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1、8B Unit 1复习试题1.You have _(改变) a lot. You used to be kind to me.2.Later the government _(意识到) the problem and took action to _(改进) the situation.3.Have you finished your homework _(已经)?4.Their _(丈夫) all work in the car factory.5.He mainly _(交流) with her by email.6.Its _(possible) to do the work withi

2、n two days. Its too hard for me.7.He is used to _(interview) different kinds of people.8._(wife) usually do most of the housework at home.9.Mohe is a small place in the _(north) part of China.10.He has lived here since he _(move) to Nanjing.11.我过去乘坐地铁上学,但是现在我习惯了步行上学。12.我时常感到孤独。13.我的家乡变化很大。(两种表达)14.政

3、府已经改善了环境。15.你最近看过电影吗?16.我昨天上午和同学讨论了南京的过去和现在。17.你出国旅游过吗?18.你结婚多久了?19.我刚吃过早饭。20.我到这里已经五天了。8B Unit 2复习试题1.Its a _(极好的) time to enjoy ice cream on a hot summer afternoon.2.I like all my subjects _(除了) physics.3.There is a small village at the foot of the _(高山).4.I visited some of my _(亲戚) at the Spring

4、Festival.5.When you write about an experience, dont forget five main _(要点).6.I couldnt stop _(run) after those cartoon characters.7.When I got to the beach, I saw Andy _(play) on the sand.8.Everybody got _(excite) when they watch a 4-D film.9.I have _(forget) his name. Can you tell me again?10.We sp

5、ent two hours _(have) a delicious seafood meal.11.我在香港呆了两天了。12.我去过那个滨海城市很多次。13.他去哪里了?他去了那个主题公园。14.我们忍不住地拍照。15.我已经买了一对耳环。16.自2007年他就买了一部车。17.游行已经结束很长时间了。18.我借这本书已经三月了。19.这条狗已经死了半小时了。20.我们花了三个半小时飞到了香港。8B Unit 3复习试题1.We use puters to send and _(收到) emails.2.White is the _(对立的事物) of black.3.There are mo

6、re than forty countries in _(亚洲).4.Do you have any _(欧洲的) coins?5._(澳大利亚的) animals are very strange.6.You can realize your dream by _(work) hard.7.Would you mind _(book) tickets and hotels for me? Of course not.8.I _(visit) the Palace Museum the other day.9.Its a good place _ (relax) after a hard da

7、ys work.10.Kings and queens were once its _(rule).11.我通常用电脑搜寻信息。12.你曾经听说过这家国际银行吗?13.在这个岛屿的中部有几个湖泊和一个大的绿草坪。14.自二十世纪早期以来百老汇就以它的剧场而闻名。15.你什么时候爬的黄山?我从没有去过。16.你梦想过环球旅行吗?17.澳大利亚的季节和我们的恰恰相反。18.这个岛国由四个部分组成。19.像中国一样,英国历史悠久。20.我希望哪天能再次拜访。8B Unit4复习试题1.I didnt know what to say _(也).2.Most of the time, we are c

8、ooking for the eye not the _(胃).3.Dont stand _(靠着)the wall.4.Do you have any exciting _(经历) in the USA?5.Avril Ramona Lavigne and Justin Bieber are both _(加拿大的) stars.6.I didnt read Harry Porter series _(直到) I was 12 years old.7.Have you decided what _(do) with these books?8.They soon got up again a

9、nd continued _(move) across my body.9.He managed _(break) the ropes.10.I usually read for about half an hour before _(go) to bed.11.我奋力前游。12.他就跟我的小拇指一样大。13.我看到一大群小人朝我移动过来。14.我不知道什么时候上交读书报告。15.你必须按时还书。16.我这本书能借多久?17.读完这本书后,我不再像过去一样害羞了。18.我一周花七个多小时阅读不同种类的书籍。19.我的朋友给我很多关于书籍的建议。20.这本书刚开始就很成功。易错题单选题( ) 1

10、. _ he meets me, he says hello to me.A. All the time B. At the same time C. From time to time D. Every time( ) 2. -Paul invited us to take part in a party tomorrow evening. -_. Is tomorrow his birthday?A. Why not? B. What a good idea! C. What for? D. Thats all right.( ) 3. -_ did the important meeti

11、ng_? - For about two hours.A.When; begin B. How long; begin C. When; last D. How long; last( ) 4.-_ did your uncle leave his hometown? -He _ for nearly twenty years.A. When; has left B. When; has been awayC. How long; has left D. How long; has been away( ) 5. There _ many changes to my hometown over

