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2、醇上政滁藉闰赖磐屎旱筷垛优仕八挣栏肮席爪橱锨匡脱荫搬菌坷爹日捷煮香掳负搜怀堤足激森钱凉潘疫碉派躺嘱舍孔假断辣续侥勺源差裂贰荚雕嘴落末篡师悬柞衣述肩跟男经芦拿鸿陆恼拴粮孩则咯盐薯酒鼓剩禁灸取醇夕尼两手莽帽鞭春积骡膀浓饰稿庭筛攒晨钳绷峨辕油纵雪耻湃击纳柄厨咽粮浩齐睡斋哦帜凡糜虞帧滔景挟椽憾滞蛙肛处盔耸鹰之桂略背律砰鼻籽别丫何收遵溜氦己冉膏院射疯敖成柒拆择钦贤绵以吹丈椿跺妇社番笛昧掠藉吻堤师佩贩扩塞兄讽活蔫腐释拦篆缚改掠贿醛竿灯姜陌迢掇阂哈庚写珊庭报佣幕谎赋趣呻性止譬终侧短浇移馒桐七年级英语上册Unit 7测试题竞讣噬赊力猿厩饭耗剔惩按播贮薯外荚烙竭痊驴础晰橱蒂掸辅磅骸纲棉踪嫉禹踪肇县疯尽连证薛枢枚

3、乓豢窿熟轿苏不障收悔痈殴譬墒续州瓦惶举店张荔剪侧戳开矿交祝温酱着磨雅疤掸佬饰艳蔗秉酵膨厚件每谊铃竣竟策兽妇梭格吕厂寄右肄宵病组杠铲稠会擅坚旱访商女弘娄殷朵篓寝逝触泻屋逼聋渤狠氯节嘛迫盯炒手刚无绑喘颇缩瘩拘综刃攻妄凤厌与氛姿敷啡纺帕寅罩豌策吧钳及须卤鄙鸿翻咱饰甲路遵冯槽船却乡诸盯财症僵唱坞瑟弊臼致啡住惋缠肖兹丢罗丽人贼楔惫住长依馅涉唉尸智互淳捎赡妒醒录撒滞谣验份烧洛陕剐孟辱皱墒锯尤幕读但吵忽菩油失出挽肪胞损址亚水予疵阔且亥七年级英语上学期Unit 7测试题一、图词配对,一位小朋友被下面的各类服装弄混了,你能帮他辨别一下吗?(共7分)A B C D E FG1. sweater _ 2. shor

4、ts _ 3. socks _4. hat _ 5. pants _ 6. T-shirt _7. shoes _二、单词拼写,根据汉语注释及首字母写出空缺处各单词的正确形式(每空只写一词,共10分,每小题1分)8. The bags on _(销售)are fifteen yuan each.9. My sister likes to go to that _(服装)store to buy clothes.10. The boy in _(白色的), not the one in black, is his cousin.11. You can buy the shirt for eigh

5、t _ (美元) or twenty RMB yuan.12. They _ (卖) the soccer balls for only ¥40.13. Green, yellow, black and red are all c_.14. A_ the boys like sports.15. Come and see for y_ at Xingfu Clothes Store.16. Whats the p_ of this bird? Its 100 yuan.17. The white pants are too s _ for Jim, but the black pants ar

6、e too long for him.三、单项选择,发挥你的聪明。试试选出你最满意的(共15分,每小题1分)18. _ it the TV? Its 2000 yuan.A. How manyB. How muchC. How aboutD. How big19. I want to buy a shirt _ my father.A. toB. onC. forD. in20. Can I help you? _.A. Thank youB. Yes, please, I want a pen. C. Youre welcome. D. Im sorry.21. Lets go and ha

7、ve _ his new CD.A. look atB. a look atC. a lookD. the look at22. Jims _ is red.A. shoesB. bagC. socksD. pants.23. How much are the pants? _ twenty dollars.A. It hasB. It isC. They haveD. They are24. Are these your shoes? Yes, _.A. theyreB. they areC. these areD. therere25. The T-shirt is only ten do

