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1、新人教版七年级上册英语教案 Unit.2Unit2 This is my sister.授课班级授课日期授课类型新授课学 时 数The 1st period (Section A 1a2b)教学目标1. Get students to learn how to greet people, introduce themselves and make new friends.2. Practice introducing family members.3. Get students to learn to identify people.教学内容 New words: mother, father

2、, parents, brothers, grandmother, grandfather, friend and sister. This is my brother. These are my two brothers. And thats my sister. 重点难点This is my brother. These are my two brothers. And thats my sister.学情分析教学方法任务型教学、分级评价法、直观教学法、模仿示范法、情景教学和合作学习法学习方法课前预习、课堂内外练习、听说读写结合教学过程设计备 注课题引入I. Warming-up and

3、revision1. Play the tape, enjoy the “This is my brother” song or Hello song, get the Ss to sing together.2. Divide the class into Group A and B. Draw two fishes on the blackboard as their symbols, tell the students that each time they answer questions right, they can get one or more points for their

4、 group and draw one or more bubbles around their fish, at the end of the class, the group which gets more bubbles will be the winner today. Say, “One, two, three!” Get the whole class sit straight, thus announce the beginning of the petition.3. Revise unit 3. Show some key sentences in Chinese on th

5、e screen, have students translate them into English, get a student from each group to e to the front and write down their answers on the blackboard, then check the answers, each correct sentence will earn a point for the group.教学步骤及主要内容IV. Pair-work.1. Tell students that they will be talking about t

6、he members of Daves family shown in the picture. Call attention to the example conversation in 1c. ask a student to read the words to the class. Then ask the students to repeat the sentences and point to these people in the large picture. Ask pairs to work together. Have them take turns pointing out

7、 various family members using sentences beginning with This is or these are.课堂练习V. Listening drills (2)1. Do Section A, 2a. Listen and circle each name of a family member they hear in the conversation.2. Do Section A, 2b. Listen again, match the letters next to the people in the picture to the corre

8、ct names in the box. Check the answers.1. If time permits, pratice the conversation in 2a. First the teacher say the key words of one sentence, and the students respond the corresponding sentence. This is easy for them to do. Then listen again and ask them to try to remember the conversation. Fill i

9、n the blanks.小结与作业课堂小结本课作业VI. Homework1. Listen and read after the tape for thirty minutes.2. Recite the sentences in the bubble of 1a and the sentences in1b.3. Write down the Chinese meaning of the new words and key sentences, then translate them into English.本课教学后记(课堂设计理念,实际教学效果及改进设想)Unit2 This is

10、 my sister.授课班级授课日期授课类型对话课学 时 数The 2nd period (Section A 2c - 4)教学目标Get the students to learn to identify people.教学内容 New words: aunt, uncle, cousin, the child of ones uncle or aunt 堂或表兄弟姊妹,表亲() nephew (the son of ones brother or sister) 侄儿 niece(the daughter of ones brother or sister) 侄女,甥女 - Is th

11、is Jim?- No, he isnt. hes Dave.-Is this your sister? No, it isnt. -Is that your brother? Yes, it is. Here when you talk about the picture, you can use “it” to refer the person. Pay attention to “he” or “she”.重点难点-Is this Jim?- No, he isnt. hes Dave.-Is this your sister? No, it isnt. -Is that your br

12、other? Yes, it is. Here when you talk about the picture, you can use “it” to refer the person. Pay attention to “he” or “she”.学情分析教学方法任务型教学、分级评价法、直观教学法、模仿示范法、情景教学和合作学习法学习方法课前预习、课堂内外练习、听说读写结合教学过程设计备 注课题引入I. Warming- up and revision1. Show a picture and introduce it. Let students introduce their own p

13、hotos one by one. Language structure: This is my sister. That is my brother. These are my parents. Those are my friends.2. Divide the class into Group A and B. Draw two baby birds on the blackboard as their symbols, tell the students that each time they answer questions right, they can get one or mo

14、re points for their group and draw one or more clouds below their bird, at the end of the class, the group which gets more clouds will be the winner today. Say, “One, two, three!” Get the whole class sit straight, thus announce the beginning of the petition3. Dictation. mother, father, parents broth

15、ers grandmother, grandfather, grandparents, sister, brother. This is his sister. These are his brothers. 教学步骤及主要内容e to an empty write-on line. Ask a students to read the four words to the class. Ask the students to work alone as they write the four words from the box in the correct blanks in the spe

16、ech bubbles. Practice the conversation with a student. Point out that your voice goes up at the end of questions, and it goes down at the end of these answers and statements. Ask the students to work with a partners. VWork on 3cCall attention to the picture and conversation. Ask three students t rea

17、d the conversation as the class looks at the picture. Then demonstrate the activity by writing the name of your father, mother, or a friend on the board. Ask students to guess who that person is, using questions beginning with Is he-? Or Is she-? Say Yes, he is or Yes, she is when the student guess

18、correctly. Then ask students to take turns ing t the board and writing a name for the rest to make guess about. 课堂练习VIGroupworkDivide the students into small groups. Have students find out who the people in each others photos are, using the target language of the unit. Model some Is this your-? Is h

19、e your -? Is she your-? questions for the class using one of the photos.小结与作业课堂小结本课作业VIIHomework1. Listen and read after the tape for thirty minutes.2. Recite the grammar focus on page 14.3. Write down the Chinese meaning of the new words and key sentences, then translate them into English.本课教学后记(课堂

