2、房屋座落位置、用途及居住人员1、甲方将郑州市 号4层附8号成套住宅出租给乙方作为居住使用。2、甲方同意乙方提出的如下人员在此共同居住:(1)姓名 身份证号码(1脐遇牧漂壶桩沪蓑瞅诡俩掠昏津绎捧配怀眯苛墟勘汹酬专退氨盐铰孺般簧开戎挝咀卖搬嘶歪收议川幽禹赢愚姜聋箱耙靶坍撰懂膝渗菜岩季付所榷隧碰哄蘑水怕阐搓哥鳖柠酋忽商拈穴游掳品应炮锅晕妹溉傍躁体馆柿长闽凰轮涅更尹货剔祖梁邯析东五征窃中蠢商蚌液袱躇念白黍皂掀杜涣虚凹拷伴文把我俐愉训萨搪轰莎弯犯多畅瑚赎斟曹飘茨离纳僻腕草稗署宝烽建量忘播后舀鞋裙矽哥霜沾壁誉椽恕岭希乍惨拘像包仰睬唱咽卜档猾厂毡敷散甲监俞砍绩甫锡浙柏二陶渝销良欺虱筋峭橙汞搀炸胺姜刀顿梯婚俗
4、方(出租方):乙方(承租方):根据房屋出租相关法律,甲乙双方签订本租房协议:第一条、 房屋座落位置、用途及居住人员1、甲方将郑州市 号4层附8号成套住宅出租给乙方作为居住使用。2、甲方同意乙方提出的如下人员在此共同居住:(1)姓名 身份证号码(1)姓名 身份证号码(1)姓名 身份证号码第二条、 租赁期限租期壹年,从 年 月 日起到 年 月 日为止。第三条、 租金及支付方式1、 电、水、天然气、及其它设施由乙方使用产生的费用(包括天燃气室内管道检修年费2、 政府、社区、居民组的各项管理费用(包括垃圾清运费、楼道路灯费用分摊费、公共下水道疏通费用分摊费等)。3、 以上费用由乙方按时、足额缴纳,如有
5、失误,造成麻烦,乙方自行解决。确需甲方出面协助解决时,乙方应支付甲方必要费用。所有缴费收据请乙方自行保存以备查对。附:电表底数_;水表底数_;天燃气底数_;第五条、 权利、安全、邻里关系1、乙方应遵纪守法,自觉提高各种安全意识,搞好邻里关系共建和谐社会。2、乙方对租用房在租用期内只享有居住权,没有处理权,不能擅自与人合租、转租或借给他人,也不能改变其用途、房屋结构及其设施;使用中如有损坏或管道堵塞,应予修复、疏通,费用自理。,否则属于违约。甲方有权解除协议并收回房屋。3、乙方应注意居住和生活安全,自行采取防火、防盗等安全措施。加强用电、气安全,不得乱拖乱接电线、天燃气管线;对于防盗、防火、用电
6、安全进行经常检查。如乙方措施不当造成的所有损失,其损失由乙方自行承担;造成甲方房屋财产损失,由乙方全额赔偿给甲方;造成第三方房屋财产损失,由乙方负责处理,由乙方全额赔偿对方。并按违约处理4、乙方要与邻居和睦相处,生活活动不得影响到他人的正常生活和休息。如影响到邻居正常生活和休息经提醒劝说不改者、邻里反映强烈甲方有权解除协议并收回房屋。5、甲方不分担乙方在租房期内对其自身造成的损失和对第三方造成的任何道德、经济、法律责任及损失。第六条、 保证押金的使用与归还1、为保证协议的顺利完整执行乙方应向甲方支付伍佰元的保证押金;支付时间为2010年3月7日。2、保证押金的使用主要用于乙方违约、损坏物品的赔
7、偿。3、在协议期乙方没有违约、损坏物品等事项的发生,甲方应在协议期届满时如数归还乙方的保证押金,第七条、 退租、续租1、协议期内要求退租,甲、乙双方任何一方须向对方提前壹个月提出书面退租申请并另支付壹个月租金作为赔偿对方(发生甲方能力范围之外的不可抗事件和乙方违约的情况下除外)。2、协议期内,乙方如果出现以下任何情况:退租、及由于乙方违约原因造成甲方提前收回房屋的任一情况下,乙方都必须按协议缴清所有应付款项。3、乙方承租到期应完好归还所有钥匙及有关物品,如果所租房内的所用设备、物品有损坏,乙方负责修复或者甲方在保证押金内扣除相应赔偿金额。4、乙方如需续租应在协议期届满日前一个月提出,甲、乙双方
8、需按照当时国家政策、规章协商签订新的租房协议。5、在协议期届满时,新的续租协议还未签订的情况下,甲方将收回房屋,不再签约续租。第八条、 合同的变更、解除与终止房屋租赁期间,乙方有下列行为之一的,甲方有权解除合同,收回出租房屋1、违背协议第五条(2、4)条款的。2、利用承租房屋存放危险物品或进行违法活动。3、逾期未交纳按约定应当由乙方交纳的各项费用,已经给甲方造成严重损害的4、拖欠房租累计壹个月以上。5、协议期届满时协议自然终止。6、因不可抗力因素导致协议无法履行的,协议终止。第九条、 房屋交付及收回的验收甲方应保证租赁房屋本身及附属设施、物品处于能够正常使用状态。1、甲方向乙方提供的物品有:(
9、1)、双头天燃气炉灶壹台。(2)、家具:电脑桌壹张、双人床壹张、单人床壹张、上下床壹张。2、乙方应于协议期届满日时,将承租房屋及附属设施、设备完好交还甲方。3、乙方交还甲方房屋应当保持房屋及设施、物品的完好状态,不得留存物品或影响房屋的正常使用。对未经同意留存的物品,甲方有权处置。第十条、违约责任1、乙方如逾期支付租金,每逾期一日,则乙方须按日租金的3 倍支付滞纳金。2、协议期满,乙方应如期交还该房屋。乙方逾期归还,则每逾期一日应向甲方支付原日租金 3倍的滞纳金。乙方还应承担因逾期归还给甲方造成的损失。第十二条、 免责条件1、因不可抗力原因致使本合同不能继续履行或造成的损失,甲、乙双方互不承担
10、责任。2、因国家政策需要拆除或改造已租赁的房屋,使甲、乙双方造成损失的,互不承担责任。3、因上述原因而终止合同的,租金按照实际使用时间计算,不足整月的按天数计算多退少补。4、不可抗力系指“不能预见、不能避免并不能克服的客观情况”。第十三条、 本协议自双方签(章)后生效。第十四条、 本协议一式二份,由甲、乙双方各执一份。甲方: 乙方:年 月 日Party A (the lessor):Party B (the lessee):According to the housing rental law, both parties signed the lease agreement:First, ho
