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1、小学英语六年级阅读理解精选质量培优试题测试题(含答案解析)一、阅读判断阅读短文,判断下面句子是否正确,正确的填“T”,错误的填“F”。Zhang Peng: Where are you going on your holiday?Mike: Im going to visit Kunming.Zhang Peng: Oh. Who are you going with?Mike: Im going with my mom, my dad and m y sister Kathy.Zhang Peng: What are you going to do there?Mike: Im going

2、to see folk dances. Im going to visit Stone Forest.Zhang Peng: Thats great! How is your family going to get there?Mike: We are going there by plane.Zhang Peng: When are you going?Mike: Were going this weekend.Zhang Peng: Have a good time.1、Mike is going to Kunming on his holiday. ( )2、Mike is going

3、to Kunming with his parents and his brother. ( )3、Mike is going to sing folk songs in Kunming. ( )4、Mike is going to Kunming by plane. ( )5、Mike is going to Kunming next weekend. ( )答案:1、T2、F3、F4、T5、F解析:1、T2、F3、F4、T5、F二、阅读判断阅读短文,判断句子是否符合对话内容,符合用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示。A man sat on the pavement and ate a ca

4、ke. A policeman came to him. The man got up and ran along the road. The policeman followed him. The man ran very fast and the policeman ran very fast too. Finally the policeman caught him.“Where are you going?” asked the policeman angrily, “Why did you run so fast? You must be a bad man.”“No, no,” s

5、aid the man, “Im not a bad man. I just like eating sweet food. So I become so fat, you see. My doctor says I must run very fast after eating sweet food.”6、The man liked sweet food very much. ( )7、Both the man and the policeman could run fast. ( )8、The policeman was angry because he couldnt catch the

6、 man. ( )9、The doctor asked the man to run after eating sweet food. ( )10、The man was a bad man. ( )答案:6、T7、T8、F9、T10、F【解析】解析:6、T7、T8、F9、T10、F【解析】三、阅读理解Bill and Sue are brother and sister. They studied in the same school. One day, on the way home they saw some nice birds. But they had no money to bu

7、y them. Sue had a good idea. On Saturday and Sunday they went to their farm and help their father pick apples. So their father gave them twenty dollars. Sue and Bill went to Mr. Kings shop after school, each of them bought a bird. One is yellow, the other is green. The yellow one is smaller than the

8、 green one. They liked them very much.11、Bill was Sues _. ()AfatherBmotherCbrotherDsister12、_ they went to work for money. ()AEvery dayBAfter schoolCat nightDOn Saturday and Sunday13、They helped their father _ on the farm. ()Aclean the roomBpick applesCwater the treesDcook supper14、Bill and sue boug

9、ht _ in Mr. Kings shop. ()Atwo dogsBtwo appleCtwo birdsDapples15、The green bird was _ than that yellow one. ()AbiggerBcheaperCbetterDsmaller答案:11、C12、D13、B14、C15、A【分析】本文讲述了比尔和苏两兄妹通过自己劳动挣钱买鸟的故事。11、句意:比尔是苏的_。A爸解析:11、C12、D13、B14、C15、A【分析】本文讲述了比尔和苏两兄妹通过自己劳动挣钱买鸟的故事。11、句意:比尔是苏的_。A爸爸,B妈妈,C哥哥;弟弟,D姐姐;妹妹,根据原文

10、Bill and Sue are brother and sister. 可知两人是兄妹(姐弟),故选C。12、句意:_他们为了钱去劳动。A每天,B放学后,C在夜里,D在周六和周日,根据原文On Saturday and Sunday they went to their farm and help their father pick apples. So their father gave them twenty dollars.可知在周六和周日,他们劳动挣钱,故选D。13、句意:他们在农场帮爸爸_。A打扫房间,B摘苹果,C浇树,D做晚饭,根据原文they went to their far

11、m and help their father pick apples.可知他们在农场帮爸爸摘苹果,故选B。14、句意:比尔和苏在金先生的店里买_。A两只狗,B两个苹果,C两只鸟,D苹果,根据原文Sue and Bill went to Mr. Kings shop after school, each of them bought a bird.可知他俩每人买了一只鸟,故选C。15、句意:这只绿色的鸟比那只黄色的鸟_。A更大,B更便宜,C更好,D更小,根据原文The yellow one is smaller than the green one.可知黄色的鸟比绿色的鸟小,也就是绿色的鸟比黄

12、色的鸟大,故选A。【点睛】四、阅读理解阅读Wang Bing下周的业余活动安排表,根据表格选择正确答案。DayActivitiesTimeMondayGo to see Tom at the Football Club14:00-16:30TuesdayGo to see his grandparents in hospital17:00-18:30ThursdayMeet Nancy in front of the Garden Theatre16:00SaturdayHave a birthday party for Jim18:00-19:30SundayHave piano lesso

