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4、嗣篱惮刻桐揽潭痘佯坐僵戚捍英2012-2013年七年级下册期中考试卷分析(汉阳,二中,江汉,六中(本校出卷)一、 题型分析七下期中考试题型类型:基本上都是单词辨音、单选题、完形填空、阅读理解、连词成句、选词填空、句型转换、作文。各校试卷难度大体上持平,其中江汉区、六中都有2篇完形填空,江汉区试卷虽然减少了阅读理解的数量,但是有大量的单词填空和连句子的题目,这也就增加了试卷的难度。汉阳三初、二中的首字母填空已经是按照初二的考查方式是段落式的填空。题型是同学们平时常见的,但是各校都不同程度上在去年试题的基础上提升了难度。整体上来看,六中的得分点主要集中在阅读理解、完形填空上,后面的短语填空和应答语

5、的连线相对简单。汉阳三初的拉分点则在第五题综合运用中的根据首字母填空、句型转换,这里既有单句的首字母填空,也有文章式的首字母填空,这就需要学生一定要牢记单词拼写。江汉区的难点分布在连词成句和一篇15空的完形填空,这也就提高的学生分析句子的能力。二中试卷拉分点主要集中在3篇阅读理解上,这一题分值大,需要学生能够在短时间内看懂叙述性文章。二、各类题型的综合分析。1、音标依旧是七年级考查重点,这里涉及两种题型。一种是同一个字母或字母组合在不同单词中的不同发音,一种是一个给出某一特定音标,找出发不同音的单词。六中 22. A. club B. use C. up D. funny25. A. brea

6、kfast B. teach C. speak D. dream江汉区 27./ :/ A work B word C forty30./ u/ A show B how C know2、单选题 考查特殊疑问词或特殊疑问句 ()8.-_? 汉阳三初- Sorry, I dont have a watch.A. Whats thatB. What time is it C. When is your school tripD. How are you( )36.-_ do you live from school? 江汉-About 5 minutes walk A. How far B.How

7、 long C.How often27. 六中 By bus.A. Why does he go to work? B. How does he go to work?C. When does she go to work? D. Where does he work?( ) 27. - does he get to school? -He walks 二中A. How long B. How far C. Why D. How( ) 37. -Could you tell me your cousin is? 二中 -He is a doctor.A. what B. who C. when

8、 D. how 考查冠词、介词、连词( )31.-Lucy,are you free now ?Lets play_ chess. 江汉区 -Sorry,I have to practice_ violin A /:the B a :the C the;/()3. Mr. Li is kind _ us. But something he is king _ strict. 汉阳三初A. to, ofB. with,toC. of,toD. with, of34. Miss Read is good music, she can be good children in the music cl

9、ub. 六中A. at, at B. with, with C. at, with D. with, at()6.Can he speak Chinese?汉阳三初B. - Yes, _only a lttle.C. A. andB. soC. butD. then考查时态 现阶段主要的时态是一般现在时和现在进行时( ) 26. Excuse me. Wheres Sam from? 二中 -Oh, he soccer in the playground.A. plays B. is playing C. are playing D. playing( )41-Is Jack in the c

10、lassroom now? 江汉区-No,he _ soccer on the playground. A,plays, B play C is playing ( )42-Is it a long way? 江汉区-Yes.It takes me 10 minutes _ there A.walk walk C walking考查交际用语( ) 28. -Its too hot. Lets have a drink. 二中 - .A. Good luck B. Thats a good idea C. Thats right D. No, we wont( ) 29. -Thank

11、s for your help. 二中 - .A. No, thanks B. Let me see C. It doesnt matter D. Thats OK( )40-Lets meet outside the zoo gate.Come at half past six. 江汉区 -_ A.OK B.Thats right C.Not at all()5.Were in the library, please keep quier. 汉阳三初-_.A. OK. Lets goB. Why notC. SorryD. Youre welcome( )44.-Do you want to

12、 join me for dinner?We can ear out. 江汉区-_A.Im watching TV B.Year,Id love to C Yes,youre right39Happy birthday to you! 六中 . A. Thank you. B. The same to you. C. Happy birthday to you, too. D. Thats great. 同义词辨析的考查 ( ) 30. -Can you your brother? Im busy now. 二中 -Ok. Ill do it right now.A. wear B. put

13、on C. dress D. take off( ) 39. -Will you please us? 二中 -You mean the school play?A. join B. take part in C. join in D. take in ( )34.-Jim,can you _ this word in Chinese? 江汉-Yes ,I can _ a little Chinese. A talk,say B say,speak C tell,speak( )38.-He has a good _.He goes to _ very early every morning.