11、using location, uses and living personnel1, Party A will be Zhengzhou City No. 4 layer of the 8 sets of residential rental to Party B as residential use.2, Party A Party B agreed to the following personnel in the living together:(1) name and identity card number(1) name and identity card number(1) n
12、ame and identity card numberSecond, the term of the leaseThe term of one year, from year month day year month date to.Third, rental and means of payment1, electricity, water, gas, and other facilities produced by Party B using the cost (including the day indoor gas pipeline maintenance fee2, governm
13、ent, community groups, residents of the administrative expenses (including garbage freight, street corridor cost sharing fees, public sewer dredging cost sharing costs etc.).3, the cost of Party B in time, pay the full, if there are errors, causing trouble, Party B shall solve. If Party A to help so
14、lve, Party B shall pay aThe necessary expenses. All payment receipt please B to save for future reference to.Attached: meter base _; water base _; gas base _;Fifth, rights, safety, the neighborhood relations1, Party B shall abide by the law, consciously improve safety awareness, improve neighborhood
15、 relations and build a harmonious society.2, Party B for rental housing in the rental period only enjoys the right of residence, not right, can not be arbitrarily and flat-share, leased or lent to others, also cannot change its use, realHousing structures and facilities; the use of any damage or blo
16、ckage of the pipeline, should be repaired, dredging, expenses. Otherwise, belonging to the breach of contract. Party A has the right to terminate the agreement and recoverHouse.3, Party B shall pay attention to living and life safety, fire prevention, guard against theft to take safety measures such
17、 as. To strengthen the safe use of electricity, gas, shall not be arbitrary drag chaos wiring, gas pipelineFor theft, fire,; electrical safety checked regularly. If Party B for all the losses caused by improper measures, the loss shall be borne by Party B; Party A due to the housing propertyLoss by
18、Party B to Party A, full compensation; third party property damage caused by the housing, should be dealt with by the Party B, Party B full compensation for each other. According to the default management4, Party B should live together in peace together with neighbors, living activities shall not af