13、ns8:30-10:3011、Wang Bing is going to see Tom _. ()Ain the classroomBat the Football ClubCin the parkDat home12、At _ on Tuesday, Wang Bing may be in the hospital. ()A9:00B19:00C18:00D10:0013、Wang Bing is going to meet _ on Thursday afternoon. ()AJackBBenCHelenDNancy14、Perhaps Jims birthday is on_. ()

14、ASaturdayBMondayCSundayDTuesday15、Wang Bing is going to _ on Sunday morning. ()Ahave a partyBhave a picnicCwatch TVDhave piano lessons答案:11、B12、C13、D14、A15、D解析:11、B12、C13、D14、A15、D五、阅读理解On National Day, we had a long holiday. We had seven days. I went to Hainan Island with my parents to visit my gra

15、ndparents. They live in a small house, but its beautiful. We went to see the blue and clear water every day. We swam in it. We went fishing and had seafood. My grandma cooked good food for us every day. The food was very delicious. I like it. We took many photos. I was very happy.16、I went to Hainan

16、 Island with my _.()Afather and motherBgrandparentsCfriends17、How many days were there in our holiday?()AI dont know.BA week.CMany days.18、I was _ on National Day.()AdeliciousBsadChappy19、I can _ in Hainan.()Ago fishingBswim in the seaCA and B20、My grandapretns live in _.()Aa beautiful cityBa small

17、house but beautifulCa big house答案:16、A17、B18、C19、C20、B解析:16、A17、B18、C19、C20、B六、阅读理解Mr. Jackson is a farmer and he lives in a small village. It was the last day of June. He drove to the town to buy some new clothes for his wife and his children. He got there after twenty minutes. It was Sunday, and t

18、he street was full of people. He couldnt find a place to park (停放) his car. At last he noticed there was no car in front of a building(建筑). He parked it there at once and went shopping.Two hours later the farmer went back to his car with many things in his hands. To his surprise, he saw a policeman

19、standing by his car. Do you know you cant park here, sir?Asked the policeman.“Im sorry I dont.” Answered Mr. Jackson. “Look at the sign(标志) please.” The policeman said seriously (认真地). “I did. Doesnt it say Fine for parking? So I parked it here” said Mr. Jackson.21、Mr. Jackson went shopping _. ()Aon

20、 June 30thBon June 31stCin June 30thDin June 31st22、Mr. Jackson parked his car _. ()Aat a parking lotBnext to a restaurantCbehind a houseDin front of a building23、Two hours later _ was beside Mr, Jacksons. ()Aa shop assistantBhis wifeCa policemanDa policewoman24、Which of the following is true accord

21、ing to the passage? ()AThat was a place for parking.BMr. Jackson didnt see the sign.CMr. Jackson may park his car there.DMr. Jackson couldnt park his car there.25、The underline word “fine” in the passage means _. ()A璃朗B罚款C合适D好的答案:21、A22、D23、C24、D25、B【分析】本文讲述了杰克逊先生周日购物时违章停车被罚款的事。21、句意:杰克逊先生_去购物解析:21、

22、A22、D23、C24、D25、B【分析】本文讲述了杰克逊先生周日购物时违章停车被罚款的事。21、句意:杰克逊先生_去购物。A选项在六月三十日,B在六月三十一日,CD选项语法错误,根据常识可知六月有三十天,排除B选项;根据原文 It was the last day of June. He drove to the town to buy some new clothes for his wife and his children.可知杰克逊先生是在六月三十日这天去购物的,故选A。22、句意:杰克逊先生把车停放在_。A在停车场,B在餐馆旁边,C在一座房子后面,D在一幢楼前面,根据原文At la

23、st he noticed there was no car in front of a building(建筑). He parked it there at once and went shopping.可知他把车停放在一幢楼前面,故选D。23、句意:两小时后,_出现在杰克逊先生的车旁边。A一个店员,B他的妻子,C一位男警察,D一位女警察,根据原文To his surprise, he saw a policeman standing by his car.可知出现的是一位男警察,故选C。24、句意:根据文章,下列哪项是正确的?A那是一个停车的地方。B杰克逊先生没看见那个标志。C杰克逊先生可以把车停在那。D杰克逊先生不能把车停在那。根据原文 Do you know you cant park here, sir?Asked the policeman.可知D选项正确,故选D。25、句意:文中下划线单词“fine”表示_。根据原文Fine for parking停车罚款,可知该单词表示罚款的意思,故选B。【点睛】


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