12、 the years.A. have had B. were C. have been D. are( ) 6. -Do you mind moving the desk? -_. I will do it right away.A. Yes, I do B. No, Im not C. Of course D. No, not at all7.Oh, I have _(忘) my key in the room, we cant open the door. 8b 期中练习一单项选择 ( ) 1.-Jack likes playing _ chess, but he doesnt like

13、playing _piano.A./;/ B. the;/ C. the; the D. /;the ( ) 2. - Its said that few people like the music. - Thats true. It sounds_ A.good B. well C. terrible D. terribly ( ) 3. - Why not go to see the dolphin show with me? -Because I _ it. A.saw B. will see C. see D. have seen ( ) 4. The old man is _ in

14、a lonely house, but he doesnt feel_. A. alone, lonely B. lonely, alone C. alone, alone D. lonely, lonely ( ) 5. -Do you mind if I open the door ? - _. A. No, of course not B. Never mind C. Yes, please D. No, you cant open it . ( ) 6. Jack _ to help our Chinese teacher carry books yesterday morning.

15、A. tells B. told C. is told D. was told ( ) 7. - How long have you _ HongKong ? - For two weeks. A. been to B. gone to C. been in D. arrived in ( ) 8. - Whats your brother? -He _ a teacher ,but now he is a doctor. A. used to be B. was used to C. use to be D. is used to be ( ) 9. - Another cup of cof

16、fee ? -No. thanks. I _ be off. Marry is waiting for me. A. can B. may C. must D. might ( ) 10. - Did you and your friends ride to the mountain last Sunday? - Yes. _ we had ! A. How good time B. What a good time C. What good time D. How fun ( ) 11. Please e here next time. Mr White _ to Shanghai. A.

17、has been B. went C. has got D. has gone ( ) 12. - How long have you worked here? - _. A. Five years ago B. For five years ago C. Since five years D. Since five years ago ( ) 13. - How long have you this new MP3? - For three weeks. I it in XingHua Supermarket. A. had; bought B. bought; bought C. had;

18、 had D. bought; had ( ) 14. Dont get off the bus _ it has stopped. A. after B. when C. if D. until ( ) 15. - A latest magazine, please. - Only one left. Would you like to have ? A. it B. one C. this D. that ( ) 16. There a small lake on the side of the mountain, didnt there? A. would be B. would hav

19、e C. used to have D. used to be ( ) 17. - The jacket looks very nice. Ill take it. - But youd better first. I think its a little large for you.A. pay for it B. put it on C. try it on D. put it off ( ) 18. - How about the book you are reading? - Good indeed. It many problems we have e across in our s

20、tudy. A. says B. talks C. reports D. covers ( ) 19 - I lost my earphones on my way to school this morning. - !You must be careful next time. A. What a pity B. Im sorry C. Take care D. Im afraid not ( ) 20. In our exam, the careful we are, the mistakes well make. A. more; fewer B. more; less C. less;

21、 fewer D. more; more ( ) 21. Mr Green will have _ holiday very soon. A. two months B. two month C. a two-month D. a two-months ( ) 22. Great changes _ in our hometown since ten years ago. A. have happen B. have taken place C. happened D. have been taken place ( ) 23. Jack is very _. He is _ than Joh

22、n and I. He is _ of us three. A. taller, tall, the tallest B. tall, more taller, the tallest C. taller, mach taller, the tallest D. tall, much taller, the tallest ( ) 24. I _ the book for three weeks, I must return it to the library. A. have borrowed B. borrowed C. have kept D. have lent ( ) 25. It

23、_ over eleven years since the cat _. A. is; died B. is; has been dead C. has been; has died D. was; has died ( ) 26. I hope to share my success my family and get support them. A. with; of B. to; from C. with; from D. to; of ( ) 27. Kate is very _ in history because she thinks it is very _. A. intere

24、sted, interested B. interested, interesting C. interesting, interesting D. interesting, interested ( ) 28.She_ _TV when I got to her house. A.was watching B.were watching watching D .was seeing ( ) 29.Has your sister e back yet?-No,_. A.she has B.she hasnt C.he isnt D.he hasnt ( ) 30 There is n

25、o difference between the twin sisters in height. A. instead B. besides C. without D. except 二、根据句子意思,用括号中所给词的正确形式填空,每空填一词。 1. As a student, we should be (activity) when helping people to protect wild animals. 2. I think your answer to the math problem is (correct). You should work it out in another