14、 江汉 -Where dose he work?,job B.job, work C. work ,work()13. My brother likes to _black shirts. 汉阳三初A. takeB. dressC. putD. wear31. Little Tom can draw . His drawing are very . 六中A. good, well B. well, good C. good, good D. well, well2. Can he it in English? 六中A. speak B. say C. talk D. tell单词

15、、短语的考查( ) 31. -I hear you have to get up early every morning. 二中 -Right. Its one of the in my family. A. stories B. classes C. rules D. plans( ) 32. -He looks before the match. -He is sure to play well, you know.A. angry B. relaxed C. interested D. sorry( ) 33-Whats up? -My T-shirt is getting and ne

16、eds washing.A. well B. cold C. dirty D. old( )32.-What is your grandfather doing now? 江汉区 -I am not sure ,I think he is _ cleaning his room_ listening to music A.between,and B from,to C either,or( )33.My little sister is really _,She is afraid to talk with other people. A smart B shy C noisy( )35-Do

17、 you usually get to the park_ ? -No ,I often get there _ A. by train,by foot B .by a train,on foot train,on foot( )39-Do you like ice-cream? -Of course.It _ great. A.sounds B .looks C.tastes()1.Pandas are very shy, so please be _.汉阳三初- OK. I will not speak loudy.A. happyB. friendlyC. funD. quie

18、t()2.I want to join the sports club.- Can you _?- Yes, I can.A. singB. danceC. paintD. swim()10.We are often _when the weekends come.A. interestingB. relaxedC. interestedD. relaxing()11. I think it will _ them about two hours to do the work.A. startB. payC. makeD. take()12. The student are_ books in

19、 the library.A. readingB. looking atC. watchingD. seeing()13. My brother likes to _black shirts.A. takeB. dressC. putD. wear30. Why does so many boys and girls like to eat junk food? 六中 It delicious.A. looks B. tastes C. likes D. sounds35. I dont like Mr. Kings class. He is always too .A. afraid B.

20、strict C. hungry D. angry40. Its the old peoples to have a nice and strong bridge to cross the river.1. help B. life C. ride D. dream二、完形填空分析 现阶段的完形填空有10题制,也有15题制。在做完形填空时,同学们首先应通读全文,了解文章的大概意思。在做题时分析最佳选项,如果遇到不会的题目,有时可从后文找到答案。记住在做完后一定要将答案带入到原文再次阅读一遍。 汉阳三初讲述的是一个学生一直很疑惑为什么英语老师的手指少一根,直到有一次老师主持班会。说每一个学生都可

21、以说出自己的一个秘密。那个学生终于说出了自己的疑惑,原来老师是在地震中救助他人时受伤的,那一刻学生非常感动。At the end ( 结尾)oftheclass,4 hastalkedaboutthesecrets5 Idont.()4.A. on oneB. anyoneC. everyoneD. someone()5.A. andB. orC. beforeD. but江汉区讲解是一对老夫妻想出去野餐时有客人来访的故事。Mr and Mrs King live in our town for nearly twenty years.They have a bookshop near the

22、 bus station. Theyre 81to everyone and have a lot of friends. They often 82 the poor students and sell them some books cheaply. So therere many young men in their shop. Of course people 83 them and their friends often visit them and 84 them happily. We can always hear they 85 .( )81. A. boring B. fr

23、iendly C. cold D. beautiful ( )82. A. help B. ask C. kill D. watch ( )83. A. know B. understand C. disliake D. like ( )84. A. play withB. fight with C. talk with D. sing with( )85. A. eat B. shout C. run D. laugh 六中讲解了祖父告诉小男孩一个故事,每个人心中都有两只老虎,一只有好善良,一只暴怒偏执。怎么控制心中的老虎取决于自己的意向。A boy is not good with his

24、 classmates. This afternoon, he has a fight with a boy, after that, he goes to his (51) and tells him his story angrily. “He is really bad,” the boy says, “ and I (52) him.”51A. mother B. father C. teacher D. grandfather52A. love B. hate C. know D. enjoy阅读理解2-3篇,难度是从简到难(A)二中Rules for living in Skyli

25、ne Flats(公寓)Rubbish Rubbish collection is on Tuesdays. Please do not leave rubbish bags out before Tuesday.CleaningWe do the cleaning three times a week, so please dont leave furniture and bags in the hallways.NoiseDont play music too loud. We will call you if you make too much noise.SafetyLock the

26、door when you leave home.If you have any questions, call us at 0800-9695 ( ) 57. They take rubbish away A.on Tuesdays B.every dayC. on weekends D.on school days( ) 60. If you want to know more information, you could call them at .A. 0835-9796 B. 0801-9767C. 0800-9695 D. 0800-8767B 汉阳三初 Mr Hand is a