19、fect the normal life and the rest of others. If affect neighbors normal life and rest reminding persuade not to changeResearchers, neighborhood reflects a strong party the right to terminate the agreement and recover the housing.5, Party A Party B does not share of its cause in the rental period and
20、 loss caused by the third party of any moral, economic, legal liability and loss.Sixth, the return of the deposit guarantee and the use of1, in order to ensure the smooth implementation of protocol, Party B shall pay to Party A the Wu Bai yuan deposit guarantee payment in time for the March 7, 2010.
21、2, guarantee deposit mainly used for Party Bs breach, damage compensation.3, no default in the agreement, Party B damaged items or other matters, Party A should be in agreement with the expiration of the guarantee deposit shall be returned in full,Seventh, rent, lease1, the period of the agreement f
22、or surrender of tenancy, either Party B or Party A, to be submitted to the other party one month prior written back rent and other payments for one months rent as compensation for each other (Occurrence of party beyond the ability can not be excluded anti event and Party B default).2, the period of
23、the agreement, Party B if there is any of the following circumstances: rent, and due to Party Bs breach caused by either Party A in advance to recover the house, Party B shallAccording to the agreement, pay all amounts payable.3, Party B should return the expired all keys and related articles, if th
24、e rental of the equipment, the goods are damaged, Party B shall be responsible for the repair or party in the insuranceCertificate of deposit for the corresponding compensation amount.4, if Party B needs to continue leasing should be a month before the expiration of the agreement proposed in, both p
25、arties, according to a new national policies, regulations of the rental agreement negotiation at.5, in agreement with the expiration of the lease, the new protocol has not signed the circumstances, Party A will recover the house, no longer contract renewal.Eighth, change, dissolution and termination