26、way. 3. He was worried about the safety of those mountain (climb) in this sudden bad weather. 4. The two words are spelled (difference), but they have the same meaning. 5. In my class, my home is the (far) from our school. 6. If you throw rubbish everywhere in the park, you will be (wele). 7. Now, m

27、ost schools in our country are (mix) schools. 8. The more sports you do, the (healthy) you will be. 9. Xiao Shenyang has many ways to make his performances (excite). 10. Look! How (angry) John is looking at his son! 11. I cant believe that Mrs Wangs seven-year-old daughter can make a home page (she)

28、. 12. I dont know why I cant see as (clear) as I used to be. 13. She looks much (health) than before because she takes exercise every day. 14. This kind of puter is (wide) used in our country. 15. Many (travel) e to visit the Great Wall every year. 16. Is your cousin one of the best fashion (design)

29、 in the city? 17. Dont smoke, please. Its (harm) to your health. 18. It is a (use) CD, so I have never used it on the puter. 19. Tom and Mary got (marry) in 2002 and they have lived happily since then. 20. The puter is being more popular and is used often in our (day) life. 三、根据句意及汉语提示,写出各单词的正确形式,每空

30、填一词。 1. She was (倒霉) to catch a cold on the first day of her holiday. 2. Thank you for (借给) me your dictionary. I will return it to you tomorrow. 3. Jim is a top student in our class and he (很少) makes mistakes in tests. 4. Our teacher always (带着) a smile on her face when she gives us a lesson. 5. Ex

31、cuse me, how long can I (借) the book? 6. When he walked (经过) my desk, he knocked over my books. 7. The summer trip is such an exciting (经历) that I will never forget it. 8. The main (人物) of this game is Itchy Feet. 9. My daughter will ring me up as soon as she (到达) New York. 10. I often listen to mus

32、ic to (放松) myself. 四、用括号内所给动词的正确形式填空 1. We are often told (not play) puter games all day.2. We are thinking about what we can do (keep) animals from being killed. 3. - I saw Jane and her boyfriend in the park at eight yesterday evening.- Impossible. She (chat) with me at my home then. 4. - Whats you

33、r plan for the ing holiday?- I (go) Joyland by bike with my classmates. 5. - Your watch looks very beautiful.- Thank you. But my uncle (send) me as a birthday present. 6. - What should I do, doctor? - (keep) fit, you should take more exercise. 7. - What a day! Its raining again. We cant go hiking to

34、morrow. - Dont worry. It (not last) long. 8. Im sorry I missed your lecture yesterday, but I (be) busy recently. 9. He wont get there on time if he (not leave) earlier. 10. Do you mind (tell) me how to use the e-dictionary? 8B Unit 1复习试题Keys:1. changed 2. realized; improve 3. yet 4. husbands 5. muni

35、cates 6. impossible 7. interviewing 8. Wives 9. northern 10. moved 11. I used to go to school by underground, but now I go to school on foot.12. I feel lonely from time to time.13. My hometown has changed a lot. / Great changes have taken place in my hometown.14. The government has improved the envi

36、ronment.15. Have you seen any films recently?16. I discussed Nanjings past and present with my classmates yesterday morning.17. Have you travelled abroad?18. How long have you been married?19. I have just had breakfast.20. I have been here for five days.8B Unit 2复习试题Keys:1. fantastic 2. except 3. mo

37、untain 4. relatives 5. points 6. running 7. playing 8. excited 9. forgotten 10. Having 11. I have been in Hong Kong for two days.12. I have been to the seaside city many times.13. Where has he gone? He has gone to the theme park.14. We couldnt stop taking photos.15. I have bought a couple of ear rin

38、gs.16. He has had a car since 2007.17. The parade has been over for a long time.18. I have kept the book for three months.19. The dog has been dead for half an hour.20. It took us three and a half hours to fly to Hong Kong. / We spent three hours and a half flying to Hong Kong.8B Unit 3复习试题Keys:1. r

39、eceive 2. opposite 3. Asia 4. European 5. Australian 6. working 7. booking 8. visited 9. to relax 10. Rulers 11. I usually use puters to search for information.12. Have you ever heard of the international bank?13. There are several lakes and a large green lawn in the centre of the island.14. Broadwa

40、y has been famous for its theatres since the early twentieth century.15. When did you climb Mount Huang? I havent been there before.16. Have you ever dreamt of travelling around the world?17. Australian seasons are the opposite of ours.18. This island country is made up of four parts.19. Like China, the UK has a long history.20. I hope I can visit it some day.


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