20、设计理念,实际教学效果及改进设想)Unit2 This is my sister.课班级授课日期授课类型巩固课学 时 数The 3rd period (Section B 1a 4b)教学目标1. Teach the family tree. 2. Have the students know the names of the various members of a family.3. Get the students to learn how to write a letter in English.教学内容New words: son, cousin, daughter, uncle,

21、picture, Letter: Dear Mary, Thanks for the photo of your family. Here is my family photo. Your friend, Emma重点难点学习写信件的格式。学情分析教学方法任务型教学、分级评价法、直观教学法、模仿示范法、情景教学和合作学习法学习方法课前预习、课堂内外练习、听说读写结合教学过程设计备 注课题引入I. Warming-up and revision1. Daily greetings to the students2. Revision Show some pictures and revise t

22、he names for family members.教学步骤及主要内容VIWork on 3aIt is a letter from Emma to Mary. What does Emma say to Mary? Now read the letter after the tape and draw a picture of Emmas family on the right. Next lets read the letter again to find out and underline all the useful expressions. dear, thanks for, t

23、he photo of, here is, my family photo, Now lets write a letter like this one. VIIWork on 3bLook at the family photo. Write about the people in the photo.Here is my family photo. This is my grandfather. This is my grandmother. These are my parents. This is my uncle, and this is my aunt. This is my br

24、other. This is my cousin. And this Haha, its me.课堂练习VIIIWork on 4a Ask students to take out the family photos they brought to school. If a student does not have it, he or she can use the drawing from 3b. Then ask one or two students to e to the front and read the letter out to the whole class.小结与作业U

25、nit 3 Is this your pencil?授课班级授课日期授课类型新授课学 时 数The 1st period (Section A 1a2b)教学目标1Get the students to learn the names of the objects.2Get the studnets to learn to talk about ownership.教学内容 New words: pen, pencil, book, eraser, ruler, pencil case backpack, pencil sharpener, dictionary. - Is this your

26、 ruler?-No, it isnt. its her ruler.-Is that your backpack? -No, it isnt. its his backpack.重点难点- Is this your ruler?-No, it isnt. its her ruler.-Is that your backpack? -No, it isnt. its his backpack.学情分析教学方法任务型教学、分级评价法、直观教学法、模仿示范法、情景教学和合作学习法学习方法课前预习、课堂内外练习、听说读写结合教学过程设计备 注课题引入I. Warming- up and revisi

27、on 1. T: Good morning. My name is . Whats your name? S: Good morning. My name is . T: Nice to meet you. S: Nice to meet you, too.T: Excuse me, whats your telephone number?S: Its 628-9904.2. T: Whats your first name? S: My first name is Lin. Then ask the class: Whats her first name? T: Whats your las

28、t name? S: My last name is Kan. Then ask the class: Whats her last name?3. Divide the class into Group A and B. Draw two baby birds on the blackboard as their symbols, tell the students that each time they answer questions right, they can get one or more points for their group and draw one or more c

29、louds below their bird, at the end of the class, the group which gets more clouds will be the winner today. Say, “One, two, three!” Get the whole class sit straight, thus announce the beginning of the petition教学步骤及主要内容II. PresentationT shows a pen and asks “Whats this in English?” Ss: Its a pen. T w

30、rites a pen on the blackboard. Then show a pencil and ask the same questions. Write the word on the blackboard. After all the words are on the blackboard, ask them to read after the teacher. Then practice like this. If the teacher reads the word correctly, students read after the teacher. If the tea

31、cher does not read that word, the students should stop. If one student reads at this time, then he or she will lose a point. First the teacher reads slowly, then fast, then faster.III. Summary Write a sentence: This is your ruler. This is a statement. Is this your ruler? This is an interrogative sen

32、tence. In writing, an interrogative sentence ends with a question mark. In spoken English, your voice goes down when you speak a statement, and your voice goes up when you speak an interrogative sentence.课堂练习IVWork on 1a and 1b Ask the students to match the words and objects in the picture by writin

33、g the letter of the object on the blank line after the word. Focus attention on each of the three conversations. Ask students to identify the objects the person in each conversation is holding or pointing to.(A boy is holding a pencil, a girl is holding a ruler, and the teacher is pointing to a back

34、pack.)Then Play the recording the first time. Students only listen. Point out the boxes where students will write a number in the box to each conversation. VWork on 1c1. Get the students to listen again repeat each conversation. Pay attention to the falling and rising tones in each conversation. 2.

35、point to the book in the main illustration and substitute book into one of the conversations. Ask students to practice the conversation in pairs. Remind them to use various objects from the main illustration. The teacher checks the progress and pronunciation.VIWork on 2a and 2bPoint to the objects i

36、n the illustration and ask students to name each one. Play the recording the first time. Students only listen. Play the recording a second time. This time students put a checkmark in the blank after each item whose name is mentioned in the conversation. Then ask students to point to the blank lines

37、in the conversation. Say, You will write one of the words from the box on each blank line.Now lets listen to the tape and repeat. Please try to recite the conversation like the tape. Practice. First imitate then fill in the blanks.小结与作业课堂小结本课作业VIII. Homework1. Listen and read after the tape for thirty minutes.2. Recite the converstaion of Section A, 2b.3. Write down the Chinese meaning of the new words and key sentences, then translate them into English.本课教学后记(课堂设计理念,实际教学效果及改进设想)


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