be long _ you regret what you said.A since B when C before D till55.18.The new secretary is supposed to report to

34、 the manager as soon as she_.A.will arrive B.arrives going to arrive arriving56.19._ the day went on,the weather got worse.A.With B.Since C.While D.As57.20-Where did you put the car keys?-Oh,I _ I put them on the chair because the phone rang as I _ in.A remembered;come B remembered;was com

35、ing C remember;come D remember;was coming 58.21 _youve tried it,you cant imagine how pleasant it is.A Unless B Because C Although D When 22 _ I explained on the phone,your request will be considered at the next meeting .A When B After C As D Since59.23-Will you go to Marys birthday party?-No._ invit

36、ed,I cant go.Ill be too busy then.A If B Unless C Even if D When 60.24 _ time went on,the people in the area came to realize how serious the environment had been polluted.A When B While C As D With 25 _ time going on,the people in the area came to realize how serious the environment had been pollute

37、d.A When B While C As D With 61.26 Id rather have a room of my own,_,than share a room with someone else.A however small is it B however is it small C however it is small D however small it is 62.27 This is a very interesting book.Ill buy it,_.A how much may it cost B no matter how it may cost C how

38、ever much it may cost D how may it cost 63.28 Although we hadnt met for twenty years I recognized him _ I saw him.A the moment B one moment C by the moment D for the moment64.30 In their opinion,the Internet,if properly _,holds the key to success in the 21st century.A to be managed B managing C managed D being managed 29 If you are travelling _ the customs are really foreign to your own,please do as the Romans do.A in which B what C when D where 65.


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