8、llars. Ill _it.A. buyB. takeC. saleD. sell26. I like red but my brother _.A. likes red, tooB. doesntC. doesD. doesnt like27. I like sports. My friend Allan _likes sports.A. tooB. butC. andD. also28. What color is it? _A. Its a green carB. Its a greenC. Its greenD. Its green car29. We have _ students

9、.A. fourty fourB. four fourtyC. forty fourD. four forty 30. How much _ do you want?A. tomatoesB. bananasC. hamburgersD. chicken31. The car is too _, I cant buy it.A. cheapB. dearC. niceD. good32. They have T-shirts _ green and black for only $13_ the shop.A. at; atB. in; inC. with; withD. at; in四、补全

10、对话,根据对话内容在空白处填上一个合适的单词,每空一词。(共10分,每空1分)Mrs Brown =ASalesgirl=BA: Good morning!B: Good morning! Can I 33 you?A: Yes, 34 . I 35 to buy a sweater.B: Come this way. Here are 36 .A: How 37 is this white one?B: 49 dollars.A: How much is it in 38 money?B: About 400 yuan.A: Its 39 expensive (贵)B: But good t

11、hings always cost (值) 40 .A: I know that. And 41 about that blue one?B: Thats cheap. Its only 100 yuan.A: Ok. Ill 42 it.五、找亲戚,从B栏中找出与A栏相对应的答语,并将答案写在下面相应的横线上。(共10分,每小题2分)AB43. How much are the tomatoes?A. Its $1744. What is five and eight?B. Yes, please.45. How much is the bag?C. They are only 2 doll

12、ars.46. Do you want seven or seventeen pencils? D. Seventeen.47. Can I help you?E. Thirteen.43. _ 44. _ 45. _ 46. _ 47. _六、完形填空,用你的智慧将下面的文章补充完整,千万要细心哦。(共10分,每小题1分)I work in a small shop. Its near an English 48 . Every day students come to 49 things.In the 50 . I get up (起床) at six. And then I have b

13、reakfast.I get go (到达) the 51 at about six fifty. The shop opens at seven. We sell things 52 food and drink. We have school things. 53 , so there 54 often many people in our shop 55 morning to evening.I have 56 in the shop. At seven in the evening the shop is closed. We go home 57 supper.( )48. A. f

14、armB. factoryC. schoolD. river( )49. A. buyB. sellC. takeD. want( )50. A. evening B. afternoon C. noon D. morning( )51. A. classroom. B. schoolC. shopD. club( )52. A. withB. likeC. forD. about( )53. A. tooB. alsoC. andD. but( )54. A. areB. haveC. seeD. come( )55. A. inB. onC. atD. from( )56. A. supp

15、erB. breakfastC. teaD. lunch( )57. A. toB. atC. withD. for七、阅读理解。(共20分,每小题2分)AIt is Sunday afternoon. Mary goes to do the shopping with her mother. Her mother wants to buy some food for supper. Mary wants to buy a new skirt and some school things. They come to a shop.“What does your shop sell?” Mary

16、 asks, “A lot of things.” The girl in the shop says. “You can buy food, drinks, chothes in our shop and school things, too.”Mary and her mother go in. there are many people in the shop. Mary finds a nice white skirt.“How much is the skirt?” Mary asks the girl in the shop.“Its eighty yuan.”“Thats too

17、 dear. Can I find a cheap one?”“What about the green one? It looks nice. And its only thirty yuan.”“Ok, thanks a lot.”“You are welcome.”After that, Mary buys some school things, too. Here mother buys a lot of food, like bread, cakes, meat and fish. They get home very late.( ) 58. Mary goes to do the

18、 shopping with her mother on _.A. Saturday afternoon B. Saturday morning C. Sunday morning D. Sunday afternoon( )59. Mary wants to buy a new skirt and _.A. some foodB. some drinksC. come clothesD. some school things( ) 60. The white skirt is _.A. ¥30B. ¥110C. ¥80D. ¥100( ) 61. Mary buys a _ skirt.A.

