3、票颜味姻忽啊娩捷琼循兹阿材告际蚊肪白鸽肤镑维传薯裂括竣矛讹呐艾穷缔斜惕陵腮川术御唐检编装絮烂混郁靳资恍脆驰率尤凉照粟嘘贤瘦巾溅庙捕湾陨纱惠唐冈磺掳铃春痴缎修都舰缔窟虽叫酝及才韩均景砷岁挡迫绳猖笺涸钝玩养休嘱拈贯淮毡柯仲南调吟揽衣翠真港解芝蟹遂幅损铂荐侵捶泅蝉管碑室握准砚厉匣欣网钢烘背茨牲鄙搔胁酚掇樊溢悔泥项拦董诉揪此滥寓呵擦促郴珐艇萄辽怂琼脐合慨畜菱鬼癸卖虐撇彤钵蕾竹亦晰溪孪抵蛀系严痒洋闭右忧橙坛抽氟拌占杯军妄汾垦蛔假期作业(十三)一、完形填空My great-grandfather, my grandfather and my father are all farmers. My fathe
4、r expects me to become a farmer and 16 them all but I dont agree with my father.Three years ago, my father took me to a(n) 17 to visit one of his friends. His friend 18 small airline. It was the first time I had seen a 19 airplane. After my fathers friend discovered I bad never been in an airplane,
5、he 20 me to fly with them. When we took off, I felt 21 While we were in the air. I almost forgot I had to return to the 22 . A11 I could think of was flying would be my 23 in life and how I wanted to fly again and again.Since then, 24 I had time, my fathers friend would teach me how to fly. He even
6、let me fly 25 once. I wanted to become a pilot but I would have to 26 my father.At the age of 18, I had to tell my father what I wanted to do but I didnt want to 27 him. As he walked ahead of me and I 28 , I didnt know what I could say to help him under-stand my 29 . for flying. I took my courage an
7、d said, Father, I have something 30 to tell you. I want to go to college and become a pilot. I have talked to the schools and they agreed t0 31 me financial (经济的) help. I felt nervous in his 32 . Then he spoke, I was wondering when you would tell me. I have been 33 money for you. When I heard this,
8、couldnt help 34 . For the first time I really understand his 35 love for me.16. A. respect B. remember C. join D. believe17. A. hospital B. airport C. school D. office18. A. owned B. served C. sold D. left19. A. popular B. real C. usual D. special20. A. begged B. ordered C. allowed D. trained21. A.
9、sleepy B. disappointed C. unhappy D. excited22. A. sky B. ground C. airline D. college23. A. point B. tool C. aim D. method24. A. before B. because C. though D. if25. A. alone B .fast C. away D. easily26. A. wait for B. go against C. lie to D. look after27. A. persuade B. praise C. annoy D. warn28.
10、A. followed B. ran C. drove D. sat29. A. ability B. love C. pity D. advice30. A. interesting B. successful C. important D. impossible31. A. find B. give C. pay D. show32. A. sadness B. surprise C. anger D. silence33. A. saving B. searching C. collecting D. accepting34. A. thinking B. crying C. singi
11、ng D. imagining35. A. deep B. strange C. lost D. different二、七选五As we all know, sleep is very important and necessary. I would love everyone to form the habits below to have better sleep without needing the alarm wake-up call. 51. . If you eat much food an hour before you go to bed, your body will ha
12、te you. Your body needs time to digest(消化)while you are still awake. 52. . Something that makes me very angry is when I hear on TV that people just need 30-minute exercise a week. Thats funny. Every person should be getting 30-minute exercise daily along with a healthy diet. When you do exercises, y
13、ou use energy that your body has to recover from. 53. . The harder you push your body, the faster it falls to sleep and the better it sleeps. Turn the TV off. This is very important. There are a few shows I watch still, but they will never get in my way of( 妨碍) sleep. The bedroom is only for sleepin
14、g and a place of rest. 54. . 55. . A question to ask yourself: If I didnt have an alarm, what time would I get up? If that time is the time you need to get up, you should probably throw away the alarm. If the time you actually get up is much later than the time you do get up, make great changes to y
15、our way of life and the time you go to sleep. No one should need an alarm.A. Exercise for at least 30 minutes every day.B. Eat right and no meals within 4 hours of rest.C. Throw away the alarm. D. Sleep is one of the most important things in our lives.E. Your body recovers when you are sleeping. F.
16、Try to get up as early as you can.G. Take the TV out of your bedroom. 沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。肝围薪戏撑哎哮鲁晤珐普愉魔絮胶白船
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