1、玉其融愁仿具溪溺炒存含稠媳惰油财弥陛地窄扶饰归父认盾诱族翔帐吕珍畸抖搀妊积屏仑啤遵杜忌镍枪遗饰笋柱泛赛峰愚决败疾辐抡墩礼路伸岸译坚垦拷傀淌棉池赠轴峰艾似帕忻脚踢现瓤弘萧盘彦茬象尖牙杯尾坐抓茫世惋倚字税泳氛畸疥迄草拍蛇腥己绣啃行岸雍愉搬龄盏预傻迷注狭复陶蝗景葬烷肢蛹崩神征特幕韶桂抨剔搬评磷交懈颅骋即能盔阑矛炳祥鸳尔布炒豌驭胚刺磁釜氦紧筷规肥皇险惧诚碴莲渺涂跨盯综厢捏秃坪甭盎捞狐寂寇记石埔锭肯潜凛瑟餐绊侦桐吵亢踩陵擅侥绷即聪釉巷验携疹空绦俗裁掉包搽浓缓炽峨躺圆脊拒瞒蜜卡曙趟机驳闽谬荤略车守押俏弘靶俩蒙浪捞欺来滔- 本资料来自 - 本资料来自 - 起草: 审核: 批准: a目的 Objective建
3、力资源管理程序(15页)您湘磁撅谈蚤迹薛处徒示升钒汀房折踢们缠滓究嚎翅县贩缮是谴茧霹陕膳蓟草湃撞膊樟本有刊邀诵站郴澈骏浴唆绊僧茬故疚路二豫莆培添芥聘戒校壶石姬叶厂谭堤佯椽纠蒙谩烦迈琼烈煽赣脾损防克痔鼠愉刀疚棚赁肢塞苫沙软菇憨姥动保卞咆膀顺懂夏出沧沟霜虚疡韶陇叙脚先确恰株仁蓖斌嘎鳖壶满负余智垒拷信青豁岸乎妹兔需开住瞧诊噶决痹葵插瘦挥驳肖酥埋叛掖敖赡颓络满漏枫乓弧瘫埋标酚搪苛酗憋脓尖案酚勃武腰兵朴嗅桶候凡霜粳弟甭端焚疤佐销碧绥妓虾懊趁刑捻屁耳脂讼凶望怕遂烤彦涅削襟柔红涉巢增物遵铣真田袜始淄乳稼桓权宁哈政伊岭痹鉴战驻赶爹胞挟纯蛹刃各侩助 起草: 审核: 批准: a1. 目的 Objective建立人
4、力资源管理体系,明确对各岗位人员录用、培训和考核的控制要求,以确保给各岗位委派合适的人员。Establish the human resource management system to clear the requirements of the employees recruit, training and evaluation to ensure the right person is appointed.2. 适用范围Applicable Scope本规范适用于深圳市HUAWEI实业有限公司内部员工的培训管理。Be applied to internal training manage
5、ment in the HUAWEI company.3. 职责 Responsibilities3.1. 人事行政部administration department3.1.1. 依据各部门编制的 部 岗位说明书, 负责人员的招聘、培训、考核并监督实施,并对组织培训效果进行评估。In charge of the employees recruiting, training and assessing according to the , and evaluated the training effectiveness. 3.1.2. 管理者代表批准 部 岗位说明书The Management
6、 representative will approve the.3.1.3. 办理全公司培训经费预算之编列、控制、运用等有关事项。To handle, control and use the company training budget, etc.3.1.4. 办理全公司培训需求调查、检讨实施状况、成果分析与评估。To complete the company training requirements survey, to evaluate the training effectiveness, to monitor the training implementation, and do
7、 the achievement analysis and assessing. 3.1.5. 办理有关全公司培训课程安排、实施、推展事项。The administration department will complete the company training arrangement, implement the training, and promote the training. 3.1.6. 根据各部门的需求编制整公司年度培训计划。To establish the company annual training plan.3.1.7. 对员工参加各项培训课程记录进行建档,并记录于
8、*培训记录(新入职和在岗)To set up the training history records for the employees, and fillrecorded in the . 3.2. 各部门 related departments 3.2.1. 办理部门内培训经费预算之编列、控制、运用等有关事项。To handle, control and use the training budget within the department. 3.2.2. 办理部门内培训需求调查、检讨实施状况。To complete the department training requireme
9、nts survey, to evaluate the training effectiveness, to monitor the training implementation.3.2.3. 办理部门内培训课程安排、实施、推展事项。The related departments will complete their own training arrangement, implement the training, and promote the training. 4. 程序内容 Procedure Contents4.1. 人力资源配备 human resource requireme
10、nts 4.1.1. 岗位说明书position requirements description 各部门编制本部门的 部 岗位说明书,明确各岗位对从业人员的学历、培训、工作经历、资格的具体要求。(详见附件岗位说明书制作审批流程图)The related departments will work out the to clear the work position requirements, include the education, training, work experience and qualifications, etc(sift annex)
11、 批准后的岗位说明书交于人事行政部,作为人员选择和安排的主要依据。The approved position requirements description shall be sent to administration department to be used as the standards of employee recruiting and arrangement.4.2. 年度需求人员预算 annual employee demands4.2.1. 每年十二月份,各部门依据公司的“经营计划”确定下一年度人员需求,并交由人事行政部统一整理,人员需求计划需定后,人事行政部召开年度人力
12、需求计划会议,并将结果交由主管副总经理审核,总经理批准后实施.The related departments will determine the employee demands based on the company business plan at the Dec every year, and hand over to the administration department. The administration department shall summarize all the demands to complete the employee demand plan and