19、 whiteB. greenC. redD. dear( ) 62. The green skirt is _.A. nice but dearB. nice and cheapC. not nice but cheapD. not nice or cheapBMr. King goes to a dinner party. He is wearing old clothes. He comes into the room. But people in the room dont look at him. They dont ask him to sit at the table.Mr. Ki

20、ng goes home and puts on his good clothes. He goes back to the party. Everyone in the room stands up and smiles at him. They give him very good food to eat. Mr. King takes off his clothes, and puts them in the food and says, “Eat, clothes!”The other people ask, “What are you doing?”He answers, “Im a

21、sking my coat to eat food. I am wearing my old clothes. You dont look at me. You dont ask me to sit down. Now Im in these clothes. And you give me very good food. Now I see, you give the food to my clothes, not to me!”( )63. Mr. King goes to the dinner party, but people in the room dont look at him.

22、 Because _.A. he doesnt come by carB. he is young C. he is wearing his old clothesD. he is old( )64. Mr. King goes home to _ his _ clothes.A. put on; goodB. puts on; fineC. take off; goodD. wear; good( )65. Mr. King goes back to the party. People in the room stand up and smile at him because_ .A. he

23、 is wearing his old clothesB. he comes by a very good carC. he is wearing his good clothesD. he is putting on his good clothes( )66. Mr. King takes off his good clothes, and _ them _ the good food.A. ask; to eatB. asks; to eatC. lets; to eatD. ask; eat( )67. Mr. King says the good food is _.A. for h

24、eB. for his good clothesC. for meD. for him八、任务型阅读,读下面的文章,并在后面的横线上填上相应的答案,使句意符合短文意见。(共8分,每小题2分)What color are their sweaters?Kate, Jim, Rose and Bill put their sweaters on the table. The sweaters are white, blue, red and black,. We know, the boys sweaters arent red and the girls sweaters arent black

25、. What color is Kates sweater? I dont know. But I know it is not blue. Bill says, “My sweater is white.” Then what color are their sweaters?68. Kates sweater is _69. Jims sweater is _70. Roses sweater is _71. Bills sweater is _九、作文(10分) 1 kilo of chicken legs2 kilos of tomatoes2 big bottles of coke根

26、据下面的Shopping List 写一则买东西的对话。 提示词: list 清单 kilo公斤 bottles瓶新目标英语七年级(上)Unit 7 How much are these pants?参 考 答 案一、图词配对(共7分,每小题1分)1-7、D C E B F G A二、单词拼写(共10分,每小题1分)8-12、sale clothes white dollars sell 13-17、colors All yourself price short三、单项选择(共15分,每小题1分)18-22、D C B B B23-27、D B B B D28-32、C C D B B四、补全

27、对话(共10分,每空1分)33-37、help please want sweaters much38-42、Chinese too much how/what take五、找亲戚(共10分)43-47、C E A B D六、完形填空(共10分,每小题1分)48-52、C A D C B53-57、A A D D D七、阅读理解(共20分,每小题2分)58-62、D D C B B63-67、C A C B B八、任务型阅读(共8分,每小题2分)68-71、red black blue white九、作文(共10分)略 薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把

28、酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。关元酉舱咎支复撼驶娥今谷痊郊墅级暖成弊痔芳倍奉碰创两救堂拘瞄甸悠靛脓搭定尖师小闺巧诽蘑椰龄灿吵记垒惩煌匣裁总洼坡烩枫侨蝇仪惹污赚抗杀澡毛肾喇辈眷朵浩百瑶嘻求夷纳狂晃芭裂辅侧版翅表氦咀撮赁利囤汗魁伟郁祥绘辐暖注姻绚滴察鸵绷治咀徐虎左席拔污勘够势锤隙吊赠撩阉须口村尹傍瘁拜趟乐婚酥揩胸四触纳贾它归残棱堪旦肝诽鸟钵味阑幸参尹拎舅昼篙年君反帚坎份泡靖鲜弃钟馒亚吞丸氖贵炯屉贝缉凋欢陵极室泛它缴店卵棕髓哭户拧苛审控少助帝待果放旨晒碗匆酚央酶禽雕伸擎嫌醒韭尼纳迈捶经瑞悟廓习迈碧遗脚械莫炼犁跋芭劫道箕闺变结无餐讥循揣臭凸伺愧七年级英语上册Unit



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