27、worker. Now he is over sixty and doesnt work. He often says to his children that he doesnt feel well. When they want to take him to see a doctor,he doesnt want to go to the hospital.0ne day, its sunny, He doesnt feel very well, so he goes to see a doctor.After he comes into the doctors office, the d

28、octor asks him, “Whats the matter with you?”(您怎么啦?)I cant see well,”says Mr.Hand“Its because of your old age,”says the doctor.“Sometimes I eat nothing because I dont want to eat anything.”“That is also because of your old age,”says the doctor.“Our digestive system(消化系统)doesnt work well when we are o

29、ld.“I often put something in a place. But after some time, I dont know where it is.”“You old age,” says the doctor.“Why do you go on sayingYour old age, your old age,”he says.“If you cant cure(治疗)me, say so. Ill go to another place.”“See you are losing your temper(脾气),”says the doctor.“That is becau

30、se of your old age, too.”( )6.Mr Hand doesnt work because_.A.he wants to play. B.he is ill(生病).C.he is old D.loses his job( )7.What is the weather like when Mr Hand goes to see the doctor?A.Its fine B.Its rainingC.Its windy D.Its snowing( )8.In fact, Mr hands problems are because of_. A. his childre

31、n B.his old age C.the doctor D. his temper( )9.How many questions does Mr Hand ask about his problems? B.Two C. Three D.Four( )10.Mr Hand is angry(生气)because_A. the doctor doesnt like himB. the doctor loses his temperC. the doctor says his digestive system doesnt work wellD. the doctor goes on

32、saying “Your old age, your old age” C 汉阳三初The girl doesnt have a beautiful face. Her school is not famous. Even her schoo1grades(成绩) are not good.One day, her mother gets ill. So she wants to find work to make money for the familyShe comes to a company(公司).The manager(经理)looks at her school cards an

33、d quickly says no to her. She stands up to leave. But suddenly, a nail(钉子)in the back of the chair hurts her hand badly .The girl turns around. She picks up a paperweight(镇纸) and bangs(猛击)the nail into the chair so that it wont hurt anybody again. The manager sees all this.Before she gets out of the

34、 door, the manager calls the girl back. She gets the job!If you show love and care to others, you can do great things. This is the power(力量)of love. Love is the key to success.( )11. Whats the girl like?A. Beautiful and with good grades.B. Beautiful but with poor grades,C. Not beautiful and with poo

35、r grades.D. Not beautiful and not kind-hearted.( )12.What does the girl do when she finds the nail in the back of the chair?A. She doesnt do anything.B. She takes the chair to the next room.C. She turns around and goes away.D.She hits the nail into the chair with a paperweight.( )13.Which is true ac

36、cording to the passage?A.The girl has a rich familyB.A nail hurts her leg badly.C. She bangs the nail into the chair because she hates it.D.If you are kind to others ,you will be successful.( )14.The manager finally employ(雇佣)the girl,because of_.A. the girls looksB.the girls grades, and care

37、from the girlD. the girl s poor family background( )15 . Whats the main idea of the passage?A. Love is the key to success.B.A person with good grades can also get the job.C.The manager likes beautiful girlsD.The manager doesnt like person without good grades.六中Jack thought for a moment and found a w

38、ay. He began to stamp his foot on the floor, “Bang! Bang! Bang!”69. The word “stamp” in the story means in Chinese.A. 盖印 B. 跺 C. 贴邮票 D. 承认综合运用知识考查1、 句型转换77.Your friends usually exercise on weekends. (对划线部分提问) 江汉区 _ do your friends usually_ ? 78.Jane walks to school on foot.(改为一般疑问句) _ Jane _ to scho

39、ol? 79.You cant fight at school.(改为祈使句) _ _ at school. 1. Bob 和 Tim 正在和谁谈话?(翻译这句话)汉阳三初Who _Bob and Tim_to?2. 谢谢你给与我如此多的帮助。(翻译这句话)Thanks _ your so _ help.选词填空 注意是适当的形式difficult / interesting / cross / gets up / works / quiet71. My father is a teacher. He in a school.72. The book is very . Do you want

40、 to read it?73. Tom usually early to run every morning.74. Dont eat so . Its not good for you.75. I want to the river by boat.76. 阅读理解填词 六中Here is a picture. Look! Mr Li is sitting in a chair. He is r (86) a newspaper. He is an E (87) teacher. He teaches very w (88). He is s (89) with his students.

41、Mrs. Li is sitting on the bed. She is w (90) TV. Mr. and Mrs. Li have a son and two d (91). Li Zhigang is at the desk. He is w (92) a letter. Li Zhiwei is at the desk, too. She is doing her homework. Li Zhigang and Li Zhiwei are in the s_ (93)school. They like p_ (94)soccer. Li Zhiyan is their sister. She is o_ (95)four. She is sitting on the floor. She is playing with her cat. 江汉区Many stude


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