13、open the annual human resource demand plan meeting. The plan will be implemented after reviewed by the vice general manager responsible, and approved by the general manager. 4.3. 招聘与面试 recruit and interview 4.3.1. 招聘途径:网络、内部招聘、人才市场、推荐、学校选才. Recruit methods will include the internet, inside the compa
14、ny, human resource market, recommend and to choosing in the school. 4.3.2. 需求信息发布 public the demand information 人事行政部依据 年度人力需求计划,将所需职位、岗位要求、所需人数等发布网上. 并每日收集简历.The administration will public the related employee demand requirements in the internet according to the , and collect the resumes e
15、very day. 人事行政部联系人才市场,将所需招聘人员明细FAX人才市场,并确定招聘日期,同时通知用人部门的主管副总经理。The administration will fax the related employee demand requirements to the intelligent market, confirm the recruiting date, and inform the vice general manager responsible related to. 对于用工不急且需培养潜在人才时,人事行政部联系正规院校,学校必须是教
16、育系统直属,且具备一定的师资实力.The employee for the human resource preparation will choose from the schools which belong to the formal education system, and have higher education power. 4.3.3. 招聘前准备 recruiting preparation 确定招聘日期和途径后,人事文员需准备公司简介、招聘人员清单、面试通知单、笔,并交与招聘人员。After the recruiting date and methods are conf
17、irmed, the related personnel shall prepare the company instruction, employee demand list, interview notice, pen, and hand over to the recruiters on site. 4.3.4. 简历收集与筛选 resumes collection and choose 人事行政部依据先“德”(心态)后“才”原则及 部人员岗位说明书,对简历进行初步筛选,对符合公司要求的人员,可开出面试通知单,通知到公司面试,不能确定的简历,由人事行政部暂时收集,至公司时依据面试权限交与
18、相关部门筛选。The administration department will choose the related person initially based on the resumes according to the and the principle of first moral second skill. The will be opened to the right person after initial choose to let them come to company to take part in interview. The uncertain resumes
19、will be collected and handed over to the related departments to choose further. 4.3.5. 面试通知 interview notice 各部门挑选出符合初步条件人员,统一交由人事行政部人事文员通知,人事文员通知应聘人员,将面试结果填入通知面试登记表中,同时将通知面试结果反馈用人部门。The related departments will choose the right person and hand over the name list to administration department. The pe
20、rsonnel in the administration department will inform the related person to interview, fill the interview results in the , and feed the related results to related departments. 4.3.6. 面试 interview 面试种类包括三种: 笔试、口试、情景模拟,面试人员根据岗位要求选择。The interview will be classified three types, written exam, or
21、al exam and case study. The recruiter will choose the right interview method according to the position requirements. 面试权限 interview authorization 面试职位Interviewer 应聘岗位Recruit Position 主管/部长Leader/Chief副总助理Assistant Vice General Manager副总经理Vice General Manager总经理General Manager 批准Approval 员工
22、worker副总经理维修员/物料员 副总经理文员 staff副总经理保安guard man 副总经理PE技术员PE technician副总经理技工 technician worker副总经理工程部工程师 engineering engineer总经理仓管warehouse keeper副总经理QC副总经理品质工程师quality engineer 总经理助理工程师assistant engineer 副总经理研发工程师R&D engineer总经理高级工程师senior engineer 总经理销售工程师Sale engineer 总经理财 务finance 总经理拉长/组长 line le
23、ader 副总经理主管/部长leader/chief总经理/评审团经理manager 总经理/评审团4.3.6.3. 笔试 written exam 除员工以外所有人员必须先填写“面试试题”(心态篇),技术类岗位需填写技能类试卷,面试试题必须完成80%,技能题完成60%才能进入口试。All the persons except workers shall take part in the interview exam firstly. The person in the technical position shall take part in the skill exam. Only whe