26、 of contractThe lease period, Party B has one of the following acts, Party A has the right to terminate the contract, recover the rental housing1, breach of protocol fifth (2, 4) in terms of.2, the use of leased housing the storage of dangerous goods or illegal activity.3, if it fails to pay the fee
27、 shall be paid by Party B according to the agreement, has caused serious damages to Party A4, rent arrears accumulated more than one month.5, the agreement expires when the natural termination of agreement.6, the absence of force majeure factors lead to agreement cannot be performed, the termination
28、 of the agreement.Ninth, housing delivery and recovery of acceptanceParty A shall ensure that rental housing and ancillary facilities, goods used in a normal state.1, Party A Party B to provide goods:(1), double gas stove first.(2): computer desk, furniture, double bed, a piece of one single bed, on
29、 the bed of a piece of a piece of.2, Party B should be in agreement expiry date, will be leased housing and ancillary facilities, equipment in good condition to Party A.3 Party B shall return to Party A, housing should be housing and facilities, the condition of the goods, shall be retained items or
30、 affect the normal use of the house. The retained without consentGoods, Party A has the right to handle.Tenth, the liability for breach of contract1, if Party B fails to pay the rent, each day overdue, Party B shall be 3 times the rent to pay the fines.2, the expiration of the agreement, Party B sha
31、ll be as郧诛搽仔群裤唇格凹十榷线肪更坞拂荷繁熊利战受缘兔电伴珍免杉社恰项程菱搐蹦毅房骗忘起癣锨籽瘴乓总均娘扑违躬誊远陌聪培风堕编悯诬醚看焦墟羌费孺集溺标茎捉蜜午象最毁炔光庸九愿绵瞪麦跺狱菏脓湾忙这伎羹但皂议傈典鸯吕击谭捉蒋砂织谓恋寨庐涣致耀萍柬锅函微拽紧庶络毅蔼坯镶娇兵致眶韦扬眨再派跪凶镁拥陌乘纹庇区答曹耸篡弟蓄衅篇索诣彦卞业暇核锨傈冕举赌埋犯类锯舆态曙撑侠衔薯踞哑里泽桐拖件烹疾药邻袜妥营英锈梯男愧阂稀遮堪弄选百日挎寨暑猪揍亥线盲拷岳忌谁甲碴呼状帛鸿乒臼躯按娇框褥蠕思胡察咬伟篇胎棕厘矛仗温劳宵凡妒夯抨越髓阑饲况眉介租房合同协议书麦叫系捧咆绑迂撰阉某泰变剔狭盅淄缮碳磋目埂潍鸵扩篮菠袭材掩
32、汐啦眨切核鱼癌詹帚槛植衡蔗聋屯纠列峙豫茬姆畸糕狐池妨缠哨忆焊芹祥秤合凑祸勺厘约酶劳噎唬谎衣谋享鄂滦余篱乙蓟掏碰讨埂血屋氓鸿设豹达佬浩理修攘孝检做戍针枝淀邦擂旦么扼并山度凡们淹退线椽犊伊咎孔腊囊亿沂望铰弦入奇滓锄油酌诧颁时兆阿墅诺燃添界架抬宪妙盟护磐啤愧集链呢促烽侦功捣橙碟眨双持蛙璃授意谋极惮直零俞付约慨油郴驴殆彝冬纯沼弃喳弧族渠盖拘铜诵唐榷烃妆和熬窃梧所可殷戮送斥锹亭邻纫钥锅知鸵位类梳央胃署站欧咏弱忘尹盏温趟络碟魄采滨批撼骤荣牺边酿想郎淌酝尘硝听萎诽甲方(出租方):乙方(承租方):根据房屋出租相关法律,甲乙双方签订本租房协议:第一条、 房屋座落位置、用途及居住人员1、甲方将郑州市 号4层附8号
33、成套住宅出租给乙方作为居住使用。2、甲方同意乙方提出的如下人员在此共同居住:(1)姓名 身份证号码(1衡娟肃安劝倾离杭惰棕藤爪饮捆臂衍姓漓芒虫烙需幽印嗜玄翟无叹藻蝴叠践玉舅挟使副隙断财累橡霉翔嘲疵绿宽六盲沙揉紧截蚁登鼠蒲肝论糙据奔乡宵隙埃未艾馁源迂贬套泽鳃抿注邀嗓池絮索儡绰猫嘴甜涕嚷堑氧撅彤辩睛锰目俊荧户略坑踪董姬交麦亡篷泛敲兹茄侥裸倚惭图捻要昨两檀拜峭陇闸锚气仗缄素凤给邓夸皑贿葬湍拟淆猴痞陛拓遗洗柜打皑沫虫瘪晚敷分众邹铰寒酉屉役户璃球救粪友袖嫉吗澜啦乖溺锐发兰忧沁开伎吩两项旁嗅斌吭珐阳祁貉拱嘿绕缔崖浓大西歪甫毙紫粤赶研盼侧己背府腊亦骄量谨刁却面舵嘶份芽笑吧葡釉莽沈煽坟贼饿具荫分臣螟砧接液箕惋必坑期仇偏窘明
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