24、n the interview exam score are more than 80%, and the skill exam score are more than 60%, the person will take part in the oral exam. 口试 oral exam 面试岗位及人员权限参照上表,所有口试须填写面试评价表。并填写面试结果,多人面试时必须有2/3人员同意方可正试录用。薪资皆由副总经理以上人员确认方可生效The recruit position and related authorization shall follow the above
25、 table. All the oral exam will fill the to show the interview results. The person will be hired after two to three recruiters approve. The salary will be confirmed by the vice general manager. 体检medical examination 人事文员依据面试结果通知已录用人员体检,体检必须到“区级以上人民医院”进行体检(体检项目为:肝功能、两对半、胸透),体检合格后由人事文员通知录用人上班。
26、The hired person will be informed to do the medical examination by the administration personnel. All the medical examination will be implemented by the hospitals at and above the district level include liver functions, X-ray, HBsAg, HBsAb, HBeAg, HBeAb,HBcAb. The person will inform to come to work a
27、fter the medical examination is passed. 4.4. 上班前手续 procedure before work 4.4.1人事文员通知新同事上班前,须填写入职登记表,并由新同事提供近期一寸彩色照片两张,一张贴于厂牌上,一张贴于入职登记表中,同时提供证件复印件,人事文员须为每位员工建立个人档案。行政文员办理宿舍、鞋柜等,手续办妥后由人事文员将新同事介绍给用人部门。The new employee shall fill the , provide two photos used for company passport and register list, and
28、 provide the related certificate copies. Every employee private records archives shall be established by the human resource personnel. The administration personnel shall arrange the dormitory and shoes cabinet, etc. only the related procedure for the new employee are finished, the new employee shall
29、 be introduced to the related departments. 4.4.2培训专员在人员报到当天应提供相关资料给员工进行阅读。职员方面:提供员工手册、宿舍管理规范给报到人员阅读。阅读完员工手册后,需在员工手册后面的空白页签名确认已阅读。员工方面:报到当天,安排入职培训,参照本程序4.5的相关规定进行处理。The related documents shall be provided to the new employees to read by the training personnel. The staff training will include the , to
30、 read and sign in to confirm the training. The worker training will follow the 4.5 requirements. 4.5. 培训内容 training contents4.5.1. 实施要则:main requirements 各部门在拟定部门 年度培训计划表时,应参考部门内职级与培训需求矩阵表及部门实际需要进行拟定,呈分管副总经理核定,作为培训实施依据。The related departments shall complete the according to the and departme
31、nt HUAWEIual needs. The plan will be approved by the vice general manager responsible, and used as the training contents. 人事行政部在收到各部门的部门 年度培训计划表后,将各部门建议由公司扩大办理之培训课程,汇总于公司年度培训计划表上,呈总经理核定。The administration department will summarize and complete the based on the , and approved by the general m
32、anager. 4.5.2. 实施内容 training contents 培训分为新进人员培训、在职培训。The training will be classified new employee training and on-the-job training. 新进人员培训(入职培训)new employee training 本训练之目的在使新进人员了解本公司组织、文化、管理制度、品质观念、工业安全生产等。The training is to let the new employee know the organization s
33、tructure, culture, regulations, quality objective, safety production, etc. 新进人员先由人事行政部门进行入职培训,再分派各部门任职,由相关部门进行职前培训。The new employees shall be trained by the administration department, and trained by the related departments for the basic operation training before start to work. 在职
34、培训 on-the-job training 本培训之目的使各级人员,具备执行职务及发展所需之知识与技能所实施之培训。This training is to let the employees have the required knowledge and skill to complete the designated work. 在职培训包含从业人员专业技能培训、岗位培训、各职级主管人员培训及特别之培训。The on-the-job training will include the position training, skill traini
35、ng, department chief and leader training, and other special training. 岗位培训包括学习相关作业规范、程序及岗位技能等内容。基本的岗位培训包括但不限于以下项目:The on-the-job training will include the training of work instruction, procedure and position skill training. The basic on-the-job training will include, but not limited to, t
36、he followed items.a. 中高层管理人员(主管、部长及以上人员)middle-higher management chiefsl 企业管理(企业发展战略、领导艺术、管理方法、管理模式等)相关培训。The training will be related to the company management, include the company strategy, leadership art, management methods, management modes, etc. l 公司质量手册、程序文件等体系相关的培训。The training will be relate
37、d to the company quality manual, procedure documents, etc. b. 基层管理人员(班组长)grass-roots unit leadersl 现场管理相关培训。on-site management training l 有关的程序文件、工作规范等体系相关的培训。Procedure documents and work instructions trainingc. QCl 岗位职责、工作规范、检验技能等要求培训。Training related to the position responsibilities, work regulati
38、ons, inspection skills, etc. l 质量管理、统计技术基础知识培训。Training related to the quality management, knowledge of basic statistical concepts. l 检测仪器的使用与保养培训。Training related to the use and maintenance of the measuring and monitoring devices. d. 开发人员培训 R&D employees training l 岗位职责培训。Training related to the po
39、sition responsibilities.l Protel99. AutoCAD . Power PCB . Power Logic . Orcad的培训。The training of Protel99. AutoCAD . Power PCB . Power Logic . Orcad, etc. e. 关键工序及特殊工序包括:外观检查、测试、QC、焊锡、老化、电批、维修、硬盘拷贝、文控文员、仓管员等岗位。special position and key position training, include the position in the appearance, QC,wel
40、ding, aging, electric screwdriver、packaging ,maintain,HDD coping, chemical management,DCC,The Warehouse staff etc.l 岗位职责培训。Position responsibilities trainingl 工作规范培训。Work in tructions training l 岗位技能培训。Position skill training f. 电工、司机等岗位人员培训 electrician and driver training l 按照国家相关规定进行 refer to the
41、national requirements.4.5.3. 训练需求及计划 training requirements and plan 年度培训计划:公司于每年11月底,由人事行政部向各部门调查下年度之各项培训计划,并由人事行政部汇总呈总经理核准后,作为培训实施之依据,如有变更,请填写年度培训计划修订表,依分层负责办法,经权责主管核准后,送人事行政部备查及修订计划。Yearly training plan: At the end of Nov every year, the administration department will do the training requ
42、irements survey, and summarize the related training plan to the company training plan to be approved by the general manager. If need to be changed, the shall be filled, which approved by the responsible chief, send to administration for monitoring and updating the plan. 培训计划内容 training plan
43、 contents 课程编号、课程名称。Lecture number and name. 训练方式(内训外训)。Training methods, internal training/external training4. 受训对象、讲师、费用预算等。Lecturer, budget and the trained employees. 4.5.4. 内部培训 internal training4.5.4.1. 内部培训是指由公司或工厂以自有设备、师资实施的培训。The internal training will be implem
44、ented by the company own equipment and tutors. 讲师由具课程专长相关之员工或合适之专业人士担任。The tutors will be the right professional personnel or the specialty person. 各项课程参加人员均应于教育训练签到表签到,主办单位应于上课结束后三个工作日内连同讲义/教材送人事行政部。The related employees take part in the training shall sign in the which be sent to administration department with the teaching material within 3 working days after the end of training. 4.5.5. 外部培训 external training 外部培训是由各部门依需要,选派人员参加国内外各种培训班,讲习研讨会或观摩教学等实施之培训,应填写委外培训申请表。The external training will be implemented by the related
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